

Research on Gravel Packing Sand Control for Horizontal Well

【作者】 王登庆

【导师】 李兆敏;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 疏松砂岩稠油油藏、高泥质、细粉砂岩油藏水平井套管完井开发过程中的防砂是一个难题,这些油藏泥质含量高,储层出砂严重,防砂难度大,采用单一悬挂滤砂管防砂方式易造成滤砂管堵塞,影响水平井产能。基于这些矛盾,为了延长这些油藏水平井开采防砂有效期,并实现良好的综合防砂效果,确保油井正常生产,开展了水平井砾石充填防砂工艺技术的研究工作。根据目前水平井管内防砂技术存在的问题,在开展大量国内外相关资料的调研基础上,对水平井砾石充填机理及充填过程进行了进一步的研究,分析了需要攻关的技术关键;研究开发了适用于不同油藏及油井情况的HGS循环充填工具和HSS系列挤压充填工具,优化设计了水平井防砂施工工艺管柱,研究并制定了水平井高充填率保持技术措施;围绕提高水平井砾石充填密实程度的总体思路,优选研究了水平井DM-1型低密度充填材料和SPF-1型携砂液体系;根据砾石充填机理与固液两相流理论,建立了水平井砾石充填数学模型,研究并优化了施工工艺参数;为了保证水平井砾石充填技术的现场顺利实施,并提高水平井充填防砂后的生产效果,开展了泡沫混排地层预处理工艺、提高携砂液返排技术和井筒碎屑清理技术三项配套技术研究,形成了成熟配套的水平井砾石充填防砂工艺技术。对泡沫混排的放喷过程研究表明,泡沫放喷初期近井带地层压力变化剧烈,应力最集中,孔道周围岩石产生径向扩展和横向延伸;随着放喷进行,近井带的渗流趋于平缓,近井地带的孔隙度和渗透率在流体冲蚀下不断升高,渗流特征得到改善。水平井砾石充填技术现场应用表明,该技术较好解决了疏松砂岩稠油油藏、高泥质、细粉砂岩等油藏水平井防砂的难题,获得了良好的经济及社会效益,实现了水平井防砂从单一滤砂管防砂方式到可对地层进行适度改造防砂,并在一定程度上增产的砾石充填防砂综合技术,该工艺技术的攻关研究成为疏松砂岩水平井有效开发的一项前沿防砂新技术。

【Abstract】 For reservoirs of loose sand and heavy oil, high shaly and fine sand, during horizontal well development using casing completion, sand control is a big problem. These reserviors have high shaly, sand production is serious, and sand control is difficult. Sand control using single hanged screen can easily causes screen blocking, which affect horizontal well production. To overcome these problems, prolong validity of sand control of the horizontal wells, achieve better sand control efficiency, and ensure regular production, gravel packing sand control for horizontal well was conducted in this paper. According to the problem of gravel packing, mechanism and process of gravel packing were researched, and key technique was analysised. Circulation packing device HGS and compressing packing device HSS were developed for different reserviors and horizontal wells. Column of gravel packing for horizontal well was designed and optimized. Techniques and steps for keeping high packing efficiency were researched. Around improving gravel packing density, low density packing material DM-1 and carrying fluid SPF-1 were selected through experiment. According to the mechanism of gravel packing and liquid/solid two-phase flow theory, mathematical model for gravel packing was established, and perematers for site application were optimized, which can helps site application. To ensure the conduct of gravel packing for horizontal well, and improve the production effect after sand control method, foam plug removal technology, improved carrying fluid flowback technology, and fines clearing technology were developed. Supporting technologies of gravel packing sand control for horizontal well were developed. Research on blowout period of foam plug removal technology shows that, during the early stage of blowout formation pressure near wellbore area changes wildly, radial expansion and lateral extension of porous channel rock can easily happen. As blowout progressing, filtering flow near wellbore area becomes smooth, and porosity and permeability raise as fluid erosion. Site applications show that the technology can solve the problems for reservoirs of loose sand and heavy oil, high shaly and fine sand. Good economic and society benefits were achieved. Sand control using single hanged screen is revised to formation reconstruction sand control. This is the new technology of sand control for loose sand reservoirs.


