

Researches on the Mechanism and Properties of High Temperature Resistant Water-Based Drilling Fluids with High Density

【作者】 王富华

【导师】 王瑞和;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气井工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 深井高密度水基钻井液面临的主要技术难题是高温流变性和高温滤失性的有效调控,技术核心是钻井液的高温胶体稳定性。搞清高密度水基钻井液抗高温作用机理,研制应用抗高温高密度水基钻井液体系是技术关键。本文首先研制开发了一台高温高压动态评价实验装置——LH-1钻井液高温高压多功能动态评价实验仪,以及三种抗高温的处理剂——高温护胶剂GHJ-1、抗高温降滤失剂GJZA-1和抗高温抗盐钙降粘剂JNL-1,以此为基础研制开发了两套抗高温高密度盐水和淡水钻井液体系,并进行了抗高温作用机理和综合性能评价。针对两套高密度钻井液体系,进行了高温高压流变性研究。本文研制的高温高压动态评价实验装置能够模拟钻井液流动状态,能在高温(≤300℃)和高压(≤40MPa)动态条件下评价钻井液的多种高温高压性能,如钻井液的高温高压动态、静态滤失,动态、静态堵漏,动态、静态老化,动态岩屑分散和动态封堵性能等。该仪器所测实验数据准确可靠,智能化操控与数据采集处理,操作简便。高温护胶剂GHJ-1护胶效果好,抗温可达240℃,抗盐、钙性能优良,与深井常用的磺化类处理剂配伍性良好,能大幅度提高钻井液体系的整体性能。树脂类降滤失剂GJZA-1降滤失性能良好,对钻井液体系具有一定的降粘效果。聚合物降粘剂JNL-1抗温可达240℃,抗盐、钙性能优良,能够很好地调节高密度钻井液体系的高温高压流变性能。研制的密度为2.2g/cm3、抗温220℃的盐水钻井液配方和密度2.2g/cm3、抗温240℃的淡水钻井液两种体系抑制能力好、抗污染能力强、流变性和降滤失性易于调控,保护油气层效果好。H-B模式是描述高密度水基钻井液高温流变性的最佳模式。所建立的预测钻井液表观粘度的数学模型能够较准确地描述与温度、压力之间的关系。

【Abstract】 The effective regulation and control on the rheology and filtration loss under high-temperature and high-pressure is one of the major technical problems for water-based drilling fluids with high-density in deep wells, the key of which is to increase the colloidal stability of drilling fluids under high-temperature. And to fully understand the mechanism of high-temperature resistance of drilling fluid is the key technology in designing and producing the high-temperature resistant water-based drilling fluids. Based on the designed high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) multi-function experimental apparatus LH-1 for dynamic evaluation, three kinds of high-temperature resistant additives, which are high temperature colloid protecting agent GHJ-1, high-temperature fluid loss additive GJZA-1 and high-temperature calcium/salt resisting mud thinner JNL-1, and two high-temperature resistant salt/fresh water-based drilling fluid systems with high density were developed in this paper. Focusing on the two systems, researches on the mechanism of high temperature resistance, fluid overall performance and fluid rheology under HTHP are carried out.With the designed HTHP multi-function experimental apparatus LH-1 for dynamic evaluation, the fluid properties can be evaluated under 300℃in temperature and 40MPa in pressure, such as dynamic and static HTHP filtration, plugging, aging and dynamic drilling cuttings scattering and sealing of drilling breaks. It is proved that this instrument is of high accuracy and reliability, with intelligent operation and data processing. GHJ-1, high-temperature colloid protecting agent, improves the overall performance of the drilling fluid systems for its good compatibility with sulphonate additives commonly used in deep wells, its high salt/calcium resistance and effective colloid protection under high temperature (240℃). GJZA-1, fluid loss agent, reduces the viscosity of the system effectively. JNL-1, polymer viscosity reducer, has good capability in adjusting the rheology of the system with high-density under HTHP for its high temperature and salt/calcium resistance. The produced salt water-based drilling system, with density as 2.2g/cm3 and temperature resistance as 220℃, and fresh water-based drilling system, with density as 2.2g/cm3 and temperature resistance as 240℃can effectively protect the oil/gas formation because of the good-inhibition, high anti-pollution capability and adjustable rheology and filtration loss. Furthermore, the anolysis on the rheology data showed that H-B model was the best in depicting fluid rheology under high-temperature. A mathematical model was built to simulate the relationship between the apparent viscosity and temperature/pressure.


