

Study on Changes of Industry Wage Differentials of Transition from the Perspective of Industrial Innovation

【作者】 黄顺春

【导师】 方宝璋;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 收入分配问题是经济学研究的重要命题,学术前辈为此贡献了大量的智慧,收入分配中的收入差距问题则历来是经济学研究的重要课题,也是至今为止尚存大量难题及谜团的研究领域。中国改革开放进程中(即转型期)同样存在收入差距问题,需要当今学术界投入资源去研究,工资是绝大多数中国人基本的和主要的收入来源,因此把握转型期工资差距规律是科学处理社会经济发展中公平与效率问题的根据,它既关系经济发展的活力又关系社会稳定的保持。改革开放三十年来,中国的社会经济发生了翻天覆地的变化,中国经济取得了令世界瞩目的骄人成绩,同时中国改革开放的成绩也不可能做到十全十美,前进中的不足仍然值得努力去克服。事实上,越有成绩,越要向前发展,就越要高度重视存在的问题,可喜的是收入分配中的差距问题已经引起了从中央到各级地方政府、学术界、产业界和普通民众的广泛关注,产业工资差距是其中的重要内容。本论题致力于探究转型期中国产业工资差距变迁的内在机理,尝试突破现有研究思维,构架一个理论,系统地对转型期产业工资差距变迁进行解释,并据此提出有价值的政策建议。本文经过努力,在转型期产业工资差距变迁研究上取得若干创新。(1)运用产业创新理论理解、解释转型期产业工资差距的变迁,突破了现有成果的研究视野,构建的“转型期产业创新与产业工资决定机制的联结分析模型”较之现有研究观点或许有更强的解释力。(2)综合运用了六个指标测度,通过实证分析对转型期产业工资差距变迁进行了合理的阶段划分,指出转型期产业工资差距总体是扩大了,并呈现由大差距到小差距再到大差距进而更大差距的反L型曲线变迁轨迹。(3)基于产业创新理论,结合转型期的宏观背景,辩证地分析了转型期产业工资差距在推动产业结构优化升级、提振内需推动经济可持续发展及对劳动力资源开发等方面的影响,从而为政府制定相关政策提供了学术研究角度的根据。本研究的核心观点是转型期不同产业在产业创新上成就的差异是导致产业间工资差距形成和变动的根本原因,因此理解转型期产业工资差距以及改善产业工资差距的合理度都应该立足产业创新层面,通过改进不同产业的产业创新机制来促进产业间工资在差距中控制平衡。本论题研究包括六个部分。绪论部分交待了研究的缘起和研究的理论与现实意义,对论题相关的四个基本概念:工资差距、产业、转型期、产业创新进行了界定。研究文献述评对国外产业工资差距研究以及国内产业工资差距的研究现状进行了回顾,在肯定现有研究成绩的基础上,指出了若干不足进而引出了自己的研究,即从产业创新的视角研究转型期产业工资差距的变迁。论题的第三章是转型期产业工资差距变迁的实证研究,首先讨论了产业工资差距测度的指标,并对本论题研究所采用的数据来源给予说明。接着实证分析了转型期产业工资差距变迁的数量变化和结构变化。本文通过收入增幅、极值差、极值比、行业平均职工工资排序、标准差系数或称“变异系数”、泰尔指数等六个指标的测度,既测度了细分产业的工资差距,也测度了第一、第二、第三产业的工资差距,所呈现的结果表明转型期我国产业工资差距并非笼统直线扩大,而是先大,接着缩小,再次平稳扩大,最后急剧扩大的呈反L型曲线变迁状态。第四章是论文的理论部分,系统地论述了转型期产业创新与产业工资变化的关系,构建了自己的“转型期产业创新与产业工资决定机制的联结:II—IW(Industrial innovation—Industry wages model)”分析模型。它由层层递进的四个层次构成,表达了产业创新对产业工资影响的逻辑关系。产业创新系统是由产业市场创新、产业技术创新、产业制度创新、产业资源创新共四个子系统组成,融汇了四个子系统的产业创新绩效导入产业工资决定影响因素系统,其包括产业内企业支付能力、产业劳动力供求状况、国家相关劳动工资政策、产业工资文化、第三方力量制衡等,促进这些因素发生变化,变化的结果影响工资支付、接受双方的博弈,博弈有工资支付方即企业和工资接受方即职工两方参与,就支付方的支付能力来说,存在有能力支付多工资和无能力支付多工资两种情况,就支付方的支付意愿来说,存在想要支付更高工资和想要支付更低工资两种情况,相应地就接受工资者来说,存在有能力要求企业支付高工资和无能力要求企业支付高工资两类,产业内不同个体的博弈得出产业内各个职工的工资,所有各个职工工资的总和汇成产业工资。整个模型阐明转型期我国产业工资的决定与其产业的创新是密切相关的。第五章结合“转型期产业创新与产业工资决定机制的联结分析模型:II—IW(Industrial innovation—Industry wages model)”对转型期产业工资差距的演进进行了分析。共分为两个部分。一是对转型期产业工资差距演进的阶段分析,即转型期产业创新与产业工资差距数量变迁的关系。采用八个指标,把整个转型期产业工资差距变迁划分为四个阶段,即1978—1984的产业工资差距平稳期、1985—1993产业工资差距缩小期、1994—2002的产业工资差距平稳扩大期、2003—2007的产业工资差距急剧扩大期,并从产业创新的视角对四个阶段的特征作了描述;二是运用“转型期产业创新与产业工资决定机制的联结分析模型:II—IW(Industrial innovation—Industry wages model)”,对转型期七个典型产业(电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业;建筑业;采掘业;金融业:制造业;房地产业;农林牧渔业)的产业工资相对位次变化作了阐述,论证了产业创新与转型期不同产业的产业工资相对位次变化的关系,即转型期产业创新与产业工资差距结构变迁的关系。第六章为主要研究结论及宏观政策探讨。主要研究结论强调产业创新是转型期产业工资差距变迁的根本原因,即转型期不同产业在产业创新上的差异是导致产业间工资差距形成和变动的根本原因,转型期产业工资差距的四个阶段演进提供了实证依据。宏观政策建议的主要观点为国家应当积极地科学促进产业制度创新,把握不同产业制度创新的适时、适度,进而通过制度创新带动整个产业系统创新。总之,针对转型期产业工资差距问题,要以科学发展观为指导,基于“和谐社会”构建理念,兼顾公平与效率,承认合理差距的积极作用,通过合理差距的激励功能调动劳动力要素的积极性,又要在差距中控制平衡,保持产业结构科学,保障经济平稳快速增长。

【Abstract】 Income distribution problem is an important research topic in economics, Academic senior have contributed a great deal of wisdom to the research. The income gap problem of income distribution has always been an important subject in economics, There is also a large number of puzzle-solving and research areas yet. There is also found the income gap problem in China’s reform and opening-up process (ie, transition period). It needs many today’s academic resources to study. The wages are basic and the main source of income to the vast majority of Chinese,So grasping the law of the wage gap in transition period is the found of science dealing with socio-economic issues of fairness and efficiency in accordance, It is the vitality of the relationship between economic development and the relationship to maintain social stability.Three decades of reform and opening up, China’s socio-economic has undergone enormous changes, China’s economy has made the world’s attention success, At the same time, the achievements of China’s reform and opening up can not be perfect. The lack of progress is still worth the effort to overcome. In fact, More efforts, Fast to move forward, More should pay close attention to the problems. The good news is that the gap in income distribution has already attracted attention from the central to local governments, academia, industry and the general public. Industry wage differentials is an important aspect of income distribution.This topic explore the inherent mechanism of the industry wage differential changes in China in transition period, trying to break through existing research thinking, establishing a theoretical framework, Systematically explaining the industry wage differential changes in China in transition period, putting forward the Value policy proposals. In this paper, I get a number of innovative research about research of the industry wage differential changes in China in transition period by efforts.First, Understanding and explaining of the industry wage differential changes in China in transition period by using the industry innovation theory, Breakthrough the bound of the study of existing vision. Constructing "the linking analysis model of industry wages decision mechanisms and industrial innovation in transition period", It may have more explanatory power than the existing research.Second. Comprehensive use of the six indicators measure, By empirical analysis of the transition changes in industry wage differentials for a reasonable division of the stage. Pointed out that the wage gap in transition period in general industry is expanded, And presented anti-L-curve trajectory changes of from the big gap to the small gap to the big gap thus a greater gap.Third, Based on the theory of industrial innovation, Combination of the macro-context of transition period. Dialectical analysis the impact of industry wage gap in transition period in promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, Boosting domestic demand to promote economic sustainable development and developing on the labor resources. Giving the found to government to formulate relevant policies in accordance with the perspective of academic research.In this study, the key point is that the different in the industrial innovation is the underlying causes of difference between inter-industry wage differentials changes in the transition period. Therefore to understand the industries wage gap in transition period, as well as to improve the reasonable degree of the industries wage gap should be based on levels of industrial innovation. Different industries by improving the industrial innovation mechanisms to promote inter-industry wage gap and control the balance.This paper includes six parts.In the introduction part , I gave an account of the study and the significance of the theory and practical, explaining the four basic concepts related to the topic: Wage gap、Industry、Transition period、Industrial innovation.Review of research literature on the industry wage gap research of foreign and domestic, While affirming the existing research results ,Pointing out the lack of which led to a number of its own research, That research the changes of industry wage differentials in transition period from the perspective of industry innovation.Chapter III is empirical study to the changes of industry wage gap in transition period. First of all, discussing the measure indicators of the industry wage gap, giving description of the research data of this topic. Followed by empirically analyzing the number changes and structural changes of the industry wage gap in transition period. There are six measure indicators in this paper, including income increase, extreme poor, extreme than, the industry average wages of workers to sort, the standard deviation coefficient, or "coefficient of variation," theil index. Not only measuring the sub-industry wage differentials, Also measuring the wage gap between the first, second and third industries. Presented results show that the industrial wage gap of China isn’t expansion of general linear, It is the first big, then reduce . again a smooth expansion of, finally, the rapid expansion of the positive changes in the anti-L-Curve state in the transition period.Chapter IV is the theoretical part of the thesis. Systematically discussed the relationship between industrial innovation and industrial wage gap change in the transition period, Constructed analysis model of "industrial innovation and industrial wage determination mechanism linking in the transition period: II—IW (Industrial innovation—Industry wages model) ".It consists of four levels of the progressive layers .Expressing of the logic relationship that the industrial innovation affect the industry wages gap. Industrial innovation system consists of four sub-systems , including market innovation system、industrial science and technology innovation system、Industry institution of innovation、industry resources innovation. A combination of four sub-system performance of the industrial innovation into industrial wage system, the decision factors, Including industry and enterprise of its ability to pay、Industry labor supply and demand situation、State policies related to wages、industry wage Culture、Balances from forces of the third-party. To promote changes in these factors, The results of the impact of changes in wage payment、Game between the two sides of accept and pay, That both parties of businesses pay and workers accept involved in the game. To businesses pay There are more than two cases of ability to pay for salaries and can not afford to pay, To businesses pay There are more than two cases of wanting to pay higher wages and want to pay lower wages. Corresponding to those who accept the wage, The existence two cases of having the ability to ask high wages and can not ask. Different individuals within Different case, All come together to form the sum of the industries wage. The model set out the decision of the wages of our industry and its industrial innovation is closely related to in transition period.The fifth chapter is the analysis on the evolution of industries wage gap in transition period combination with the analysis model of "industrial innovation and industrial wage determination mechanism linking in the transition period: II—IW (Industrial innovation—Industry wages model) ." It is divided into two parts. First is the stages analysis on the evolution of industries wage gap in transition period, That is the number relationship between industrial innovation and industry wage gap in transition period. The whole changes of industry wage gap in transition period is divided into four stages by eight indicators. The 1978-1984 gap stable phase、1985-1993 gap narrow phase、1994-2002 gap stable expansion phase、2003-2007 gap rapid expansion phase. The topic described the characteristics of the four phases from the perspective of Industrial innovation; Second, the topic elaborate industry wage gap changes in the relative order of precedence of seven typical industries by the model of "industrial innovation and industrial wage determination mechanism linking in the transition period: II—IW (Industrial innovation—Industry wages model) ." The seven typical industries include electricity, gas and water production and supply industry; Construction industry; mining industry; the financial sector; the manufacturing sector; the real estate industry; agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery). Demonstrating the relationship between different industries innovation and the industry wage gap changes in the relative rank in transition period, That is the relationship between industrial innovation and structure changes of the industrial wage gap in transition period.Chapter VI is the major research findings and explore the macro-policy. The main conclusion of the study stressed that industrial innovation is the root causes to the changes of the industry wage gap in transition period, That is the difference of industrial innovation in different industries is the the underlying causes of formation and changes of industry wage gap in transition period, Industry wage gap in transition in four phases to provide an empirical basis for the evolution .The main macro-policy perspective for the country should actively promote the industry system of innovation in science, Grasp in a timely and moderate of the different industries innovation system, Through institutional innovations to promote innovation in the industry as a whole system. Anyway, for the issue of industry wage differentials in transition period, we must be guided of scientific concept of development, Based on the concept of "harmonious society building", Balance between fairness and efficiency, Reasonable to recognize the positive role of gap, Through a, rational function of the gap between the incentives to mobilize the enthusiasm of the labor factor, But also to control the balance in the gap, Maintain the structure of science, Stable and rapid economic growth.


