

A Study on International Public Finance

【作者】 杨伊

【导师】 蒋经法;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 财政学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 当前,我国正由单纯追求国内经济增长阶段进入到在全球化条件下追求国家可持续发展的新阶段,即经济全球化的发展阶段。国家财政在经济全球化中的作用必然比此前的作用有很大的不同,财政原理和工具都面临着新的问题和挑战。首先是能源供给不足的挑战。近年来,我国经济与社会发展遭遇到最严重的瓶颈之一就是资源短缺。因此经济的持续发展客观上需要从全球配置资源,而这就有赖于国际合作与协调。可见,财政的公共开支已延伸至国际。其次是国际贸易环境变化的挑战。随着我国经济发展对国际贸易依赖程度的加深,经济与社会发展对国际贸易环境变化的敏感度将越来越高。这就要求政府的财政政策必须从国际经济的大环境出发,通盘考虑我国就业政策、产业政策、社会稳定政策等等政策层面的公共环境建设与国际贸易环境之间的关系问题。再次是来自于全球环境与经济风险的挑战。全球化大大增加了各种经济、社会风险的来源和各国经济的联动性,使得风险来源外在化和不可控因素增加,这意味着一国宏观经济政策的外部效应加大,单纯依靠国内的财政政策和货币政策难以实现经济的均衡发展。因此,全球化不仅把中国带入了全球风险社会体系,也打破了公共服务以及公共资源供给与配置传统的国家或者地区之间的界线,财政活动的国际性与全球性便成为必然。作为国际财政理论的核心,全球公共产品是20世纪90年代中期以来出现的一个新概念,是公共产品在全球范围的扩展,它体现了全球范围内纠正市场失灵、实现合作与发展的目的。所以本文选取了全球公共产品这个视角,围绕全球公共品的生产供应来就国际财政的收支与政策协调机制作一番新的解析。本文的逻辑思路为层层递进结构,先对国际财政研究的理论体系和基本框架做了建构;再指出全球化框架下的公共财政已然拓宽了以单一的国家为中心的局面,涵盖了为迎接全球化挑战国际和国内需求的几乎所有方面,它是关于政府如何独立地、集体地将公共和私有资金引向全球化公共政策挑战,提供全球公共产品的新公共财政;其后便围绕着全球公共产品这个中心,分析如何调配国际财政资源为其供给和融资;最后,秉承着“以共赢的方式寻求最大化的国家利益”这个目标对中国应对全球公共产品挑战的对策进行了研究。基于上述的逻辑体系,本文的框架结构由导论、正文(六章)及结语三部分构成。第一章:导论。这一章首先对选题的背景与意义和选题背景若干关键概念做了阐述与界定,从“全球化”的不同维度定义到“经济全球化”内涵的国内外探讨,再到“区域经济一体化”的代表理论阐述,充分介绍了经济全球化与区域经济一体化的世界经济发展大趋势,从而为国际财政理论的产生奠定了时代背景和理论基础,并指出全球化与全球公共产品的关联性。其次,对本文的内容和框架结构做了安排。再次,列出了本文采用的研究方法:规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、逻辑分析与历史分析相结合,及本文的创新之处与不足:第一,研究视角的创新。本文提出要抓住全球公共产品这个中心对处于经济全球化和国际经济一体化格局下的国际财政理论进行分析,重新用发展的理念拓宽了国际财政理论研究的范围(如国际金融、国际贸易、国际环境、国际通讯网络等都可以纳入),并重新解构了国际财政的收支体系。第二,研究全球公共产品供给理论的创新。全球公共产品理论是开放经济体系中公共产品理论研究视野与范围的拓展,也是国际公共部门经济学、福利经济学、发展经济学、国际关系学等多学科领域的交叉理论研究。全球公共产品的公共选择供给决策、融资方式、制度安排、国际供给协议的后续有效管理等都是比较前沿的研究课题。本文研究全球公共产品供给理论的创新之处就在于:第一,运用了国际合作理论来分析全球公共产品供给主体的合作问题。第二,运用了管理学和经济学中的激励机制理论分析全球公共产品供给主体行为激励问题。第三,运用公共财政理论分析全球公共产品供给的融资问题。第三,研究方法创新。通过构建多种动态博弈模型(如协调型博弈、保证型博弈、劝说型博弈、协作型博弈、最弱环节供给博弈、最优注入供给博弈、最小临界值博弈等)与信息不对称下激励机制设计方法的结合运用,探究如何在国家之间实行有效的组织管理、如何提供有效的激励促使更多国家参与全球公共品供给、以及针对不同性质的全球公共产品供给加总技术来设计融资激励机制以表露真实偏好等问题。导论章节的论述为下面的研究奠定了基调与方向。第二章:国际财政研究的理论分析。第一节论证了经济全球化下财政问题是具有国际性的,这主要是由于财政活动基础的市场经济是开放性的,国家财政活动必然会通过国际经济交往与其他经济中的国家财政活动联系在一起而发生相互影响及其相互协调。以此为前提,学术界对财政问题国际性宏、微观角度的研究取得了重要的进展,尤其是微观经济个体间的国际税收竞争与协调理论。第二节对国际财政研究的国内外理论探索作了一番回顾与总结,并指出这些理论探索都是围绕着国际财政的两种定义而展开,第一种定义是认为国际财政同现有的“国际税收”概念一样,只是就国家财政在涉及国际交往中发生的各种关系进行分析和探讨;第二种定义是从公共经济的角度来认识国际财政问题,认为“国际财政”是作为一种国际公共经济的财政实体而存在,这就形成了一种本质上不同于“国际税收”概念的新“国际财政”概念。第二种定义的国际财政理念代表了国际财政理论的演变趋势,在此基础上借鉴马斯格雷夫、罗森等人对国际财政收支体系的阐述构建了国际财政研究的基本框架:A国际财政研究导论;B国际财政收支协调论:a国际公共收入协调、b国际公共支出协调;C财政同盟与财政一体化论:D国际区域财政政策论等。第三节论述了国际财政的职能:资源配置职能、收入分配职能和经济稳定职能,且这三种职能都围绕着全球公共产品发挥作用。第四节从公共财政理论和实践的演化中得出结论:国际财政本质上就是全球化框架下的公共部门经济学,是关于政府如何独立地、集体地将公共和私有资金引向全球化公共政策挑战,提供全球公共产品的新公共财政,它的发展趋势必然是以全球公共产品为主题。第三章:全球公共产品——演进的公共产品理论。首先对公共产品的传统理论作了一番分析归纳并指出目前公共产品理论的新发展是聚焦在供给主体、机制、效率和受益空间两方面上,且计量化和国际化趋势已成为公共产品理论研究的前沿。紧接着对全球公共产品的概念进行了界定:那些能使多国人民受益而不只是某一人口群体或某一代人受益的产品,并且在现在和将来都不会以损害后代人的利益为代价来满足当代人的需要的公共产品。随后,进一步对全球公共产品的特征、分类及与国家公共产品的区别进行分析。全球公共产品的分类主要有五种:第一种是考尔等人从供给和使用的角度将之分为:自然全球共享品、人为全球共享品、全球条件等;第二种是通过公共性的三角结构将之分为:决策不完全具有公共性,但是消费与收益的分配具有公共性的全球公共产品、收益的分配不完全具备公共性,但消费与正式的决策具备公共性的全球公共产品、收益分配与决策不完全具有公共性,但消费具备公共性的全球公共产品和外部效应不断增长,不断在全球的消费上更具公共性的地区公共产品等;第三种是根据竞争与排他程度的大小将之分为:全球纯公共品、全球非纯公共品、全球俱乐部品、全球联合产品等;第四种是根据公共品生产技术将之分为:匀质加总技术全球公共品、最弱环节技术全球公共品、最优注入技术全球公共品、加权加总技术全球公共品等;第五种分类是根据公共品生产的过程将之分为:连续的、离散的、二元的全球公共品等。最后,指出全球公共产品本质上是公共产品在全球化背景下的演进。本部分为以后运用国际财政公共收支具体展开全球公共产品供给策略及机制的研究提供了理论依据和研究方向。第四章:国际财政支出协调的配置面——-全球公共产品供给问题研究。此章对全球公共产品的供给作了一番全面的解析,包括供给主体、方式、影响供给的因素,评估供给状况的方法等。全球公共产品的供给面临着没有世界政府的条件,所以供给主体的选择有其特殊性,现实中是霸权国家、各国政府、国际组织、区域国家联盟、私人和跨国企业彼此间互动合作、相互渗透来共同作用于公共品的供给。全球公共产品的供给方式有免费和有偿、直接和间接、直接生产和委托生产的选择。而参与供给全球公共品的国家数量、全球公共品生产过程的不同性质、全球公共品不同的供给技术都会影响整体上的公共品供给水平。此后,本章提出了评估全球公共品供给状况的方法,并利用这一方法对几种代表性全球公共产品(国际金融稳定、多边贸易体制、气候稳定)的供给概况进行了成本与收益的分析,最后探究了国际财政支出供给全球公共品不足的原因。由于全球公共产品供给的问题其实就是全球资源如何有效配置的问题,必然涉及到全球公共支出国与国之间的协调,是国际财政支出协调的配置面,进行分析的目的是为剖析如何为全球公共收入融资奠定基础。第五章:国际财政收入协调的新领域——全球公共产品融资机制研究。首先,本章分析了全球公共产品不同于一般公共产品融资的特点;其次,为了更好地认识清楚全球公共产品的生产过程中不可或缺的一些必备要素,以便确定相应的筹资渠道,对全球公共产品理想的供应体系结构作了一番探讨;再次,在评估全球公共产品国际财政需求的基础上对全球公共产品应有的融资步骤和各种不同的财政融资渠道进行了研究,将各种财政融资渠道的可行性做了比较,得出:外部性内部化(尤其是国际税收与费用)和公共资本的融资渠道(尤其是国际资本部分)是最有利于为全球公共产品的生产和消费提供足额资金支配的,并对这两类渠道内的创新财政融资方式分门别类做了分析;最后,依据全球公共产品的不同供给加总技术设计了融资激励机制,以期建立供给全球公共产品的真实偏好表露机制,解决资金供给动力不足的问题。第六章:国际合作促进全球公共产品供给的最优策略及制度安排。本章探讨了改善全球公共产品供给不足的最优策略及如何通过制度安排来保障此策略得到贯彻的问题。首先,从经济学的角度分析了不同类别全球公共产品的有效供给;其次,构建了全球公共产品供求均衡的理论模型,这就包括:两国模型、多国模型及大国与小国对国际资本市场资本收益率的不同影响和供给、消费全球公共产品的不同效应模型;再次,选取了各国参与全球公共产品供给时的6种基本博弈战略进行分析,有囚徒困境博弈、盟主博弈、智猪博弈、斗鸡博弈、捕鹿博弈、性别战博弈等,并指出国际合作对各方而言都是能实现帕累托均衡的最优策略;最后,解析了如何通过最优的制度安排促使合作供给全球公共品行为成为占优战略,分别用囚徒困境、最小临界值(不补偿,不分摊成本)、最小临界值(补偿,不分摊成本)、最小临界值(补偿,成本分摊)等四种博弈情况来说明制度安排的办法。在此基础上,指出了制度安排过程中要遵循的一些原则。第七章:中国应对全球公共产品挑战的对策研究。目前全球公共产品的大部分收益都由工业化国家所占有,发展中国家获益甚少。当然,这主要是因为广大发展中国家供给的全球和区域公共品数额甚少,自然在使用和受益方面都受到了严重影响。而要改变这种状况,增强发展中国家的能力,积极参与全球公共产品供给应是最佳应对策略。这就需要从国家和国际两个层面做出努力;其次联系我国实际,分析了国际协作背景下中国参与全球公共产品的供给策略。中国在国际对外援助方面的情况及不足,参与国际组织与事务的现状与不足等都说明中国政府一直都积极参与全球公共产品的提供,只是还需要今后利用各种手段尤其是财政政策措施和工具进一步深入国际合作,为广大发展中国家争取更多的利益,为建立世界新政治经济秩序做出更大的贡献。一方面,中国要积极参与国际财经合作,促进全球公共产品的充足供应,在多边和双边财经合作中继续有所作为,要重视政府财政职能的整合和充分发挥民间及非政府组织的作用;另一方面,中国要立足东亚区域财经合作,促进区域性国际公共产品的供应。区域性国际公共产品是对全球或国际公共产品的有效补充,指的是只服务于本地区、只适用于本地区、其成本又是由域内国家共同分担的安排、机制或制度。中国作为东亚地区最大的发展中国家,应该积极供应区域性国际公共产品。东亚地区的经济和金融合作机制始于1997年金融危机之后,东盟“10+3”、“10+1”和“清迈倡议”是这两种合作机制的典型代表。中国可在东亚区域合作框架内发挥供给贸易和经济类、安全类、金融稳定类等区域性国际公共产品的主导作用,并从供给中得到共赢。尤其在当前面临全球金融危机的情况下,中国更应该在以下四个方面做出努力:第一,积极参与全球救市和应对国际金融危机的国际合作,供应全球公共产品;第二,按照保增长的目标调整宏观经济政策的取向及其组合,实现自身经济的稳定增长其实就是在为全球和地区经济和金融稳定做着贡献;第三,积极推进CJKFTA(中日韩三国自由贸易区)进程,为建立13国的贸易自由化安排创造条件;第四,主导东亚地区货币合作机制的构建。结语。总体上来看,国际财政理论的主要贡献在于:第一,国际公共财政拓展了研究视阈——将其置于全球框架下。第二,以往更多地从政治和道德伦理层面解释国际合作动力,国际公共财政将“自利本性”纳入考量,重构国际合作的动力机制。第三,国际财政理论广泛借鉴了各种学科。未来国际财政理论的演进还面临着三个急需解决的问题:第一,全球公共产品最佳(Optimal)供给标准是什么?基于国家公共产品的“萨缪尔森条件”能否适用于全球公共产品?第二,市场失败和政府失败应该由谁来纠正?第三,世界范围内国与国之间的差异,该如何处理全球公共产品供给中因为偏好不一而带来的公平问题?当然,要使国家公共政策的制定更好地兼顾国内外需求,更弹性地使用公共政策来最大化国家利益,还有很长的路,尤其对处在国际政治经济领域劣势的发展中国家而言更是如此。

【Abstract】 Currently, our country has entered into the new stage of seeking sustained growth given globalization conditions form the old stage of merely pursued domestic economic growth, the new development stage can be called economic globalization. National finance is playing a very different role than before in economic globalization, at this moment principals and means of finance are faced with new problems and challenges. Firstly, the challenge is the insufficient provision of energy resources. In recent years, the development of our country’s economy and society has encountered one of the most severe choke points is inadequate resources. So the sustained development of economy objectively needs distributing resources from the whole world, which depends on international cooperation and coordination. It is obvious that the public spending of finance has extended to the seven seas. Secondly, the challenge is the changeable environment of international trade. Along with our country’s economic development is more dependent on international trade, economic and social development is more and more sensitive to the changeable environment of international trade. It requires that financial policies of government must proceed from the considerations of the environment of international economy and comprehensively think over the relation between the public environment construction in policy level of employment policies, industrial policies, social stable policies, etc. and the environment of international trade. Thirdly, the challenge is from the risk of global circumstances and economy. Globalization increases various economic and social risks and linkages of different countries’ economy, which makes externalize the origin of risks and adds uncontrolled factors, and which means the external effect of a country’s macroeconomic policy is increased and the balanced development of the national economy can’t be realized merely depending on domestic financial policies and monetary policies. Thereby, globalization not only guides China into the global risky social system, but also breaks the traditional national or regional borderline of the provision and distribution of public service and public resources, the internationalism and globalization of financial actions are inevitable.As a core component of international public finance theory, global public goods has been a new concept since the mid 1990’s, which extends the public goods to the global scope and embodies the purpose of the correction of market failure and the realization of cooperation and development. So the thesis selects the angle of view of global public goods and reanalyzes the income and expenses and political coordination mechanism of international public finance surrounding the production and provision of global public goods.The logic train of thought of the thesis increases progressively at each level, it first constructs the theoretical system and fundamental framework of the research on international public finance, and then indicates that public finance under the globalization frame has already extended the situation which get to the heart of the single country, and public finance includes almost all aspects of the international and domestic demand in order to confront the globalization challenge. And it is about how the government independently and collectively introduces the public and private capital to the global public policy challenge and public finance is new public finance for the purpose of supplying global public goods. Later this thesis centers on global public goods analyzing how to prepare international public financial resource for the provision and financing to it. Lastly the thesis takes the goal of seeking maximum national interest in the win-win manner and researches China’s countermeasures answering the challenge of global public goods. Based on above logic system, the paper comprises introduction, straight matters(six chapters) and concluding remarks.Chapter One: Introduction. Firstly, this chapter expounds and defines the title’s background and meaning as well as some key conceptions related to the background. The notional component contains different dimensional definitions of "Globalization" and national inside and outside probing into the meanings of "Economic Globalization", and elaborates representative theories of "Regional Economic Integration". It particularly introduces the general trend of world economy development which is the economic globalization and regional economic integration, consequently establishes the era setting and theoretical basis for giving birth to the theory of international public finance. And it points the connection between globalization and global public goods. Secondly, the chapter arranges for the content and framework of this thesis. Thirdly, it lists adoptive research methods which are that normative analysis is combined with positive analysis, qualitative analysis is combined with quantitative analysis, logic analysis is combined with historic analysis. And it points out innovative parts and shortages: first, research develops in an innovative angle of view. This thesis brings forward getting to the heart of global public goods to analyze the theory of international public finance under economic globalization and international economic integration situation. And it extends research scope of the theory of international public finance using developmental viewpoint over again (for instance, international finance, international trade, international environment, international communication network can be brought into the research scope), and newly constructs the income and expenses system of international public finance. Secondly, the research on the theory of global public goods’ provision is innovative. The theory of global public goods is research view and scope of public goods theory expanding in open economy system. And it is the intercrossing theoretical research on several subject domains of international public sector economics, welfare economics, development economics, international relations etc. The public choice provision decision of global public goods, financing mode, institutional arrangement, the follow-up efficient management of the international supply agreements are relatively forward research task. The paper researches the theory of global public goods’ provision in three innovative aspects: firstly, it applies international cooperation theory to analyze the cooperation supplies of global public goods. Secondly, it applies incentive mechanism theory of management and economics to analyze how to encourage individuals’ supplying actions. Thirdly, it applies public finance theory to analyze financing problem of global public goods’ provision. Thirdly, the research methods are innovative. The thesis sets up several dynamic game models(such as correspond game, assurance game, persuasion game, cooperation game, weakest-link game, best-shot game, minimal threshold game etc.) and designs incentive mechanism given asymmetry information conditions to probe into how to implement effective organization management among countries, how to offer effective incentive to spur more countries participating in the provision of global public goods and how to design financing incentive mechanism to reveal real preference aiming at different properties of supply aggregation technology of global public goods. Above illumination establishes key and orientation for following research.Chapter Two: Theoretical analysis of the research on international public finance. The first section demonstrates financial issue in the economic globalization takes on internationalism. It mostly results from the foundation of financial activity is market economy which is open, and national financial activity necessarily contacts with other countries’ financial activity through international economic association, thereby which arises mutual influence and harmony. Based on it, the academic research on the international financial issue in macro and micro point of view has made important progress, especially the theory of international tax competition and coordination among microeconomic units.Section two reviews and summarizes the domestic and overseas research on theory of international public finance, indicates that these theoretical research evolves surrounding two definitions of international public finance. The first definition deems that international public finance identical to "international taxation", which just analyzes and discusses various connections generated when national finance deals with international association; The second definition illuminates international public finance issue from public economics view and deems "international public finance" existing as an international pubic economic financial entity, which forms a kind of new conception different from "international taxation" in nature. The second definition represents the evolvement trend of the theory of international public finance. And then the section constructs the basic frame of international public finance using Musgrave, Rosen etc. research on international financial income and expenses system: A Introduction; B The coordination theory of international public financial income and expenses: a The coordination of international pubic income, b The coordination of international pubic expending; C Finance federation and finance integration; D International regional financial policy.Section three discusses the functions of international public finance: function of resource allocation, function of income distribution, function of economic stability, and the three functions bring into play via global public goods.Section four concludes form the evolvement of the theory and practice of public finance: international public finance is public sector economics under the globalization framework in nature, is new public finance about how the government independently and collectively introduces public and private capital to the global public policy challenge to provide global public goods, and its development trend inevitably centers on global public goods.Chapter Three: Global public goods-evolved theory of public goods. Firstly, the section sums up the traditional theory of public goods and points out the current theoretical development focuses on supply entities, mechanism, efficiency and benefit space and econometric and international stream has been advanced research on the theory of public goods. Then the chapter defines the concept of global public goods: it will benefit more than one group of countries and will not discriminate against any population segment or generations and it will meet the needs of the present generations without jeopardizing those of the future generations at present and in the future. Later the chapter analyzes the characteristic, typology of global public goods and the difference form national public goods. The typology of global public goods comprises five categories: the first category of global public goods is classified by Kaul from the supply and using angle into: Natural global commons, Human-made global commons, Global conditions; The second category of global public goods is classified through the triangle of publicness into: global public goods’ decision-making is not completely public, but consumption and the distribution of benefits are; global public goods’ distribution of benefits is not completely pubic, but consumption and formal decision-making are; global public goods’ distribution of benefits and decision-making are not completely public but consumption is; a regional public good with growing externalities-making this good more public in consumption, globally; The third category is classified in terms of the extent to exclusive and rival into: pure public goods, impure public goods, club goods, joint goods; The fourth category is classified in terms of aggregation technologies into: Summation global pubic goods, Weakest-link global pubic goods, Best-shot global pubic goods, Weighted sum global pubic goods; The fifth category is classified in terms of the production process into: continuous, discrete, binary global public goods. Lastly, it illuminates global public goods is public goods evolving given globalization conditions. This part offers theoretical basis and research orientation for the following concrete international public finance income and expenses study on providing strategy and mechanism of global public goods.Chapter Four: Distribution aspect of coordinating international financial expenditure-research on the provision problems of global public goods. This chapter parses the provision of global public goods all-around, which consists supplying units, mode, affecting factors, means of evaluating the profile of provision and so on. The provision is faced with terms of absent world government, so the choice of supplying units possesses particularity. In reality, supreme countries, every country’s government, international organizations, regional countries alliance, private and transnational corporations mutually cooperate and synergy to provide public goods. The supply modes include free or payable, direct or indirect, direct production or commission production. And that the number of countries participating in providing global public goods, different properties of productive process, different aggregation technologies of global public goods all shall affect the overall provision level of public goods. After this, the chapter brings forwards means of evaluating the profile of provision and makes use of the means to analyze the cost and benefit pertaining to provision of several representative global public goods (international financial stability, multilateral trade regime, global climate stability), finally probes into the reasons why international financial expenditure can not provide adequate global public goods. Owing to the problem of provision actually is the problem about how to effectively distribute global resource, so it inevitably comes down to global public expending coordinated among countries, which is the distribution aspect of international financial expending coordination. The purpose of analysis is in the interest of finding out how to raise global public income.Chapter Five: The new domain of coordinating international financial revenue-research on financing mechanism of global public goods. Firstly, this chapter analyses the characteristic of financing to provide global public goods other than that of general public goods; Secondly, some indispensable elements attributed to production process to supply global public goods are clarified to ascertain corresponding financing channels, and an idealized "global public goods delivery system" is constructed; Thirdly, on evaluating international financial needs basis corresponding steps to finance and various financial financing channels of global public goods are studied. The feasibility of various financial financing channels is compared to conclude that internalizing externalities (particular international taxation and fee) and public capital resources (particular international capital) for financing global public goods are most in favor of providing sufficient capital to production and consumption of public goods. Innovative financial financing modes are analyzed in terms of classifications belonging to the two financing channels. Lastly, financing incentive mechanism is designed according as various aggregation technologies of global public goods, and mechanism to reveal real preference for supply of global public goods is expected to institute for the purpose of resolving lacking incentive to finance.Chapter Six: Optimal strategy and institutional arrangement applied by international Cooperation to promote provision of global public goods. This chapter discusses the optimal strategy to improve the deficient provision of global public goods and how to arrange institution to ensure strategy implement. First it analyses efficient provision of different sorts of global public goods from economic point of view; Next it makes up theoretical equilibrium models of global public goods’ supply and demand, which includes two countries model, more countries model, and the model of big country and small country’s various influence on the capital yield in international capital market as well as the two kinds of countries’ various effect on provision and consumption of global public goods; Again it selects six kinds of elementary games strategies adopted by countries participating in the supply of global public goods. There are prisoners’ dilemma game, wit pigs game, chicken game, catching deer game, sex game and so on. And international cooperation is the optimal strategy to realize Pareto equilibrium for participating parts; Finally, the optimal institutional arrangement is found out to spur cooperation becoming dominant strategy, and prisoners’ dilemma game, minimal threshold game(no refunds, no cost-sharing), minimal threshold game(refunds, no cost-sharing), minimal threshold game(refunds, cost-sharing) are used to explain the institutional arrangement method. Then some principles are thought to be obeyed during the institutional arrangement process.Chapter Seven: Research on China’s countermeasure answering to global public goods challenge. The present interest in global public goods is driven largely by industrial countries and developing countries benefit little. Of course, it is in respect that most developing countries supply a few global or regional public goods, so they lack the capacity of using global public goods to benefit. If such status wants to be altered, developing countries must build national capacity to actively participate in providing global public goods. It needs effort taken from national and international level; Next considering our practice, it analyzes what strategies should be taken to provide global public goods under international cooperation background for China. China’s foreign assistance and participation in international organizations and affairs have made great progress, which shows that Chinese government has all along actively supplied global public goods, certainly there exists shortage. For the future various means especial financial policy measure and instruments should be more utilized to furthermore penetrated into international cooperation and strive for more benefit for most developing countries. It needs China contributes more for the establishment of world new political and economic order. One side, China must actively attach itself to international financial and economic cooperation to boost sufficient provision of global public goods. China should continuously act on the multilateral and bilateral financial and economic cooperation and attach importance to integrate governmental financial functions and bring NGOs into more play. On the other hand, China must base itself upon East Asia regional financial economic cooperation to provide regional international public goods. Regional international public goods is effective complementary to global or international pubic goods, which means arrangements, mechanism or institution that service the region and suitable for the region. And the cost of regional international public goods is commonly shared by countries inside the region. As the biggest developing country in East Asia region, China should actively provide regional international public goods. The economic and financial cooperation mechanism of East Asia region begins after financial crisis in 1997. ASEAN "10+3", "10+1" and "Chiang Mai Initiative" represent the two cooperation mechanism. China can play a leading role to provide trade and economy, security, financial stability regional international public goods in the cooperation framework, and can get common profit from the provision. Especially given current global financial crisis conditions. China even more should make the following four aspects efforts: firstly, positively participating in global intervention in markets and international cooperation to answer up international financial crisis to provide global public goods; Secondly, adjusting to macroeconomic policies orientation and combination to realize the growth aim. In fact Chinese economic stable growth can dedicate to global and regional economic and financial stability. Thirdly, actively advancing CJKFTA course to create condition for thirteen countries’ Free Trade Arrangements. Fourthly, dominating the construction of cooperation mechanism of East Asia currency.Concluding remarks. As a whole, most contribution of theory of international public finance consists: Firstly, international public finance expands research domain-from national to global. Secondly, international cooperation incentive was mostly explained by politics and moral ethic before whereas international public finance brings "selfish nature" into consideration to reconstruct international cooperation incentive mechanism. Thirdly, the theory of international public finance abroad uses various subjects for reference. In the future the evolvement of the theory of international public finance will be faced with three problems to be exactly settled: firstly, what is the optimal provision criterion of global public goods? "Samuelson conditions" based on national public goods can be applied to global public goods? Secondly, who ought to correct market failure and government failure? Thirdly, owing to differences among countries around the world exist, how to deal with the equity problem resulting from different preference to provide global public goods? Of course, if national public policy wants to give better attention to demand home and abroad and more flexibly be employed to maximize national interest, it is a long way to go, especially for developing countries at a disadvantage in international political and economical domain.


