

A Research of Chinese Traditional Behavior Management Thought

【作者】 余焕新

【导师】 吴照云;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 管理是文化的产儿,管理植根于二种价值传统、习惯和信念之中。而文化又是一种行为方式。管理成功的关键在于有效的行为管理,行为管理方式必须适应民族文化传统。研究中国传统行为管理思想,对于指导现代管理实践,提升人力资源效率有着重要意义。中国传统管理思想是中国人在长期的管理实践活动中逐步形成的思想和理论体系。它以儒家为主,法、道、兵等各家为辅,在先秦时期基本成型,并在中国古代社会乃至今天的管理活动中发挥着重要的作用。作为群经之首的《周易》,其思维方式深深地嵌入中国人的心理结构之中。中国传统行为管理思想就是儒家、法家、道家、兵家及《周易》中的关于行为管理目标、行为管理的人性论、行为管理原则、行为管理策略等方面的思想。先秦儒家以“和为贵”为行为管理的目标,“和”包含和谐圆通、井然有序、和而不同等意涵。儒家行为管理思想以道德人性可塑论为理论出发点,主张把道德教化作为行为管理的主要手段,实行宽厚温和的政治统治。儒家的行为管理原则有“忠怒之道”、“修己安人”、以民为本、执经达权、循于“礼”本乎“义”等,行为管理策略有“君子不器”、“举直错诸枉”、“因材任使”、“明分使群”。法家的施政目标是富国强兵,而富国强兵又是为了建立统一的中央集权的君主专制国家、推行绝对的君主专制统治。法家以君利至上为行为管理目标,它的理论出发点是“好利恶害”的人性论和历史进化论。法家认为,要实现富国强兵,就应把国家的一切人力、物力、资源都集中到农业和军事上去,它的行为管理原则即“抟力守壹”。法家行为管理策略有“法”、“术”、“势”三者结合、赏信罚必、赏誉同轨,非诛俱行、刑无等级、强国弱民、以刑去刑等。道家哲学的最高范畴是道。道家认为道是宇宙的本体,是宇宙间一切事物由以形成的最终根源。道家把人的精神自由作为行为管理目标。它的行为管理的理论依据是道法自然,它以“无为”为行为管理原则,“善用人者为之下”、以退为进是《老子》的行为管理策略。《孙子兵法》的行为管理目标是修道保法,所谓“道”就是“令民与上同意”,即儒家仁政学说中强调的所谓“人和”、“得民之心”。其行为管理原则是“令之以文,齐之以武”。所谓“文”,是“仁”也,是讲道理、明情理的“软”管理,把管理建立在上下级相互信赖、关系融洽的基础上。所谓“武”,是指“法”也,就是辅之以法纪来统一行动,是讲法度,申纪律的“硬”管理。其行为管理策略有“将能而君不御者胜”、“杀敌者,怒也”、“陷之死地然后生”、夺人之心等。儒家、道家、兵家、法家等各家自成一派,都有着自己的一套管理思想,但在这种复杂迷乱之中,却始终存在着一个十分稳定,支配着中国管理意识和行为的思想,即文化伦理本位主义思想。伦理本位以群体为中心,以心理情感为纽带,注重情理渗透,在行为管理上表现为温和内敛、崇尚亲情、注重个人道德修养、追求整体协和的特征。儒法互补是历代统治者治国的主要方式,也是中国传统行为管理思想特征之一。中国传统行为管理思想有着其内在矛盾,即阳儒与阴法、君子小人二元对立、以民为本与御民、爱有差等与社会公正、以天下为己任却不重视行为强度、经常与权变。中国传统行为管理思想发源于先秦时期,它产生的基础是小农经济和宗法社会,是当时管理实践的总结。然而撇开特定的历史内容,先哲的智慧却可以穿越时空,给今天的管理实践以启迪。这种智慧总体特征是和谐,表现为管理与人生合一、人我合一、天人合一、“理性地适应世界”、整体思维等。知识经济和全球化的时代,人面临的首要问题是人与人、人与自我之间的问题,人类社会呈现出某些回归传统的迹象,管理思想正经历着历史性的东方回归,中国智慧也许正是诊治现代社会管理问题的一剂的良方。为更好地指导管理实践和克服其内在矛盾,中国传统行为管理思想要进行人本思想的现代转化、小管理文化传统的现代转化、从仅重人文理性到人文与科学并重的转化。

【Abstract】 Management is a product of culture, and it takes root in some culture, some tradition, some customary practice and moral belief, meanwhile the culture is method or manner of behavoir. The key to successful management lies in efficient behavior management, and behavior management must reconcile itself to certain traditional culture. So it is of significance to study the Chinese traditional behavior management theory for instructing management practice and promoting human resources efficiency.Chinese traditional management theory is a ideological system which has evolved through long years of management practice of Chinese. Based on Confucianism, with Legalism, Taoism, Military Strategist as auxiliary, it have basically been in place in Pre-Qin Period and has a vital role to play in the ancient world and the contemporary management practice. Besides, as the root of Chinese traditional culture, Zhou Yi was given first priority to Pre-Qin scholars and it affects traditional Chinese mode of thinking and psychological structure greatly. So Chinese Traditional behavior Management theory is the thought about Aim of behavior Management ,according theory of behavior management ,principle of behavior management , strategy of behavior Management which embedded in Confucianism, Legalism, Taoism, Military Strategist and Zhou Yi.Pre-Qin Confucianism took "Cherishing the Value of Harmony" as aim of behavior management, which means "acting gently or tactfully","everything shall be in good order" and "accommodating divergent views". And its according theory of behavior Management is MengZi’s nature good say and XunZi’s nature evil say. In spite of their apparent clashing with each other, they have the common opinion that no matter human nature is good or bad ,man can be cultivated and enlightened. So they both argued that the most important measure of social regulation should be moralizing the people, and stood for a moderate political rule. Confucian principle of behavior management are as follows: principle of benevolence and loyalty; the doctrine of loyalty and consideration for others; regulating the family, governing the country and establishing peace throughout the world based on self-cultivation; people oriented and people foremost; thoughts of invariability and flexibility, while their strategy of behavior management as follows: the core leader only plays the key role; stressing political integrity and professional competence; rationally using talented people; a rational division of labor.The Legalist’s objective of governance was to make one’s country rich and build up its military might, which serves for founding united, centralized, autocratic monarchy state, so as to put absolute autocratic monarchy into practice. The Legalists took monarch priority as their aim of behavior management,and their according theory of behavior management was profiteering and evading evils theory of human nature. The Legalist believed that manpower, material and financial resources should be devoted to agriculture and military so as to make one’s country rich and build up its military might,which was called concentrating strength absolutely. The Legalist’s strategy of behavior Management was as follows: combining crucifixion with political intrigue and authority or power; where vice is, vengeance follows,and give credit where credit is due; giving an award while a honour accompanying or giving penalty while defamatory statements accompanying; all men are equal before the law;making the state mighty and making the people weak; executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate.Tao is the supreme philosophy of Taoism. Taoism advocated that Tao was not only the ontological argument of the universe,but also the groundwork or source of each thing in the universe .Taoist’s according theory of behavior management is that the Tao follows nature,and they argue for governing by non-interference. Their strategy of behavior Management is as follow: condescending oneself to mingle with the inferior; a loser taking all. The Aim of behavior Management of SunZi Warcraft is that the people’s livelihood deserves prior attention. On one hand it based management on the fundaments of mutual respect and love,on the other hand it insisted on the importance of obeying orders in all actions. Sunwu gave emphasis to such strategy of behavior management as interventing less, Controlling one’s emotions, stressing management, destroying the opponents’ morale.Confucianism, Legalism, Taoism, and Military Strategist each keep to their own system. However, under this complex situation,there is a steady and reigning thought, which is relationship departmentalism. It lay too much stress on a reciprocal relation, pay attention to affective factors,and is characterized by self-examination, self-discipline, harmony.complementarity of Confucianism and Legalism is the principal way for the rulers to govern the country and it is one of the characteristics of Chinese traditional behavior management thought which is self-contradictory, and these contradictions are as follow: superficial Confucianism and secret Legalism, Binary opposition of the gentleman and the flunky, people oriented and people foremost against ruling people, discriminatory benevolence and social justice, emphasis on responsibility and regardlessness of competence, invariability and flexibility and principle.Based on small peasant economy and patriarchal clan system, Chinese traditional behavior management thought was cradled in Pre-Qin period,and it was the summary of management practice in those days. However, the historical content of that days apart, the wisdom of great thinkers of the past may pass through time and space to irradiate the mind of today’s managers. Being characterized by harmony as a whole,the wisdom finds expression in harmony of life with management, harmony of man with others, integrating man with nature, adapting reasoningly oneself to the world, thinking the situation as a whole.In the new era of knowledge-based economy and globalization, the fundamental questions facing people nowadays are the question with our sense of identity and the one between self and the other. While the human society returning to traditional value and management thought returning to the East, the Chinese traditional wisdom may possibly be the best cure to solve contemporary management puzzle .In order to direct management practice better and overcome inherent contradictory, Chinese traditional behavior management thought should experience modern transformation of humanism, petty tradition of management culture and modern transformation from only humanistic rationality to both humanism and scientific reason.

【关键词】 中国传统行为管理思想
【Key words】 Chinese TraditionBehavior ManagementThought
  • 【分类号】C93
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1397

