

Study on Collaborative Optimization Theory and Method of Wagon-Flow Allocation in Dispatching System of Marshalling Station

【作者】 薛锋

【导师】 王慈光;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 编组站综合自动化是整个铁路运输现代化的重要组成部分,已建成的成都北编组站综合集成自动化系统(CIPS系统)和建设中的新丰镇编组站综合自动化系统(SAM系统)代表了我国铁路编组站信息化的发展趋势,它们整合并集成我国目前编组站各种成熟的过程控制分系统,统一信息管理,建立信息共享平台,有机地构建成管控一体化的整体系统。编组站CIPS系统和SAM系统实际上包括作业控制自动化、数据处理自动化和调度指挥智能化三大部分。这三大部分实际上形成按功能划分的三个子系统,它们紧密相联,互相依托,共同构成编组站综合自动化系统。其中,调度指挥子系统本质上属于决策支持系统(DSS),而数据处理子系统本质上属于管理信息系统(MIS),二者虽有联系,但面向不同层次,实现不同目标,具有不同功能。编组站调度指挥子系统(简称“调度系统”)是编组站综合自动化系统的核心,只有从优化作业计划入手,改善编组站作业,才能发挥出编组站调度系统“神经中枢”的作用。编组站调度系统配流问题是一个老问题,国内外学者一直在研究但未得到很好的解决方案,虽取得了一定的成果,但各有偏重,未能很好地从编组站整体角度考虑综合优化,有待进一步完善。论文立足铁路编组站工作实际,从编组站调度大系统的角度出发,深入研究配流协同优化问题。论文借鉴了国内外相关研究成果,以理论研究为主,首先总结分析编组站的车流组织规律以及配流机理,然后在编组站调度系统界定和边际假设的基础上,综合运用大系统优化理论、协同论、组合数学等理论和观点,对编组站各单项作业进行系统的分析,同时注重作业环节的协调,将单项作业关联起来作为一个整体进行研究。论文的主要研究工作包括以下几个方面:1.在深入分析编组站作业特征和作业流程的基础上,总结了编组站的车流组织规律,并对编组站调度系统进行了界定。通过分析配流问题的组合优化性质以及出发车流的来源,进一步揭示了编组站配流的内部机理。2.以确定的编组站作业时间标准为依据,分别按调机的台数、调机作业方式、考虑固定作业和调机干扰与否,给出了计算到达列车的最早可能解体时刻和出发列车的最晚必须编组时刻的算法。在此基础上,以解体方案树模型及回溯算法确定列车的解体顺序,并提出列车编组顺序的调整方法。以先编组出发列车的单个配流方案为主线,建立了解编方案同步调整与协调匹配的协同优化模型。3.汲取大系统优化理论、协同论的观点和方法,对到调机运用、到发线运用、调车线运用、取送车作业等建立一系列既相关又相对独立的模型和算法,包括静态与动态配流协同优化、到发线运用与解编作业协同优化、调车线运用与解编作业协同优化、取送车作业与解编作业协同优化等内容;引入系统综合的思想,将所建模型和算法进行有效地整合,建立编组站配流的综合协同优化模型,体现出系统的整体涌现性,构建了比较完善的编组站配流优化理论体系。4.针对双向编组站衔接方向较多、易产生折角车流的特点,利用数学方法对交换车进行处理,同时考虑到达列车的接入场、出发列车的出发场以及股道调整等问题。在既有双向编组站系统作业分工方案的基础上,对于到发列车需要调整作业地点的情况,建立协同模型进行优化,尽可能地减少折角车流给编组站带来的能力损耗,实现到达车流在全站范围内的合理分配。5.通过研究遗传算法和蚁群算法的融合,设计出一种集时间效率和求解精度于一体的快速算法——基于信息熵和混沌理论的遗传—蚁群协同优化算法,应用于求解编组站调度系统配流优化问题。6.对所设计的算法应用计算机程序进行实现,并对郑州北站大量的现场数据进行测试,结果表明该算法能够在较短的时间内生成合理的配流方案,充分验证了优化模型和算法的有效性和实用性。论文采用先局部后整体、由定性到定量、分层逐步解决的研究方法,加强了模型和算法的针对性设计,体现了配流整体优化的原则。论文的研究涵盖了与配流相关的编组站作业优化的主要内容,形成了一个相对完整的理论体系。编组站调度系统配流协同优化研究,作为编组站调度指挥智能化的应用基础理论研究,是编组站配流理论的深化,对提高编组站调度决策水平,实现编组站调度指挥科学化、智能化具有十分重要的作用,同时为建立编组站智能调度系统奠定可靠的理论基础。编组站配流的优化可以实现车站车流资源的优化配置,大力提高运输生产效率,进而产生巨大的经济和社会效益,因此论文的研究成果具有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 The comprehensive automation of marshalling station is an important part of whole railway transportation modernization. Freight classification computer integrated process system (CIPS system) which has been built at Chengdubei marshalling station and the under-construction synthetic automation of marshalling station (SAM system) at Xinfengzhen is the development trend of the marshalling station informatization in China. These two kinds of systems integrate different maturity process control subsystem at present marshalling station. They unify information management, set up information sharing platform, and construct a whole system of integrated manage and control. The marshalling station CIPS system and SAM system include operation control automation, data processing automation, and dispatch and command intellectualization. These three major parts form three subsystems divided functionally in fact, they are closely linked, rely on each other, composite marshalling station comprehensive automatic system together. The dispatch and command subsystem belongs to DSS among them, and the data processing subsystem belongs to MIS in essence. The two have connections, but face different levels, realize different goals, and have different functions. The dispatch and command subsystem (abbreviated as "dispatching system) is a core of the comprehensive automatic system at Marshalling station. The function of "nerve center" of marshalling station dispatching system could be given play starting with optimizing operation plan and improving marshalling station operation. The wagon-flow allocation problem in marshalling station dispatching system is an old problem, and the domestic and international scholar keeps studying this problem but not achieving good solution. They has made certain achievement, but each laid particular stress on, fail to well optimize synthetically from the point of whole marshalling station, remain to perfect further.This dissertation studies the collaborative optimization problem about wagon-flow allocation bases on the practical work of marshaling station, and proceeds from angle of marshalling station dispatch large scale system. The dissertation has drawn lessons from the domestic and international relevant research results, and researches mainly theory. The wagon-flow organization rule about marshaling station and the mechanism of wagon-flow allocation are summarized at first, then every individual operation of marshalling station is analyzed on the basis of defining marshalling station dispatching system and supposing margin, using synthetically the theories and views of large scale system optimal theory, cooperation theory and combinatorics, etc., and pay attention to the coordination of operation links at the same time, make individual operation related to research as a whole. The main research work of the dissertation includes the following several respect:1. The wagon-flow organization rule about marshaling station is summarized on the basis of analyzing the operation characteristic and process of marshalling station, and then marshalling station dispatching system has defined. The internal mechanism of wagon-flow allocation have announced further through analyzing the combination optimization properties of wagon-flow allocation problem and the source of departure wagon-flow.2. Based on determined the operation time standard of marshalling station, the method for computing the earliest possible sorting time of arrival trains and the latest possible time to start formation of departure trains under different shunting locomotive amount, shunting operations and whether considering fixed operation and shunting locomotive interfering or not is given. The sorting sequence is confirmed by sorting scheme tree model and backtracking algorithm on this basis, and then the adjustment method of the formation sequence is proposed. The individual wagon-flow allocation scheme of departure trains being classified first as the main line, the collaborative optimization model for the synchronous adjustment and harmonious matching of the sorting and formation schemes is build.3. A series of relevant and relative independent models and algorithms for the utilization of shunting locomotive and arrival-departure track, placing-in and taking-out wagons operation, etc. are build using large scale system optimal theory and cooperation theory. The content of these models and algorithms is the collaborative optimization of static and dynamic wagon-flow allocation, the utilization of arrival-departure track and sorting-formatting operation, the utilization of shunting track and sorting-formatting operation, placing-in and taking-out wagons and sorting-formatting operation, etc. Introducing the thought of system integration, the built model and algorithm will be combined effectively, and then build integrated collaborative optimization model for wagon-flow allocation in marshalling station. The models embody the whole emerging of the system, and the more perfect theory system for the optimization of wagon-flow allocation in marshalling station is constructed.4. The exchange wagons are solved using mathematics method according to the characteristics of link up direction more and existing angular wagon flow in bidirectional marshalling station, in the meantime several problems about the acceptance yard of arrival trains, the departure yard of departure trains and track adjustment are considered. On the basis of existing system operation division scheme of bidirectional marshalling station, the collaborative optimization model is built to optimize the adjustment of arrival and departure trains operation place, so as to reduce the loss of marshalling station capacity because of angular wagon flow, and realize the rational allocation of arrival wagon-flows in the range of marshalling station.5. A kind of quick algorithm is designed through studying the integration of genetic algorithm and ant algorithm. The efficiency and precision of the algorithm are high in computation, and it is known as genetic and ant colony collaborative optimization algorithm based on information entropy and chaos theory, apply to wagon-flow allocation optimization problem of marshalling station dispatching system.6. The designed algorithm is realized by computer program, and tested through mass field data of Zhengzhoubei station. The result indicates that this algorithm can produce the rational wagon-flow allocation scheme, and have fully proved the validity and practicability of the optimization model and algorithm.The dissertation adopts the research method from local to global, from qualitative to quantitative, layered gradual solved, has strengthen the pertinence designs of the model and algorithm, and has reflected the principle of global optimization. The research of the dissertation has contained the main content of operation optimization correlated with wagon-flow allocation in marshalling station, has formed a relatively intact theory system. The study on collaborative optimization of wagon-flow allocation in marshalling station dispatching system, it is application foundation theory research of the intelligent of marshalling station dispatch and command, and it promotes marshalling station wagon-flow allocation theory. This research results contribute to improving dispatch decision level in marshalling station, realize the dispatch and command of marshalling station scientific and intelligent, and establish the reliable theory foundation for marshalling station intelligent dispatching system at the same time. The optimization of wagon-flow allocation in marshalling station can realize the rational distribution of station wagon-flow resources, and improve transportation production efficiency, and then produce the enormous economic and social benefit, so the research results of the dissertation have wide application prospects.


