

Research on High-Tech Industrial Cluster and Its Running Effects

【作者】 李新

【导师】 刘朝明; 史本山;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 高新技术产业集群是指同一高新技术产业领域内相互联系的众多企业因空间集聚而形成的一种产业组织形式,因其培育了大量的优势产业和优势企业,因而在全球化经济中体现较高的创新优势。产业集群是硅谷等高新技术产业集群成功的首要原因,建立科技园区已成为世界许多国家用于发展高技术产业集群的普遍做法,高新技术产业集群已成为高新技术在地理空间存在的有效形式和重要载体。因此,有必要深入研究高新技术产业集群的演进规律,找出其运行的特征和要素,为我国高新技术产业集群的发展提供一条新思路。本文通过现有的研究成果发现,目前缺少高新技术产业集群的理论逻辑体系,来较为系统地认识和了解高新技术产业集群的动态发展和环境制约状况。基于此,本文提出了基于主导产业视角的高新技术产业集群理论逻辑合成体系,对高新技术产业集群及其相应的运行效应问题进行创新性的理论探索,希望借此为主导产业理论的进一步应用研究和如何发展高新技术产业集群的实践提供一条全新的思路。在研究方法上,本论文也率先将业已成熟的主导产业理论、增长极理论、自组织理论、产业集群理论、动态比较优势理论、技术创新理论、生命周期理论等纳入到一个综合应用于高新技术产业集群及其运行效应的理论分析框架中。在此基础上,探讨以主导产业为视角的高新技术产业集群培育、选择和发展的实现路径,并以我国高新技术产业为样本,测算了我国高新技术产业的运行效应,提出相应的政策建议。全文研究分为八个部分:首先,在文章的第一部分,论述了关于本篇论文的研究背景、研究目的和国内外研究的理论与实践现状。对高新技术产业集群的相关理论进行梳理,提出了由产业区理论、中心区位理论、主导产业理论、产业集聚理论、增长极理论、产业空间扩散理论构成的高新技术产业集群理论逻辑体系,并构建了基于主导产业的高新技术产业集群演进理论合成模型图,使本文的高新技术产业集群理论形成一个完整、闭合的理论体系。第二部分,主要界定相关研究对象的基本概念,并分析了高新技术产业集群的各种特征,明晰论文研究对象的边界,为后续的研究提供依据。第三部分,由于文本是以高新技术主导产业的发展和演进为主线来研究高新技术产业集群,因此正确的识别、评价和选择高新技术主导产业成为高新技术产业集群理论研究中的首要前提,本文基于这一需要,对高新技术产业集群中的主导产业的内涵界定、识别、评价和选择做了研究和探讨,并提出了高新技术主导产业的识别基准、评价指标和选择步骤,为实践中正确识别高新技术主导产业提供理论基础。第四部分,对高新技术产业集群的形成、演进机理进行理论分析。基于自组织理论和产业发展理论的高新技术产业集群的形成和演进机理研究,找出带动高新技术产业集群不断演进发展的序参量(主导性力量),认识高新技术产业集群的演进特征。第五部分,着重研究基于主导产业的高新技术产业集群运行机理,通过分析高新技术产业集群的生命周期和各阶段特征,用主导产业理论解释高新技术产业集群的形成、发展和衰退过程,以此来正确认识主导产业在高新技术产业集群的重要作用和运行效应。第六部分,研究高新技术产业集群的运行效应,根据分析结果划分出高新技术产业集群的运行效应应包括:增长效应、带动效应、扩散效应、关联效应,并建立相应的效应测度模型。再结合我国高新技术产业发展的实际数据对我国高新技术产业集群的运行效应进行了测量和评价,以此验证我国高新技术产业集群实际发展状况,体现测算方法的可操作性。第七部分,根据本文提出的高新技术产业集群理论逻辑体系,将制度安排与高新技术产业集群发展过程形成关联,目的是针对问题动态调整政策,实现高新技术产业集群的可持续发展。第八部分,最后本文总结了研究的局限和不足之处,并对未来的研究提出了展望。

【Abstract】 High-tech industry cluster refers to the same high-tech industries in the field of inter-related businesses as a result of numerous space and gather to form a form of industrial organization, because of the advantages of cultivating a large number of industries and enterprises, which in a globalized economy reflected a more High-edge innovation. Industrial clusters such as Silicon Valley high-tech industry clusters of the primary reasons for the success of the establishment of Science and Technology Park has become many countries around the world for the development of high-tech industry clusters common practice in high-tech industry has become a high-tech clusters in the presence of geospatial In the form of an effective and important carrier. As a result, the need for an in-depth study of the evolution of high-tech industry clusters law, come up with the running of the features and elements for China’s high-tech industry cluster for the development of a new train of thought. This study, through the existing research found that the current lack of high-tech industry cluster theory of the logic of the system in order to be able to be more systematic knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the high-tech industry cluster development and environmental constraints situation. For this reason, this paper, based on the perspective of the leading industries of high-tech industrial cluster theory of logic synthesis system for high-tech industry cluster and its corresponding effects of the operation issues to explore innovative theories in the hope of leading industries for the theory further Applied research and development of high-tech industry practice of clustering offers a new way of thinking. In the study, this paper also breaks new ground will be the first to have a mature industry leading theory, growth pole theory of self-organization theory, industrial cluster theory, dynamic comparative advantage theory, theory of technological innovation, integrated life-cycle theory applies to high-tech Technology Industry Cluster and effect of running on theoretical analysis. On this basis, to explore the perspective of the leading industries for high-tech industry cluster training, selection and development of the realization of the path, and China’s high-tech industries for the sample, the estimates of China’s high-tech industries run effect of the proposed policy recommendations .The full text of the following research carried out in eight parts:First of all, the article in the first part of the discussion on this paper’s research background, the purpose of study and research the theory and practice of the status quo. On the high-tech industry clusters related to sort out the theory put forward by the theory of industrial district, central location theory, theory of leading industries, industrial clustering theory, growth pole theory, the theory of industrial space posed by the proliferation of high-tech industry cluster theory logic system, And to build on the leading industries of high-tech industry cluster theory of the evolution of synthetic model, so this study of high-tech industry cluster to form a complete theory, the theory of closed system. The second part ,the main subjects related to define the basic concepts and an analysis of high-tech industry clusters of features, clear thesis research of the border, in order to provide a basis for follow-up study.The third part, the correct identification, evaluation and selection of high-tech industries have become the leading high-tech industry clusters in the theoretical study of the primary prerequisite for this study was that, on the high-tech industry clusters in the leading industries of the identification, evaluation and selection Done research to identify the leading industry benchmarks, evaluation and selection steps, in order to correctly identify the management practices in leading high-tech industry to provide theoretical guidance.The fourth part, the high-tech industry cluster formation, the mechanism of evolution theory analysis. Based on self-organization theory and the theory of high-tech industry cluster formation and mechanism of evolution, driven to find high-tech industry cluster development and the evolution of the order parameter (the dominant force) to understand the evolution of high-tech industry cluster features.The fifth part, the leading industry-based focus on the operation mechanism of high-tech industry clusters, by analyzing the clusters of high-tech industry and the various stages of the life cycle characteristics of the leading industries with high-tech industry cluster theory to explain the formation, development and the process of recession In order to correct understanding of the leading industries in the high-tech industry clusters and the important role of running effect.The sixth part, the study of high-tech industry cluster effect of the operation, according to the results of the analysis division of a high-tech industry cluster effect of the operation should include: effects of growth, driven effects, effects of proliferation, the association effect, and the establishment of a corresponding measure the effect of the model. China’s high-tech industries combined with the actual data for the development of China’s high-tech industry cluster effect of the operation were measured and evaluated in order to verify the actual clusters of high-tech industry development, reflects the calculation method of operation.The seventh part, according to the proposed high-tech industry cluster theory of the logic of the system, institutional arrangements and the development of high-tech industry cluster formation associated with the aim of the problem for the dynamic adjustment of policy, high-tech industry clusters to achieve sustainable development.The eighth part, the last of this article summed up the study of the limitations and deficiencies, and the future outlook of the study.


