

Study on Groundwater Disaster Prevention and Evaluation System of Tunnel Engineering

【作者】 潘海泽

【导师】 黄涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工程环境控制, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的发展,我国的隧道建设取得了长足的进步,根据铁道部与交通部统计资料,截至2006年底,我国铁路营运隧道5924座,374万延长米,其中长度超过万米的特长隧道7座;公路运营隧道2889座,152万延长米,其中特长隧道43座,16.59万延长米。由于地质、设计、施工等级、造价、运营维修管理等方面的原因,隧道的病害问题日益突出,有些隧道的病害已经影响了隧道正常的使用,甚至危及行车安全,在隧道建设过程中的涌水灾害、岩爆、瓦斯爆炸等,运营阶段的渗漏水病害(包括冻害)、衬砌结构裂损病害、基底破损病害以及其他类型病害中,以隧道水害尤为突出和严重。本文通过收集和现场实测的石太客运专线特长隧道水文地质资料,建立了隧道围岩的水文地质概念模型,通过对国内部分具有代表性的南、北方运营隧道渗漏水状况的调查,建立了运营隧道渗漏水病害评价指标体系。针对建设隧道涌水量预测结果,以及结合隧道区水文地质条件和其他的因素,提出相应的防排水工程措施,将所提出的工程措施作为约束条件代入初始的数学模型,利用计算机程序计算得出结果,根据数据结果和图示结果分析了所提工程措施的安全有效性。通过国内外文献查阅和对调查的95条南北方典型隧道资料的分析,基于距离判别分析理论,选用隧道的埋深、隧道区植被覆盖情况、隧道区年平均降雨量、隧道区地表水状况、地下水的腐蚀性、围岩裂隙连通情况、设计、施工因素、隧道区气候情况8项指标作为距离判别分析模型的判别因子,以调查的数据作为训练样本,建立了隧道渗漏水病害分级预测的距离判别分析模型,经过训练后的模型回判估计的误判率为0,证明该模型在研究隧道渗漏水发生可能性及分级预测中有良好的实用性.该方法为隧道渗漏水病害分级预测提供了一条新思路。对运营阶段的隧道渗漏水病害评价选择了隧道的埋深、地下水水位与隧道底板的高差、隧道区的降雨量、隧道区的植被情况、三缝的施工、管道腐蚀与堵塞情况等16个子因素(其中4个定量因素、12个定性因素),从隧道施工因素,防排水工程措施、围岩及地下水因素、自然地理因素等四个方面建立了隧道渗漏水病害的评价指标体系和层次分析模型。并按照衬砌漏水量大小及渗漏状态;渗漏部位以及渗漏形式;隧道灾害的严重程度分别对隧道渗漏水病害进行分类,确定了16个子因素的五等级划分标准,量化了定量和定性指标,建立了隶属函数,最后利用模糊综合评价方法和BP神经网络方法(BP神经网络中,考虑到评价的易操作性,将16个子因素,简化为10个子因素)对隧道渗漏水病害等级进行评定,同时用VB编制了评价的可视化程序,为设计和施工单位预防隧道渗漏水病害提供了理论依据。本文利用距离判别分析模型对大寨隧道和魏黄隧道渗漏水情况进行预测,同时分别利用模糊综合评价法和BP神经网络方法对两个运营隧道的渗漏水情况进行渗漏水病害等级评价,预测和评价结果符合现场实测的统计结果,这些有利于研究合理的水害防治措施,丰富了隧道水害防治技术研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of our national economy, tunnel construction has acquired quite great improvenment in china, according to the statistical data of ministry of communications and ministry of railway, by the end of 2006, there were 5924 railway operation tunnels, about 3,740,000 meters, which seven extra long tunnels more than 10,000meters, there were 2,889 road operation tunnels, 1,520,000 meters, which 43 extra long tunnels, about 165,900 meters,because some reasons ,for example geology, design, construction rank, cost, tunnel operation maintenance and managenment, and so on, tunnel leakage disasters becomes more and more outstanding, and some tunnel disasters have influenced tunnels’normal use. Even jeopardizes the traffic safety, there are many disasters in the process of tunnel construction and tunnel operation, such as gushing water disasters , rock burst, gas explosion, leakage disasters, tunnel lining structure crack, basement damage disease, however, among these disasters, tunenl water disasters become more proninent and serious.This paper through collection and site measurement the data of tunnel hydrogeology of extra-long tunnel in Shi-Tai passenger dedicated railway, this paper established hydrogeology conceptual model of tunnel surrounding rock, and through investigation and analysis of information from 95 railway operation tunnels, the evaluation index system of tunnel leakage is established.Based on prediction results of tunnel gushing water, hydrogeology conditions of tunnel area and other factors, waterproof and drainage engineering measures were put forward, then by substitution engineering measures as constraints into the initial mathematical model, through computer program calculation, according to data results and graphical results analyse validity of engineering measurements.Through consult domestic and foreign literature and analyse the data of 95 typical tunnel of north and south, Based on the principle of Mahalanobis distance discriminant analysis(DDA), a distance discriminant analysis model to predict the possibility and classification of tunnel leakage is established, eight main control factors of tunnel leakage are chosen in the analysis , such as ,the depth of tunnel, the situation of vegetation covering of tunnel area, annual average rainfall of tunnel area, the situation of surface water of tunnel area, groundwater corrosion, design, construction. Some surveying data of tunnel leakage are taken as the training and testing samples, and the ration of mistake distinguish is considerably low zero. the results show that the DDA model can be used to predict the possibility and classification of tunnel leakage. The method offers a new way in classification of disaster of tunnel leakage.To leakage disease evaluation of operation tunnel ,this paper select 16 sub-factors including burial depth of tunnel, the height difference between groundwater level and tunnel bottom floor, rainfall of tunnel area, vegetation of tunnel area, construction of three joints, pipeline erosion, choking ,and so on, this paper establish the evaluating indicator system and hierarchy analytical model of tunnel leakage disasters from some aspects, that is tunnel construction factor, the engineering measure of prevent-drainage water, Bedrock and groundwater factor, physical geography factor. Tunnel leakage disaster are classified according to different criteria, that is lining leaking water amount and status of tunnel leakage, positions of leakage and forms of leakage, severity of tunnel,s disaster, ascertain five rank standards of sixteen sub-factors, foundation membership function of all quantitative indexes and quantify indexes, in the end, fuzzy comprehensive assessment and BP neural network (Considering easy operability of BP neural network, this paper simplified 16 sub-factors to 10 sub-factors) are used to assess rank of tunnel leakage disaster, at the same time, visualization procedure is established with VB, these could offer a theoretical basis for design entities to prevent tunnel leakage disaster.Taking the Dazhai tunnel and Weihuang tunnel as examples, this paper use DDA predict tunnel leakage situation, and use fuzzy synthesis assessment and BP neural network evaluate runnel leakage disease rank, prediction and evaluation results accord with statistical results of situ measurement, these were benefical to study reasonable prevention meastures of tunnel water diseases.


