

On Management Justice

【作者】 韩小荣

【导师】 李兰芬;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 管理是人类社会活动的客观需要,整个人类社会通过管理而维系,通过有效的管理而发展,管理的水平也在很大程度上反映人类社会的文明程度。管理的重要目的之一就是为了形成一定的良好的社会秩序,即一种公正的秩序。所以,公正与管理通过秩序而有机地连接起来。公正是管理内在的价值诉求。公正在管理领域的体现就是管理公正。人们要求社会公正,就必然要求管理公正,管理公正是社会公正的重要表现和基础。但管理公正问题作为哲学研究的前沿课题,至今没有引起学界的足够重视。随着知识经济时代的到来,人类社会进入后工业社会,管理也开始步入人性化时代。组织活动之中冲突不断,其中最根本的冲突就是利益冲突、是权利与义务的冲突,现代组织中存在的种种不公正现象表明,管理公正问题已经成为现代社会面临的重要现实问题之一。因而,加强管理公正问题研究,不仅是知识经济发展的客观要求,也是构建社会主义和谐社会实践的需要,更是拓展管理哲学理论空间的内在需要,具有重大的实践价值和理论意义。管理公正就是在特定的环境条件下,以权利和义务的互动统一为基础并通过对组织资源的公平合理的分配为中介的利益关系所反映出的人的全面发展的状态,是人们在管理过程中对共有价值的分享并使每个组织成员得其所应得。管理公正反映了人们对以分配为中介的利益关系的合理性的价值追求。公正作为对人与人关系的度量,其实质就是对利益关系的度量。合理均衡地划分利益是是管理公正的深层本质。管理公正是理想与现实的统一、相对性与绝对性的统一、历史性与阶段性的统一。作为实践理性和实践规范的管理公正是组织秩序与个人自由之间的调节剂和平衡器。管理公正可以分为四个层面,管理理念公正、管理制度公正、管理组织公正和管理行为公正。其中最为核心的是管理制度公正。任何时代的管理公正都必然具有一定的历史性。管理公正的内容取决于当时的社会物质生活条件,并随着社会生活状况的变化而发展,因而它在不同的历史时期具有不同的内容,在同一社会的不同发展决定有着不同层次的要求。管理公正的内容一般是随着生产力的发展而逐步发展的。脱离具体的历史条件、社会环境的管理公正是不存在的。管理公正思想并不是思想家凭空捏造出来的,而是管理实践活动在人们头脑中的反映,是人们在精神上对管理实践活动进行理性反思的产物。在管理思想史上,无论是中国还是西方、无论是传统社会还是现代社会,在国家管理、生产管理等具体管理实践中,都或多或少强调公正。管理公正的基本问题主要有三个:一是个人、社会与组织的相互关系的问题。二是公平与效率关系问题。这是管理公正基本问题之中最为核心的问题。管理是要追求效率的,没有管理效率就无法保证组织的生存和发展。但这种效率应该是合乎公平的效率。三是权利与义务的关系问题。如何在权利与义务之间处理好平衡关系,这是管理公正基本问题之中最为基础的问题。管理公正是管理权利与管理义务的统一。管理公正从应然走向实然是现代管理实践的重要目标,只有通过管理实践活动,公正的理想才能变为现实,公正的秩序才能得以形成、维持和发展。管理公正研究不能仅仅停留在理论层面上,要发挥它的重要作用,实现其社会价值,我们还必须探究管理公正观的变迁、管理公正运行机制和实现机制以及其实现的途径。管理公正要求用人公正、机会公正、规则公正和分配公正,强调权利与义务的统一。管理公正有利于激发组织成员的活力和社会的和谐,也是反腐倡廉的关键所在。管理公正关涉到最广大人们的根本利益。人们在要求社会公正的同时也就必然要求管理公正,实现管理公正是现代社会人们的一致诉求。公正的实现依赖于制度,制度是管理公正的保证。确立一种与时代发展相适应的文化环境,对于维护和实现管理公正意义重大,自由、平等、民主的文化环境,构成了管理公正的精神文化基础。法治与管理公正是紧密相关的,没有法治的文化氛围,就不可能有真正的管理公正。在利益分配过程中应特别注意对被分配者公平心理的引导,使其树立正确的公平观,分配机制改革要得到大多数人的公认,要有利于实现人与人之间的和谐。心理契约是协调劳动关系的隐性契约,是和谐劳动关系的基础。和谐的劳动关系在一定程度上是心理契约管理得当的结果。管理公正性的评价,它是作为实践主体的人在具体历史发展阶段、在具体的社会历史条件下以生存发展的具体需要作为标准,去衡量人与人之间的利益关系,判断已有的人与人之间的利益关系是否符合作为整体的人生存发展的需要;比较不同的人与人之间的利益关系并指出其中哪一种更符合人的生存发展的需要,更有利于人的生存和发展,在观念中建构符合人生存发展需要的理想的人与人利益关系模式,为人们在实践中建构这种理想模式提供指导原则,为人们调整改革人与人之间的利益关系指明方向。管理价值评价作为管理价值主体对以组织为载体的管理行为满足主体需要的功能和属性的效应的评价,必须以一定的尺度,一定的价值标准来进行的。只有主体的需要不超越现实条件,又能够有利于主体的生存和发展时,这一需要才是合理的,才能够作为管理价值评价的标准和尺度。我国改革开放和管理实践的这一实质,决定了它对管理公正性评价的特殊要求,决定了关于管理公正性的评价对它的意义。

【Abstract】 Management is the objective need of the human activity.The whole society maintains and develops through efficient management.Management level also largely reflects the degree of civilization of human society.One of the purposes of management is essential for the formation of a good social order,which is a fair order. Therefore, justice and order are organically linked with one another through management . Justice is the demand of intrinsic value of management. Management justice is the embodiment of justice in the field of management. It demands social justice.And it is important and basic for social justice.But management problem , as cutting-edge research topic of philosophy , has not attracted enough attention to the academic world. With the coming of knowledge economy era, human society enters the post-industrial society, and management also begins to enter the era of human nature. There are ongoing conflicts in the activities of Organization. One of the most fundamental conflicts is a conflict of interest, ie the the conflict of rights and obligations. The various injustices of the modern organizations shows that the justice of management has become an important and practical problem faced by modern society. Thus, strengthening research of management justice ,which is not only the objective requirement of the knowledge-based economy and building a harmonious socialist society , but also inherent requirement of expanding the management philosophy space,is of great practical value and theoretical significance.Management justice is people’s overall development status which shows rights and obligations based on interaction and unification of the Organization’s resources through fair and equitable distribution of benefits as an intermediary relationship at a specific environmental condition.It reflects the value demand of people in total sharing of the management process. Management justice embodies the reasonable distribution among the members. Justice as a measure of interpersonal relations, and its essence is a measure of interest. Reasonable distribution of benefits is the deep-seated nature of the management justice. Management justice is the unity of the ideal and the reality , of the relativity and absoluteness and of the history and the reality. Management justice as practical reason and practice norm is a balancer or regulator of organization order and personal freedoms . Management justice can be divided into four dimensions, fair management concepts, fair management systems , fair management organizations and impartial administrations. The core is justice of management systems. Management justice are bound to be historic at any time .Management fairness depends on the material living conditions, and it develops with the development and changes of the living conditions. So it has different contents at different historical periods,and the same society has different requirements at different levels of development.Generally, management justice develops with the development of productive forces. The management just does not exist without the specific historical conditions and social environment. Justice ideas are not just fabricated by thinkers but the results of a reflection of management practices in people’s minds. In the history of the management thought , justice must be more or less emphasized in whether Chinese or Western, whether traditional or modern society and in whether the country management, production management.There are three main questions in the management justice: First,mutual relations between personal, social and organizational.Second, the relationship between fairness and efficiency. This is the core problem of the management justice. The goal of Management is to pursue efficiency. There is no survival and development of organizations without management efficiency . However, this efficiency should be a fair efficiency. Third,the relationship between the rights and obligations . How to deal with the balance of the rights and obligations is the most basic question of management justice. Management justice is the unity of management rights and management obligations.The target of modern management practice is to change likelihood into reality of management justice. Only through management practice, the ideal of justice can become a reality, and the order of justice can be formed, maintained and developed.The principles of management justice should not only stay at a theoretical level, it is necessary to play its important role in implementation of its social values.we have to get a fair view of the changes in management, management, operation mechanism and its means of implementation. Management just demands fair employment, fair opportunity, just rules and just distribution.we should emphasize the unity of rights and obligations.Management justice is in favor of inspiring the organization vitality and social harmony, but also the key to the anti-corruption campaign. The management justice concerns the most fundamental interests of the people. People require social justice ,and at the same time, inevitablely require the management justice . Justice depends on the system implementation,for the systems are a guarantee of justice. To establish a cultural environment to adapt to the times is important to maintain and achieve management justice.Liberty, equality and democracy constitute the spiritual and cultural foundation of management justice . The rules and laws are closely related to management justice .There is no real management justice without atmosphere of the rules and laws.In the process of benefit distribution, psychological guidanceshould be paid particular attention to to establish the correct idea of justice.The reform of distribution mechanism must be acknowledged by the majority of people and be beneficial to the realization of the harmony among people. Psychological contract is a basis of harmonious labor relations as an implicit contract to coordinate labor relations .To a certain extent ,Harmonious labor relations are the result of proper management of the psychological contract.The evaluation of management fairness is a demand that the people measure the benefits of the relationship between people, judge the existing interpersonal relationship between the interests of the people as a whole in line with the survival and development at the specific historical stage of development and in specific social and historical conditions .They compare different relationships among people and point out which one is more beneficial to people’s survival and development and more conducive to people’s survival and development .This can provide guiding principles for people to adjust and reform the relationships the benefits among people. Evaluation of management functions and characteristics which evaluators offer must be based on a certain scale and a certain value standard. Only if the demands do not go beyond the reality,but also benefit the survival and development,they are reasonably the standard and scale of evaluation. China’s essence of reform, opening and management practices decides the special requirements and significance of fairness evaluation.

【关键词】 管理公正管理公正
【Key words】 ManagementJusticeManagement JusticeEvaluation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

