

Study on Generating Science of Mao Zedong’s "Literature and Art’s Speech at the Yan’an Forum"

【作者】 高磊

【导师】 刘锋杰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用发生学的研究方法,以系统间的相互关联作为重点,通过对主体与客体、对象与自身的互生过程研究,探讨《讲话》与延安语境、“中国现代文艺思潮”、“马克思主义文论中国化”、“毛泽东的文化心理”以及与苏联经验、西欧经验的关系,揭示《讲话》复杂的具体发生过程及其文艺思想所代表的独特经验。第一章:研究《讲话》的发生与“延安”语境的关系。《讲话》在延安的发生过程经过了潜文本阶段、后文本阶段、正文本阶段。《讲话》的发生受制于共产党与国民党争夺意识形态的话语权的斗争暨抗战的时代背景、延安的整风运动与文艺界的论争,与大批知识分子来到延安有关,是中共与知识分子之间思想意识冲突的结果。《讲话》与延安整体的政治、军事、文化之间的互动,构成了它的思考重点与思维特征。《讲话》发生的延安语境可分为宏观层(战争背景)、中观层(整风运动)、微观层(文艺界的论争)。《讲话》是中共抗战文化建设的一个有机构成部分,带有抗战文化的活力,也具有了战时思维的非此即彼、非敌即友的二元对立特征。《讲话》作为延安整风运动的一部分,是为知识界、文艺界量身定做的整风文献,它体现了整风运动中的统一思想的总体建设目标,《讲话》的推迟发表,是毛泽东在整风运动中的斗争策略的准确选用。《讲话》与延安文艺界的论争构成了直接的冲突,这一论争主要是围绕着歌颂与暴露、是不是杂文时代等进行,论争的背后隐藏着意识形态的话语之争和如何管理知识分子的政策与策略之争。《讲话》通过设定基本前提,解决具体问题,实现思想统一,再上溯而实现为战争服务的目的,表征着多种意识形态在这一过程中的位移、失落或重建。第二章:研究《讲话》与“中国现代文艺思潮”之间的关系。《讲话》保持了与“中国现代文艺思潮”的一种特别的关联性,“五四文学”传统经由“革命文学”转向,再经20世纪30年代中国工农红军在闽赣苏区的文艺宣传实践,至40年代在延安被高度整合和改造,构成了《讲话》发生的文学原因。其中重点考察“五四”的新文化、新文学传统、文艺大众化运动与苏维埃文艺宣传模式对《讲话》的生成影响。关于“五四”形象共有三民主义、共产主义与自由主义三种主要的阐释模式,它们构成了“五四”阐释话语斗争的基本图景。《讲话》与毛泽东关于“五四”的政治阐释有着密切的关系,是这一政治阐释在文艺问题上的落实。关于“文艺大众化”,它历经五四时期、革命文学论争时期、左联时期的不同阶段的发展,至《讲话》将“大众”一词转化为“人民大众”,鲜明提出“文艺为人民大众服务”的口号,同时使得“文艺大众化”演变成“文艺政治化”,终而成为一种权力话语,既使它获得了实践中的广泛发展,又导致了它的消解。关于“苏维埃”工农大众文艺,作为中共苏区的一种基本的文艺宣传思想及其组织活动,既是延安工农兵文艺体制的初步实践,更是《讲话》发生的实验场。《讲话》的形成是在延安发酵的,但其思想的触角却早已伸向苏区文艺,伸向毛泽东早期的宣传思想,才形成了在延安的蔚为大观。第三章:研究《讲话》与“马克思主义文论中国化”之间的关系。《讲话》是马克思主义文论中国化的构成部分,并成为了它的典范。但毛泽东能够参与马克思主义文论中国化的进程,既有中国的因素,也有西方的因素,前一方面的体现是他受儒家文化观与诗学观、湘楚地域文化、毛氏家族先人的思想与行为的影响,形成了文化上的内因;后一方面是他早期就广泛学习了马列主义,形成了文化上的外因,二者的结合奠定了毛泽东能够介入并推进马克思主义文论中国化进程的综合原因。《讲话》的发生与中国共产党人在文艺思想上的不断探索分不开。《讲话》与陈独秀的文学革命思想之间的关联,体现在革命的坚定态度上。《讲话》与瞿秋白的文艺思想的关联,是后者构成毛泽东的文艺思想的前身,缺少瞿秋白的努力与建构,毛泽东的文艺思想就有可能推迟成熟的步伐。《讲话》与张闻天的文化思想的关联,是二者同时开始了文艺政策的制订,但张闻天的文论实践,一直包含着开放性,构成了《讲话》发生中的另一种声音,显示了马克思主义文论中国化的过程也是多样性的过程。第四章:研究《讲话》的发生与毛泽东个人的文化心理结构的关系。毛泽东作为农民(儿子)、知识分子与政治家的三重身份,影响了毛泽东的思想与行为,进而影响了《讲话》的发生。其中农民的身份认同感具有核心作用,使他选择了与一般知识分子不同的人生道路,并产生了对于知识分子的焦虑,构建了以“人民性”为内核的文艺思想体系,尽管他还表现出知识分子的爱好、智慧、理性,但它们都处于被压抑的状态。不过毛泽东更是一个政治家,并用政治家的角色驾驭其他身份认同,完成了关于社会历史的宏大理论建构。《讲话》发生与毛泽东的实用观、伦理观、乌托邦意识相关联。《讲话》强调文学的“从属论”,“服务论”,“工具论”等,是其实用观的体现;强调基于道德判断而主导的知识分子的思想改造,是其伦理观的体现;强调适应“全新中国”的政治构想所推出的“全新文学”的构想,是其乌托邦意识的体现。其中关于知识分子的思想改造的伦理操作模式,顺利实现了改造目的,这一操作模式包括:首先,激发知识分子的原罪感;其次,为他们设立了新的信仰,并全力维护这个信仰;再次,将道德新建、思想改造、信仰确立的努力目标落实到日常生活中,通过日常生活的潜移默化的作用,渗入心灵,最终发生作用。《讲话》是一个政治性的文本,同时,它也是一个道德性的文本,它所体现的政治立场,其实还是建构在它的道德立场之上的。但最终的指向是通过创造“全新文学”培养“全新的人”来建立“全新中国”,由此《讲话》所体现了的实用观、伦理观与乌托邦意识又是高度统一的。第五章:研究以《讲话》为代表的毛泽东的文艺思想与苏联经验的“纵向”关系,与西欧经验的“横向”关系,进一步探讨《讲话》发生中的中国特色。在中国经验与苏联经验的比较部分,主要通过文艺与生活、文艺与人民、文艺与革命三组范畴加以说明,揭示了《讲话》的直接继承,但同时也认为:马克思、恩格斯、列宁的文艺反映论是再现与判断的结合,毛泽东的文艺反映论是再现、判断与情感的结合。毛泽东远比列宁更加注重文学的教化作用,与“借思想文化以解决问题的途径”的中国近代以来知识分子的重智的价值取向相近,这反映在他的整体战略指导的思想的构成中,就是“文武两条战线”的提出与实践。在中国经验与西欧经验比较研究部分,主要揭示了二者间的共通性,如文化革命态度上的“文化领导权”思想的共通,重视人的心理结构的改变的“新人”创造上的思想共通等。但区别也是明显的,主要体现在:毛泽东的文艺思想是从实践中来,又到实践中去,经过检验,再发展。它总是离不开对具体问题的具体分析,因而它更加贴近一段特定的历史时期,也更具有鲜活的思想特征。而马克思主义文论的西欧经验则多为理论家的思想生产,他们虽是社会的批判者,但多是坐在书斋中的学人。西欧经验主要是一种理论的、学术的、批判的经验,中国经验则是一种思想的、实践化的、建设的经验。余论:研究《讲话》与文学政治学的思想资源的构成问题。整体来看,我认为《讲话》所代表的文学政治学思想,处于与苏联马克思主义文论的相当发展阶段,它主要围绕民族的独立、国家的建制和人民的形象而展开。而西方马克思主义文论要处理的主要是后革命阶段的问题,表征了文学政治学的新的发展可能性。如果说苏联经验与中国经验建构的是“意识形态的文学”,那么,西欧经验建构的是“形式的意识形态”或者说是“文学的意识形态”。在研究与建构文学政治学的过程中,既要坚持政治之维的介入,也要坚持审美之维的介入。引进文学想像政治的观点是必要的,它能有效地保证政治之维与审美之维的均衡与同时展开。只要人类还有关于美好生活的想像,用文学去践履它就是必然,这构成了文学政治学的发生基础,只要这个基础不消失,文学政治学的建构,就将是一项光荣的理论任务。

【Abstract】 In this paper, Generating Science is the main research method and interrelated systems of subject and object is the focus of course, examineing the "Speech" , the Yan’an Context, " Modern Chinese Literature and Art trends," "Marxism Literary Theory in China ", " Mao Zedong’s Cultural Psychology " as well as the relationship with literature theory of the Soviet Union and Western Marxism, and revealing the specific process and the unique experience whose literature and art thought represent for.Chapter I: Research contextual relationship between the "speech" and "Yan’an" The process of "Speech" includes latent text stage, after the text phase, the body of this stage. "Speech" happened with a large number of intellectuals coming to Yan’an and is the result of the ideologies conflict between the Chinese Communists and the intellectuals. The Yan’an Context of the "Speech" can be divided into macro view, (the background of war), medium view (Rectification Movement), and the tiny view (the arts of debate). "Speech" have a wartime mentality of cultural resistance and it reflects the rectification movement in the overall idea of a unified construction goals as part of rectification movement in Anti-Japanese War, postponed publication of "Speech" was due to exact strategy chosen of the rectification movement .The literary and art circles of yan’an Debate mainly revolved around extol with exposure time, etc. are not essays, and debates behind the ideological struggle between discourse and how to manage the intellectuals between policy and strategy. "Speech" by setting the basic premise, the solution of specific problems, achieve unity of thinking, and then go back and achieve the purpose of war service, characterization of a wide range of ideologies in the process of displacement, loss or reconstruction.Chapter II: To study the relationship between "Speech" and "China’s modern literary thought". "Speech" associates with the "modern Chinese literary thought," The tradition of "May 4th Literature" turns to "literary revolution", and then by the cultural propaganda practice of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army at the Fujian-Jiangxi Soviet Area in 1930s, and in the 1940s, through a high degree of integration and transformation at the Yan’an area. All of these above constitute the literary reason that "Speech" happened. One of the focus is to study the new culture of " May 4th ", new literary tradition, arts and sports popular Soviet cultural propaganda model‘s impact on“Speech”. About " May 4th " total image, there are three main models—Three People’s Principles, communism and liberal interpretation , which constitute the the basic picture of the struggle explaining " May 4th " words. "Speech" is closely related to Mao Zedong‘s political interpretation on the " May 4th " and the fulfillment of the implementation on Literature and Art. On "Popularization of Literature and Art", which goes through May 4th times, the Revolutionary Literature Debate period, the different stages of development of the Left. Until on the "Speech" ,the "public" was translated into "the masses", and clearly puts forward the slogan of "art for the masses Service ", while making the" popular art "become" political art "and eventually become a kind of power and discourse, even if it was the extensive development of the practice, it also cause its digestion. On "Soviet" literature and art workers, peasants and soldiers, is one of the basic idea of the literary and artistic propaganda and organizational activities on the Chinese Communist Soviet Area. It’s yan’an preliminary practice of the system on the literary and artistic workers, peasants and soldiers, and it’s also the place of experiment of "speech". TheFormation of the "Speech" is fermented at Yan’an, but the idea has already extended on Soviet Literature and Art, the early propaganda of Mao Zedong thought, Thus it grows into maturity.Chapter III: To study relationship between the "speech" and "Marxist Literary Theory in China". "Speech" is the element of Marxist Literary Theory in China, and represents the highest example. But Mao participating in Marxist Literary Theory and the process of Chinese having the China factor and West factor, the former represents on his embodiment of Confucian culture and Poetics, and Xiang-Chu regional culture, Mao family ancestors thought and behavior of the impact of culture , which is the formation of the internal factor; The latter is because of his early study of Marxism-Leninism on a wide range, forming a culture of external factor . Laying a combination of the two becomes the general reasons why he was able to intervene and promote Marxist Literary Theory in China. The occurrence of the "Speech" has a great connection with Chinese communists’constant exploration of Literature and Art. "Speech" connects with Chen’s literary thought, embodied in the revolution on a firm attitude. "Speech"has a connection with Qiubai’s literary and artistic thought, it is the latter that constitutes the literary and artistic thought of Mao Zedong’s . Without the effort and construction of Qu, Mao Zedong’s literary and artistic thought has probably delayed the pace of becoming sophisticated. "Speech" and Zhang’s idea of culture are connected, are both at the same time the beginning of the policy of the development of arts, but Zhang’s literary theory practice, has been another voice of“Speech”,which includes openess, showing the Marxist Literary Theory in China’s process is also the process of diversityChapter IV: To study the relationship between the occurrence of the "Speech" and Mao Zedong’s personal structure of cultural psychology. Mao Zedong being a son, farmers and intellectuals, influence Mao Zedong’s thought and behavior, thereby affecting the occurrence of the "Speech". Farmer identity as one of the central role, makes him choose a different road ,differing from the general intellectual life, produce anxiety for the intellectuals and build a core ideology of Literature and Art—"of the people", even though he also show the interests, intelligence and rationality, of intellectuals, but they are in a repressed state. But Mao is also a statesman, and use the role of politicians dominate over the others identity, achieve social history on the grand theory of Constructivism. The occurrence of the "Speech" is connected with Mao Zedong’s concept of utilitism, ethical concept, utopian sense . The"Speech" emphases on the Literature "subordination" , "Services" and "tool theory" and so on, are in fact reflect the use of concept; emphasizing on moral judgments and the idea of intellectuals led transformation, is a reflection of their ethics; emphasizing on adapting to "new China" by the introduction of the political concept of the "new literature" of the concept of Utopia is the embodiment of consciousness. Intellectuals thought about one of the ethical transformation of the mode of operation successfully achieve the transformation of the purpose of this mode of operation include the following: First of all, inspire a sense of original sin intellectuals; Second, for them to set up a new faith, and is fully committed to maintaining this belief; again will be the new moral and ideological transformation, faith efforts to establish goals into daily life, through subtle role in everyday life into the soul, and finally take effect. The"Speech" is a political text, the same time, it is also a moral text, it reflected the political position, in fact, or to build on its position on the moral. But the ultimate point is to create a "new literature" cultivate "new people" to establish a "new China", which embodied in a practical concept of ethics awareness in the "speech"and Utopia is a high degree of unity.Chapter V: Study of "vertical" relationship between the"Speech" represented by Mao Zedong’s idea of artistic experience with the Soviet Union , and "horizontal" relationship with the Western European experience, further exploring the Chinese characteristics in the "Speech". Chinese experience in comparison with the Soviet Union part of the experience, mainly go through literature and art and life, art and the people, art and revolution to illustrate the scope of the three groups, revealing the direct inheritance of the "Speech", but also consider Marx, Engels, Lenin’s art are reproduced with the theory of reflection to determine the combination of Mao Zedong’s literary and artistic representation theory of reflection are to judge with a combination of emotions. Leninism Mao Zedong more than the role of literature in education, and is similar to Moses in the value of re-orientation—"culture thought borrow a solution to the problem" of Chinese intellectuals in modern time, which is reflected in his idea of the overall strategic direction of the composition, that is, the occurrence and practice of "Man two fronts". Experience in China and some Western European, mainly reveals the commonality between them, such as the common thought of "cultural leadership”, pay attention to the psychological changes in the structure of the "new" on the idea to create a common, etc. However, there is an obvious distinction, mainly reflecting in the following: Mao Zedong’s art thought come from practice, but also in practice, testing, and further developing. It is always inseparable from the specific questions on specific analysis, so it iscloser to a certain historical period, thus giving it a fresh idea of the characteristics. The experience of Western European Marxist literary theory for many theorists is the idea of production, they are also social critics, but many are sitting in their study, learning experience in Western Europe is largely a theoretical, academic, critical experience, experience is a kind of Chinese thought and practice of building experience.On Balance: To study the constituting problem of the"Speech" and the literary study of political thought. Overall, in my opinion the "Speech" represented by the study of literature and political thought, with the Soviet Union in Marxist Literary Theory significant stage of development, which mainly centered on the nation’s independence, the country’s image establishment and the people initiated. Western Marxism and literary theory mainly deal with the main problem of post-revolutionary phase, characterization of the literary and political study the possibility of new development. If we say that the Soviet experience and the experience to build the Chinese are "ideology of the literature", then the Western European experience to build a "form of ideology" or "the ideology of literature."In the process of studying literature in political science and construction, it is necessary to insist on the dimension of political involvement, but also adhere to the aesthetic dimension of the intervention. The introduction of literary imagination of political opinion is necessary, and at the same time it can effectively ensure the politics and aesthetics of Victoria Victoria the balance of power. As long as human beings have thought about a better life, go with Literature Fulfillment. It is inevitable that this constitutes a foundation of literature and political study, so long the foundation does not disappear, the construction of political science literature would be a glorious mission theory .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

