

Justice Consensus Research in the Context of the Development of Contemporary China

【作者】 王文东

【导师】 任平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 从社会存在层面看,由于社会结构从传统向半现代、现代、后现代的转型,多元社会的形成,利益和阶级、阶层的日趋分化,新旧全球化的结构转型及全球文化和文明的冲突与交流;在意识形态上自由主义、保守主义、无政府主义、生态主义、后现代主义、社群主义及其马克思主义都站在各自的纬度捍卫它们信奉的正义观念。以上主客观原因使得正义的共识面临着极大的困境。在当代语境中,作为价值评价范畴的正义已不具有魅惑性和先验性,它是社会主体通过特定的价值观念对社会事件进行的合理性与合法性相统一的评价。这一定义包含着主体性要素、评价准则要素、评价对象、合理性与合法性相统一等四个方面,特别是要综合实现“秩序、平等、公平、自由、效率”等价值,正义的对象主要是社会基本结构、根本制度和主要规范,因此必须做到既合理(合乎情理和合规律)又合法(人民的认同)。正义的合理性和合法性包含着共识之意,也只有合理合法的正义才能成为人们的共识,这是同一问题的两个方面。正义共识就是指社会多元主体在特定根基上就正义价值形成的共享性的认识和理解,它以差异、多元为前提和基础,是通过论证、讨价还价、妥协等途径,在一定社会根基上形成的,它还随着历史条件及主体的变化而变化。正义共识具有历史性、阶级性、公共性、主体间性、边界性和绝对性与相对性等特征。正义共识建立在特定的根基之上,离开根基,正义就很难形成共识,这里的根基就是对时代底板、生产方式、社会形态等的哲学概称。在不同的根基上会形成不同的正义价值。形而上学时代正义共识的根基是宗教信仰、经验人性和先验理性,后形而上学时代的理论家们探讨了正义共识的公共理性、交往理性、社群及认识型等根基。以往的根基观都颠倒了根基与共识的本原关系,脱离了时代底板、生产方式和阶级立场,故而用观念的东西解释价值的形成。立足马克思主义哲学,正确的理路就是把根基与现实的生产方式结合起来,进而进一步和交往实践结合起来,才能科学解释正义共识的现实根基。但如何才能实现共识呢?形而上学时代及其理论家们用灌输、教化和契约的方式去探求正义的共识机制,后形而上学时代的理论家们开出了重叠共识和商谈共识及合理商谈的药方。在当代中国发展语境中,现实的具体的人在具有平等主体资质、能力资质和交往资质的情况下通过意识形态建制与交往整合方式在公共性维度上对正义规范形成共识。正义共识的形成对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的精神指引功能和价值导向功能。在新全球化的多元差异语境下,当代中国要实现的正义也是综合正义。

【Abstract】 From the social existence, because of transformation of the social structure from the tradition to the semi-modern, modern, post-modern, the formation of a pluralistic society, the differentiation of interests and Classes, Layer increasingly, the structural transformation of the old and the new globalization and the clash and exchanges of global culture and civilizationnns; Liberalism, Conservatism,Aanarchism, Ecologicalism, Postmodernism, Communitarianism and Marxism have always stood on their side to defend their belief in their concept of justice in the ideological field, so justice consensus is faced with great difficulties because of the above subjective and objective reasons. In the contemporary context, the justice concept as the value evaluation is no longer with charm and a priori, it is the social value evaluation that the certain subject evaluat the case of the society reasonably and legitimately. This definition contains the subjective element, the evaluation criteria, the evaluation object, the unification element of reasonableness and legitimacy, and so on. It aims to achieve "order, equality, equity, freedom, safety, efficiency" integratedly. Justice main targets are the basic structure of society, the basic system and the basic regulation, it must be both reasonableness(reasonableness and regular) and legal (the people’s identity). The reasonableness and legitimacy of justice contains the meaning of consensus, and only reasonable and legitimate justice can become the people’s consensus, which are the two aspects of the same problem. Justice consensus is common comprehension and understanding that the polynary subjects of the society form in terms of the value of the justice on a particular basis. It is based on differences and pluralism and it came into being through demonstration, bargain, compromise, etc. It is rooted from the society to some extent and changes with the historical condition and the subject. Justice consensus has historical, class, public, inter-subjective, boundary, absolute and relative characteristics. Justice consensus is built on a particular foundation, it is difficult to reach justice consensus without the foundation of justice, where the foundation is the philosophy concentration of the time bottom, production methods and the social forms, and so on. Different foundation form different justice value. The foundation of justice consensus in Metaphysic time are religious belief, experience of human nature and a priori rational, theorists in post-metaphysical time have probed into the public, communicative rationality and the community foundation of justice consensus. But Marxist Philosophy think that the foundation of the past reverse the primitive relations between the justice foundation and justice consensus, it is separated from the floor time, the mode of production and class position, so it used to explain the formation of value in the concept of the things. Based on Marxist Philosophy, the correct logic is to make the foundation and the mode of production combine, then make it and communicative practice combine, so that we can explain the realistic foundation of justice consensus scientificaly. But how can we achieve justice consensus? Metaphysics and its theorists investigate justice consensus mechanism by the means of indoctrination, education and contract, theorists of the post-metaphysics prescribe overlapping consensus and negotiate consensus. Marxist Philosophy think that the realistic and specific person under the condition of equality of the subject qualification, capacity qualification and communication qualification reach justice consensus through ideology construction and communication integration in the dimension of public nature. The formation of justice consensus is helpful in the guidance of the spirit of the function and value-oriented features to build a harmonious socialist society. China is to achieve integrated justice in the context of the multicultural differences in the new globalization at present.

【关键词】 当代中国正义共识根基机制
【Key words】 contemporary Chinesejusticeconsensusfoundationmechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

