

A Research on Early Phase History of Guangzhouo-wuhan Railroad

【作者】 庞广仪

【导师】 朱从兵;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 国权指的是国家主权、治权和国家利益结合基础上的国家权利,囊括了国家政治权利、经济权利、安全权利和文化权利等诸多方面内容。本文引入“国权”这一概念,试图以此为视角对近代重大工程――粤汉铁路兴筑和早期运营的四十年历史进行全方位的考察。文章第一章――“国权的维护”主要讲述晚清筹建粤汉铁路期间外争主权以及官办与商办之争。清政府经过酝酿和权衡之后,为了保证对铁路干线主权和治权的掌握,初步得出了“干线国有”、“政府主持”、“借款筑路”的方针,并根据“以夷制夷”的原则拟借美国款项。但是,“速成干线”初衷由于多种变故而幻灭,“以夷制夷”之策亦因美方转让股权而落空。鄂湘粤三省绅商民众为维护主权而推动清政府废除美约,实行商办。由于资金、技术匮乏以及管理不善,干线商办举步维艰。为了加快干线建设以及保证政府对干线的治权,清廷宣布干线国有,重新借款筑路。但是已然灯枯油尽的清政府无法有效整合社会力量和疏导民众情绪,以致干线国有政策激化了各种潜伏已久的社会矛盾,加速了清朝的败亡。第二章――“国权的保障”讲述民国初年粤汉铁路国有化进程。民国初年社会各界对于政府主持干线建设能更好的维护主权以及整合国家政治、经济、文化和国防利益达成了共识,故而粤汉路湘鄂段顺利地收归国有。但是,各政治派系的矛盾纷争导致兴筑横跨鄂湘粤三省的干线计划化为一枕黄粱。同时,粤路公司在商办名义下艰难运营,向国人表明民族资产阶级力量的薄弱以及中国现代企业制度的稚嫩,粤路在适当时候收归国有势在必行。1920年代开府广州的大元帅府和国民革命政府直接参与了粤路的管理,使得粤路国有工作顺利完成。第三、第四章即“国权的运用”上下篇讲的是南京国民政府为确保国防安全和振兴国民经济,以政府主持的方式而进行的铁路战备动员。这种战备动员,体现在粤汉铁路上,就是指尽快敷竣株韶段,完成湘鄂等已成路段的整理。为了争取国际支持和获取巨额资金与材料,国民政府在外交上与英国就庚款退款问题反复谈判;为了争取株韶段工程在湘粤等省顺利敷设,中央政府在内政上与两广当局多方斡旋;为了有效统筹工程进度和质量,国民政府选拔了堪负重任的工程领导班子;为了利用铁路工程以振兴民生,铁道部和工程局多方采购木材、粮食、石料和漆料等国产工农业产品,并大规模招雇民工以安置破产农民;为了整合涣散已久的人心,整顿工作中制定和执行严格的规章制度,并对员工进行官方意识形态的灌输。通过以上努力,国民政府在一定程度上达到了整合各种力量、为抗击外侮做战备动员的目的。第五章――“国权的实现”讲述完工之后的粤汉线彰显其交通大动脉的历史作用。在整合国家政治、经济、文化力量尤其是在抗击外侮捍卫主权中,粤汉铁路居功甚伟。在内政上促进了国民党中央与两广当局的统一;在经济上扩大进出口贸易规模并推动内地资源的开发;在抗战期间超负荷运转,输送了数以百万计的作战兵员、避难民众和文化人士、战略和建设物资,不但有力地支援前线作战,保存宝贵的物质文化资源,而且艰难地维持了后方经济运作。兴建铁路干线以捍卫国权、振兴国本的初衷在历尽坎坷之后在一定程度上终得以体现。历时四十年的粤汉铁路早期兴筑和运营历史,给后人留下极为珍贵的经验教训。首先,铁路干线工程对维护国权、振兴国本作用巨大,但国势盛衰同样是干线能否速成的根本原因;其次,在落后大国如中国者兴办大型公共工程,必得由公认的国权代言者统筹全局;再次,我们还必须认识到国权的有效维护和实现与国家法治大环境息息相关;最后,妥善处理好国际关系是干线兴筑和运营中维护国权必不可少的环节。

【Abstract】 The Country right include political right , economy right , safe right and culture right,base on state sovereignty , sovereign power and country benefit. This thesis leads into the angle of country right, try to study the history of project and administration of Guangzhouo-Hankou high iron.The first chapter of this thesis discuss the contends for railroad sovereign right and the sovereign power in the end of the Qing Dynasty. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Qing government decided to construct the Guangzhouo-Hankou high iron, in order to protect state sovereignty, improve economy and national defence. For the remediation of deficiency in technology and fund,also for the restriction of the Gallo and Russian influence in China, Qing government made enormous give in to introduce USA company to undertake the great project. Whereas, the USA company not only delayed project, but also breached of faith to sell stock to Belgium which taked Russia and France as prop. The official and public of China, especially the public of such provinces as Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong, were filled with indignation because the policy of“constructing high iron on schedule”and“playing both ends against the middle”failed. They supported Qing government to redeem the right of the high iron spontaneously. After the right were redeemed, Qing government had to submit to popular will to allow societal forces to undertake the great project, because government cannot complete it independently. But the societal forces cannot accomplish the project on schedule because they were also cornered for the deficiency of fund,technology, experience and stuff. After comparing various advantages and disadvantages, Qing government designed policy to nationalize the high iron and borrowed foreign loans to carry out it. But the government failed to accomplish the mission because of deficit and loss of prestige. The public, especially the gentries and merchants, raised protest in large scale , which accelerated dynastic change.The second chapter discuss nationalization course of Guangzhouo-Hankou railroad. After inspected the history and current situation of the main stems,central government of Republic of China designed the policy of State-owned. Because the general public has reached consensus to state-owned significance of main line, the section from Hubei to Hunan were nationalized smoothly. But the policy of State-owned failed for the political situation chaos. At the same time, the Stock company of Guangdong railroad operate difficulty. This had embodied the weakness of bourgeoisie. In 1920s, The citizen revolution government has participated in Guangdong railroad refit and operation directly.After Nanjing national government founded, the project of nationalization of Guangdong railroad were finished smoothly. The third and fourth chapter discuss central government hosted the main stem project. In 1930s, central government make great efforts to build and repair every main stems. For accomplishing the engineering of Guangzhouo-Wuhan railroad as soon as possible, central government negotiate with United Kingdom again and again.China gained huge fund and Sufficient material by the negotiation.By mediate in many ways, Guangdong and Guangxi authority allow the construction of the main stems. In order to develop vigorously peoples’ livelihood, ministry of railways purchases domestic industry and agriculture products such as wood , grain , stones and lacquer material in many ways. In order to relieve poor people, ministry of railways adopt a civilian workers in large-scale. For striving for popular will, project bureau execute to the regulations and instil the ideology into the workers.The fifth chapter discuss the main stem act as important role in integrating country strength to resist foreign aggression in Anti-Japanese War. Central government integrate politics faction, expanded import and export scale and drive inland resource exploitation by the supportion from the railroad effect. Millions of soldiers , refugees, culture personages, strategy and construction goods and materials transported by Guangzhouo-Hankou high iron.This supported forcefully the front battles, preserved precious the material and culture resource, maintained the economy difficulty.The history of the construction and operation of Guangzhouo-Hankou railroad leave extremely costful experience and lessons to descendants.Firstly, the country strength decide the progress of main stem establishion.Secondly,that the government takes the whole situation into account and plans accordingly is one of determinant. Thirdly,ruling politics by law is helpful to engineering construction.At last,Good international relation of appropriate treatment helps defend sovereign right in engineering construction

【关键词】 国权干线政府社会
【Key words】 Country rightMain StemSocietyGovernment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

