

Physical Education Curriculum System’s Modernistic Revision

【作者】 杜伟

【导师】 董新光;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 起始于本世纪初的基础教育课程改革,向教育现代化迈出了重要的一大步。长期以来,我国教育的课程制度,是以国家课程为主导、地方或校本课程为补充的中央集权管理制度体系。新世纪的课程改革,呼唤着制度层面的变革,建立三级课程管理体系、构建适应现代化课程建设的制度改革成为了时代的命题。《体育与健康课程标准》的颁布,在“国家在体育课程上实现宏观的管理”和“制定一个衡量体育课程的标准”两个方面已经很好地完成了任务,也在权利下放、构建地方、校本课程制度方面预留了空间。历经8年的课程改革实验与实施,在取得丰富、繁荣的教改成果的同时,与传统观念、体制的碰撞,也愈演愈烈,课程制度问题凸现在迈向现代化的课程改革的进程之中:长期习惯于中央集权管理模式的惯性,难以适应多元化课程改革发展的要求,三级课程管理体制的建立,面临巨大的困难;长期闭锁于学科本位和社会本位的教育体系,在制度层面难以适应以人为本、全面发展的素质教育的要求;体育教育现代化的发展,呼唤课程制度的现代化,但在课程制度的建设方面,在理论与实践中,均存在着理论基础薄弱、思想认识局限和实践经验不足等问题。据此,尝试探讨、解决与体育课程现代化发展相一致的课程制度方面的理论与实践问题,成为引起文本研究的动因。希望本研究能够为体育课程向法制化发展提供理论研究依据;为体育课程制度向现代化发展提供认识基础;为现代化体育课程制度的构建与实施提供的有益的参考。本文在理性主义和人文主义两大思想支撑下,以文献资料研究方法、比较研究方法和案例分析方法,以历史唯物主义和辩证法的思想,以继承、批判、反思、构建的研究思路,对体育课程制度的发展史和现实问题,做客观性分析研究。对体育课程制度的作现代性审视,探索能够体现现代性体育课程制度的思想、特征和内涵,提出建立三级课程管理体系的构建原则、途径与策略。本文的研究内容主要有:1)在现代化与教育现代化、课程与课程制度的基础理论研究综述基础上,探讨体育课程制度的基础理论问题;2)通过中外体育课程发展衍变的历史和比较研究入手,剖析中国体育课程制度的演变规律和发展特征;3)从教育制度发展变迁的过程,以现代化理论和现代性的视角,分析与探讨现阶段我国体育课程制度的特征与利弊;4)分析、阐述现代化体育课程制度的特征与内涵,为构建符合当代我国社会发展需要的现代化体育课程制度提供立论基础;5)探讨符合当代社会发展和我国国情的体育课程制度改革的构建策略与实施途径。本研究试图在研究视角、理论研究和实践研究三个方面有所创新。用现代性研究视角统摄全文,以此观照体育课程制度的现代化进程,阐明存在的问题与不足,以及未来发展趋向;理论研究主要在丰富和完善现有理论体系方面作了尝试,以期深化认识,指导实践;而在实践研究方面,则设计规划了体育课制度现代化进程的构建策略与保障措施,使其具备践行品格。总之,本研究对推进当前体育教育现代化进程,促进体育课程改革的进一步深化,有效实现体育教育的目标具有重要的理论建设意义和现实的实践指导价值。

【Abstract】 China’s curriculum reform of basic education started from the begining of the century and made an important step towards educational modernization. Our curriculum system has experienced centralized administration, which was leaded by the country,supplemented by administration in schools and cities for a long time. In the new century,the reform of curriculum calls for the changes of the system and the establishment of the administrative system of the three-grade curriculum.To establish a system that adjust to the modernization has been the topic of our age.The standard of the curriculum of the physical culture and health has performed excellently on the macro-administration of the PE curriculum and the establishment of the standard to evaluate the PE curriculum.It also leaves some space for delegating decision–making power to lower levels, establishing the curriculum system in cities and schools.The experiment and implement of the curriculum reform which has experienced 8 years has achieved a lot but at the same time, it clashed with some tradition heavily.The problem of the curriculum system exhibits on the lack of modernization.The curriculum system has been used to the centralized administration and is hard to adjust to the requirement of the diversity of the curriculum system.To establish the administrative system of the three-grade curriculum is very challenging.It is very hard for the education system which latch on the discipline-based and society-based to adapt to the demand of the education for all-around development, focouses on people oriented and intergrated development.To develop the modernization of the PE education needs to modernize the curriculum system.In the construction of the curriculum system,there still exist problems such as the weakness of the base,the limitation of the ideological cognition,the deficiency of the practice in both theoretical and practical aspects,so trying to explore and solve all these problems become my power to do such a research. I wish my research can help thePE curriculum to develop towards legal system, modernization.Based on the ideology that combine the science and humanities, this article studies and analyzes the history and practical problems of the PE curriculum system objectively by making much use of multiple methodologies,such as documents and materials research, comparison research and case study research;the ideas of the historical materialism and the dialetics; thinking of research,such as inherit, criticize, think.It also views the PE curriculum system from the aspect of modernization and explore the idea,feature,implied meaning that can embody the modernization of this system and put forward the rules,ways and strategies of establishing the administrative system of the three-grade curriculum.The research content of this article includes: 1.Based on the theoretical study of the modernization and educational modernization, curriculum and curriculum system, it explore the basic theoretical problems of PE curriculum system.2. Analyzing the the decilipine and features of the development and changes on the basis of the comparision of the history of the development of PE curriculum between China and the outside world.3. Analyzing and discussing the pros and cons of today’s PE curriculum system based on the process of the educational system from the modernizd view.4. It elaborates the modernization process of the physical education system, and reveals the modernized character and the content of PE curricula. The purpose of this article is to find a theoretical way for the development of China’s modern PE curriculum system 5. It clarified detailed approaches and policies for a reform with Chinese characteristics.This study attempts to be different in the angle of research, theory and practice. From a modernized sense of sight, it studies modern physical curriculum system and explains the problems and weakness of the PE modernization and prospects its tendency. The theoretical research enriches and perfects the PE curriculum system to deepen understanding and direct practice, while the practical research designs the improvement plots and safeguard measures for practice.Overall, this study plays a theoretically constructive and realistically instructive role significantly in advancing the modernization of physical education, deepening the reform of the PE curriculum, and effectively implementing the objects of the physical education in China.

【关键词】 体育课程制度现代性
【Key words】 Physical EducationCurriculum SystemModernity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

