

Study on the Optimization of Manufacturing Investment Environment of Hunan

【作者】 吴小月

【导师】 高阳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 制造业是一个地区综合实力和核心竞争力的重要象征,是推动国民经济发展的首席产业。在经济全球化和知识经济快速发展的潮流下,制造业跨国境、跨地区流动日益活跃。以产业链为依托,在全球范围内分工协作、优化资源配置已成为其扩张的基本途径。基于制造业的核心支撑功能,世界各国或地区均将创建良好的制造业投资环境,作为其吸引制造业投资、提升产业分工地位的重要战略。从理论研究上看,虽然有不少人研究过投资环境问题,也形成了相对丰富的知识累积,但具体到一个省域范围的制造业投资环境优化问题,则鲜有涉及。尤其在我国土地、劳动力等传统成本优势逐步下降,资源环境硬约束加剧的背景下,如何适应制造业发展的新要求,探索构建用于衡量一个省域范围内制造业投资环境水平的评价指标体系和评价方法,并据此提出优化策略,这对于优化区域制造业投资环境、促进经济发展具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义。为此,本文所做的主要工作拟以湖南制造业投资环境优化为研究对象,力图通过梳理有关制造业投资环境优化的相关研究成果,分析国内外制造业投资方和引资方行为特点,并结合湖南实际,通过理论研究与实际调研构建出制造业投资环境评价指标体系和评价方法,在上述工作的基础上提出湖南制造业投资环境优化的具体策略。论文的主要观点和创新如下。(1)通过梳理和归纳国际贸易理论、国际投资理论、产业集群理论以及可持续发展理论中有关制造业投资环境优化的核心思想,理清了制造业投资环境优化的理论脉络,提出制造业投资环境优化需立足科学发展观要求、注重要素成本、发挥比较优势、促进产业集群和实现可持续发展,为制造业投资环境优化提供了理论支撑和实际运作的方向。(2)研究了制造业投资方与引资方行为,总结了国内外制造业投资商对湖南的投资现状,并着重对湖南制造业投资环境进行了定性分析。通过对美国、日本、欧盟、亚洲新兴工业国家和地区以及我国制造业投资商投资动机、投资行业、投资方式及影响因素的逐项剖析,提出制造业投资环境优化重点要着眼于投资方需求,构筑整体优势,培育高级要素,保持动态调整。通过对发达国家、发展中国家、亚洲新兴工业国家以及我国东中西部引资策略的归纳,提出制造业投资环境优化需强调基础设施、政策优惠、产业配套等核心要素。在上述工作的基础上,进一步对国内外制造业投资商来湖南投资的发展历程、总体规模、投资行业、投资特点进行了研究,并通过对湖南制造业投资环境优劣势的定性分析,指出其主要优势存在于交通区位、自然资源、人力资源和科技基础等方面,而劣势主要体现在思想理念、基础设施、产业配套、生产服务、政府服务、生态环境以及政策法规等方面。(3)构建了湖南制造业投资环境的评价指标体系和评价方法。针对目前制造业投资环境评价指标体系缺乏的现状,采用问卷调查和实地访谈方式,通过对长株潭地区多个工业园区重点制造企业的调研,构建了包括刚性指标和柔性指标两个方面的湖南制造业投资环境评价指标体系。同时,为实现制造业投资环境评价方法定性与定量的相结合,针对定性指标值都是语言值,提出了基于语言值的评价方法;而语言值又可以转化为模糊数,定量指标可视为模糊数特例,因此又提出了基于模糊数的评价方法;并为进一步解决对具体投资区域选择的问题,还提出了基于直觉模糊集的制造业投资环境选择方法和基于模糊数的制造业投资环境分类方法,较好地解决了有关制造业投资环境评价的问题,并为其优化提供了参考。(4)根据制造业投资环境优化的理论基础和投资方与引资方行为特点,通过对湖南制造业投资环境的定性分析以及有关制造业投资环境评价指标体系与评价方法的研究,提出了湖南制造业投资环境优化的基本原则、思路、重点、实施策略和保障体系。强调湖南制造业投资环境优化要着力实施比较优势、产业集群、要素提升、增长极拉动以及主体功能区划等五大战略。(5)采用理论与实践相结合的方法,对株洲市制造业投资环境进行了实证研究,总结了株洲制造业投资的总体规模、投资来源、投资方式以及行业分布,提出了株洲吸引制造业投资的基本策略,从定性和定量两个方面分析了株洲制造业投资环境具有的主要优势与劣势,提出了株洲制造业投资环境优化的措施建议,论证了本文提出的制造业投资环境评价指标体系、评价方法以及优化思路、重点和策略的正确性和有效性。

【Abstract】 Manufacturing is an important symbol of comprehensive strength and core competitiveness for a region, and a principal industry which can push the development of national economy. As the pace of economic globalization has accelerated, the flow of cross-border and transregional manufacturing is increasingly active. With the backing of industry chain, co-operation based on division of labor and allocating resources in global context are becoming a basic means for the expansion of international manufacturing, and clustering, clean, low cost and the pursuit of broader market are becoming the internal requirements of international manufacturing. Based on it, Countries of the world take building up better manufacturing investment environment as key way to attract manufacturing investment and promote the status of domestic industrial division, and put it in the position of extremely protruding. In terms of theoretical research, there are not a few experts and scholars who have studied the issue of investment environment, and have formed relative rich knowledge accumulation. However, there are few researches when it refers to the issue of optimization on the manufacturing investment environment in a certain province. Therefore, how to meet new requirements of manufacturing development to establish a new index system and evaluation method of manufacturing investment environment which can be used for measuring and evaluating manufacturing investment environment within a province and proposing optimization strategy directly has more significance on theory and practice for attracting manufacturing investment and promoting core competitiveness in region. Especially in the large context of the competitive strength of traditional cost superior, such as land and labor force etc. being gradually decreased, hard constraints on resources environment being intensified and the development concept and growth modal need to be transformed.This paper researched on the optimization of manufacturing investment environment of Hunan, and tried to sort out correlating research results of the optimization of manufacturing investment environment and analyze characteristics of manufacturing investor and attractor all over the world, then established a new index system and evaluation method of manufacturing investment environment by relating to practical situation in Hunan. Based on it, developed some strategies about how to optimize manufacturing investment environment of Hunan. The key ideas and main research results as follows:(1) The core of the optimization on manufacturing investment environment in each main stream denomination has been sorted out and induced such as international trade theory, international investment theory, industrial clusters theory and sustainable development theory. The optimization theory systems of manufacturing investment environment has been constructed as a whole. The basic rule of manufacturing investment and strategic focus should be paid attention by the optimization of manufacturing investment has been shaped. Then the article developed that implementing scientific development view, reducing production cost, developing comparative advantages, cultivating industrial cluster and achieving sustainable development should be taken as basic emphases for research on the optimization of manufacturing investment environment.(2) Characteristics of manufacturing investor and attractor all over the world have been analyzed comprehensively. On the one hand, based on summaries about general investment motivation, decision process and investment manner of manufacturing investor, the article gave a penetrating analysis of influencing factors on investment motivation, industry choice and investment manner of manufacturing investor in such areas as America, Japan, European Union, NIES and eastern coastal areas in China, and developed that the optimization of manufacturing investment environment should priority focused on the requirements of investor, building whole advantages, cultivating advanced factors, maintaining dynamic adjustment; on the other hand, based on the analysis of manufacturing attractor, the article mainly summarized the attracting strategies and experience in developed countries, developing countries, Asian newly industrializing countries and China’s eastern, central and western, and put forward that the optimization of manufacturing investment environment should give prominence to some essential factors such as preferential policy, infrastructure and industry infrastructures etc.(3) The index system of manufacturing investment environment of Hunan has been established. The article established index system of manufacturing investment environment of Hunan whose classification standards are rigidity factors including natural resource, human resource, infrastructure, industry infrastructures, Technological Innovation, market circumstances and factor market and flexibility factors including policy factor, administrative factor, legislation and social humanities factor. And it based on the research on manufacturing investment environment theory and the behavior of investor and attractor, according to the requirements of scientific development view and structuring resources economy and environment friendly society, and investigated more than one manufacturing company in Hunan through investigating questionnaire.The new evaluation approach of manufacturing investment environment based on linguistic value, fuzzy mathematics, intuition fuzzy sets and fuzzy numbers has been proposed, which base on the summary of each current quality and quantitative evaluation method on investment environment and directed into the characteristics and intrinsic discipline of manufacturing investment environment in Hunan.(4) This article proposed that the optimization of manufacturing investment environment of Hunan should follow below principles such as systematic, mutualization, internationalization, Ecologization, orientation and dynamic, implement optimize strategies such as comparative advantages, industrial clusters, factors promotion and functional zone, give prominence to some essential factors which can upgrade infrastructure, industrial clusters, Technological Innovation, marketing system, policy laws, public service, living environment and ecological environment, and perfect system of program, finance, checking and introduction. All the above based on systematically and deeply studied development history, investment scale ,investment industry, investment manner and investment trends of manufacturing investment in Hunan, used new evaluation index and evaluation method proposed by this article, systematically study principal superior and insufficient of manufacturing investment environment in Hunan from quality and quantitative evaluation.(5) With the help of empirical research survey taking Zhuzhou as an example, the article reasoned that it is necessary to optimize the manufacturing investment environment, analyzed superior and insufficient of manufacturing investment environment in Zhuzhou, obtained optimization tactics, proved a series of conclusion obtained by this article, and realized the unification of theoretical research and practical application.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

