

【作者】 娄晓凯

【导师】 唐金海;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪初是中国近现代史上的一个留学高峰时期,中国现代文学史上几乎一大半的作家都曾在这一时期出国深造,或者留学欧美或者留学日本,在不同的环境中接受与中国传统不同的西方现代科学文化教育。学成归国以后他们又大都以满腔的热情投入到中国现代文学的建设中来,无论是在文学理论还是在文学创作和批评方面都有丰厚的成果,为中国现代文学由古典走向现代、真正具有“现代”的特质、建立起全新意义上的现代文学体系、并得以迅速发展和传播作出了突出的贡献。笔者通过考察发现,由于地域和社会环境的不同,留学欧美的学生和留学日本的学生在文学理论、文学创作和文学批评上都有着显著的不同。本文试从文学观这一角度入手,对中国现代文学史上的留欧美和留日学生进行整体的把握、深入研究和具体的分析比较,详细说明两大留学群体文学观的不同特征、相似之处、背后的原因,及其在中国现代文学史上的意义和影响,从而对中国现代文学史上的留欧美和留日学生做出全面的把握和细致的考察。文章的主要思路和内容如下:第一章:分析并阐述留欧美学生文学观的主要特征。留欧美学生大都认为文学是独立和自由的,反对任何形式的“文艺载道”,维护文学的独立品格和审美特征:在文学创作方面,他们呼吁创作自由,强调以人为本,注重心灵和情感的自由抒发;在文学批评方面,他们倾向于采用注重文学作品自身价值的审美批评,并提倡文学批评中的宽容精神。第二章:分析并阐述留日学生文学观的主要特征。留日学生大都认为文学是一定社会生活的反映,强调文学的阶级性,重视文学的社会功能和工具作用;在文学创作方面,他们要求作家从思想上与时代保持高度一致,注重意识形态的规约和与时代紧密联系的“宏大叙事”的追求;这种文学观影响了他们对文学的价值判断,对作家及作品往往采用非此即彼的单一的评价方式,造成了文学批评中审美的消解,也限制了文学多元化的发展。第三章:留欧美和留日学生文学观的相似与共同之处。文章试从三个方面论述:第一,尽管留欧美学生和留日学生都曾负笈留学海外,并深受欧美和日本社会文化和文艺思潮的熏陶和影响,但他们无法割断与传统的联系,更无法摆脱中国传统文化精神的影响。第二,留欧美和留日学生归国以后,面对中国内忧外患的残酷现实,他们同许多仁人志士和广大民众一起并肩作战,民族主义和爱国主义是他们共同的情结所在。第三,并不是所有的留欧美学生都恪守自由、独立的原则,也并非所有的留日学生都是激进和功利的,他们当中都有一些“另类”的表现,本文将在此章中做深入具体的分析。第四章:留欧美和留口学生学生文学观不同及相似的原因及渊源分析。文章首先分析论述留欧美学生自由、独立文学观的成因:19世纪末20世纪初欧美自由民主的社会文化背景和现代主义文学思潮的影响,优厚的经费、扎实的基础、名校名师指导、欧美各界人士的友好态度都为他们创造了比较宽松的留学环境,有助于培养对学术的兴趣和专注于求知求学。其次,留日学生曾深受19世纪末20世纪初日本无产阶级文学运动和文艺思潮的影响、大都家庭贫困、经费不足、饱受轻侮和诬蔑,使得他们的思想言论一般都显得比较强烈和激进。最后,早年的旧式教育或传统文化的洗礼使他们深受儒释道精神的影响,中国知识分子以天下为己任自强不息精神、强烈的使命感和责任感使留欧美和留日学生呈现出共同的民族主义情结和爱国主义情怀。第五章:留欧美与留日学生对中国现代文学的贡献和意义。首先,留欧美和留日学生曾在语言形式、思想内容、文体方面为新文学的开展指明了方向,在中国现代文学史上具有开创和建设的意义。其次,留欧美学生后来大都成为20年代新月社和30年代京派的成员,继续坚持自由和独立的文学观,并使中国现代文学中自由的一脉在边缘与夹缝中持续发展;而1930年左联成立以后,留日学生多加入左联,指导并积极参与左联的活动,从而使30年代“普罗文艺”的观念在文学领域不断得到深化,左联及其文艺思想的影响力的日益强大,最终确立其在当时文艺思想界中心领导地位,并成为30年代中国文坛的主潮。结语:从整体上对本文所研究和分析的各个方面进行总结和归纳,指出他们共同促成了中国现代文学的多元发展景观,对“五四”以来的整个中国现代文学甚至当代文学的发展,都有重大的意义和影响。

【Abstract】 The early 20th century in China’s modern history witnessed a peak of studying abroad. Almost more than a half of all the writers in the history of modern Chinese literature have furthered their studies overseas in this period, in Europe or America or Japan. In that different environment, they received Western modern science and culture education that contrasted the traditional Chinese one. After returned, they devoted to the building of modern Chinese literature with enthusiasm. Their literary theories and creations contribute to the establishment, development and spread of Chinese modern literature. Due to geographical and social environment diversities, significant differences can be traced in literary theory, creation and criticism between overseas students in Europe and America and those in Japan. Based on the in-depth research, this dissertation aims to analyze the differences and similarities of the two group’s literary viewpoint, as well as to explore the manipulative forces behind the phenomenon.ChapterⅠanalyzes characteristics of the views of literature belonging to the overseas students studying in Europe and America. First of all, most of them insist on the independence and freedom of literature. They oppose that writings are to convey truth and safeguard the independent character and aesthetic features of literature; Secondly, they call for the freedom in creation and stress the importance of spiritual and emotional expression of individuals; As to literary criticism, they tend to focus on the value of literary works and promote the spirit of tolerance.ChapterⅡconcerns characteristics of the views of literature belonging to the overseas students in Japan. Regarding literature as the reflection of a certain social life, they stress the class nature and social function of literature. In their point of view, authors should maintain a high degree of ideological agreement with the time, and pursue the "grand narrative". Therefore, aesthetic of the work is undermined in the either-or criticism.ChapterⅢsums up the similarities and commonalities between the two groups. In the first place, they can not escape from the influence of the traditional Chinese culture. In the second place, nationalism and patriotism are the complex they share in fighting side by side against internal and external enemies. Finally, some "infidels" exist in both the two groups, which is another similarity of them.ChapterⅣexplores the causes of the differences and similarities in the literary views of the two groups. Living in free and democratic Europe and America at the turn of the 20th century, these overseas students benefit from the modern literature movement, generous funds, guidance from the first-class teachers, and friendly people. They gradually develop academic interests and devote themselves to it. The overseas students in Japan, on the other hand, influenced by the proletarian literature movement at the end of 19th century, suffer a lot from the insults brought by the poverty and insufficient funds. Accordingly, they argue more radically. Nevertheless, as Chinese intellectuals absorbed in the spirit of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, they share the complex of nationalism and patriotism featured by self-improvement, a strong sense of mission and responsibility.ChapterⅤstates the overseas students’ contributions to Chinese modern literature. They play important role in the construction of new literature in terms of literary language, content and style. The overseas students in Europe and America, later members of 1920’s Crescent Society and 1930’s Beijing School, safeguard their free and independent views of literature. While overseas students in Japan, joining the League of left-wing writers in 1930, widen the influence of proletarian literature and make their views of literature the main stream in the 1930’s.The last part of the dissertation gives a summary of the analysis above. The overseas students in Europe and America occupy the insignificant position in literature for their free and independent views of literature. Overseas students in Japan and the League of left-wing writers develop the radical and utilitarian literary views and even result in "Cultural Revolution". Since 1980s, such assertion as "literary subjectivity" and "literature is a study of people" restate the idea that human should be the concern of literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【下载频次】1114

