

Studies on Phonology of Húběi Southwestern Mandarin

【作者】 郭丽

【导师】 潘悟云;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 湖北省内分布着西南官话、江淮官话黄孝片和赣语大通片,其中西南官话分布的面积最广。西南官话分布在湖北、四川、云南、贵州和广西、湖南的等地。它是分布面积最广、使用人口最多、方言材料最丰富的官话方言区。目前,还缺乏对整个西南官话区的音韵结构演变和历史层次等进行分析研究的论著,也暂未见对每片西南官话音韵特点的比较和分析。本文立足于湖北省西南官话,采用历史层次分析法,比较湖北省各县市方言的音韵特点,探讨声韵调演变的历史层次;并与川黔滇等地西南官话的音韵特征进行比较,找出西南官话的共同特点和湖北西南官话的独有特征。全文共分七章。第一章是绪论,介绍本文的研究对象、研究方法、研究思路及材料来源。第二章讨论声母。在对湖北西南官话声母概述的基础上,重点讨论了中古声类在西南官话中演变的例外现象、阳韵邪母字的塞擦化和舌齿音的演变。认为阳韵邪母塞擦化是南宋通语的特征,它作为白读仍旧保留在西南官话中。第三章和第四章讨论韵母的音韵特征和层次。分列阴声韵、阳声韵和入声韵三部分来讨论。阴声韵主要论述了鱼虞韵、蟹止摄的历史层次,从中可以观察到湖北西南官话的早期层次来自于黄孝方言。在阳声韵部分主要分析了通摄舒声韵主元音为非圆唇-(?)/-(?)的现象,探讨了该音变的来源。入声韵是第四章的重点,首先将湖北西南官话各方言点的阴入分合关系归为五类,除宕江入、曾梗入外,这五类同《中原音韵》中阴入分合类型基本一致,这说明官话方言分化的起点至晚可推至在元代。此后深入讨论了宕江入的历史演变,以及曾梗入今读ie、ia的现象。第五章简要介绍了湖北西南官话声调的特点,以及入声、去声的分布与发展趋势。第六章主要探讨了湖北西南官话与周边方言的关系。湖北西南官话区别于川滇黔等地西南官话的一项重要特征是:中古合口韵端系字在湖北西南官话部分方言点发生开口化的变化,这也是湖北西南官话内部分区的一条重要的同言线。然后通过剖析黄孝方言鱼虞韵和蟹止合的历史层次,发现鱼虞韵和蟹止合精组字今读i见于西南官话武襄片的白读和鄂东赣语、部分湘语区,这说明出现此类特征的方言曾经历过共同区域变化。第七章是文章的结论。在前文论述的基础上,将湖北西南官话分为四片。此外,对黄孝方言的性质进行了深入的探讨。结论认为黄孝方言是官话方言同赣语、湘语的过渡方言。

【Abstract】 There are three dialects in H(u|¨)b(?)i province,they are Southwestern Mandarin dialects,Hu(?)ng-xi(?)o group of Ji(?)nghu(?)i dialects and G(?)n(赣)dialects.Southwestern Mandarin,which are spoken in H(u|¨)b(?)i,S(?)chu(?)n,Ch(?)ngq(?)ng,Y(?)nn(?)n,Gu(?)zh(?)u, northwestern Gu(?)ngx(?),and the northwestern corner of H(?)n(?)n.They occupy the extensive territory and have the vast numbers of speakers.Up to now,there are few articles which study the phonological structure,the phonological evolution of the whole Southwestern mandarin,or even of the each group of Southwestern mandarin.Based on the Southwestern mandarin in H(?)b(?)i province,we compared the phonological features of dialects in different towns, exploring the historical strata of phonology,comparing the phonological features with Southwestern mandarin in Y(?)nn(?)n,S(?)chu(?)n,Gu(?)zh6u province,and finding the common characteristics of southwestern mandarin and unique features of Southwestern mandarin dialects in H(?)b(?)i province.This article is divided into seven chapters.Chapter One are introductory,which give a brief of an introduction to the object of the studies,the paper source materials,and research methods.Chapter Two we discussed the initials evolutions.First we got a summary of initials development in H(?)b(?)i Southwestern mandarin,then discussed the initials exceptions,for example the initials of fricative邪in gradeⅢof Dang(宕) group had changed to affricate in Southwest mandarin dialects.We think that fricative changed to affricate is one of features in the Southern song dynasty Mandarin.Chapter Three & Four are devoted to the phonological structure and stratum of finals.First we discussed the development of rhyme Yuyu(鱼虞)and Xiezhi(蟹止)group,analyzed the strata of them.From a strata of Yuyu(鱼虞)and Xiezhi(蟹止)of view,some features of H(?)b(?)i southwestern mandarin dialects come from Huangxiao dialects.Then we explain why the finals of Tong(通)group are unround vowels in the northeastern corner of H(?)b(?)i southwestern mandarin.The most important of chapter Four is the development of ru rhymes(入声韵).Except the ru rhymes in Dangjiang(宕江) group and Zenggeng(曾梗) group,the mergers of ru and yin rhymes in Southwestern mandarin are similar to the Zhongyan Yinyun(中原音韵), so we believe that the proto-mandarin is the Southern Song mandarin.In the last place we probe into the ru rhymes development in Dangjiang(宕江) group and Zenggeng(曾梗) group respectively.Chapter Five we give a brief introduction to tones in H(?)b(?)i southwestern mandarin.They usually have four tones.Five tones are uncommon.A register distinction for the qu tone is exceedingly rare,found apparently only in a few dialects spoken in the border region between H(?)b(?)i southwestern mandarin and Xiang(湘) dialects.The ru tone is retained as a distinct category only in G(?)ng(?)n(公安),Sh(?) sh(?) u(石首),H(?)f(?)ng(鹤峰) dialects.Chapter six we compared the H(?)b(?)i southwestern mandarin with the neighboring dialects,such as Hu(?)ng-xi(?)o dialects and the Southwestern mandarin dialects in other provinces.By comparing the development of Hekou(合口)medial glide in MC in the whole Southwestern mandarin,we find that Hekou(合口) medial glide with dental initials have changed to Kaikou(开口) in H(?)b(?)i province,but are retained in other dialects of Southwestern mandarin group.We used this character as the isogtoss to classify the dialects in H(?)b(?)i mandarin.We find a colloquial layer that is the unfounded vowels in syllables of the type xu(徐)and sui(岁髓),which come from the Huangxiao dialects.Furthermore,this characteristics extend into contiguous territory and appear in various dialects,such as,it occur in Gan(赣)and Xiang(湘)dialects to the east and south of the Hu(?)ng-xi(?)o area.So we suspect that the contiguous dialects share the same features.Chapter Seven is the conclusion of the article.We try to classify the H(?)b(?)i southwestern mandarin and to find out the relationship between Hudng-xi(?)o dialects and G(?)n(赣)dialects.We draw a conclusion that Hu(?)ng-xi(?)o dialect is a ties with both mandarin and G(?)n(赣)or Xi(?)ng(湘)dialects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1501

