

【作者】 樊建政

【导师】 桑玉成;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究采用结构—功能互动分析作为研究视角,以探讨如何强化中国共产党执政为直接标的,通过对中国共产党执政的历史生成、当前状态及未来走向做了整体性勾勒,对当前加强执政能力的方向做了系统化探讨。本研究通过对诸主要流派的结构—功能分析理论的考察,发现结构—功能分析尽管在不同理论家的具体运用中呈现着差异性色彩,但就其本身仅仅作为运思之具体方法而言则具有通约性。它是人类社会共通的思维习惯,穿越了意识形态的壁垒,不仅活生生地呈现在马克思分析人类社会的所有理论之中,而且也为马克思之外的其他社会科学理论所接纳。结构—功能互动分析具体被运用到中国共产党的结构—功能研究中,主要展显为两个互动。一个是中国社会和中国共产党之间的互动;另一个是中国共产党自身的结构与功能间的互动。前一个互动中,近代以降的中国社会被看作一个马克思的社会机体,中国共产党被看作它的一个结构要素,中国社会重建、转型之需要历史地生成了中国共产党的上台执政;后一个互动中,中国共产党自身作为相对独立的有机整体,依靠自身诸如实体组织、制度及党员角色等结构要素来履行以满足社会机体需要为目的的领导功能和执政功能,自身结构与功能互相激励,构成中国共产党巩固自身执政地位的内在驱动力。本研究的结论主要有以下三点。首先,中国共产党的结构与功能现状生成是处于重建、转型中的中国社会和中国共产党之间深刻互动的历史必然结果。其次,结构分析和功能分析下,中国共产党的结构与功能都呈现出诸多特殊性。其中,中国共产党的政党结构由组织要素、制度要素及党员要素组合而成,表现出组织全覆盖、高度整合,制度约束刚性化、领导权力核心化、系统运作行政化等特点;中国共产党的政党功能大体划分为领导功能和执政功能,这两者互相差异、不可替代,并可作为一般性功能而被再次细化为诸多具体功能。最后,基于对中国共产党结构—功能的互动分析,本研究认为当前中国共产党加强自身执政能力必须从强化功能这一整体性角度来重新定位,把执政能力建设作为一项系统性工程来抓,必须面对全球化与构建和谐社会两大挑战,调整自身功能履行的序列,抓好点与面的结合,并辅以自身结构的优化,从而最终获得执政能力的整体提升。

【Abstract】 Communist Party of China (CPC) explicitly claimed that it was committed to strengthening its ruling capacity in 2004. By analyzing its reign since then in the perspective of structure-function interaction, this research provides a general picture of CPC’s ruling. How did it form in the history? What is its current state? Where will it head to?It is argued that various schools of structure- function theory are commensurable, although they show some diversity in different theorists’ studies. This theory presents a common thinking way shared by the whole human society, which transcends ideological barrier. It is not only enshrined in Marxist theories on human society, but also accepted by other theories of social science. The structure- function study of CPC could be generalized as two sets of interactions: the interaction between Chinese society and CPC; the interaction between the structure of this party and its functions. In the former set of interaction, modern Chinese society is viewed as a social organism in Marxist sense, while CPC is one of its structural elements among others. CPC came to power in response to the demands resulting from the transformation and reconstruction of Chinese society. In the latter set of interaction, CPC is regarded as a relatively independent organism possessing its organization, institution and party members, which fulfills its functions as leading power and ruling party, and therefore meets the demands of social organism. The structure and functions prompt each other, and co-work as the internal impetus to CPC’s commitment to strengthening its ruling status.This research concludes with three points. First, the current state is the necessary historical result of the profound interaction between the transformative Chinese Society and Communist Party of China. Second, in the perspective of structure-function analysis, the structures and functions of CPC exhibit a series of particularities. Party structure of CPC is mainly composed of three elements, organization, institution and party member. It is of a variety of characteristics such as full organizational coverage, conformity of high extent, more and more rigid institutional constraint, leading power gradually assembling to the party nucleus, and the system operation tending to be more and more administrative. Leadership and ruling are two different general functions of CPC, which can not replace each other. They could be concretized as many specific functions. Third, it is argued that the undertaking of strengthening CPC’s ruling capacity should be redefined by intensifying its functions. Therefore CPC has to reply to two major challenges namely globalization and building a harmonious society, and comprehensively improve its ruling capacity by adjusting its function list, giving attention to both general coverage and specific points, and optimizing its structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D25
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】946

