

Towards Effective Approaches to MBA Textbook Translation in China

【作者】 项东

【导师】 何刚强;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 翻译理论与实践, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 工商管理教材又称MBA教材,由其主要使用对象工商管理硕士(Master ofBusiness Administration,简称MBA)研究生而得名。实际上,此类教材使用者并非仅限于工商管理硕士,而是包括更广意义上的经济与管理类专业的本科生及研究生,其所含科目涵盖管理、经济、金融、会计、市场营销、人力资源、组织行为学等,归属于经济、管理类教材。为论述方便,本论文使用了工商管理教材、MBA教材和经管教材这三种可以互换的说法。中国于1992年加入伯尔尼国际版权公约后,开始从西方发达国家通过汉译和影印本的形式引进众多学科的大量专著和教材,其中工商管理(MBA)教材有着广泛的代表性及独特性。在国内,传统的翻译研究主要涉及两个领域:文学翻译和实用文体翻译。其中,有关文学翻译的研究占了多数。实用文体翻译大多集中在商务和科技英语范畴,近年来也开始涵盖法律、新闻、医学等专业文体的翻译研究。教材虽然也属实用文体,且近年来对教材的引进和翻译在数量和规模上都是空前的,但迄今为止还没有人对此翻译现象展开系统研究。此项研究着眼于对实践的指导意义,其研究目的是:通过描述、研究MBA教材翻译这一现象,揭示MBA教材翻译的成功经验和存在的问题,提出切实可行的改善现状和提高翻译质量的措施,以此为工商管理及其它学科的教材翻译或更广阔领域的翻译实践提供借鉴。本文的理论贡献体现在对霍姆斯(Holmes)翻译研究版图所作的补充,即把原有的“翻译批评”细分为两支:文学翻译批评和非文学翻译批评,并强调了非文学翻译批评对于指导实用文体翻译实践的重要意义。本文的特色在于从出版社、教材译者、使用者以及译界学者等多重视角来探讨MBA教材汉译,主要采用了定性的研究方法,以描述现象为主,加以分析和评论,并提出具体建议,在某种意义上起到了翻译批评的作用。论文结合相关的翻译和跨学科理论及概念,探讨了其对MBA教材翻译的指导意义,着重考察引进、翻译MBA教材的背景、特征、翻译过程以及对译本的接受状况,对MBA教材翻译相关人员提供的反馈信息和具体文本进行深入剖析,总结其中存在的特有现象和问题,并尝试提出相应的解决方案。论文共分六章。导论部分首先简述了本研究的动机以及在理论和翻译实践方面的意义;然后阐释了确定研究对象——工商管理教材中文译本——的几方面原因;之后对本论文的研究目标和要解决的具体问题作了描述,并就研究方法及数据收集进行了说明。第二章介绍了MBA教材在中国的翻译状况。首先回顾了二十世纪以来的三次教材译介高潮及其给中国社会带来的影响,论述了MBA教材译介的代表性、特殊性及研究意义;接着对当代中国的MBA教育和MBA教材译介情况进行了介绍;最后探讨了外国教材中文译本的优势和劣势,指出其在中国长期使用的必然性,以及对其研究的必要性。第三章详细论述了本论文研究MBA教材这一翻译现象所依托的跨学科理论框架。所选用的相关理论和概念包括:目的论,跨文化交际,篇章语言学,教材编写以及合作翻译等。论文阐述了各理论的主要观点及其对MBA教材翻译实践的指导意义。第四章重点关注MBA教材翻译实践所涉及的主要人群——包括出版社编辑、MBA教材译者和使用者的反馈,从他们各自不同的角度描述了MBA教材翻译实践的状况。作为补充,论文也同时考察了译界学者对翻译实践的相关看法。第五章通过对MBA教材翻译进行个案分析,从技术层面上对其进行了剖析。论文首先对研究中个案分析的选材依据作以说明;然后对MBA教材翻译中常见的误译进行了分析和归类,探讨了MBA教材翻译所涉及的一些现象;最后提出具体的解决方案并就相关的译员培训作了详尽说明。第六章为结论部分,对全文内容作了一个综述,指出本研究对翻译实践的贡献以及在教材翻译方面进行后续研究的建议。MBA教材翻译研究在翻译实践领域具有广泛的代表性,所涉及的诸多方面是国内中文译作所共有的现象,并不局限于教材和专著的翻译,因此可以有广泛的启发和借鉴作用。同时,作为非文学翻译研究中还未被触及的一个课题,这项研究为中国的外来教材汉译研究起到了开拓性的作用。结论强调翻译研究来源于翻译实践,也应该服务于翻译实践,指出翻译学界开展系统的翻译实践研究的重要性。

【Abstract】 MBA textbooks got its name from its primary group of readers, students studying for the Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA). In effect, the main users of MBA textbooks are not confined to MBA students only, but include undergraduate and graduate students who major in economics and business in general. MBA textbooks encompass a wide range of subject areas: general management, economics, finance, accounting, marketing, human resources, organizational behavior, etc. Though subsuming under economics and business textbooks, for the sake of convenience, MBA textbooks will be used interchangeably with economics/business textbooks in this dissertation.In 1992, China became a member of the Berne Convention1 and started to introduce from developed countries a vast number of academic works (textbooks included) in multiple disciplines in photo-offsets and translated versions. Among them, the situation with MBA textbooks is both representative and unique.Conventional translation studies in China cover two general areas: literary translation and practical translation, though with much of the attention given to the former. For practical translation, business, science and technology had been the predominant subjects of study but it has in recent years been expanded to law, journalism, medicine, etc. Despite the fact that textbooks are of practical writing and the translation of foreign textbooks has been unprecedented in terms of number and scale, no systematic investigations have been devoted to this topic.The empirical value of translation studies are brought into prominence in this research, the goal of which is to identify the merits and prevalent issues and come forth with practical recommendations for improving the quality of MBA textbook translation. It is also hoped that this study will provide constructive insights and references for textbook translation in other disciplines and for field translation as a whole. The theoretical contribution of this dissertation lies in its proposal to add, on Holmes’ map of Translation Studies, the categories of literary and non-literary translation criticism under existing "translation criticism", so that the significance of non-literary translation criticism and its guidance for practical translation can be highlighted.This dissertation combines a review of the status quo of MBA textbook translation, relevant translation, textbook writing and learning theories, analyses of surveys of different groups of "translation stakeholders" (namely, the publishers, the translators, and end users), and a close examination of specific translations taken out of translated MBA textbooks. The study is characterized with its efforts in investigating MBA textbook translation from a multitude of perspectives. It has adopted a qualitative approach and focused on the delineation of MBA textbook translation in China. Coupled with in-depth analysis, critique, and suggestions for improvement, it has, to a large extent, assumed the role of translation criticism.There are six chapters in this dissertation. Chapter One, Introduction, gives an account of the motivation of the research and its significance for translation theory and practice, the reasons for having chosen MBA textbook translation as the research subject, research goals and specific questions to be addressed, and finally the research methods and data collection.Chapter Two describes the status quo of MBA textbook translation in China. It starts with a review of the three waves of textbook importation and translation since the twentieth century and its influence on the Chinese society. The unique situation with MBA education and MBA textbook translation in modern China are discussed. The pros and cons of translated foreign textbooks are explored and it is made explicit that the demands for translated textbooks will not diminish and systemic studies in this territory are needed.Chapter Three expounds the interdisciplinary theoretical framework that the study of MBA textbook translation rests upon. Theories and concepts relevant to this study include but are not limited to Translation Criticism, the Skopos theory, Intercultural Communications, Text Linguistics, Textbook Writing, and Collaborative Translation. The main tenets of each of these theories as well as their respective implications for MBA textbook translation are explicated.Chapter Four is primarily concerned with feedback from the major stakeholders of MBA textbook translation. They include the publishers/editors, translators, and end-users. Inputs from their particular perspectives on MBA textbook translation are gathered. As a complement, translation scholars’ views on translation practice have been incorporated.Chapter Five centers around the case studies and technical analyses of MBA textbook translation. Common errors in MBA textbook translation are identified, analyzed, and categorized; some distinctive issues are investigated; concrete measures are proposed and among them, translator training is illustrated in detail.Chapter Six is the concluding section. It summarizes the content of the entire dissertation, points out the contributions this research has made toward translation practice and the research potentials in textbook translation. This research is the first of its kind to investigate in a systematic way the phenomenon of MBA textbook translation, which has opened the first chapter for the study of foreign textbook translation in China. As MBA textbook translation is representative of the translation practice in many other subject areas, they tend to face many similar issues and the study of MBA textbook translation can act as an enlightenment and valuable reference. The dissertation draws attention to the fact that Translation Studies come from translation practice and should therefore contribute back to practice by offering constructive insights and solutions. To do so, translation scholars are strongly encouraged to take a more proactive role in carrying out systemic studies on various translation phenomena in the field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】711

