

【作者】 章可

【导师】 章清;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的是“人文主义”这个概念在近现代中国逐步生成的历史,采取的方法并非从学界已有的对“人文主义”的定义出发,进行观念性的溯源,而主要以译词为中心,关注晚清以来对“humanism”的不同翻译以及其折射出的多歧理解。大体上我们将“人文主义”的涵义分成“历史词”和“思想词”两种,前者是和西方史学中对“文艺复兴”的叙述紧密相关的,而后者表示更普遍的人之“主义”。中文世界对“人文主义”的认识首先始于前者,而目前所知“humanism”首次在中文书籍里出现是在1901年出版的《欧罗巴通史》中。本文第一章主要论述20世纪前中文世界对西方文艺复兴和人文主义的认识,并将之分为明末清初和晚清两个阶段。第二章将集中论述20世纪初国人的“文艺复兴”观,及其对“人文主义”的不同表述,同时展现中文世界西史知识不断丰富的过程。目前所知“人文主义”这个译名首次出现在1908年出版的《东中大辞典》里。而自清末开始,“humanism”作为一个“主义”的思想词也开始在学人言论中出现。第三章就论述民初“文艺复兴”话语自身的转变,及其对“humanism”表述的影响。第四章则重点研究“humanism”在民初的不同译词和多重表述,尤其通过对当时学人言论中常见的“人道主义”的涵义进行具体分析,凸现晚出的“人文主义”概念与“人道主义”之间的差异性。本文余论部分考察“人文主义”这个译名最终得以确立的过程,并大致论述“中国人文主义”话语的发明。

【Abstract】 My dissertation focuses on the formation of the concept renwen zhuyi (humanism) in Modern China. Rather than tracing the origin of the idea according to the acknowledged definition of humanism, I argue that, examining the various Chinese equivalents of humanism in modern China and their implications will deepen our understanding of humanism in the Chinese context. The term humanism can be taken both historically and ideologically. The historical humanism has a close relation with the interpretation of Renaissance, and the ideological one is much more universal, covering all the aspects of the essence of man and all human conditions. Humanism first entered the sight of the Chinese intellectuals with a historical perspective at the beginning of the 20th century. As far as we know, the Chinese readers might be introduced to the term humanism through the 1901 book Ouluoba Tongshi.The first chapter delineates how the Chinese intellectuals understood the western Renaissance culture before the 20th century. It is periodized into the Ming Qing Transition and the late Qing period. The second chapter intensively discusses the image of western Renaissance in early 20th century China and the intellectuals’ understanding of humanism. So far, the earliest appearance of the term renwen zhuyi was detected in the 1908 Japanese-Chinese dictionary. And the third chapter tackles the changes in the discourse of western Renaissance in the 1910s and its influence on the discourse of humanism. The fourth chapter studies the various translations of humanism before 1922, with a focus on the different representations of humanism and humanitarianism in Chinese context. The last chapter takes a close look at the Xueheng School’s interpretation of humanism and directs the study into the future research agenda of the invention of the Chinese Humanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1225

