

A Study on the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 姜传松

【导师】 刘海峰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以时间与空间、制度史与活动史的交叉综合为研究思路,将清代江西乡试作为专门研究对象进行深入系统研究,得出若干结论。具体内容如下:第一章,清代江西乡试概述。首先,以制度史和活动史相交叉,勾勒出清代江西乡试试期、考生、点名、搜检、揭晓和磨勘等基本程式的内容和特点;其次,将乡试中额分为正榜中额、副榜中额和恩赏中额三部分,探究其内容与变化特征;最后,梳理江西贡院的演变特征,即早期的颠沛流离,中期在兴毁更迭中发展壮大和晚期从鼎盛步入消亡。第二章,清代江西乡试闱官。其中,外帘官由监临、监试、提调和外帘所诸所官等人员组成,他们职责清晰,分工明确,环环相扣;内帘官即主考官和同考官的简派、行程、命题、衡文标准及阅卷既有共性又有个性;此外,为减少随机误差,清代还建立了严密的闱官回避和关防制度。第三章,查嗣庭案、乡试舞弊和违式案交织而成清代江西乡试风云。查嗣庭案背后有复杂的主、客观方面的原因,但江西乡试命题失慎是此案爆发的导火索;清代江西科场作弊手法多样,其中以夹带和记诵旧文为主;清代江西乡试违式,则主要体现于犯下与触讳、誊真草率和添注涂改违例等几个方面。第四章,通过明清两代的比较,抽象出清代江西解元和举人地理分布的特征:由区域间的严重不均衡向相对均衡演化。解元数量方面,赣中是聚集区,但清代吉安府出现急骤下滑,而建昌和抚州两府则呈崛起之势。解元的县域分布,则呈现出分散化和均衡化特征;举人数量方面,赣中为集聚区,但各府(州)趋于均衡化,表现为吉安府的急剧下降和建昌府的显著上升,以及赣南、赣北诸府一定程度的增长。各县(厅、州)的举人分布,则向均衡化的方向发展。第五章,清代江西乡试鹿鸣宴。鹿鸣宴起源于乡饮酒礼,在唐代进入科举仪礼制度中,宋代的鹿鸣宴趋于极盛,元、明两代则明显式微。鹿鸣宴在清代得以恢复,江西为乡试大省,其鹿鸣宴具有重要的研究地位,本研究以年老举人重赴鹿鸣宴作为江西乡试鹿鸣宴的考察视角。本研究的贡献在于,以历史法和统计法等多种方法相结合,廓清了清代江西解元和举人分布的共时态、历时态特点。此外,对清代江西乡试所应涵盖的若干方面,如乡试基本程式、贡院、中额、闱官、科场案、解元和举人的地理分布及乡试鹿鸣宴等,进行了较为全面深入的分析和研究,得出若干重要结论,在一定程度上填补了该领域多个方面的空白。

【Abstract】 The dissertation focuses on the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty in a way which integrates time and space, system history and activity history. Also, some conclusions are drawn as follows:In the first chapter, there is a general description of the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty. First, it depicts the contents and characteristics of the examination’s basic procedure such as time, examinee, rollcall, searching, announcement; Secondly, admission quota is divided into three parts to inquire the contents and variation characteristics of the examination. Finally, the author combs the transmutation characteristics of Jiangxi Examination Hall, which are turbulence in early stage, expansion in Medium-term and gradual extinction from its peak in late stage.The second chapter is about the Jiangxi Provincial Examination official in Qing Dynasty. The Outer-curtain officials, consisting of supervisors、monitors and other officials, have clear responsibilities and division of labor, which interact with each other. There are both common and individual in inner-curtain officials’ appointment, itinerary, proposition, grading standards and text marking. In addition, to reduce the random error, the goverment of Qing Dynasty also established a strict evading system for examination officials.The third chapter refers to the windstorm of the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty, which contain Zashiting Case, cheating in examination and violation cases. In Zashiting Case, there are complex subjective and objective reasons, but careless proposition of the Jiangxi Provincial examination in Qing Dynasty is the fuse for the outbreak of the case. Cheating practices are various and mainly with attachments and recitation of old text. Violation of the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty mainly reflected in the rash copy and annotation alteration.In chapter four, through the comparison of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, it find that the geographical distribution of Jie-yuan and Ju-ren in Jiangxi Province evolve from a serious regional imbalance to the relative balance. Central part of Jiangxi was the Jie-yuan assemble area, but the number of Jie-yuan from Ji’an County decreased sharply, while the number of Jie-yuan from Jian-chang and Fu’zhou tended to increase. Distribution of Jie-yuan among counties shows characteristics of Decentralization and equalization. When it comes to the number of Ju-ren, Central part of Jiangxi was also a assemble area, but the distribution tended to equalization among all counties. It shows that Ju-ren from Ji’an decreased sharply, while Ju-ren from Jian’chang Increased significantly and Ju-ren from South of Jiangxi and North of Jiangxi increased in some extent. In general, distribution of Ju-ren among counties developed toward the direction of equalization.In the last chapter, it discusses the Lu-ming banquet in the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty. Lu-ming banquet, originated in the ancient community drinking ceremony, became one of Imperial Examination ceremony in the Tang Dynasty, prevailed over the Song Dynasty and downsized obviously in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, restored in the Qing dynasty, which has an important research status. The research inquires the significance of Lu-ming banquet in the Jiangxi Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty through old Ju-ren take part in Lu-ming banquet again.Contribution of this dissertation is to comb out the Characteristics of distribution of Jie-yuan and Ju-ren in Jiangxi with a conjunct method of history and statistics. In addition, the dissertation covers several aspects, such as the basic examination procedure, examination hall, admission quota, examination officials , cheating case in examination, Lu-ming banquet and the distribution of Jie-yuan and Ju-ren. Through comprehensive and in-depth analysis of them, there are some conclusions which, to some extent, fill the gaps in the field.

【关键词】 清代江西乡试
【Key words】 Qing DynastyJiangxithe Provincial Examination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】G529;K249
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】739

