

The Research on Digital Divide of the Distribution of Network Information Resource in China

【作者】 李后卿

【导师】 孙振球;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 目的:数字鸿沟(又可称为信息鸿沟)是指当代信息环境以及信息资源领域中存在的差距现象,其实质就是信息差距。本文旨在一方面全面而客观地了解和掌握我国网络信息资源分布和配置的总体状况,另一方面拟重点考察我国各省网络信息资源配置与发展中的“数字鸿沟”问题,在分析网络信息资源发展影响因素和配置现状的基础上提出相应的对策和建议。方法:通过广泛查阅文献,参考国内外相关研究成果,结合本次研究的目的,界定了本文的基本框架。利用中国互联网络信息中心2001-2008年发布的相关数据,从CN域名、网站、IP地址和网页四个方面分别对我国网络信息资源总体发展情况、人均网络信息资源发展情况、网络信息资源密度发展情况和网络信息资源综合水平发展情况进行了统计描述和分析;从绝对差距、相对差距以及综合差距三个层面对我国不同省份网络信息资源配置与发展中的“数字鸿沟”问题进行了讨论。其中,分析综合差距时提出了综合水平指数法,同时引入了最新的“鸿沟系数”和“基尼系数”,使结果更具有说服力;最后应用逐步回归法对网络信息资源发展情况影响因素进行了多元线性回归分析;然后再在此基础上对我国网络信息资源发展情况和地区差异提出相应的对策和建议。结果:1.从总体状况来看,因得益于中国互联网的飞速发展,我国网络信息资源一直呈现较快的增长势头,有着巨大的潜力和发展后劲。2.绝对差距、相对差距、鸿沟系数和基尼系数均显示:我国网络信息资源配置中存在“数字鸿沟“问题,东部沿海省份的网络信息资源发展水平要远高于中西部各省份,地区差异显著。3.我国网络信息资源富集区已经形成。我国网络信息资源的发展表现表现出很强的地域集中性,主要集中在东部沿海各省份。尤其是北京、上海、天津、浙江、广东、福建、江苏等省市优势更为明显,已经成为我国名副其实的“网络信息资源富裕地区”。从增长极理论来看,东部沿海各省份已成为我国网络信息资源发展的最重要的“一极”,并使得我国出现了“东高西低”网络信息资源配置的新格局。4.地区间的数字鸿沟系数正在进一步缩小。我国网络信息资源的地区基尼系数一年比一年变小(2005年为0.58685,2006年为0.55385,2007年为0.550875)。从有关相对均数来看,部分地区之间的差距保持着相对稳定的状态,从而使得地区间的不均衡态势总体上处于相对稳定的状态。5.我国中西部地区的网络信息资源发展迅猛。6.研发经费占GDP的比例和邮电业务总额为网络信息总体发展情况的影响因素,其决定系数R~2=0.359;研发经费、邮电业务总额和人均职工收入为网络信息资源人均发展情况的影响因素,其决定系数R~2=0.395;研发经费占GDP的比例为互联网应用深度的影响因素,比例越高,互联网应用得越深;GDP值、研发经费和每平方公里人均光纤长度为网络信息资源综合水平的影响因素,其决定系数R~2=0.691。结论:1.我国网络信息资源发展迅速,总体和人均发展情况均呈现良好的局面。2.我国网络信息资源配置中存在“数字鸿沟“问题,地区差异显著,近年来,针对这一问题我国已出台各种政策,逐步实现各省网络信息资源的合理配置。3.研发经费占GDP的比例和邮电业务总额为我国网络信息资源总体发展状况的影响因素;研发经费、邮电业务总额和人均职工收入为我国网络信息资源人均发展状况的影响因素;研发经费占GDP的比例为互联网应用深度的影响因素;GDP值、研发经费和每平方公里人均光纤长度为我国网络信息资源发展的综合水平影响因素。我们必须根据网络信息资源发展的影响因素,采取有力措施,促进我国网络信息资源更好更快的发展。

【Abstract】 Objective:Digital Divide ( or Information Divide ) means the difference among the present information environment and information resource and its substance is Information Divide. On the one hand, the paper introduces the general status of distribution of network information resource in China; on the other hand, the paper observes the "Digital Divide" in the development of the distribution of Network information resource in all provinces of China and brings out measures and suggestions based on the analysis of the development influencing factors and the present distribution of network information resource.Methods:To define the outline of the paper through reading literatures widely, referring the domestic and international research results and combining the objective of the paper. To describe statistically and analyze the general development of network information resource in China, the development of network information resource per capita, the development of mass network information resource and the development of the general level of network information resource from CN domain name, website, IP address and web page; To discuss the "Digital Divide" in the present situation and the development of network information resource in different provinces of China from absolute difference, relative difference and general difference. In the paper, to bring out the general level index in the analysis of the general gap and introduce the updated "Gap Coefficient" and "Gini Coefficient to make the result more convincible; finally to make the multifactor linear regression analysis for the development influencing factors of network information resource by the stepwise regression; then to make relevant measures and suggestions for the development and region difference of network information resource in China.Results:1. Generally, network information resource in China develops fast and has huge potential profiting from rapid development of internet in China.2. Absolute difference, relative difference, Gap Coefficient and Gini Coefficient shows: there is problem of "Digital Divide" in the distribution of network information resource in China. The distribution of network information resource in east region is much advanced than it is in the west, which shows remarkable difference.3. The advanced region of network information resource has engendered. The development of network information resource masses in eastern provinces, especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangsu. The eastern provinces have become "first class" of network information resource in China based on the Growth Theory and the new distribution of " East High West Low" has shaped.4. The Digital Divide Coefficient among region is reduced. The regional Gini Coefficient of network information resource in China is reduced yearly ( 0.58685 in 2005, 0.55385 in 2006, 0.550875 in 2007). The difference among some regions keeps steady relatively based on related relative mean, so the unbalance among regions keeps steady comparatively.5. Network information resource in the middle and west of China develops rapidly.6. The proportion of R&D fund in GDP and the whole revenue of post and communication are influencing factors of general development of network information, its coefficient R2 is 0.359; the R&D fund, the whole revenue of post and communication and revenue per employee are influencing factors of development per capita of network information resource, its coefficient R2 is 0.395; the proportion of R&D fund in GDP is the influencing factor of depth of web application, the higher proportion, the deeper application; The GDP, R&D fund and the optical fiber length per square kilometer per capita are influencing factors of general level of network information resource, its coefficient R2 is 0.691.Conclusion:1. The network information resource in China develops rapidly and its general situation and per capita are both good.2. There is problem of" Digital Divide " in the distribution of network information resource in China and the regional difference is remarkable. Recently new policies have been carried out to make reasonable distribution of network information resource step by step in China.3. The proportion of R&D fund in GDP and the whole revenue of post and communication are influencing factors of general development of network information; the R&D fund, the whole revenue of post and communication and revenue per employee are influencing factors of development per capita of network information; the proportion of R&D fund in GDP is the influencing factor of depth of web application; The GDP, R&D fund and the optical fiber length per square kilometer per capita are influencing factors of general level of network information resource. We must take powerful measures to accelerate the development of network information resource in China based on the concerned influencing factors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期

