

The Research on the Optimization of the Key Nodes of the Tobacco Supply Chain

【作者】 方小斌

【导师】 陈治亚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 物流工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国拥有世界上最庞大的烟草市场,烟草行业也一直是国家财政收入的第一大户。加入WTO后,中国烟草市场已成为世界烟草强国的必争之地。人们普遍认为烟草行业资金雄厚,自动化程度高。在这种看起来优化空间不大的背景下,如何进一步提高产业效率和效益,提高我国烟草行业的国际竞争力,已成为我国烟草行业重要的研究课题。本文从供应链的角度出发,对烟草的采购、生产和分销三个传统环节进行探索,以期优化关键节点和资源配置,整合烟草行业的资源,加强成本费用控制,提高我国烟草供应链的整体竞争力,促进早日实现我国从“烟草大国”到“烟草强国”的转变。首先,本文描述了烟草供应链的主要业务流程,在此基础上分析了烟草供应链存在的主要问题。其次,通过对卷烟企业采购供应链的现状分析,提出了基于供应链管理的卷烟企业采购业务流程再造以及卷烟企业采购供应链的再造。重点讨论了卷烟企业烟叶供应商选择问题,建立卷烟企业烟叶采购混合订单分配模型,提出了基于内置换、内外置换、取舍三种基本操作的混合订单分配启发式算法,为卷烟企业采购供应链优化进行了理论探索。再次,根据制丝生产的特点建立了制丝生产网络图模型和动态规划模型,通过动态规划方法优化生产排程,提出求解模型的方法;建立了制丝线储柜数量配备网络图模型,给出了模型求解方法和运算实例;研究了自动导引车辆系统多机多请求的调度优化问题,提出了相应的模型,并给出了一种解决它的遗传算法,确定了请求与AGV的一一对应,完成整个AGV系统的全局调度优化,为提高生产能力和减少生产成本提供决策支持。最后,根据烟草行业专卖、垄断等特征,规划了面向全国的以烟草专卖局管辖范围为服务范围的多层次的卷烟销售配送网络结构;分析卷烟销售配送中心选址的影响因素,提出了影响配送中心选址的评价指标;构建模糊聚类评价模型,解决配送中心选址问题;按照成本最低的原则,优化卷烟销售网络结构,对各配送中心的服务范围进行了分配,对配送线路进行了优化,并以湖南省卷烟配送网络的设计为实例,设计了卷烟配送网络。

【Abstract】 China’s tobacco market is the biggest one in the world, and the tobacco industry ranks No. one in generating China’s national fiscal revenue. After China’s entry into the WTO, China’s tobacco market has become a profitable one for powerful countries to compete in. Nowadays, it is widely believed that China’s tobacco industry is solid in capital and flexible in autonomy. Given such environment in which there is seemingly not much room for optimization, these issues—how to further improve its productivity, efficiency, competitiveness—have become an important research subject in tobacco industry. From the perspective of supply chain, this paper explores the three traditional taches, i.e. procurement, production, and distribution of tobacco, for the purpose of key-node optimization, resource allocation and integration and to increase cost control and holistic competitiveness of the supply chain in our tobacco industry and facilitate the transformation from a tobacco country big in size to one competitive in market.Firstly, this article depicts the main business flows of tobacco supply chain, and analyzes the main problems existed in the tobacco supply chain.Secondly, by analyzing the present situation of procurement supply chain of tobacco enterprises, this article puts forward the procurement business process reengineering and procurement supply chain of tobacco enterprises based on the supply chain management. Also in this section, the discussion of the selection of tobacco enterprise supplier is strengthened, and such aspects are explored: set up the mixed orders allocation model of tobacco leaf procurement of tobacco enterprises, and put forward the heuristic algorithm of mixed orders allocation, based on the three basic operations of inner replacement, inner-external replacement and access or rejection.In the third section, these areas are discussed: set up the network chart models and dynamic programming models of production of tobacco filament according to the characteristics of the production of tobacco filament; optimize the production scheduling using the dynamic programming method and put forward methods for the model solution; set up network chart models for the storage tanks equipment quantity for the production line of tobacco filament, reach the solution method for the models and operation examples, research the dispatching optimization of multi-machines and multi-request of the automatic guided vehicle (AGV) system, and put forward responding models, also provide heredity algorithm for solving it, determine the one-one correspondence of request and AGV, fulfill the overall dispatching optimization of the integral AGV system, provide the desicive support for improving production capability and reducing production cost.Finally, taking into account the industry’s characteristics such as monopoly sales and market dominance, program the network structure of hierarchy tobacco sale and distribution in the service scope of tobacco monopoly beaureau in China, analyze the influencing factors for site selection of tobacco sales-distribution center, put forward the evaluation index for effecting the distribution center, build fuzzy clustering evaluation model, solve the problem of the selection of distribution center, optimize the sales network structure of tobacco according to the principle of minimum cost, and allocate the service scope of distribution center, and optimize the distribution route, design the tobacco distribution networks, using the design of Hunan provincial tobacco distribution network as a case in point.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期
  • 【分类号】F274;F407.8
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1182
  • 攻读期成果

