

Study of the Academic Thoughts about Professor Zhenqiu Guo

【作者】 谢雪姣

【导师】 黄政德;

【作者基本信息】 湖南中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 郭振球教授从事中医教学、科研和临床工作六十余年,颇多建树。本论文较全面系统地整理和研究了他的主要学术思想,有五个方面,即:①中医诊断学是桥梁,其发展能带动和促进中医学基础与临床的飞跃;而传统宏观辨证存在着某些局限性,宏观与微观相结合是中医诊疗技术发展的必由之路;郭老在梳理中医文献,发展宏观辨证的同时,开展了大量微观辨证的实验研究,提出了“微观辨证学”;还提出主诉辨治法,提纲挈领地构建了十步辨证论治模式。②调治五脏以治老年诸疾:认为老年病病因为五脏不坚,气血渐衰,特点为“老”“病”相异相依,主张从五脏论治。③创治风四法论治心脑血管病:认为中风病机主要是五脏亏虚,肝风自中而发,气血上奔,痰瘀壅阻,导致脑脉痹阻或血溢脑脉之外;结合微观辨证学自创降压熄风、祛痰降脂、活血化瘀和降血糖“治风四法”论治中风;提出“心中风”,将“治风四法”推及心中风的治疗,取得良效;筛选降压药物,研发了新药天母降压片。④辨气血虚实抗肝纤维化及肝癌:从气虚血瘀、气滞血瘀立论创立抗纤灵Ⅰ方、抗纤灵Ⅱ方治疗血吸虫病肝纤维化;推及乙肝肝纤维化、原发性肝癌的辨证论治,研发了新药肝纤宁、抗癌方。⑤论治急症:总结了历代论治急症的文献,提出四对急治法,构建内、妇、儿科急症证治新诠体系,整理了三科常见急症的病因病机、证治及参考治疗。本文还整理了郭老小传及年谱,探讨了郭老治学方法和成才因素。

【Abstract】 Professor Guo has engaged in teaching,researching and doing clinic of TCM for more than 60 years,and has a lot of achievement. His main academic thoughts have systemicly been studied as followed by five aspects: 1) Diagnostics of TCM is a bridge which can promote the development of the foundation and clinic treatment of TCM. Macroscopic syndrome differentiation has its limitations so that we must develop diagnostic technique of TCM both macroscopically and microscopically.Meanwhile,Guo has done lots of microscopical empirical studies. He introduces micro-dialectics, syndrome differentiation and treatment by chief complaint and vocates syndrome differentiation by ten steps briefly.2) Conditioning and treating five Zang to treat senile disease: Guo considers that the etiopathogenisises of senile disease are weakness of five Zang,Qi and blood. The feature is combination of senility and disease. He suggests that treat five zang firstly. 3)Creating "four methods of treating Feng" to treat cardio-cerebrovascular disease: Guo considers that stroke is caused by the liver wind due to weakness of five zang which leads to upwilling of Qi and blood and obstruction of phlegm. At last, cerebrovascular is obstructed and cerebral hemorrhage happens. He suggests treat it by four methods called "four methods for treating wind" including antihypertensive and tranquilizing endogenous wind, expectorant and reducing lipid, activating blood and absorbing clots, hypoglycemic. He also uses these four methods in treating heart stroke, for example,CHD and has a good curative effect. Prof. Guo has done a lot of work to select drug of TCM and create a new formula named "Tianmu antihypertensive tablets".4)Differentiating asthenia and sthenia of Qi and Blood to cure hepatic fibrosis and hepatoma:Guo creats two formulas which are "Kang xian NingⅠ" and "Kang xian NingⅡ" to cure schistosomal cirrhosis, and he also creats "Gan xian Ning" and "Kang ai fang" to cure HBV-liver cirrhosis and hepatoma.5)Treating emergency: Guo suggests four couples of methods by reviewing the article,and builds a system to treat the emergency about internal medicine,department of gynecology and pediatrics. He has assorted the etiology and pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and treatment about the common disease in these three department.We also tidy up Prof.Guo’s biography and investigate the method of studying and important elements of succeed to Prof.Guo.

【关键词】 郭振球教授中医学术思想研究
【Key words】 Prof.GuoTCMAcademic thoughtsResearch

