

Study on Eco-construction Theory, Method and Practice of Urban Greenland System

【作者】 许克福

【导师】 吴泽民;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 城市化带来城市人口、工业、建筑的高度密集,导致交通堵塞、环境污染、资源短缺等社会问题,因此,创造良好的生态城市已引起世界各国各级政府和城市居民的普遍关注。城市绿地系统作为城市生态系统中唯一具有自净功能的组成部分,具有不可替代的生态、景观和社会功能,是建设“生态城市”的重要生态基础设施。生态学学科的发展为城市绿地系统建设提供了理论基础和研究方法,因此本研究提出了城市绿地系统生态建设的理念。生态建设一词在中国使用甚广,包含着空间跨度很大的不同类型,是我国经济、社会可持续发展的重要基础。综合相关文献,生态建设指人类理性行为参与下积极的生态恢复与重建过程,其目标是修复受损生态系统和景观的结构、功能和过程并使之达到健康的状态。生态建设的特点包括:(1)生态建设受历史、社会、经济、文化等多种因素的影响和制约,具有复杂性;(2)必须针对具体区域的生态环境问题进行规划、设计和实施,具有针对性;(3)由于生态系统本身组成、结构、过程和功能的动态性,以及建设过程的复杂多变性,具有动态性和不确定性。由于生态建设的科学性,我国已广泛开展林业生态建设、区域生态建设和城市生态建设等实践活动。本研究提出城市绿地系统生态建设的概念,并对其理论与方法进行系统的研究和探索。城市绿地系统生态建设包含城市绿地系统生态规划、城市绿地生态工程、城市绿地系统生态管理三部分内容,形成城市绿地系统生态建设三大方法论体系。生态规划是城市绿地系统生态建设的核心和基础,是城市绿地可持续发展的关键,城市绿地生态工程是生态规划的深化和具体实施,生态管理贯穿生态规划、绿地生态工程以及城市绿地系统维护管理的全过程,是城市绿地系统健康可持续发展的重要保障和措施。城市绿地系统生态规划以生态学和景观生态学为理论基础,研究提出城市绿地景观生态学分类方法和适用的城市绿地系统规划应用指数,从市域范围、规划区范围和建成区范围三个尺度来分析城市绿地系统的空间格局。建立了城市绿地系统生态规划的技术体系,包括遵循的原则、规划流程、生态分析与评价、规划方案、方案评价和规划设计的实施管理等方面的内容。实现传统的物理规划向生态规划的转变。通过对国内外学者研究提出的城市绿地系统空间格局模式的分析研究,作者提出了城市绿地系统“斑块—廊道—生态网络”的最优格局模式。通过廊道互相交叉连接斑块绿地从而形成生态网络,增强城市绿地系统的连续性和稳定性。该模式能够维持和恢复景观生态过程及格局的连续性和完整性,维护城市生态安全。对于构成最优格局的斑块、廊道、生态网络这3个要素,从类型、功能、设计等方面进行了详细的阐述。(1)不同类型的绿地斑块可产生不同的景观生态功能。大斑块可以保护更多的物种,构成地区物种源地。结构不同的小斑块可增加城市的景观异质性,为生物提供迁徙地、扩散暂歇地,而且距离居住区、工作区近,方便使用。因此,在城市绿地建设中以大、中型斑块为主,小型绿地斑块为其补充,相对均匀地散布于城市绿地系统中,是形成优良绿地景观格局的途径。(2)按照城市绿地系统中廊道的结构和功能的差别,将廊道分为绿带廊道、绿色道路廊道和绿色河流廊道三种。廊道具有连接作用,利于本来孤立的斑块内物种的生存和延续,可增强自然景观的整体性。(3)生态网络的构建由水系网络、交通绿色廊道网络和城市森林网络组成。它具有多种功能:为野生生物提供生境;维持生物多样性和景观中物质、能量、信息的交流;通过生态廊道把各种生境斑块连接在一起,增加连通性。城市绿地生态工程的目标是建设可持续发展的城市绿地,通过对绿地工程项目的生态设计,绿色材料以及生态技术的运用,按照生态文化与艺术美学法则,以及生态政策与法规的要求,设计建设管理的城市各类绿地,生态设计是其核心与基础。城市绿地生态工程是依据城市绿地系统生态规划的成果,对一项具体绿地工程的组织实施进行的参数设计活动。本研究详细阐述了生态设计的设计模式、设计方法、选用绿色材料、采用生态种植、生态技术等内容。并结合马鞍山市山体公园工程进行实证研究。生态管理是应用生态学、经济学和管理学等理论原理以及现代科学技术来管理人类行动对生态环境的影响,力图平衡发展和生态环境保护之间的矛盾,最终实现经济、社会和生态环境的协调可持续发展。是对传统管理的挑战和变革。主要研究城市绿地系统生态管理的理论基础和管理对策,通过管理体制的改革、完善法律法规、营造近自然绿地以及公众的参与等方法来解决当前城市绿地系统管理中迫切需要解决的问题,从而提高城市绿地系统的综合效益。马鞍山市为我国十大钢铁工业基地之一,是安徽省重要的工业和港口城市,市域总面积1686km~2。2006年底,建成区面积68.3 km~2,各类绿地面积2825万m~2,绿地率40.41%,绿化覆盖率42.57%,人均公园绿地面积13.23 m~2,市林业用地面积1.7万hm~2,森林覆盖率13.7%。城乡绿化严重不平衡。马鞍山城市绿地系统生态规划的总体思路是:分析马鞍山市的生态因子,运用3S技术建立数字高程模型,通过对马鞍山市的绿地系统景观格局分析,从市域、规划区和建成区三个尺度依据“斑块—廊道—生态网络”格局模式进行规划,构成稳定完整的城市生态网络系统,统筹协调城乡绿化发展。本研究将城市绿地系统生态规划、生态工程、生态管理结合起来系统研究,构成生态建设三大方法论体系,有一定的创新,对城市绿地系统规划、建设、管理有重要的意义。理论创新——以生态学理论与方法为基础理论,以景观生态学、城市生态学、经济学等原理为理论框架,系统研究城市绿地系统的生态规划、生态工程、生态管理,进一步丰富了城市绿地系统研究的理论与方法。技术创新——利用3S技术,采用定性与定量相结合的分析评价方法,从市域、规划区、建成区尺度进行城市绿地系统生态规划设计。实践意义——本研究丰富了城市绿地系统生态规划、建设管理的内涵,具有很强的可操作性,对当前建设“生态城市”具有一定的现实指导和借鉴意义。城市绿地系统生态建设研究尚处于初始阶段,其理论与方法有待进一步的发展与完善。

【Abstract】 Urbanization brings the highly dense population, industry and buildings, and also the social problems of traffic jams, environmental pollution and resource shortage, therefore, creating ecological city has aroused the general concern of the governments at all levels of various countries and the citizens. Urban Greenland system, as the only component which has the function of self-purification, also has the irreplaceable function of ecology, landscape and society, which is the important ecological infrastructure of creating"ecological city". The development of ecology study has provided the theoretical basis and research methods for the construction of urban Greenland system, so this paper puts forward the idea of the ecological construction of urban Greenland system.Ecological construction is very popular in China, including different styles with large spatial spans, which are important foundation of the sustainable development of Chinese social economy. According to related literature, ecological construction is the active process of ecological restoration and reconstruction by the intervention of rational human activities, the aim of which is repairing damaged structure, function and process of ecological system and landscape and making it healthy. The feature of ecological construction includes:(1) Ecological construction has the characteristics of complexity because it is influenced and restricted by various factors such as history, society, economy, culture and so on.(2) Ecological construction has the characteristics of pertinence because it must carry out planning, design and implementation according to the ecological and environmental problems in specific areas.(3) Ecological construction has the characteristics of dynamics and uncertainty because of the dynamics of the composition, structure, process and function of the ecology system and the complexity during the construction. Due to the science of ecological construction, forestry ecological construction, regional ecological construction, urban ecological construction and other activities are widely developed.This paper puts forward the concept of the ecological construction of urban Greenland system and does some research and exploration on its theory and methods systematically. The ecological construction of urban Greenland system includes the ecological planning of urban Greenland system, the ecological engineer of urban Greenland and ecological management of urban Greenland system, forming three methodology system of the ecological construction of urban Greenland system. Ecological planning is the core and foundation of the ecological construction of urban Greenland system, which is the key point of the sustainable development. The ecological engineer of urban Greenland is the deepening and implementation of ecological planning. Ecological management runs through the ecological planning, the ecological engineer of urban Greenland and ecological management of urban Greenland system, which is the important guarantee and measure of the healthy and sustainable development of urban Greenland system.The ecological planning of urban Greenland system studies on the classification methods and the proper application index of the planning of urban Greenland system, the theoretical basis of which is ecology and landscape ecology. It analyzes the spatial pattern of urban Greenland system on scales of the city territory, the plan area and the built-up district. The technical system of the ecological planning of urban Greenland system is built, including the principles to follow, the planning process, the ecological analysis and evaluation, the planning scheme, the scheme evaluation, and the management and implementation of the planning and design. The traditional physical planning is transformed into ecological planning. After a thorough research and analysis on the spatial pattern models of urban Greenland system designed by scholars all across the world, the author puts forward the optimal pattern model of urban Greenland system, the " patch-corridor-ecological network ". This ecological network is formed by connecting green patches with crossing corridors, enhancing the continuity and stability of urban ecological system. This model can maintain and restore the continuity and integrity of the ecological pattern and process within a landscape and it will guarantee the safety of urban ecology. The paper has done detailed exposition to the style, function, and design of the patch, corridor and ecological network.(1) Different types of green patches can create different landscape ecological functions. The large patches can protect more species, forming regional species resource areas. The small patches of different structure can increase urban landscape heterogeneity, providing migration and diffusing temporary habitats for creatures, there will be close to the resident district and work district, thus would be very convenient to use. Therefore, the construction of urban Greenland is mainly based on large and middle-sized patches. As a supplement to the construction of urban Greenland, the dispersion of small patches is relatively uniform in urban Greenland system, which is the way of creating good Greenland landscape pattern. (2) The corridors are classified into three categories: green belt corridors, green path corridors and river corridors. The corridor can make the isolated species in patches survive and develop, enhancing the integrity of natural landscape.(3) The construction of ecological network is made up of river system network, transportation corridor network and urban forest network. It has many functions, such as providing habitats for wildlife, maintaining the biodiversity and the exchange among materials, energy and information. It also connects habitat patches by ecological corridors in order to increase the connection between each small ecosystem.The aim of the construction of the ecological engineering of urban Greenland is to create urban Greenlands for sustainable development. Through the ecological design of Greenland engineering project and the use of green materials and ecological techniques, the urban Greenlands are designed and constructed according to the principle of ecological culture , aesthetics , as well as the request of the ecological policy and regulations, among which the core and foundation is ecological design. The construction of the ecological engineering is a parameter design on a specific Greenland engineering based on the ecological planning of urban Greenland system. This paper has done detailed exposition on the model design, methods design, green material selection, ecological planting uses and ecological techniques, as well as the empirical research on Mountain Park engineering in the city of Ma’anshan.The ecological management manages the effect of human activities on the environment, in terms of ecology, economy, management and other theories as well as modern science and technology. The ecological management tries to balance out the contradiction between urban development and the environmental protection, in order to achieve the harmonious and sustainable development of economy, society and environment. It challenges and reforms the traditional management. The research focuses on the theory foundation and management countermeasures of ecological management of urban Greenland ecological system, and it solves the urgent problems which occurred to solve in the management of urban Greenland system by reforming the management system, perfecting laws and regulations, building near-nature Greenland and public participation, as a result, it improves the comprehensive benefit of urban Greenland system.Ma’anshan city is the one of the ten biggest bases of steel and iron cities, as well as an important industry and port city in Anhui. The total area of Ma’anshan is 1686 km~2. By the end of 2006, there are 68.3 km~2 of build-up area, all kinds Greenland takes up 28250 thousand m~2. The city has a green space ratio of 40.41%, green coverage rate of 42.57%, average park area of 13.23 m~2. The area of forest land of Ma’anshan city is 17 thousand hm~2, forest coverage of 13.7%. However, there is a severe imbalance in the green area distribution between city and the countryside. The general idea of the ecological planning of urban Greenland system in Ma’anshan is to form the complete urban ecological network by analyzing the ecological factors of Ma’anshan and analyzing the landscape pattern model of Greenland system of Ma’anshan, using the digital elevation models created by RS, GIS, and GPS; the network is planned on different scales of the city territory, the plan area and construction area according to the optimal pattern model :"patch-corridor-ecological network". The stable network formed will benefit the overall balanced development of greening city and countryside.The research is made up of the ecological planning, the ecological engineering and ecological management, forming three methodology systems of the ecological construction, which is innovative and meaningful to the systematic planning, construction and management of urban Greenland system.The theoretical innovation: using the theories and methods of ecology as basic theory, the landscape ecology, urban ecology and economy as theory frame, this paper did a systematic research on the ecological planning, the ecological engineering and ecological management of urban Greenland system, enriching the original theories and methods of the research on urban Greenland system.The technology innovation: using the RS, GIS, and GPS and through the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the urban Greenland system is planned on scales of the city territory, the plan area and the construction area.Practical significance: this research enriches the substance of the systematic planning and management of the urban Greenland, at the same time, it has good operability, practical guidance and realistic significance to the construction of "ecological city".The research on the ecological construction of urban Greenland system has fresh started, there is still much room for its theories and methods.


