

A Research on Chinese Forestry Profit Mechanism

【作者】 李红星

【导师】 王吉恒;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国既是人口大国,又是少林国家,经济和社会对林业的需求越来越旺盛,并使生态需求成为第一需求。但现实林情是,我国的森林为了生态保护的目的,一棵树不砍也不够用;为了用材的目的,一棵树不留也维持不了多少年。林业资源匮乏的直接原因,不仅仅在于历史上的过度采伐、无节制利用和林木生长周期长、恢复慢、所需投资大,更在于林业生产力落后,突出表现为林地利用率低、生产效率低、林地产出低,林产加工业技术含量低、资源消耗高,木材综合利用、保护利用、节约代用产业和林下特色经济、林业现代服务业都没有得到充分发展,部门办林业的羁绊也始终没有冲破,整个林业经济仍在封闭、低速、低效的状态下运行。尽管国家展开大规模的林业建设,实施林业六大重点工程,并推进国有林区和集体林业的林权制度改革及配套改革,但林业资源匮乏的状况未见根本好转。究其原因,是我国长期以来在构建林业管理体制和运行机制中不注意研究和运用利益机制,缺乏与改革和发展目标相匹配的动力系统,导致林业经营特别是营造林活动比较效益低,林业微观主体缺乏活力,多元社会主体不愿进入,也无法进入。在这种情况下,研究和建立与市场经济相容的。激励与约束相结合的,达到政府与林业微观主体的目标函数趋向一致的林业利益机制,实属当务之急。本文以市场经济体制模式为研究背景,以森林资源增加、林业三大效益兼顾、适应市场经济发展要求的林业管理体制和运行机制的建立和多元社会主体、多元社会资本办林业为研究目标,以利益机制的建立和运行为研究主线,按照激励相容的思路(即林业微观主体在利益机制激励下的理性逐利行为客观上起到资源增加、生态改善和产业发展的效果,实现个体理性与社会理性的统一),重点研究林业生态效益与经济效益的利益协调问题、国有林业企业市场化取向改革中的利益支持问题、非公有制林业发展中的利益激励问题以及国家林业重点工程建设中的利益整合问题,最终以利益机制创新林业管理体制和运行机制,以利益导向调动各方面发展林业的积极性,推动我国林业跨越式发展目标的实现。本文还从利益激励角度,就国有林区改革模式、林业重点工程和生态公益林的建管模式、经济限伐机制、分类经营改革功过等问题进行深入研究,并适度涉及了林业产业政策、对外经贸合作、木材市场宏观调控等相关问题。本文的研究目的,是从利益激励与协调角度出发,通过政府选择利益手段、设计并向市场输入利益参数,凭借市场机制的自动传导功能,形成长期稳定的利益导向,诱导林业微观主体和其他市场主体的理性预期和自主行为决策,形成社会资源在林业领域的积聚效应,从而协调林业两大效益间的矛盾,深入推进国有林业企业市场化取向改革,加快非公有制林业的发展,支撑国家林业重点工程建设的顺利实施。本文的研究思路是从利益机制理论分析到结合林业发展与改革实际的利益机制运用,从林业经济主要问题到林业新型利益机制的具体构建和运行,层层递进。通过研究力求构建林业生态效益与经济效益的利益协调机制,国有林业企业改革的利益支持机制,非公有制林业发展的利益激励机制,国家林业重点工程建设中的利益整合机制等四项利益机制模式。构建每一个利益机制大体上都从发展现状、存在的问题、改革或发展思路、构建利益机制促进改革或发展思路的实现这样一条逻辑线索有针对性地进行研究,分别把握每一个问题的全貌并系统提出利益激励对策。本文在研究过程中,力求在以下几个方面实现创新:一是奠基林业利益机制理论与应用方法:二是打通多元社会主体进入林业资源经营领域从事营造林活动的渠道;三是设计林业重点工程和生态公益林建管体制的改革模式,探讨投资主体换位、建设主体换位的具体办法,研究使林业重点工程和生态公益林建管活动获得与商品林经营等同的产业属性的对策;四是探索出以经济限伐机制取代行政限额采伐制度的合理性和操作模式。在我国,受传统计划经济体制和林业木材生产定位的长期影响,系统研究林业利益机制问题仍属新的领域,可依成法不多,但这类研究却极富理论意义和实践价值。从理论意义上看,可以实现林业利益机制理论的完善与创新,寻找推动我国林业跨越式发展的新动力。可将“机制设计理论”在我国林业改革发展中找到现实落脚点和简捷路径,建立适应我国国情和林情的利益激励理论体系、利益激励方法和技术路线,为我国创新林业管理体制和运行机制提供新的理论支撑,为以利益导向调动社会各方面发展林业的积极性,推动我国林业跨越式发展目标的实现提供理论指导和方法借鉴。从实践意义上看,林业利益机制的健全和完善,可以通过统筹人与自然的和谐发展、建设生态文明来贯彻科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会;可以破除政府林业、部门林业的羁绊,多方筹措林业建设资金,推动林业跨越式发展目标的顺利实现:有利于增加林业资源数量和提高质量,是摆脱林业“三危”(可采林木资源危机、林业企业经济危困、林区职工生活危难)困境的现实选择;有利于转变政府职能,从而推动国有林业企业的市场化取向改革:有利于创造充满生机和活力的林业管理体制和运行机制。

【Abstract】 As China is a country with a large population and limited forestry resources, there is an increasing demand for the resources in both the economic sector and the society as a whole. Besides, the ecological need has also risen to the first place. But the truth with our forestry resources is, it is insufficient for the purpose of ecosystem protection even if we do not chop down any tree; whereas it also cannot maintain for the goal or using timber wood even if we chop down all the trees. The immediate cause for the deficient forestry resources not only lies in excessive chopping, intemperate exploit in the history, but lies in the long growth cycle of the forest, which restores slowly and requires much invest. Besides, it also lies in the backward productive forces of the forestry which is manifested as low utilization rate of the forest land, low production efficiency, low output of the forestland, low technology in the processing of forestry productions and high consumption of resources. Comprehensive utilization and conservation of timber, substitute industry forestry-featured economy and modern service industry all have not obtained full development. The fetter that forestry is managed by the departments is still not broken through. The entire forestry economy is still not open and develops at a low speed and efficiency. Although the country launched large-scale forestry construction, implemented six key projects of forestry, and advanced reforms and matching reforms of the ownership of state-owned and collective forestry, the progresses are not very satisfying. Inquired into the deficient forestry resources on a deeper level, it could be identified that our country for long hasn’t paid enough attention to using profit mechanism in constructing the management system and operation mechanism of forestry. Moreover, our country lacks a dynamic system which matches with the goal of reform and development which causes low efficiency in forestry management especially forestation activities. Consequently, the microscopic main body of forestry lacks vigor which makes polyandry main bodies in the society unwilling to enter, also unable to enter. In this situation, it is urgent to study and establish a forestry mechanism compatible with the market economy, which combines motivations and restraints and teaches an uniformity between the target function trends of the government and that of the microscopic main body of forestry.Under the background of market economy, this research is focused the harmony of the zoology benefit and economic benefit, is focused the insisting profit of state owned forest corporation in the marketable reform, is focused on enriching profit of non-state forest development, and the conformity profit in the construction of state major forest project aiming at adding forest resources, covering three benefits, meeting the demand of forest management and forest running in the range of development of market economy, running forest through multiple parts of society and multiple social capitals, and with the masterstroke on the construction and operation of benefits system, in accordance with forest macro subject’s rational profit searching action and objectively causing resource increase ,the improvement of ecosystem, and the result of development of industry. And this research is directed to mobilize all enthusiasm from all sides and reforming the operation and management of forest system in order to prompt the realization of the trans-development of China. Moreover, a further research will be made concerning forest industry policies, the cooperation with foreign countries, the macro-control of forest market in the view of the system of reform, the major forest construction and the construction and management of eco-commonweal forest and limited disforest system and the merit in classified management.The research thought of this paper used a gradually progressive approach to grasp the application of the actural Benefit Mechanism combing the forestry development and reform from analysing the Benefit Mechanism Thoery, and understand the specific structure and operation of the new forestry Benefit Mechanism from the major problems of the forestry economic. Through the research, it seeks to build four major Benefit Mechanisms, including coordination Mechanism of Forestry Ecological Benefit and Economic Benefit, Benefit Support Mechanism for state - owned forestry enterprise reform, Benefit Incentive Mechanism of non - public forestry development, Interest Integration Mechanism in the National Forestry Key construction projects.This paper was a pertinency research. Grossly, every Benefit Mechanisms were constructed based on a logical clue, that is the development status、existing problems、reform or development strategy, construct Benefit Mechanism to promoting reform or implementing the development strategy. It grasped the every problems seperately and put forward incentive benefits Countermeasures.This paper strived to achieve in the following innovation: Firstly, layed a foundation of the forestry Benefit Mechanism Thoery and application method. Secondly, opened up the channels to make the pluralistic society enter into a field of forestry resource management and undertook the afforestation activitity. Thirdly, designed forestry key projects and reform models of forest construction and management system of the Ecological public welfare, moreover, discussed the specific methods of investment and construction main body transposition and find suitable Countermeasures. Finally, found the rationality of using economic cut limit mechanism and its operation model.In china, due to the long - term influence of the planned economy system and forestry timber production orientation, the study of forestry Benefit Mechnism still belongs to a new field. Although we do not have some ready - made standards for consideration, such research has a highly theoretical significance and practical value. From the theoretical point of view, this research can help us to implement the improvement and innovation of the forestry Benefit Mechanism Theory, and seek a new power to promote our forestry development. During the development of the forestry reform, it will help "mechanism design theory" find a realistic stay point and shortcut path. It is obvious that build a benefit incentive theory system、benefit incentive approach and technical roadmap adapted to our country and forestry condition will provide a new theoretical support for the innovative forestry management and operation system. In addition, it also provide a theoretical guidance and referential method for promoting the achievement of the national forestry development From the practical significance of view, the robustness and improvment of the forestry Benefit Mechanism reflected in several ways. It could construct a socialist harmonious society by enhancing ecological civiliaztion and the harmonious development of human and nature; It could get rid of the obstructs of the government and sector forestry, and raise forestry construction funds from several channels to promote the achievement of the forestry development by strides; It will increase forestry resource and improve quality , thus becomes a realistic choice to extricate itself from the forestry "three dangerous" ; It is also benefical to transform the government function, thus promote the marketization oriented reform of the state - owned forestry enterprise ; It is propitious to create a vigor and dynamic forestry management system and operation mechanism.


