

Arctic Fox Race Diversified Quality of Heredity Reaches Main Growth Properties Correlation Gene Research

【作者】 张敏

【导师】 白秀娟;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 品种资源是育种的物质基础。育种学家已经逐渐意识到,育种工作实质上是对品种资源的再加工。只有拥有丰富的品种资源,育种工作才能够拥有充分的选择余地,才能不断地选育出高品质、高产量和高适应能力的新品种、新品系,满足生产需要。北极狐作为一种重要的经济动物,在生产中培育出毛绒品质好、繁殖力高、生命力和适应性强的优良种群一直是人们所追求的目标。本研究利用SRAP分子标记的方法对大兴安岭地区北极狐遗传信息进行综合分析,用于其种质资源的鉴定和评价工作,本实验也是首次在哺乳动物中引入SRAP分子标记的方法来分析大兴安岭地区的北极狐饲养群体的遗传多样性,共筛选出5对SRAP标记引物进行了分析,得到的结果如下:1.利用em11-me6引物SRAP分析得出LGH群体和LYX群体之间的遗传相似系数最小,GDL和QD群体之间的遗传距离最小;体重等性状的Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s Informationindex遗传信息指数是LI群体是最高,皮张等性壮Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’sInformation index遗传信息指数是LGH群体最高的;em11-me6引物SRAP分析得出整个群体的总遗传多样性Ht=0.3770;种群内的遗传多样性Hs=0.1624;遗传分化系数Gst=0.3158:群体间的基因流动Nm*=2.5790。2.利用em1-me1引物SRAP分析得出GDL群体和LI群体之间的遗传相似系数最小,AN和LYX群体之间的遗传距离最小;体重等性状Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s Informationindex遗传信息指数LGH群体是最高,皮张等性状Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’sInformation index遗传信息指数是TS群体最高的;em1-me1引物SRAP分析得出整个群体总遗传多样性Ht=0.3998;种群内的遗传多样性Hs=0.3116:遗传分化系数Gst=0.2206;群体间的基因流动Nm*=1.7663。3.利用em11-me1引物SRAP分析得出QD群体和LYX群体之间的遗传相似系数最小是0.0003,LI和LYX群体之间的遗传距离最小是0.8883;体重等性状Nei’s遗传多样性指数GDL群体是最高,Shannon’s Information index遗传信息指数LGH群体是最高,皮张等性状的Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s Information index遗传信息指数QD群体是最高;em11-me1引物SRAP分析得出整个群体的总遗传多样性Ht=0.2787:种群内的遗传多样性Hs=0.1637;遗传分化系数Gst=0.2331;群体间的基因流动Nm*=2.5534。4.利用em2-me1引物SRAP分析得出TS群体和GDL群体之间的遗传相似系数最小是0.0712,LI和LYX群体之间的遗传距离最小;体重等性状Nei’s遗传多样性指数LYX群体是最高,Shannon’s Information index遗传信息指数是GDL群体最高,皮张等性状的Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s Information index遗传信息指数LYX群体是最高:em2-me1引物SRAP分析得出整个群体总的遗传多样性Ht=0.4052;种群内的遗传多样性Hs= 0.2455;遗传分化系数Gst=0.3941;群体间的基因流动Nm*=0.7689。5.利用em1-me2引物SRAP分析得出TS群体和LYX群体之间的遗传相似系数最小,LGH和LYX群体之间的遗传距离最小;体重等性状Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s Informationindex遗传信息指数是LGH群体高,皮张等性状Nei’s遗传多样性指数和Shannon’sInformation index遗传信息指数是LGH群最高;em1-me2引物SRAP分析得出整个群体的总遗传多样性Ht=0.3382;种群内的遗传多样性Hs=0.2571;遗传分化系数Gst=0.2398;群体间的基因流动Nm*=1.5847。6.五对引物综合起来对群体的遗传信息进行分析的结果把五对SRAP引物分析得到的遗传多样性指数综合在一起,应用SPSS 13.0进行了多重的比较分析得到对于体重等性状的Nei’s多样性系数是GDL>LGH>LYX>LI,GDL群体最高的,显著的大于LI群(P=0.145)P<0.2。对于皮张等的性状的Nei’s多样性系数TS>QD>LGH>LYX>AN,TS群体遗传多样性指数是最高的,显著的大于AN群体(P=0.167)P<0.2。说明GDL群体和TS群体内改良和选育的潜力较大,遗传多样性较明显,良种化的程度较高有很大的发展空间。综合五对引物SRAP的分析得到群体总的遗传多样性是0.360;种群内的遗传多样性0.272;遗传分化系数Gst是0.236;基因流动是1.85。本研究对于大兴安岭图强林业局狐场北极狐群体,利用测序分析方法,采用PCR-SSCP的方法检测了北极狐OB、OBR、HCRT、HCRTR1、HCRTR2、CETP这五个基因多态性,基因多态与生产性状的相关性得到如下的结论:1.在北极狐的ob基因的第二外显子上发现了多态位点,该基因多态性位点与北极狐生产性状的相关性分析表明,OB基因是影响北极狐的体重、腹围、皮张长、针毛长的主效基因。2.在北极狐的OBR基因的第四外显子上发现了一个多态的位点,该基因的多态性与北极狐的生产性状相关性分析表明,OBR基因是影响北极狐胴体重的主效基因或与其主效基因紧密的连锁。3.在北极狐的HCRTR2基因的第七外显子上发现一个多态的位点,该基因多态性位点与生产性状的多重比较表明HCRTR2基因可能是影响北极狐体重、腹围、皮张的另一个主效的基因或与主效基因密切的连锁。4.在北极狐HCRTR1基因的5‘侧翼序列上发现一个多态的位点,该基因的多态位点与北极狐的生产性状的相关分析表明,HCRTR1基因可能是影响体长和针毛长性状主效基因或与主效基因紧密的连锁。5.在CETP基因的5‘侧翼序列检测出一个多态位点,AA基因型、BB基因型、AB基因型,经过多重比较其生产性能之间不存在显著性的差异。6.不同位点合并基因型结果表明,OB基因和OBR基因的AB(OB3)AA(OBR4)合并基因型显著的有利于对体重性状的选择:AA(OB3)AA(OBR4)合并基因型显著的有利于对腹围性状的选择;BB(ob3)BB(OBR4)合并基因型显著的有利于个体针毛长性状的选择;AB(ob3)AA(OBR4)合并基因型显著的有利于个体皮张长性状的选择,OB和HCRTR1基因之间存在基因互作合并基因型有利于性状的选择,OBR和HCRTR1基因之间存在基因互作合并基因型有利于性状的选择,这两个合并的基因型的选择的效果均高于单个基因型的选择的效果,可以作为有利基因,但其合并基因型的选择效果不如OB基因和OBR基因合并基因型的选择的效果好。

【Abstract】 This experiment are first introduced in mammalian molecular marker SRAP analysis approach to the Arctic Fox Daxinganling region keeping the genetic diversity of populations,using five pairs of primers SRAP marker analysis,the results are as follows:1.eml-mel analysis:LI between the GDL and the genetic similarity coefficient of the smallest, LYX groups AN and the genetic distance between the smallest,TS of the Net’s genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index maximum。em1-me1 analysis:Ht=0.3998;Hs=0.3116; Gst=0.2206;Nm*=1.7663。2.Em11-me6 use LGH and LYX analysis of genetic similarity between the smallest,GDL and QD groups,the smallest genetic distance between the genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index of genetic information index LI>LGH>LYX,TS this group genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index of genetic information is the highest index,em11-me6 the group analysis the genetic diversity of the total Ht=0.3770 of the genetic diversity within species Hs= 0.1624 coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations Gst=0.3158 of gene flow Nm *= 2.5790.3.Em11-me1 use QD and LYX analysis of genetic similarity between the minimum 0.0003,LI, and between groups LYX the smallest genetic distance 0.8883,genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index index of genetic information are GDL>LYX>LI,hides genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index index of genetic information is the most TS>AN>LYX.em11-me1 group analysis of the genetic diversity of the total Ht=0.2787 of the genetic diversity within species Hs=0.1637 coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations Gst= 0.2331 of gene flow Nm *=2.5534.4.Em2-me1 use TS and GDL analysis of genetic similarity between the minimum 0.0712,LI,and between groups LYX the smallest genetic distance,genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index of genetic information index is the highest GDL,hides a variety of genetic traits index and Shannon’s Information index index of genetic information is the highest TS.em2-me1 group analysis of the genetic diversity of the total Ht=0.4052 of the genetic diversity within species Hs=0.2455 coefficient of genetic differentiation Gst=0.3941,gene flow between groups Nm *=0.7689.5.Em1-me2 use TS and LYX analysis of the genetic similarity coefficient between the smallest, LGH and between groups LYX the smallest genetic distance,genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index index of genetic information are LYX>LYX,genetic diversity index and Shannon’s Information index index of genetic information is the most LGH>TS,em1-me2 analysis of the group’s total genetic diversity within species Ht=0.3382 of the genetic diversity of Hs= 0.2571 coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations Gst=0.2398 of gene flow Nm *= 1.5847.6.Five pairs of primers for the groups together to carry out the results of the analysis of genetic informationWith five pairs of SRAP primers analysis of genetic diversity index of the combined application of SPSS 13.0 for the multiple comparison analysis for body weight traits,such as Nei’s diversity coefficient of the GDL>LGH>LYX>LI,GDL highest significantly large in LI(P=0.145) P<0.2. Hides for traits such as Nei’s diversity coefficient of TS>QD>LGH>LYX>AN,TS is the highest genetic diversity index,and significantly greater than AN(P=0.167) P<0.2. In this study,Forestry TUQIANG Daxinganling Arctic Fox Fox Field Materials for the study groups,using sequencing analysis,using PCR-SSCP method to detect the Arctic fox OB,OBR, HCRT,HCRTR1,HCRTR2,CETP gene polymorphism in these five,the detection of genetic polymorphisms associated with growth traits of the analysis the following conclusions:1.Arctic Fox on the third of the ob gene exons were found on many loci,after the gene polymorphism and production traits in arctic fox multiple comparison analysis,OB gene is the impact of the Arctic fox’s body weight,abdominal circumference,hides long,long Macrothelypteris major gene.2.Arctic Fox in the OBR gene exonⅣwas found on a multi-state sites,the gene polymorphism with growth traits of arctic fox correlation analysis showed that,OBR4 impact on the Arctic fox genes are the main carcass weight gene or major gene and its close linkage3.Arctic Fox in the seventh HCRTR2 gene exon was found on a multi-state sites,the gene polymorphism and production performance of the multiple comparisons show that the gene may be affected HCRT2 Arctic Fox body weight,abdominal circumference,hides another main efficiency of the gene or genes closely with the main chain.4.Fox in the Arctic HCRTR1 gene 5 ’flanking sequence found on a multi-state sites,the gene polymorphism and production traits of the Arctic fox’s correlation analysis showed that,HCRTR1 are possible effects of gene length and long Macrothelypteris major gene traits or close the main chain gene.5.In the CETP gene 5 ’flanking sequence to detect the polymorphism,AA genotype,BB genotype, AB genotype,after multiple comparisons of their growth performance does not exist significant differences.6.Different sites of the combined results showed that the gene,OB gene OBR gene and AB(OB3) BB(OBR4) combined genotype has significant weight in favor of the selection traits;AA(OB3) AA(OBR4) the merger has a significant genotype traits conducive to the selection of the abdominal circumference;BB(ob3) BB(OBR4) combined genotype has significant long hair in favor of the individual needle selection traits;BB(ob3) BB(OBR4) combined genotype significantly longer hides in favor of individual traits the selection,OB and HCRTR1 gene gene interaction between the genotype in favor of the merger of the selection trait,OBR and HCRTR1 gene gene interaction between the combined genotype selection in favor of traits,these two genotypes combined selection the effect of a single genotype were higher than the effect of selection can be regarded as beneficial genes,but the combined effect of genotype selection OBR as OB gene and gene selection of the combined effect of genotype well.


