

Research on Modeling and Simulations of Train Tracking Operation and Saving Energy Optimization

【作者】 付印平

【导师】 高自友; 李克平;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文对轨道交通中列车追踪模型和节能操纵优化进行了研究。首先建立元胞自动机模型进行了实证研究,通过在北京地铁2号线的实际运用说明了模型的有效性。随后对干线铁路中限速区段交通流的特性进行了分析。然后在理想条件下单列车节能运行操纵优化方法的基础上,进一步研究了非理想条件下的列车节能运行操纵优化方法,包括有其它运行线列车干扰下的列车节能运行操纵优化、固定闭塞系统下和移动闭塞系统下追踪列车的节能运行操纵优化等,建立了相应的非线性约束最优化模型,设计了可行的求解算法,并通过算例验证了算法的有效性。本文的研究工作主要有如下几个方面:1.列车运行控制系统中的列车追踪模型,一直是列车运行控制系统领域的重点研究内容。本文根据地铁列车追踪运行的特点,建立了固定闭塞系统下的元胞自动机模型,并对北京地铁2号线进行了模拟仿真。通过时空图探讨了地铁列车流特性、通过速度时间位移图分析了它们的关系。模拟结果表明,模型能够很好地描述地铁列车运行的一些主要特征,数值模拟结果和实际运行结果也比较接近,反映了该模型的有效性。2.提出了一种四显示固定闭塞系统下的元胞自动机模型,用来模拟列车流在限速区段的运行。通过模拟,探讨了限速区段的轨道交通流特性,分析了限速区段长度、发车时间间隔和限速值对交通流的影响。模拟结果表明,较短的限速区段长度、合适的发车时间间隔以及较大的限速区段限速值都有助于提高铁路运输服务的质量。3.在相互交叉的两条运行线上,列车运行之间存在相互的干扰和冲突,这将对列车的运行和操纵产生影响。本文提出了列车在运行途中中间车站受其他运行线列车干扰下的节能优化操纵问题,建立了固定运行时间约束下的非线性最优化模型,利用罚函数法,将有约束问题转化成无约束问题,然后运用遗传算法,结合工况序列表,对模型进行了求解。4.在固定闭塞系统下,前行列车、追踪列车的位置与速度以及两列列车之间信号显示的动态变化,反映着列车运行过程的重要内容。通过考虑追踪列车前方信号显示变化对列车运行的影响,本文建立了固定闭塞系统下追踪列车的节能运行操纵优化模型,提出了使前后行列车的间隔距离向最小间隔距离逼近以缩短后行列车实际运行时间与预期运行时间之差的算法思想,并在单列车优化操纵运行结果的基础上,根据前后行列车的速度和位置,设计了确定追踪列车采用工况的启发式算法。5.在移动闭塞系统下,列车追踪运行时,前后行列车之间的最小安全间距是保证追踪列车运行安全的必要条件。通过考虑前行列车尾部位置对于追踪列车运行的影响,根据移动闭塞系统下追踪列车可实时获得前行列车速度、位置、工况等信息的特点,本文建立了移动闭塞系统下追踪列车的节能运行操纵优化模型,并以前后行列车的间隔距离保持在最小安全间隔距离附近的思想为基础,根据前后行列车在理想条件下运行计算得到的速度和位置等信息,设计了确定后行追踪列车工况转换时机的启发式算法。

【Abstract】 This paper studies train tracking models and saving energy operation optimization methods in railway traffic. First, Cellular Automaton theory is used to get demonstration and the applicability of the proposed model is validated by simulating tracking operations of trains in Beijing subway line 2. And the dynamic characteristics of trains flow in speed limit section of main-line railway are analyzed. Then this paper researches train saving energy operation optimization methods in non-ideal condition based on the method of single train operation in perfect condition, proposes non-linear optimization models, designs feasible solution algorithms and validates the effect of the algorithms by numerical experiments.The main works in this paper are as follows:1. The study of train tracking models is always important part in train operation control system. According to the characteristics of subway trains tracking, the paper proposes a cellular model of fixed block system to simulate tracking operations of trains in Beijing subway line 2. By means of speed-time-position graphs, the paper investigates some important characteristics of subway train flow and analyzes the relationships of speed, time and position. The dynamic characteristics of trains running is well demonstrated in simulation results. The comparison between simulation and real-life data shows that the proposed model is an effective tool to describe the characteristics of subway trains tracking.2. The paper proposes a cellular automaton model to simulate the traffic flow of speed limit section in four-aspect fixed-block system. The characteristics of trains flow are investigated and the impacts of the length of speed limit section, train time interval and the speed limit value are analyzed by simulating train running. The simulation results shows that a smaller length of speed limit section, a moderate increase of train time interval and a bigger speed limit value can all improve the green light runtime of the trains.3. While two rail track intersect at a station, the trains passing the station are disturbed each other. The action will influence the running and operation of the trains. The paper investigates train saving energy operation in interference condition, and proposes an optimization model which subjects to time constrains. The penalty function method is use to transform the constrain optimization model into non-constrain optimization model. Then, Genetic Algorithm and tables of control modes are applied to solve the model.4. Under Fixed Block System, the position and speed of leading train and tracking train with the signal change between the two trains describe the total train running process. Through considering the impact of the signal change on tracking train running, the paper proposes a saving energy operation optimization model on tracking train, brings forward an algorithm idea on that the distance between the leading train and the following train tends to the minimum headway distance in order to reduce the gap between the real run time and the expectant run time of tracking train. Based on the results of single train operation optimization, heuristic algorithm is given to determine the control modes of the tracking train.5. Under Moving Block System, the minimum headway distance between trains is the key to insure tracking train running safe. Through considering the impact of leading train rear position on tracking train running and the characteristic of that tracking train can get the information of leading train synchronously, the paper proposes an optimization method of tracking train saving energy operation. Based on the idea which the headway distance holds nearly minimum safe distance, a heuristic algorithm is given to determine the control modes of the tracking train.


