

Research on Establishment and Evaluation of the Stability-based Train Working Diagram of Passenger Dedicated Lines

【作者】 陈军华

【导师】 张星臣;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国铁路运能紧张,重视能力的加强与利用,而忽视运行图的能力储备与稳定性要求。客运专线的建设,必将极大缓解运能与需求之间的矛盾,从而对运输质量和运行图稳定性提出了更高要求。基于稳定性的运行图编制问题是个很有研究前景的领域,本文将在这一领域作深入的研究和探讨。论文从分析影响运行图稳定性的机理出发,结合我国客运专线的具体特点,在研究界定客运专线运行图稳定性概念的基础上,建立了评价运行图稳定性的相关指标函数,提出了将运行图稳定性的解析法评价和仿真法评价相结合的评价方法,建立了基于稳定性的“两阶段模型”并提出了相应的算法用于编制具有一定稳定性的运行图。主要包括以下几个方面内容:1)从理论上研究界定运行图稳定性概念,提出了运行图稳定性应由运行图正常工作状念、运行图抗干扰的能力和运行图自我恢复能力三方面来描述的观点。并在总结借鉴运行图稳定性既有描述的基础上,建立了基于随机的运行图稳定性五个评价指标函数。2)引入着色赋时petri网分别建立了列车固定闭塞和准移动闭塞情况下区间运行、车站联锁控制系统的运行模型,利用Exspect软件搭建了仿真系统用于对运行图稳定性进行仿真评价。3)给出了运行图稳定性评价的解析法和仿真法的步骤并在分析两种方法的优缺点的基础上,提出了将两种方法相结合的评价思路,并以京津客运专线为实例,验证了评价方法的有效性。4)在构建可行性运行图编制的0-1规划模型,并设计模型启发式算法和多种冲突模式疏解方式的基础上,通过研究干扰时间随机分布与缓冲时间分布关系,引入灰色规划建模理论,建立了灰色机会约束规划模型来描述稳定性运行图的编制问题。为解决模型所具有的目标多样性、目标变动性和约束可变性的困难点,将灰色模拟技术和多目标遗传算法相结合,提出了求解多目标灰色机会约束规划模型的改进NSGA-Ⅱ遗传算法,从而形成了基于稳定性的运行图编制的两阶段模型与算法。5)搭建了基于稳定性的运行图编制与评价一体化的平台。采用MVC(Model,View,Control)软件系统构建方法对系统进行了用例分析、功能设计、模块组件划分、流程设计,保证系统的易维护性和可扩展性,并以武广客运专线武长段为实例,验证基于稳定性运行图编制模型算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 For a long time, due to the insufficiency of our railway transportation, the government has paid too more attention in strengthening transport capacity while sometimes ignored transportation reserve and stability requirements. The construction of passenger dedicated lines will greatly ease the contradiction between transport capacity and demand, and higher requirements for transport quality and the stability of the timetable is urgent. Therefore, it is a foreground research field to design a stability timetable based on stability which is just the research objectives in the paper.First the timetable stability mechanism is analyzed. According to the characteristics of the passenger dedicated line, the timetable stability concept is defined and the evaluation for stability index functions is established. Then, we give the way, which combines analytic evaluation of timetable stability evaluation with simulation method. In the paper two-stage model based on stability is established and relevant algorithm is proposed to design for stable timetable. The details are as follows:1. Define the timetable stability in theory, propose that the timetable stability is described from the following three aspects: common operating state of the timetable, its anti-interference ability and its self-restoring capacity. Accordingly, we propose five evaluation index functions based on a random timetable stability theory.2. Introduce a color-timed Petri net to construct respectively the operating mould of train regular occlusion or quasi-mobile occlusion and station interlock control system. Exspect software is used as a simulation platform to establish the timetable stability evaluation.3. Respectively propose steps of both the analytical method and the simulation method for the evaluation of timetable stability. Analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, we present the evaluation idea from the combination of these two methods. Finally, the effectiveness of the evaluation method is proven from the example of Beijing-Tianjing passenger dedicated line.4. Establish a two-step model and the corresponding algorithm for preparing a timetable with certain stability. The first step is to propose a feasibility timetable. Learn from the experience of its predecessor. According to the characteristics of passenger lines, the feasibility timetable is established by the 0-1 model. The second step is to adjust the feasibility timetable to a certain stability timetable. Given the interference time distribution of fuzzy circumstances, the main idea of the second step is how to arrange a proper buffer time in order to make a stable timetable. By way of a grey opportunity-constrained programming model, the establishment of stability timetable is present. It is an uncertain-grey-planning model, which has the characteristics of goal diversity, goal variability and constraint changeability.This paper presents a heuristics algorithm for preparation of feasibility timetable. The algorithm is given by simulating the process of the man-made designing timetable, and used to seek feasible solutions. The analysis of a different kind of conflicts in railway operation and the corresponding relief algorithm are further given in the paper. For a stability timetable, we combine the grey simulation technology and the multi-objective genetic algorithm, and put forward multi-target grey opportunity-simulation algorithm.5. Propose the railway timetabling and evaluating integration platform based on the stability. the MVC-based software is developed and utilized in the cases of using cases analysis, function design, modular components division, process design, we guarantee the software system to meet current demands, such as the easy maintenance and scalability. Based on this system, we take WuHan-GuangZhou passenger line for example and verify the effectiveness of the model.


