

【作者】 王玉玉

【导师】 宫少朋;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 2003年,苏丹西部的达尔富尔地区爆发了严重的暴力冲突,其后不断升级。自独立以来,苏丹就陷入了持久的内战之中,宗教差异也一直是外界阐释苏丹内战原因的重要层面,但以相同的视角来分析达尔富尔危机却是行不通的,因为在这里,不论是非洲黑人还是阿拉伯人都是伊斯兰教的信奉者。关于暴力和大规模暴力爆发的原因,许多学者给了我们不同的阐释,查尔斯·蒂利为我们提供了新的研究视角。在《集体暴力的政治》这本书里,作者通过社会的互动,阐释了集体暴力爆发的过程。在一个社会的群体中,每个人都会有多重的身份,同一个人在不同的场所中,会是工人、某个政党的党员或是某种宗教的教徒。在这些多重的身份中,政治大亨们通常会激发两种对立的身份,来界定“我们和他们”的差别,这就是一个“边界激活”的过程,也是暴力爆发的过程。用这一理论框架为起点阐释达尔富尔危机爆发的原因和过程,会为我们提供研究问题的新视角。苏丹在独立后的50多年时间里,有40年冲突不断。接连的军、民政府被无情的卷入了大规模的流血和不断升级的暴力之中。可以说,在达尔富尔暴力冲突集中爆发之前,在苏丹的国家层面上就已经出现了诸多的矛盾:达尔富尔和尼罗河流域之间的并立发展的历史;中央与边缘的对立;南北战争所带来的阿拉伯人和非洲黑人之间的仇恨。再加上苏丹独立后,整个政权的频繁更替和不稳定,这些都对整个苏丹的社会凝聚力带来了极大的损害,为达尔富尔暴力冲突的爆发埋下了伏笔。从达尔富尔地区层面上来看,也有导致矛盾发生和升级的诸多因素。一是乌玛党的影响。上世纪60年代末,乌玛党陷入分裂,党派的领导人萨迪克和安萨教派的伊玛目哈迪为了自身的利益,将种族政治的概念灌输到达尔富尔地区,使阿拉伯人和非洲黑人的身份政治化。二是乍得内战的波及。乍得内战演变成乍得、利比亚和苏丹的地区纷争,而处在交界处的达尔富尔成为另一个主战场,各方人物粉墨登场,达尔富尔的阿拉伯人和非洲黑人的身份在更广泛的意义上再次清晰。三是环境的退化所带来的资源、牧草的争夺。干旱恶化了达尔富尔原本脆弱的生态环境,人口的膨胀、资源的减少导致了不同生活方式的阿拉伯人和非洲黑人资源上的争夺,清晰着已经开始日益出现的阿拉伯人和非洲黑人之间的界限。四是种族观念的引入和政策的失误。最终,导致了达尔富尔种族的矛盾急剧升温,大规模的暴力变得不可避免。危机爆发后,包括联合国、非盟在内的国际社会为了实现危机的化解,作出了巨大努力,达尔富尔冲突进入和谈的阶段,但和平的进程异常艰难。和苏丹有着密切石油领域合作的中国,为了冲突的解决发挥了建设性作用,但是却遭受西方媒体、政界的指责。达尔富尔危机的爆发带给中国外交前所未有的挑战,同时也为我国外交的调整提供了契机。达尔富尔的暴力冲突,是多种因素综合作用的结果,不是单纯意义上的文明冲突或种族冲突,而是苏丹整个社会矛盾和地区矛盾发展到一定阶段的产物。实现冲突的化解需要各方的努力,“双轨战略”是目前国际社会认可的办法。只有发挥联非部队的职能,才能实现达尔富尔的稳定,从而进行战后的重建。而这些没有苏丹政府的有效配合就无从谈起,苏丹政府也就是以巴希尔总统为首的政府,对此,国际社会也应该有充足的认识。

【Abstract】 In 2003, massive violence took place and worse up in Darfur. Since independence, the long-lasting civil war between The North and The South has been ongong. Religion difference becomes one important angle to explain this war by the outer-side world. But if we use the same angle to analyze the Darfur Crisis, it doesn’t work, because whether the Black or the Arab are the believers of Islam.Regarding the reasons of violence and large-scale violence, many scholars gave their different explanations. In The Politics of Collective violence, Charles Tilly provides us a new angle of view about large-scale violence. Through social interaction, he explains the process of collective violence.In a society, every people has his different indentities. One person in different occasions, may be a worker or a member of a party or a member of a religious sect. Among these different indentities, the political entrepreneurs will activate two opposite identities to separate“us”from“them”, which is a process of boundary activation, as well as a process of violence. Using this theory to explain Darfur Crisis will give us a new angle to illustrate the causes and process of it.Half century has passed since the independence of Sudan, almost forty years in conflicts. Millitary and civil governments in succession are involved in massive violences. Against the background of the whole Sudan, boundaries have existed before the Darfur Crisis. One is the boundary between the independent Darfur and the independent Nile Valley, another boundary exsits between the center and the fringe, the third is the hostility between the Black and The Arab which brings about by the war between the North and the South. In addition to the frequent regime change and unstability after independence also damage the whole Sudan society’s cohesion.Standing on the area of Darfur, there are many facters to lead this crisis. The first is the influence of The Umma party. The Umma Party was divided into two separated orgnazitions for in the late of sixtes, for their own benefits, Sadiq and Imam Hadi indoctrinated the idea of race politics to the Arabian and the Black in Darfur, policalized their identity through ideological construction. The second reason is Chadian civil war’s overflow. With the war enlargement in 60th, libya and Sudan aslo involved in for its own benefit.As the crossboundary, Darfur became another main battlefield. Different roles embark on a political venture, which made the identity of Arab and the Black more clear. Contesting resource and pasture under the degeneration of enviorments was the third reason .The heavy drought worsen the Darfur weak environment, sustaining drought, increasing population and decreasing resources led to the conflicts among the Arab and African living different life-styles .The four reason is the ethnic concept and the scarity of national indentity, all these led to the crises。In order to resolve the crisis peacefully, the international community, including the United Nations and Africa Union do their best to prompt talks.In the process, China play a constructive role. Though, China also got the pressures and doubts from the western medias, political and government circles. The Darfur Crisis brings about great threat to China’s foreign policy, and also gives us a chance to rejust our foreign policy.Through analysis, Darfur Crisis is resulted in many factors, which is not simple clash of civilizations or ethnic conflicts,but the result which bring about by the social and regional contradictions.To alleviate this crisis, international society should try their best. Darfur needs a "double-track" strategy of paying equal attention to operations aiming at peace and stability and a political course aiming at national reconciliation, which is accepted by the international society. It needs the Sudan government’s coopernation to deploy AU-UN joint peacekeeping force. Only with the help of AU-UN joint peacekeeping force, security conditions as well as regional reconstruction can be achieved, which serve as an important precondition to lasting peace in the region. All these needs the cooperation from the Sudan Government, that is President Omer al-Bashir’s government, the international society shoud also recognize this fact.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D741.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】562

