

【作者】 董青岭

【导师】 秦亚青;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文提出的基本理论问题是:偏好一般在什么条件下容易被改变以及如何被改变?进而,偏好的改变究竟能够在多大程度上加强或减弱权力政治与利益算计在国际关系中的影响?在研究设计上,它首先探讨了两种不同身份形成(分离性认同VS聚合性认同)与两种不同偏好塑造(冲突性偏VS.合作性偏好)之间的关系。文章指出,以排斥外部他者为“敌人”身份的分离性认同易于导致冲突性偏好的形成,进而冲突性的战略互动过程会再造、加强并物化冲突性体系文化同时导致冲突性规范的扩散、传播与内化,从而驱动整个互动体系朝向冲突演进,这实质上是一种现实建构主义的进化冲突论;而以同化外部他者为“朋友”身份的聚合性认同则易塑造合作性偏好,进而高密度、高频度的社会互动会再造、加强并物化合作性体系文化同时促进合作性规范的扩散、传播与内化,最终驱动主体间关系朝向和平、合作演进,这可以看作是一种自由建构主义的进化合作论。然后,文章提出了一种“复合建构主义”的进程分析框架,着重思考了“偏好是如何随着身份认同的转变而转变的”这一核心命题。复合建构主义认为,国际关系行为体所置身于其中并在其中运行的体系结构是一种物质与观念的复合结构。在不同的物质与观念复合结构下,行为体之间的互动不仅会建构不同的身份认同,而且也会导致行为体优先选择内化某些规范和观念同时拒斥另外一些规范和观念,从而对行为体偏好取向的形成和物化产生重大影响。最后,在可操作层面,依据“结构与施动者之间的相互构成性”,文章提出了一种以“结构-结构施动者-施动者”三层次为特征的建构主义进程式层次分析方法。在案例研究部分,文章分别以1945-2009年的欧洲国际关系演变为例验证了自由建构主义的解释力、以当前的达尔富尔问题为例验证了现实建构主义的解释效用。结果发现,就体系和平进程而言,能否合法性的垄断暴力之使用与能否积极有效的社会化体系中的各类行为体,都是极为重要的进程决定因素。

【Abstract】 The Ph.D. dissertation intends to answer two major theoretical questions - under what conditions an actor’s preference is prone to change and how it changes? To what extent the change affects the actor’s perception of power and interest in dealing with international relations?In the beginning, the dissertation reviews two different processes of identity and preference formation, the convergent identity process, which leads to cooperative preference and the discrete identity process to conflicting preference. The convergent identity of self, which presumes external others as partners, constructs actor’s preference to cooperation. Then, the coming up self/other encounters guided by such a preference create, undergird and reify a Kantian culture in the system, which, in turn, encourage actors to learn and internalize the norms of cooperation. A system with such a culture is more likely to take a progressive evolution toward a state of peace, a process which the liberalist constructivism provides with a better understanding.On the other hand, the discrete identity of self, which presumes external others hostile, constructs actors’preference to conflict. Then, the coming up self/other encounters guided by such a preference can only create, undergird and reify a systemic culture of power politics, which, in turn, drive actors to learn and internalize the norms advocating violence and competition. A system with such a culture would inevitably take a retrogressive evolution to a state of conflict, a process which the realist constructivism attempts to explain.Despite of their contributions to the understanding of these two evolutionary processes of international politics, both liberal constructivism and realist constructivism ignore the theoretical questions of how identities change and how the changes affect actors’preference formation. To make up the deficiency, the dissertation seeks to establish a complex constructivism framework, which hypothesizes that the systemic structure, that agents interact within, is constituted by both material and ideational factors; different configurations of the factors propel agents to follow different modes of interactions, which lead to different identity and preference formation.Maintaining that structure and agents are mutually constituted, the dissertation takes a structurationist approach to analyze the interactions between structure and agents. It studies carefully the history of European international relations from 1945 to 2009 and the recent crisis in Darfur, the former of which shows a configuration favoring progressive evolution to peace and the latter favoring retrogressive evolution to conflict, and found that to legitimately control the use of force and to effectively socialize agents in the system are two major factors determining a positive direction of the evolutionary process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】D80
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】696

