

The Impacts of Relationship Investment on Supply Chain Alliance Maintenance

【作者】 刘辉

【导师】 郝云宏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 供应链联盟作为战略联盟的一种形式,它的出现标志着企业开始从传统的“纵向一体化”管理模式向“横向一体化”整合的模式转变。作为获得与维持竞争优势的重要手段,供应链联盟越来越受到企业的重视。然而,它并不是一种稳定的组织形式,其不稳定性增加了联盟成员的运作成本。如何能够保证供应链联盟的稳定性,已经成为企业界和理论界研究的热点问题。为此,本文沿着“制造商关系投入——供应商信任——供应链联盟维系”的研究思路,从制造商关系投入的视角探讨供应链联盟稳定性的问题。论文主要分为理论分析和实证研究两部分。理论分析部分综合了国外相关文献,从制造商的视角,给出了制造商关系投入的定义和分类,提出了制造商关系投入与供应商信任之间的关系以及供应商信任与供应链联盟维系之间关系的研究假设,并构建了制造商关系投入对供应链联盟维系作用机理理论模型。另外,本文通过分析供应链联盟关系关系发展阶段对关系投入的调节作用,提出不同关系发展阶段制造商关系投入对供应商信任以及供应链联盟维系影响差异性的研究假设。实证研究主要通过企业和专家访谈、调查问卷等方式对所提出的研究假设、初始模型进行验证,并对初始结构模型进行修正,从而揭示制造商关系投入对供应链联盟维系的作用机理。另外通过实证研究,验证不同关系发展阶段制造商关系投入对供应商信任的不同影响,以及供应商信任对供应链联盟维系的不同影响。本文发现:第一,供应链联盟如果能够稳定持续下去,需要联盟企业对其进行投入。本研究中的关系投入主要是供应链中的制造企业为了维系与供应商的战略伙伴关系所付出的各种有形与无形资源。本文根据关系纽带理论将关系投入分成三个维度:经济性关系投入、结构性关系投入和中国“关系”投入。通过实证分析,得到了包括上述制造商关系投入的三个维度的测量量表,检验结果表明该量表具有良好的信度和效度。第二,制造商关系投入各维度对供应商信任的影响效应有所不同。本文将供应商信任分为计算性信任和情感性信任两个维度。制造商的关系投入能够对供应商信任产生正向影响,然而不同关系投入的维度对不同类型的信任影响效应是不同的。通过实证研究发现,制造商的经济性关系投入和结构性关系投入对于供应商的计算性信任影响效应要比中国“关系”投入的影响大,而中国“关系”投入对情感性信任影响效应要比经济性关系投入和结构性关系投入的影响大。第三,制造商关系投入不仅通过供应商信任对供应链联盟维系产生间接正向影响,而且还直接对联盟维系产生正向影响,并且在供应链联盟的不同关系发展阶段中,关系投入各维度对联盟维系的影响效应趋势具有差异。通过对不同关系阶段理论模型中路经系数的差异及其显著性进行分析,发现随着关系从了解期发展到认同期,制造商经济性关系投入和结构性关系投入对联盟维系的正向影响会越来越小,而制造商中国“关系”投入对联盟维系的正向影响会越来越大。第四,在供应链联盟的不同关系发展阶段中,供应商信任对联盟维系的影响效应趋势具有差异。从实证分析结果来看,供应商计算性信任对供应链联盟维系的正向影响会随着双方关系进程的发展越来越小,而情感性信任对联盟维系的正向影响会随着双方关系进程的发展越来越大。与已有的国内外相关研究相比,本文的创新之处体现在以下几个方面:(1)从新的研究视角探讨供应链联盟维系问题,丰富该领域的理论研究。本文从供应链联盟制造商的视角探讨制造商关系投入对供应链联盟维系的影响机理,而且将企业不同的关系投入策略一并纳入研究范畴,使基于关系投入角度的研究内容更加全面,从而丰富了供应链联盟维系的理论研究。(2)将中国情境下的“关系”纳入到供应链联盟研究范畴中,体现研究的本土化特色。本文在研究过程中充分注意到了中国“关系”这一要素,将其作为制造商关系投入的维度之一,通过研究制造商与供应商边界管理人员的人际关系投入,从而探索与验证中国“关系”在供应链联盟维系中的重要作用,体现研究的本土化特色。(3)研究中加入了联盟关系发展阶段这一调节变量,使研究更加符合客观实际。本文在前人研究的基础上,对供应链联盟关系发展阶段进行了划分,并实证检验了联盟关系发展阶段对制造商关系投入和供应商信任与联盟维系之间关系的调节作用。本文在不同关系阶段检验了理论模型的普适性,从而以动态视角更加透彻的了解关系投入对供应链联盟维系的驱动作用,并为制造商进行供应商细分和实施差别化关系管理提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 As a form of strategic alliance, Supply chain alliance’s appearance has marked firms transformed management model from the traditional "vertical integration" to the "horizontal integration". As an important means of gaining and maintaining competitive advantage, supply chain alliance is not a stable organization form, which increases operating costs of supply chain firms. How can we guarantee the stability of supply chain alliance has become the hot study issues in the theory of horizon and business community. Fowling the route of "manufacturers relational investments→suppliers trust→supply chain alliance maintenance", the paper discusses supply chain alliance stability based on the perspective of manufacturers relational investments.This paper is mainly divided into two parts: theory analysis and empirical research. The theory analyzing part has synthesized relevant literatures, and given the definition and classification of investments in relationships. The research hypotheses that relationship between manufactures relational investment and supplier trusts, and relationship between supplier trust and supply chain alliance maintenance, have been proposed. The theoretic model on the relationship between manufactures relationship investments and supply chain alliance maintenance has been constructed. In addition, the study puts forward the research hypotheses of relational investment’s discriminative influence on supplier trust and supply chain alliance maintenance through analyzing the moderating effects of supply chain alliance relationship lifecycle to relationship investment. The empirical part mainly examines the research hypotheses and commitment models by the means of enterpriser and expert interviews together with questionnaires. From the results of empirical research, the initial structural model is revised to disclose the effect mechanism of manufactures relational investment to supply chain alliance maintenance. In addition, the study identifies the different influence of relationship investment to trust and trust to alliance maintenance by the means of empirical research.Through the study we find that: firstly, supply chain alliance members need to invest resource in alliance if supply chain alliance remain continuance. The investment in the study is referred as a variety of tangible and intangible resources that manufacturers paid in order to maintain a strategic partnership with its suppliers. Through the literatures review, the paper defines relational investment as a construct characterized by three dimensions based on its component, which includes economic investment, structural investment and guanxi investment". Through the empirical analysis, three-dimensional measurement scale of manufacturer relational investment is developed. The test results show that the scale is reliable and valid.Secondly, there is different influence effect that manufacturer relational investment to the supplier trust. The supplier trust is divided into two dimensions: calculus-based trust and emotion-based trust. Manufacturer’s relational investment can prompt suppliers trust, but the impact that the different dimensions of relational investment effect on different types of trust is different. Through empirical research, the study finds that the impact of economic investment and structural investment to calculus-based is larger than guanxi investment, and the impact of guanxi to emotion-based trust is larger than economic investment and structural investment.Thirdly, manufacturer’s relational investment not only has a indirect positive impact but also a direct positive impact on supply chain alliance maintenance. During the different relationship stage of supply chain alliance, the effect trend of various dimensions of relational investment to alliance maintenance is different. By testing the differences of the path coefficients in different relationship stages, we find that from exploration stage to maturity stage, manufacturer’s economic investment and structural investment have less and less positive effect on alliance maintenance, while manufacturer’s guanxi investment has more and more effect on alliance maintenance.Finally, during the different relationship stage of supply chain alliance, the effect trend of supplier trust to alliance maintenance is different. From the empirical analysis result we find that as for their effects on alliance maintenance, supplier calculus-based trust has less and less positive effect, while affect-based trust has more and more positive effect.Compared with former research, innovational features are as fellows in this paper:(1) The study explores the supply chain alliance maintenance from a new perspective, and enriches the theoretic research in this field. The paper also discusses the manufacturer’s relational investment influence mechanism on supply chain maintenance from manufacturer in supply chain alliance. Different relationship investment strategies are studied in the paper together with, which makes the research more prefect based on relationship investment and enrich the theoretic study of supply chain alliance maintenance.(2) The guanxi under the context of Confucian culture is researched on supply chain alliance, which reflects the study of regional characteristics. The study is fully aware of the elements of Chinese "guanxi" in the course of research, and views it as one of manufacturer relationship investment dimensions. According to the investigation of interpersonal relationship of boundary management persons between manufacturer and its supplier, the paper explores and validates the important role of Chinese "guanxi" in the supply chain alliance maintenance and reflects the study national characteristics.(3) The study uses the moderating variables of relationship stages, which makes the research more to be in line with the actual. On the basis of the previous study, the paper specifies the stages of the relationship stages in the supply chain alliance relationship lifecycle, and examines the moderating effects of relationship lifecycle to the relationship between manufacturer relationship investment, supplier trust and supply chain alliance maintenance. The paper proves the validity of the theoretical model in different relationship stages, which makes scholars understand the effects of relationship value of relationship investment on the supply chain alliance maintenance more deeply from a dynamic perspective and provides reference for manufacturer to supplier management strategies.


