

The Research on Construction Safety Assessment and Early Warining in Mountainous Expressway

【作者】 王开凤

【导师】 张谢东;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 公路桥梁与渡河工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公路是社会经济进步与发展的产物,也是衡量一个国家现代化水平的重要标志之一。但长期以来山区高速公路施工安全问题一直是困扰业界人士和广大学者的难题。近年来,随着我国经济建设的迅速发展,山区高速公路施工安全事故频发,给国家财产造成了巨大的损失,成为全社会关注的焦点。我国政府各级领导历来都十分重视安全生产问题,政府有关部门也采取了不少对策和措施。但是,这些对策和措施,仍然不能有效遏制安全事故的频繁发生,这不能不引起对我国目前所采取的安全生产管理体系的深刻反思。要从根本上扭转安全管理的被动局面,必须从全新的角度去正视、去研究、去改变严峻的现实。保障广大施工人员的人身安全和健康,创造安全、卫生、舒适的工作环境,提高山区高速公路施工安全生产水平,是我国现阶段施工生产中首要而紧迫的任务。本文在实地调研和查阅文献资料的基础上,综合利用安全系统工程、模糊数学、层次分析法、计算机科学等理论和先进技术,对山区高速公路施工安全评价及预警进行了深入和系统的研究。山区高速公路施工项目中的危险源是导致工程施工事故的根源,为了控制施工现场的安全风险,预防工程施工事故的发生,需要对山区高速公路施工危险源进行风险管理。基于因果连锁理论、能量意外释放理论、轨迹交叉理论分析了施工危险源致灾机理。研究了危险源分布、辨识对策和辨识过程中容易存在的问题。分析采用LEC方法进行施工危险源风险评价。结合工程实例,进行山区高速公路施工危险源辨识、风险评价和控制策划。安全事故的机理分析是山区高速公路施工安全评价的基础。分析了山区高速公路施工安全事故的主要类型,研究了高处坠落事故、物体打击事故、机械伤害事故、触电事故、坍塌事故的产生原因,分析施工安全事故的成因归结为“4M”要素。安全评价指标体系是山区高速公路施工安全评价的关键。结合山区高速公路施工现场实际情况,构建了山区高速公路施工现场安全综合评价指标体系递阶层次结构,从人的因素、物的因素、环境因素、管理因素四个方面深入分析了山区高速公路施工安全评价指标的内涵。利用模糊数学建立了山区高速公路施工安全模糊综合评判模型,采用层次分析法确定了安全评价指标的权重,研究了山区高速公路施工安全评价判定标准。利用计算机可视化编程原理,开发出山区高速公路施工安全评价及预警系统。结合工程实例验证了其有效性。最后总结了本文的主要研究工作,并对今后的研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Highway is the production of social and economy development. And it is an important symbol of national modelization. But safety problems in freeway construction of mountainous region have puzzled people in the industry and scholars for a long time. In recent years, with the rapid development of national economy, frequent safety accidents result in great loss of national property and become the focus of entire social attention. The government always attaches importance to safety production and have taken many countermeasures. However, those can’t wok efficiently. This should arouse our deep thinking on present safety management system. In order to turn the passive situation of safety management radically, we must face up to, study, change austere reality from brand-new perspective. It is the most important and urgent duty of present production to safeguard general constructors’ personal safety and health, create safe, healthy and comfortable working conditions, raise production level of mountainous freeway. On the basis of investigation on the spot and consulting literature, through and systemic research on safety evaluation and early warning in freeway construction of mountainous region is conducted to utilize safety system engineering, fussy mathematics, analytic hierarchy process and computer science.Hazard in construction project of mountainous freeway is the cause of construction accidents. It is necessary to implement hazard management to control safety risk on spot and prevent accidents. Mechanic analysis of hazard leading to losses is analized based on cause and effct chain theory, energy unexpected release theory and track intersaction theory. Hazard distribution, identification countermeasures and problems in existence during identification process are studied. Risk assessment is carried by LEC. Construction hazard identification, risk assessment, control plan is implemented combined a project.Mechanic analysis of safety accidents is the foundation of construction safety evaluation of mountainous freeway. Major categories of safety accidents are analyzed. It also studies the cause of falling from high places, attacking by falling objects, injury by machinery, electric shocking and collapse accidents. It attributes construction safety accidents to four factors those are human beings, materials, environment and management. Index system is the key of construction safety evaluation of mountainous freeway. It is gained united to actual situation on the spot. The connation of safety evaluation indexes is analyzed from human beings, materials, environment and management thoroughly.Fussy synthetical judgement model of construction safety status in mountainous freeway is established using fussy mathematics. The weights of factors are calculated by analytic hierarchy process. The standard of construction safety evaluation is also studied.Construction safety evaluation and early warning system is developed by visual programming theory of computer. An example confirms the validity of it.Last section draws a conclusion from the whole research and takes a look into the forth-coming work.


