

The Study of Chang Heng Artistic Creation Mind

【作者】 朱洁

【导师】 雷绍锋;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国东汉时期伟大的历史人物张衡,是我国具有代表性的科学家。他一生做出了许多设计与发明,如水运浑天仪、候风地动仪、指南车、记里鼓车等,并在国际上拥有广泛地影响力。张衡在造物上做出如此非凡的成就,和他的造物思想是分不开的。论文以张衡造物艺术思想作为研究对象,通过对张衡文献资料的整理分析和其所造器物的复原研究,梳理出张衡的造物艺术思想。论文研究的主要内容如下:第一,绪论。张衡造物艺术思想研究的价值与现实意义,和本课题有关的国内外研究现状分析,提出论文的研究思路与特色;第二,张衡与张衡造物。张衡生活的时代背景研究,张衡的生平事迹及其所制作的器物研究;第三,张衡造物艺术思想之源。张衡造物艺术思想源于《周易》的“制器尚象”观,是对中国传统造物思想的继承;第四,造物之道。张衡的总体造物艺术思想是:在造物方法上善于模仿,象物、象理,在设计思维上形成自己独具创造性精神和科学性的造物观;第五,造物之形。以张衡最具代表性的器物浑天仪和地动仪为例,以具体器物的形制结合张衡的造物艺术思想具体分析;第六,造物之美。张衡的造物不仅功能性强,还具有很高的审美性,本章对张衡的美学思想、造物形式美学观进行研究;第七,造物之德。张衡造物艺术思想的伦理观念,张衡将“致用”为核心的设计理念贯穿于其整个造物活动之始末:第八,张衡造物艺术思想的影响和启示。张衡丰富的造物艺术思想和伟大的人格魅力影响深远,对当今的设计学和设计师具有重要的启迪意义。从设计学的角度研究张衡造物艺术思想,在世界范围内未见。张衡作为中国历史上杰出的造物艺术思想家,为我国古代造物思想研究提供了较完备的客观基础。张衡的造物形式美学观更是与其造物密不可分的组成部分,这一部分的研究目前在学术界也属空缺。张衡造物艺术思想的研究成果作为中国设计史论研究的一部分,必定对整个设计学、设计方法学、设计思维学、设计美学、设计伦理学等各个领域产生一定的影响。

【Abstract】 Chang Heng ,the great and historical figures in the Eastern Han dynasty,is the most representative scientist in ancient China. He did a number of inventions and designs all his lifetime,such as Armillary,Seismoscope,Southward Pointing Chariot,Li-drum-hodometer and so on,which have wide influence on the international arena. Chang Heng got outstanding accomplishment on the creation, which could be not seperated with his thought. This essay is concentrating on Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought. By analysing his document and materials and reproducing his creation,we generalized Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought. The main contents of this paper are as follows:First,introduction. The value and realistic meaning of studying Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought, the task-related analyse of research situation at home and abroad ,and the train of thought and characteristic of this paper;Second,Chang Heng and his creation. The study of Chang Heng’s historical background,and the research of his life story and inventions;Third,the origin of Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought. Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought was derived from Zhou Yi"Zhi Qi Shang Xiang" ,which is the inheritance of traditional creation thought;Forth,the method of creation. Chang Heng’s overall artistic creation thought: for the aspect of creation way,he was good at imitating modeled, imitating as natural objects and scientific phenomenon,for the aspect of design thought,he had formed a unique creative spirit and views of scientific creation;Fifth, the figure of creation. Taking Armillary and Seismoscope for example,analyzing by combining Chang Heng’s creation thought with specific subjects;Sixth,the beauty of creation. Chang Heng’s creation not only has strong functional, but also has very high aesthetic. So this paper will research Chang Heng’s aesthetic ideology and creator aesthetic ideology, and analyse specific creation examples;Seventh,the ethics of creation. The ethics of Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought is applying his key designing thought "Zhiyong" through his created activity;Eighth,the influence and inspiration of Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought. Chang Heng’s rich creation thought and great personality charisma provide considerable enlightenment for contemporary design and designers.Studying Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought from the respect of Design is unprecedented throughout the world. Chang Heng,as an outstanding creation artistic thinker in Chinese history, had provided relatively perfect objective bases for Chinese ancient creation thought. Chang Heng ’s creation figure aesthetic ideology is an inseparable part to his creation. The study of this field is also vacant in academic area at present. The results of Chang Heng’s artistic creation thought research as part of the Chinese design’s history research will have a massive influence on the entire design, design methodologies, design thinking science, design aesthetics, design ethics and other fields.


