

Research on Teachers’ Psychological Empowerment

【作者】 王金良

【导师】 张大均;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 个体在工作中的心理授权现象是近年来组织行为学和管理心理学研究的一个热点问题,对个体的工作行为、工作态度以及组织的绩效有着重要影响。国外对员工心理授权的研究始于20世纪80年代,是管理实践者和研究者在对管理授权进行反思的基础上提出来的。伴随着上世纪80年代西方教育改革的进行,授权也被引入到学校教育领域,但教育领域考察的大多是管理授权的内容,较少涉及心理授权。国外对心理授权的影响因素、后果变量进行了考察,并从实践或理论的角度提出了心理授权理论模型。目前我国对心理授权的研究刚刚开始,且在教育领域的授权研究则是从教育学视角开始的,尚缺乏心理学研究。本研究在我国现实教育背景下,参考借鉴相关研究成果,从教育心理学角度,采用综合研究取向,对教师的心理授权现象进行系统的探索性研究。主要研究内容包括,应用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析技术,编制符合心理测量学指标的教师心理授权的测量工具;全面而系统地探讨我国中学校教师心理授权的特点;应用多元回归分析和结构方程模型技术考察教师心理授权与教师人格变量(自尊、归因方式)、学校组织氛围及教师个人工作绩效和学校工作绩效之间的关系;借鉴社会认知加工实验范式,初步探讨低心理授权水平教师的认知加工偏向问题,揭示出低心理授权教师存在负性工作自我图式。根据本研究结果获得了以下主要结论:1.教师心理授权是一个多层面、多维度的结构,由教师心理授权体验、教师心理授权技能、教师心理授权行为三个维度构成,三个维度之间存在因果关系。其中教师心理授权体验分量表由自我效能、影响力、工作地位、自主性4个因素组成;教师心理授权技能由决策参与技能和沟通交流技能2个因素组成;教师心理授权行为由决策参与行为和影响教学行为2个因素组成。2.本研究编制的《教师心理授权问卷》具有良好的信效度指标,可以作为测量我国中小学教师心理授权的工具。3.当前我国中小学的教师心理授权水平处于中等程度,各个因素的得分不均衡,其中,教师在自我效能因素和影响教学行为因素上得分最高,在工作影响因素和决策参与行为因素上得分较低。4.教师心理授权总体得分随教师年龄和教龄的增长而提高;不同性别的教师在心理授权的各个因素(工作影响力、自我效能因素除外)上存在显著性差异;小学教师的心理授权水平整体上高于中学教师;非重点学校的教师心理授权水平整体上高于重点中学的教师;教师心理授权水平总体上随教师职称的提高而增加;担任行政职务教师的心理授权水平高于不担任行政职务的教师。5.教师的自尊与教师心理授权水平存在密切关系,自尊对教师的心理授权水平具有正向的预测作用。6.教师的心理授权水平与学校的组织氛围有密切关系,其中学校组织氛围中的评价认可、同事交流、专业发展、决策参与氛围、领导支持等维度分别对教师心理授权的不同维度有着重要预测作用。7.教师心理授权能够有效预测教师的个体绩效和学校组织绩效。其中,心理授权内部体验既以直接的方式对个体绩效产生积极的正向影响,也通过间接的方式对个体绩效产生正向影响;心理授权技能既通过直接的方式对组织绩效产生正向影响,也通过心理授权行为、个体绩效对组织绩效间接产生正向影响;心理授权行为对个体绩效有直接正向的影响,对组织绩效有间接正向的影响。8.心理授权水平低的教师在对工作相关信息的编码、再认、启动上存在认知偏向。心理授权水平低的教师对于工作中的相关事件具有更多的负性编码,存在负性编码倾向;对工作中的相关事件具有更多的负性再认,存在负性再认偏向;对工作中的相关事件具有更多的负性启动,存在负性启动偏向。本研究从多角度、运用多种方法对中小学教师的心理授权进行了探索,其贡献和创新点主要体现在:(1)在问卷的结构上,在参照Zimmerman理论的基础上,首次对教师心理授权的内部体验维度、个体与环境相互作用维度、行为维度进行了较为全面的测量,突破了以往心理授权研究仅仅局限于对内部体验维度的测量,有助于更好地揭示心理授权对工作绩效的影响机制。(2)考察了我国中小学教师心理授权的水平及特点,初步揭示了教师的人格变量、学校组织氛围对教师心理授权的影响,探索了教师心理授权对教师个人工作绩效和学校工作绩效的影响。(3)在研究方法上,首次将社会认知加的范式引入到教师心理授权研究领域,发现了心理授权水平低的教师在认知加工上存在偏向。(4)在理论建构上,通过文献分析和实证研究,提出了教师心理授权是“教师认为自己能够对学校工作产生一定的影响力,并通过适当的方式,将这种信念以外显的行为方式表现出来”的观点。

【Abstract】 As a hot topic in the research area of organizational behavior and management psychology, psychological empowerment has an important influence on individual’s working attitude, working behaviors and organizational performance. Studies on empowerment began in 1980s, which was based on the management practicers’ and researchers’ reflections on management empowerment, another perspective to study empowerment. With the ongoing of the educational revolution in Western countries in 1980s, studies on empowerment were also introduced into educational domain. However, most studies on empowerment in educational domain were conducted from the management empowerment perspective, not from psychological perspective, although management empowerment is important for psychological empowerment. In later 1980s, research on empowerment from a psychological perspective was introduced by Thomas and Conger. Previous studies have examined the factors influencing psychological empowerment and the working outcomes resulted from psychological empowerment, and several researchers have put forward their psychological empowerment models, theoretically or empirically. Research on psychological empowerment in China is just at its initial stage, and research about empowerment in educational domain in China is mostly conducted from the pedagogical perspective, not a psychological perspective. Based on the educational reality in China and previous studies on psychological empowerment, we had examined teachers’ psychological empowerment. In details, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to obtain a psychometrical sound scale to measure teachers’ psychological empowerment; the characteristics of the teachers’ empowerment in China were explored; multiple regression and structural equation model technical were used to examined the relationship between teachers’ psychological empowerment, self-esteem, attributional style and school organizational climate, the influence of psychological empowerment on individual and organizational performance; using the experimental paradigm borrowed from social cognitive psychology research, we found that individuals with lower level of psychological empowerment had bias on coding, recognizing and priming information related to psychological empowerment.This study consisted of six parts, referring to teachers’ psychological empowerment’s structure, influencing factors, characteristics, working outcomes resulted from psychological empowerment, and the characteristics of cognitive processing among individuals with lower level psychological empowerment. The following conclusions were made:Teacher’s psychological empowerment was a multi-facet structure, including empowerment feeling dimension, empowerment skill dimension and empowerment behavior component, with these three dimensions having casual relationship and each dimension including its own factors.The teachers’ psychological empowerment questionnaire was psychometrically sound and could be used to measure the psychological empowerment among teachers in China.According to the sample in this study, the development of teachers’ psychological empowerment was at a middle level, with variance on each of its factors. The scores on self-efficacy factor and influencing instruction factor were at a top level, while scores on work influence factor and decision-making involvement factor were at a lower level.On a whole, the level of psychological empowerment improved with the increase of teachers’ ages and tenures. Significant difference existed between male and female teachers on the scores of psychological empowerment. Teachers from primary schools reported higher level of psychological empowerment, compared with teachers from middle or high school. Teachers from key schools reported higher scores than those from non-key schools. Teachers’ psychological empowerment increased with the improvement of teachers professional titles. Teachers on administrative positions reported higher level of psychological empowerment than teachers who are not on administrative positions.Teachers’ psychological empowerment was significantly related to teachers’ self-esteem, and teachers’ self-esteem could be predictive of their psychological empowerment.Teachers’ psychological empowerment was significantly related with school organizational climate. Specially, the performance recognition, colleague interaction, professional development, decision-making involvement, and supportive leadership had different predictive effects on different dimensions of psychological empowerment, respectively.Teachers’ psychological empowerment could predict teachers’ individual performance and school organizational performance.Teachers with low level of psychological empowerment had bias on processing information related to psychological empowerment.Overall, this study contributed to the research of teachers psychological empowerment in the following aspects: first, based on Zimmerman’s empowerment theory, the teacher psychological empowerment questionnaire developed in this study measured not only the intrapersonal component of psychological empowerment, but also the interactional component and behavioral component, which had broken through the limit of previous measurement tools that only examined the intrapersonal component. Second, we had explored the characteristics of psychological empowerment among teachers in China, examined the relationship between teachers’ individual variables and school organizational climate, studied the mechanism underlie which psychological empowerment influence individual performance and organizational performance and found that teachers with low level of psychological empowerment had cognitive bias when processing relevant information. Third, we had introduced methods used in social cognitive domain into psychological empowerment area and found the existence of negative self-schema among teachers with low level psychological empowerment. Fourth, based on previous studies and our empirical study, we put forward that teachers’ psychological empowerment is that teacher has the belief that he or she has an influence on his or her work, and know to take appropriate actions to influence his or her work through practical behaviors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】G443;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1444
  • 攻读期成果

