

A Study on Current UK Policy of Spreading English Overseas

【作者】 徐波

【导师】 徐辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 语言是文化的载体,每一种语言都是一种文化的结晶。在强调文化影响力等“软实力”的时代,语言推广成为国际间政治、经济、文化斗争的有效工具,获取民族和国家利益的重要手段。为维护并尽可能最大化英国的国家利益,增进其他国家对英国的了解和理解,改善英国的国际形象,英国政府在上世纪30年代设立了英国文化委员会这一海外英语推广的准官方机构,协调并统筹其海外英语推广工作。从那以后,英国政府不断完善其海外英语推广政策体系,在对外语言推广的指导思想、组织机构建设、经费补给、实施途径、技术更新等方面凝炼了显著的经验。时至今日,海外英语推广已成为英国国家文化外交的核心内容,他们在语言推广方面所取得的成功也被各国所公认,所积累的典型经验也被各国在制定语言推广政策时广为参照。本论文研究的核心目的在于梳理当代英国海外英语推广政策的发展历程与现状,通过分析当代英国海外英语推广的政策依据及落实途径,结合英国海外英语推广的实际成效及其在新形势下的改革举措,力求比较全面地总结当代英国海外英语推广的典型经验。为此,本论文从罗伯特·库珀的语言政策分析框架出发,重点回答了以下几个问题:英国海外语言推广政策是在何种背景下形成的,哪些团体或个人在执行其海外英语推广政策,政策的主旨精神及实施途径是什么,政策取得了什么样效果,从中可以得出什么样的结论。论文以“导论”开篇,主要说明研究的价值和必要性。在分析国内外相关文献的基础上,确立了本论文的研究思路和框架,并对本论文研究的基础性理论进行了梳理。正文部分分为五章。第一章是对当代英国海外英语推广政策的宏观历史及现状的总体描述,力求从整体上把握英国英语的过去与现在,剖析当代英国海外英语推广的内在动力,并采用“倒摄”的方式预先呈现英语的全球现状及影响,以使本论文的后期写作奠基在一个宏观的背景之下。本论文认为,英语在英伦三岛地位的确立是其海外传播的源头,包括英国在内的英语国家的崛起促成了英语的全球扩张,英语作为全球通用语地位的形成既为国际交流提供了沟通的便利,同时也对全球语言生态构成了一定的挑战。论文第二章探讨了当代英国海外英语推广政策的执行主体。在此,本论文借用组织学的分析框架,重点梳理了英国文化委员会这一国际知名的、准官方性质的语言推广机构的组织缘起、组织发展、组织使命与特性、以及组织运作等问题。本论文认为,英国文化委员会这一机构得以成立既缘于当时欧洲一些大国设立文化外交组织开展文化外交的成功示范,也是英国政府为应对国内外发展局势的被动举措,以及长期的语言推广政策的必然延续。作为一个准官方的语言推广机构,为英国的国家利益服务是其主导的价值取向,该机构在长期的发展过程中也建立起了一套成熟的组织体系与架构。论文第三章主要是对当前英国海外英语推广政策的文本解析。论文以历史演变为线索,选取了当代英国海外英语推广政策体系中具有重要意义的若干政策文本,包括《德罗赫达报告》、《海外英语教学指导委员会报告》、“对外英语教学规划大会”、《希尔报告》、《杜坎报告》、《伯理尔报告》、《西伯姆报告》等等,分析了各文本的制定与出台过程,各文本提出的具体政策建议,以及这些政策文本对英国海外英语推广的历史影响等问题。论文第四章探讨的是当代英国海外英语推广政策的落实途径。重点分析了对外语言教学、标准化考试、教材编写及输出、奖学金等政策手段。本论文认为,通过遍布世界各地的语言教学中心所提供的英语教学服务,通过举办标准化的国际英语水平考试并颁发资格证书,通过提供英语教师培训课程并向世界各地输送英国的语言专家,通过编写、输出英语教材和向国外提供图书情报服务,通过设置奖学金项目以吸引海外学生到英国留学等方式,英国已建立起了立体化的海外英语推广体系。论文第五章首先从英国国家利益的实现这一角度分析了当代英国海外英语推广政策的实施成效,并重点归纳了当代英国海外英语推广政策的典型经验,以及在面临诸多挑战的形势下做出的政策调整。本论文认为,以英国文化委员会为主导推动的海外英语推广工作取得了比较显著的成效,在长期的对外英语推广过程中也形成了具有英国特色的成功经验,英国上下在新形势下展开的政策调整更显示了英国海外英语推广政策积极与灵活的一面。结语部分则重新回到罗伯特·库珀的语言政策分析框架,以简明扼要的形式回答了先前提出的若干问题。同时,结合当前中国对外汉语推广的实际情况,总结了本论文研究的意义与不足,并对论文的后续研究进行了适度的规划。

【Abstract】 A language is a carrier of a culture, and every language is the crystallization of a culture. In an era when international attention is focused on such "soft power" as cultural influence, the spreading of a language is becoming an effective tool in international political, economic and cultural struggles and an important means for obtaining national interest.In order to safeguard and maximize the national interest of the United Kingdom and to enhance understanding of the UK by other countries and to improve UK’s international image, in the 1930s the British government established the British Council, a semi-official institution for spreading English overseas, for coordinating and making overall arrangement of work in this field. Since then, the British government has been trying to perfect its policy system for spreading English overseas and has obviously accumulated rich experience in its guidelines, organizational construction, supply of funds, ways of implementation, and technological updating. Today, spreading English overseas has become the core of national cultural diplomacy of the United Kingdom, and the success in spreading the English language has been acknowledge by other countries, and the British experience has been made model for other countries in making policies for spreading their languages overseas.This thesis is aimed at making an analysis of historical development and current status of the current British policy for spreading the English language, and through the analysis of the policy basis and its implementation, while taking into consideration of the achievements of the British policy and reforms made in it in light of the new situation, the author of this thesis tries to make a comprehensive summary of typical British experience in spreading the English language overseas. For this purpose, starting from the framework of analysis of language policies developed by Duff Cooper, the dissertation tries to supply answers to the following key questions: what is the background against which the British policy for spreading English overseas was made? What institutions or individuals are carrying out this policy? What are the main purposes of this policy and approaches to its implementation? What are the results this policy has brought about? And what conclusion can be drawn from the success of this British policy?The present thesis starts with an introduction, which discusses the importance and necessity of this research. Based on an analysis of studies made by Chinese and foreign researchers, the Introduction establishes the line of thought and framework for this thesis, and makes an introduction to the theoretical basis for this research paper.The current dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter One offers a general description of the historical development and present status of implementation of the British policy for spreading the English language overseas, trying to take the past and present British English as a whole, analyzing the inlaid factor behind the spreading of English overseas, and, by presenting a picture in a retroactive manner of the present situation and influence of the English language in the world, Chapter One places a macro-background against which stand latter parts of this dissertation. The present thesis believes that the spreading of English overseas originates and stems from the establishment of the dominating position of the English language on the British isles; the rise of English-speaking countries, including Great Britain, has encouraged the global expansion of the English language; and the establishment of English as a world language, while making it convenient for international communication, poses a certain challenge to the ecosystem of languages in the world.Chapter Two makes a study of the executive subject for carrying out the British policy for spreading English to other parts of the world. Using the analytical framework of histology, the present thesis makes an analytical study of the organizational origin, development, missions, characteristics, and functioning of the world-famous British Council, a semi-official institution for spreading English overseas. This thesis believes that, the establishment of the British Council, on the one hand, was a copy of successful examples of setting up cultural diplomatic institutions for cultural diplomacy by some European powers, but on the other hand, was a passive measure the British government was forced to take to cope with circumstances brought about by development of domestic and international situation, and was a natural continuation of its long-standing language policy. As a semi-official institution for spreading the English language, the British Council takes serving its national interest as its dominant value orientation, and has established a complete set of organizational system and framework in its long process of development.Chapter Three offers a textual analysis of the current British policy of spreading the English language overseas. Following the course of historical development of the British language policy, the paper makes an analysis of the texts of a number of important policies, such as the Drogheda Report, Report of the Official Committee on the Teaching of English Overseas, "Conference on Planning of Teaching English as a Foreign Language", the Hill Report, the Duncan Report, the Berrill Report, and the Seebohm Report, covering the process of their making, their proposed policies, and their historical influence on the spreading of English in the world.Chapter Four discusses current ways of implementation of the British policy of spreading English overseas, focusing on teaching English as a foreign language, standardized English tests, compiling of English textbooks and making them adopted in other countries, and policies concerning granting scholarships. The thesis believes that the UK has established a comprehensive system for spreading English overseas by English teaching service offered by English teaching centers across the world, by holding standardized international English proficiency tests and issuing certificates to successful candidates, by offering courses for training English teachers and sending English language experts to other parts of the world, by compiling and exporting English textbooks and supplying information concerning English publications to other countries, and by offering scholarship programs to attract students from other countries to study in the UK.Chapter Five starts by offering an analysis, from the perspective of the national interest of the UK, of the achievements of its policy to spread English overseas, laying emphasis on typical experiences obtained in the implementation of this policy and adjustments made in face of challenges. The paper expresses the view that outstanding accomplishment has been achieved in carrying out the language policy with the British Council playing a leading role, that successful experiences with British characteristics have been gained in the long-time implementation of this policy, and that the adjustments and shifts in its language policy under changing circumstances fully shows the active and flexible aspects of the UK in carrying out its policy to spread English overseas.The concluding part of the thesis returns to the framework of analysis of language policies developed by Duff Cooper, and supplies brief answers to questions posed in the earlier part of the thesis. In addition, the thesis makes a summary of the significance and insufficiency or limit of the studies made in this paper, while outlining moderate plans for further studies in this research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1618

