

Uncertainty about Career Development

【作者】 曾维希

【导师】 张进辅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础心理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 生涯不确定感对大学生而言是普遍而正常的现象。由生涯混沌论可知,人生发展与自我成长的历程,变化是常态,定格是暂态;很多事情都无法准确预测,也没有必要刻板地追求“确定”,但人们却有寻求确定感的情结。本研究将生涯不确定感界定为:由生涯发展的复杂性(混沌特征)、自我认知的艰巨性导致的,个体在透视自身生涯演进方向时体会到的难以预测、难以把握的感受,以及与之相关的各类生涯信念、情绪体验和态度行为。生涯不确定感是个体适应混沌的生涯发展必然会产生的知、情、意、行整合的心理行为系统,具有表层与深层结构;表面上关乎职业选择,实则是对人生意义的深层叩寻。从生涯混沌论的视角看,当前的生涯辅导已不能仅止于认识自我、认识职场、规划决策与谋职技巧的教导(安身),对生活情趣以及生命意义的探寻(立命),也是其中重要的一环。过往针对大学生生涯困扰问题的研究主要集中在“信息(自我的、职业的)”与“决策”层面,基于帕森斯的“特质因素论”范式,通过人格特质、职业兴趣、能力倾向的评估和决策技巧的教导,试图为来访者选择一个最适的职业。本研究站在生涯混沌论的视角透视生涯不确定感,认为生涯发展具有突变、转换、分形、初值敏感性、吸引子等非线性特征,不能过分强调绝对的因果,依靠“纯正的逻辑推理”预测未来,而更应该以个人建构的观点审视生涯发展。具体来说,本研究站在“元认知”(meta-cognition)层面上探索生涯辅导的新路径,认为生涯辅导的关键在于“培养应变的意识与能力”,即通过改变不合理的生涯信念,塑造生涯灵性以应对生涯混沌,使消极的不确定感转变为“积极的不确定感”。传统的生涯辅导主要集中于知识与决策层面,这两个层面需要“元认知”的积极引导才能有效执行,倘若生涯辅导仅仅停留在知识和决策层面,就很难有效应变,生涯不确定感也不能向积极的方向转变。本研究的意义和价值就在于从更根本的层面上解决生涯应变的问题,使大学生能以更深远的视角透视生涯发展,从而留出足够的心理空间,以灵活、理性与乐观的心理素质积极应变,达成良好的生涯适应状态,塑造优质的“命运”。从研究的内容来讲,本研究属于职业心理学的范畴;从研究的对象群体来看,本研究属青年心理学范畴。具体来讲,本研究要深入审视当前中国大陆社会经济文化背景下处于成年初显期(Emerging Adulthood)的大学生,在面对未来职业(生涯)发展议题时所体验到的不确定感,并从生涯混沌论的视角重新透视这种心理现象的本质、表现类型、可能的症结以及因应之道。含四个主要研究:研究一从大学生最切身的生涯体验入手,以不同类型的生涯体验界定大学生的生涯发展状态,从而对大学生的生涯不确定感作清晰的描述;研究二旨在挖掘大学生可能存在的诸种生涯信念,通过探索其深层的心结,发现导致生涯适应不良的认知根源,进而为后面的合理信念的塑造提供方向。研究三通过生涯适应良好者与适应不良者的相互比较,分析出生涯适应之胜任力模型,即达成良好的生涯适应,积极应对生涯不确定感需要具备的心理特质——生涯灵性(careerspirituality)。通过生涯辅导使来访者具备良好的心理行为模式是生涯辅导需要达到的目标。研究四通过隐喻与启发式的团体辅导,着重从个体的认知开放性入手,使来访者重新审视生涯发展中的不确定性,以获得对不确定性的辩证认识,减轻不适应症状,并积极接纳、创造和利用不确定性。本研究主要采用文献综述、理论思辨、开放式问卷调查、结构化问卷测查、方格技术、隐喻启发式团体辅导等研究方法,力求从质和量上对研究对象进行准确的描述、解释和干预。并得到以下结论:1.大学生生涯不确定感可以根据大学生的生涯认知分化性和整合性,根据大学生对生涯发展中的原发性质素和继发性质素的不同把握程度,分成“迷失型”、“顷暂型”、“冲动型”、“精虑型”这4种典型类型,同时也可以分析出其间的多类亚型。2.大学生生涯不确定感的测量可以从大学生的生涯体验入手,由不同的生涯体验反映其生涯不确定感类型。3.大学生生涯不确定感的状态存在性别、年级、专业、生源上的差异。4.大学生存在13种典型生涯信念,包括“盲从成功”、“忽视规划”、“路径定势”、“角色定势”、“盲目乐观”、“完美匹配”、“工作至上”、“依赖他人”、“决策了结”、“职场幻象”、“考试依赖”、“绝对把握”、“性别刻板”。这些信念表现出高分端和低分端的非理性特征,可能影响大学生生涯适应状态,是导致生涯适应不良的重要根源。5.不同生涯状态的大学生其生涯信念状态谱有所不同。“迷失型”、“冲动型”的个体表现出更多的非理性生涯信念,具有更高的认知封闭性、了结需要、完美主义倾向。6.大学生具有积极的生涯适应潜质,表现为5个维度的生涯灵性,分别是“开放灵活”、“意义追寻”、“务实行动”、“乐观豁达”、“坚韧执着”。7.不同生涯适应状态的大学生其生涯灵性表现出显著的差异,这种差异表明生涯辅导的重点应该因人因时而异。8.基于提升个体认知开放性的生涯辅导策略可以使生涯信念谱向良性方向显著改观。9.对有不良生涯信念的大学生进行生涯辅导,可以从提升认知开放性和应变力入手,采用具有同时性思维取向的、倾向于灵性探析的“生涯混沌辅导技术”。总之,生涯辅导并不是一个简单的三步走过程,三步走的咨询方式只在当事人提出职业选择诉求的某些情况下适用。生涯辅导远比三步走模式复杂,是一个神奇的历程,它既要关注个人素质也要涉及职业信息,既要具备现实世界的知识也依赖于发掘生命可能性的智慧,是对人类福祉的深刻关照。生涯混沌论在强调人类的局限性时也注意到潜在的适应能力,只是生涯辅导者要在这两者之间找到一个理想的平衡点十分困难。通常,咨询师认为,关注预测的局限性会使个体对咨询师的能力产生怀疑,强化其低自尊和无力感,当然在某些情形下这可能发生。然而,我们认为那种忽视现实复杂性的“盲目乐观(mindless optimism)”更不能满足来访者的需要。正如许多思想家揭示的那样,人类的潜能、创造性和成就最终实现于“混沌的边缘”。在局限性与潜能、不可预测与可预测、无知与洞见、控制与失控、混沌与有序间找寻理想的平衡点正是生涯辅导者所要面对的挑战,这也是承认人类生活在“混沌的边缘”所蕴含的意味。此间,我们能做的是要培养来访者的观念开放性、容忍模糊的能力、对变化的敏感性、乐观、积极的行动力以及终极的灵性(spirituality)。

【Abstract】 Uncertainty about career development is a pervasive and normal phenomenon in college students.According to Career Chaos Theory(CCT),phase chang in career development is absolute but certainty is relative.A lot of things can not be accurately predicted,there is no need for stereotypes in pursuit of the "certainty",but people have the complex of determination.In this study,uncertainty about career development(UACD) will be defined as the uncontrollable and unpredictable mental experience about career development which is full of chaos and complexity,as well as some kind of career beliefs,emotion,attitudes and exploration behaviors;it is an integrated mental and behavioral systems,with the surface and deep structure;the surface structure is related to career choices,but the deep structure is associated with the pursuit of life meaning.In the perspective of CTT,the current career guidance should not only be addicted to the understanding about self and workplace,or planning and decision-making skills training;to explore the life meaning and some spiritual need is also important.Past research in this field focused on "information(self and vocational)" and "decision-making" level,based on Parsons’s matching paradigm;through the assessment of personality traits,vocational interest,aptitudes and the training of decision-making skills,try to help the client make an optimum choice.According to CTT,career development is filled with mutation,transformation,fractal,initial sensitivity,attractors and any other non-linear characteristics,so we should not over-emphasize the absolute cause and effect,rely on "pure logical reasoning " to predict the future,but the personal construct perspective may be more useful and effective. Specifically,this study want to explore a new career counseling approach from the perspective of "meta-cognition",in the view that the key to career counseling is "cultivate the awareness and ability of adaptability",that is,by changing the irrational career beliefs,shaping one’s spiritual life to cope with chaos,negative uncertainty can be leaded to positive uncertainty.Traditional study of career guidance focus in the knowledge and decision-making level,which require the lead of "meta-cognition" for effective implementation,if only to stay in the knowledge and decision-making level,it is difficult to cope with career uncertainty effectively and can not reach positive direction.In this study,the meaning and value is a more fundamental level of strain on career uncertainty.So that students can get far-reaching perspective of career development to set aside enough psychological space,a flexible,rational and positive psychological qualities,a good adaptation of his status,in order to promote the quality of "destiny."According to its objects,this study belongs to vocational(occupational) psychology;according to its target groups,it is in the scope of youth psychology. Specially,this study was to examine the "uncertainty about career development (UACD)" experienced by Chinese college students who are in the stage of emerging adulthood;to analyze its symptom types,cause and how to cope with this psychological phenomenon in CTT perspective.With four major studies:StudyⅠmade use of the self-reported career feelings as the test items to develop the "college students’ career status inventory",then used this inventory to measure the different kind of UACD.The goal of StudyⅡwas to find out the career beliefs that made college students in trouble.To explore their deep cognitive cause and some mental complex so as to get the right method to obtain rational career beliefs.StudyⅢtried to evaluate the competency model of career adaptability.Career spirituality is the vital characteristics with which one can cope with uncertainty positively.So through career counseling we should help clients get this mental and behavioral model.StudyⅣused some metaphor and spiritual counseling techniques to promote college students’ cognitive openness,made them renew the viewpoint about uncertainty, so as to release the symptom,positively accept,create and make use of the uncertainty.This study used some qualitative and quantitative methods such as literature review, theoretical thinking,open-questionnaire survey,structured questionnaires test,grid technology and heuristic metaphor to get the accurate description,interpretation and intervention to its research issues.There are nine conclusions: 1.According to college students’ cognitive differentiation and integration,the symptom of UACD can be divided into four typical statuses,such as the "lost", "impulsive","just temporary" and "good consideration",and there are more subtypes.2.Different career feelings may reflect the type of career uncertainty,so we can measure the UACD by get the information about one’s career feelings.3.College students’ UACD performance has some difference in gender,grade, major,and district.4.College students have thirteen typical career beliefs,including "successful blindly","ignore the planning"," path-set ","role-set","blind optimism","perfect matching","job first","dependent","decision-making closure","workplace mirage", "test-dependent","absolutely sure" and "gender stereotypes".These beliefs show high and low score pole’s irrational characteristics that may affect the status of career adaptability and may be a major source of maladjustment.5.College students of different UACD type have the different status spectrum in career beliefs.The "lost" and "impulsive" show more irrational career beliefs,a higher cognitive closure and some perfectionist tendencies.6.College students have some positive potential traits for career adaptability, manifested in the five dimensions of career spirituality,which are "open and flexible", "search for meaning","practical action","open-minded optimism" and "persistent tenacity".7.College students of different UACD type have the different status spectrum in career spirituality,such difference indicate that career guidance should change according to different people.8.Career counseling techniques in the effort of enhance clients’ cognitive openness and flexibility can make one’s irrational career beliefs get some positive change.9.Counseling college students who have irrational career beliefs can use some synchronicity or spirituality-oriented techniques;it is effective to promote one’s openness and flexibility.In short,career guidance is not a simple three-step process;it is a complicated and fantastic course.We should both pay attention to the personal qualities and occupational information;it is necessary to have knowledge about the real world and use the intelligence to explore the possibility of life,to care about human’s well-being deeply. Here,what we can do is to cultivate openness,ability to tolerate ambiguity,sensitivity to change,optimism and positive action as well as ultimate spirituality.

【关键词】 生涯不确定感生涯混沌论症结辅导
【Key words】 UACDCareer Chaos TheorySymptomCounseling
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

