

Study on the Motion Characteristic of Terminal-Sensitive Submunition

【作者】 殷克功

【导师】 刘荣忠;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 火炮、自动武器与弹药工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为了提高常规火炮远距离打击装甲目标的能力,达到一两发弹就能毁伤一辆装甲目标的要求,这就要求炮弹能自动探测、搜索装甲目标。末敏弹是把先进的敏感器技术和爆炸成形弹丸技术应用到子母弹领域中的一种新型弹药,在摧毁装甲目标方面有很高效费比,世界上不少国家都优先发展这个弹种。由于末敏子弹系统在空间运动错综复杂,影响因素众多,这将直接影响末敏弹的命中概率。本文的研究将对改善末敏弹的整体性能以及末敏子弹的总体设计提供有力理论依据和技术支持,为完善末敏弹的设计理论、提高末敏弹的命中概率提供有力的帮助。本文采用理论分析、数值计算与试验验证相结合的方法,建立了各运动阶段的动力学模型,进行了末敏子弹运动特性分析,并在此基础上给出了影响命中概率的关键因素。本文主要的研究内容包括:第一,研究了稳态扫描阶段中扫描角、落速、转速等参数的变化规律以及它们之间的相互依赖关系。同时为了确定末敏子弹初始工作参数,开展了子弹分离技术研究,提出了一种子弹分离方案。第二,基于有限元方法建立了减速伞充气模型。针对末敏弹减速装置采用的平面圆伞,利用粒子—弹簧系统构建了减速伞三维模型;在考虑了伞衣结构内力和内部气流运动的基础上,建立充气过程的粒子节点动力学模型,并验证了此模型与实验结果基本一致。第三,建立了减速减旋阶段中伞、子弹两刚体的动力学模型与稳态扫描阶段中伞、伞盘、子弹三体的多柔体动力学模型。并对稳态扫描伞进行了模态分析,建立了稳态扫描伞自由振动的基本方程与固有频率计算方法。第四,开展了稳态扫描参数验证试验研究。采用热气球投放与炮射两种方法相结合的试验手段得到了末敏子弹的落速、扫描角和转速,并通过与模型计算得的数据比较,验证了模型的正确性。第五,建立了末敏子弹各阶段的随机模型。在对战场目标特性分析的基础上,研究了末敏子弹命中概率影响因素,利用蒙特卡罗方法建立了末敏子弹各阶段的随机模型,并在此基础上实现了末敏弹全弹道图形仿真。第六,给出了提高目标识别概率的方法。针对末敏子弹采用的毫米波/红外复合敏感体制,开展了把基于模糊数学和D-S证据理论的多传感器数据融合技术应用到末敏子弹的目标识过程中,提高了末敏子弹对目标的识别概率。最后指出了下一步需要继续深入研究的问题并进行了展望。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the conventional long-range artillery against armored targets, and with the purpose of damaging an armored goal for only one or two shells, the shells are required to be automatically detecting and searching the armored goal. The terminal-sensitive submunitions are satisfied such requirements. It is one kind of cluster ammunition that combined with advanced sensor technology and EFP technology, and it has high cost-effective in destroying armored targets. Nowadays, many countries in the world give priority to develop this kind of ammunition. However, the terminal-sensitive submunitions have a complex space movement and there are many factors, which will directly affect the damage probability. The intensive studies on these subjects would provide strong theoretical basis and technological support to improve the global property, the global design, and the design theory of terminal-sensitive submunition, and increase the damage probability.Theoretical analysis, numerical and experimental verification are combined to establish a dynamic model of the different movement stages of the terminal sensitive ammunitions, and the analysis of the characteristics of movement was respectively carried out in this paper. On all of these premises, the major factors which affect the final damageprobability were summarized. And here the major subjects in this paper were listed:Firstly, during the process of stable scanning, the parameters such as scan angle, fallvelocity, rotational speed were studied, and the conclusion of the transform law of these parameters were drew, as well as their interdependence. At the same time, in order to determine the initial parameters of the terminal-sensitive submunitions, a bullet separation program was proposed according to the separation laws.Secondly, the inflatable model of drogue parachute was established based on the finite element method. According to the flat circular parachute which was used in the decelerator, a three-dimensional model based on the Mass-Spring System was proposed. And taking into account in the canopy structure of the internal forces and internal air movement, the dynamic model of particle nodes during the inflaction process was set up. Then, the model was verified by the experimental results.Thirdly, the dynamics model of the drogue parachute and the submunitions during the speed deceleration and spin decreasing stage was established, as well as the Flexible Multi-Body Dynamics model during the stable scanning period. Respectively, the model analysis of the parachute during the steady state was made, on that basis, the basic equation of the free vibration of the parachute was set up, as well as the computing method of the intrinsic frequency.Fourthly, the experiments were conducted to verify the parameters during the stable scanning period. By combining the experiments through launching the hot-air balloon and artillery, the dates of the fall velocity, scan angle and the rotate speed of the submunition was got. Then, these dates were compared with the simulation dates, and the accuracy of this model was verified.Fifthly, the random model of the submunitions during the various periods was set up in this paper. That is, on the premise of the analysis of the target characteristics in the battlefield, the factors which influence the hit probability were studied, and by using the Monte Carlo method, the random model of the submunitions was constructed, and based on these studies abovementioned, the graphic simulation of the overall trajectory was finally completed.Sixthly, the method to improve the identification probability was advanced. Given that the submunitions adopt the technique of millimeter wave/infrared sensor, the Fuzzy Mathematics and D-S theory MSDF(multisensor data fusion) were combined to apply to the process of the target identification, thus improving the identification probaility.Finally, the direction for the continuing research of this subject was pointed out.


