

The Study of Macro-quality Management and Quality Competiveness

【作者】 马小平

【导师】 韩之俊;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 伴随着经济的发展和科技的进步,日渐丰富的产品和服务扩大了消费者的选择空间,而加剧了企业生存和发展的压力,竞争的焦点已由数量转到质量,价格让位于质量,质量已成为一个国家、一个地区、一个企业和我们每个消费者追求的对象。本文以江苏为背景,将宏观质量管理与质量竞争力作为本文研究的重点,具体内容有:第一章概要地介绍了本文的研究背景和意义、国内外研究现状以及研究内容和思路;第二章主要从宏观上对我国现行的质量政策与法规进行研究,并对江苏省内几项重要的宏观质量管理实践进行评价和研究;第三章通过构建质量竞争力指标体系,运用数理统计方法,建立数学模型,计算出一个能够客观反映某一地区质量水平的宏观质量竞争力指数,并且结合江苏省13个地级市的实证详细介绍了指标筛选过程;第四章主要从产业角度构建制造业的质量竞争力评价模型,对第三章宏观层面的研究作了理论和实证方面的延伸。此外,针对服务业的特殊性,从顾客满意度角度来评价服务业质量竞争力,给出了服务业顾客满意度模型;第五章总结与展望,提出本文研究的主要成果和结论,展望了该领域今后的研究方向。本文的创新之处主要体现在以下五个方面:(1)界定了宏观质量管理的内涵,比较了我国《产品质量法》与国外《产品责任法》的异同,针对我国目前食品安全法律法规的严重滞后性,提出对策和改进建议;(2)构建了江苏省质量兴市的评价指标体系,论述了江苏省名牌发展战略,为推动江苏区域经济健康、快速发展做出了一定的贡献;(3)界定了宏观质量竞争力的涵义,构建了宏观质量竞争力模型,并用宏观质量竞争力指数对江苏13个地级市的质量竞争力进行了评价。此外,还分析了宏观质量竞争力指数QI与GDP的关系,探求了其统计规律性。实证表明:QI与GDP具有很高的关联性,质量竞争力指数的走高,可以推动GDP的增长:(4)构建了制造业质量竞争力模型,并用制造业质量竞争力指数对江苏一千多家制造企业的质量竞争力进行了综合评价;(5)构建了服务业顾客满意度模型,并用此模型对江苏供电企业的顾客满意度进行了评价,其结果不仅验证了模型构建的合理性,而且对企业的经营管理具有指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy and progress of science and technology, the growing products and services expand consumer’s choice space, but intensify the enterprise’s survival and the development pressure. It has focused on quality instead of quantity and price in competition, and quality has been a goal of a county、a district、an enterprise and every consumer. Taking Jiagsu Province as research background , this dissertation focuses on the study of macro-quality management and quality competivenessThe content of this dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter simply introduces the background and significance of this study, research status at home and abroad, and research contents and train of thought. The second chapter mainly studies quality policy and regulation in China, and makes an evaluatin and research of some important macro—quality management practices of Jiangsu Province. The third chapter gives a macro—quality competiveness index which can shows quality level of a distrct objectively, and introduces the screening process of indexes in detail with an example of 13 cities in Jiangsu, through the construction of index system of quality competiveness and application of mathematical statistics method and establishment of mathematical model. The fourth chapter gives an evaluation model of quality competiveness for manufacturing industry from industry angle, which is an extension of theoretical and empirical analyses of chapter three. And considering the particularity of service industry, service quality competiveness is appraised by customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction model is given. The fifth chapter makes a summary of this dissertation and research perspective.The innovations of this dissertation can be showed in five aspects:(1) This dissertation defined the connotation of Macro-quality Management, compared Product Quality Law with Product Liability Law, and gived the corresponding advice and measurement based on the lag of rule and law of food safety in China.(2) This dissertation constructed the appraisal index system of Developing city through quality in Jiangsu province, and discuss the amous brand development strategy.(3) This dissertation defined the connotation of macro-quality competiveness, constructed the Macro-quality competiveness model, and appraisd the macro-quality competiveness of 13 cities in Jiangsu. This dissertation also analyzed the relationship between QI and GDP, and the demonstration shown that the two positively related.(4) This dissertation constructed the quality competiveness model of manufacturing industry, and appraisd more than 1000 manufacturing enterprise by quality competiveness index of industry.(5) This dissertation constructed the customer satisfaction index model of service trade, and appraisd customer satisfaction of power supply enterprise in Jiangsu province. The result comfirmed the rationality of the model, and had guideliness to the manangement of enterprise.

  • 【分类号】F273.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1457
  • 攻读期成果

