

A Research on the American Outstanding CEOs’ Crisis Management Strategy in the 20th Century

【作者】 黄书亭

【导师】 冯俊文;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文在南北战争以降的背景下,依托管理学基本原理,在多学科的视域中,遵循历史与逻辑相统一的方法,以哲学、类型学、案例研究为框架,综合集成各种思想方法,以20世纪美国杰出CEO安德鲁·卡内基、约翰·皮尔庞特·摩根、约翰·D·洛克菲勒、亨利·福特、艾尔弗雷德·P·斯隆、托马斯·J·沃森、小托马斯·J·沃森、李·艾柯卡、杰克·韦尔奇为线索,用比较的视角,实证的方法,述评的文体,对重大危机事件进行描述、对比、统计、总结、研究,基于案例进行推理,剖析决策过程,认识危机的发生机制与显著特征,分析危机管理策略,上升为方法论原则,回归到危机管理实践。危机的分类多种多样。危机的酝酿、发生和变化,关联着复杂的政治、经济、文化等因素。危机是不确定性的表现形式,是科学管理理论逻辑展开的结果,是人格缺陷、制度缺陷、美国难题的体现,是“市场失灵”、“政府失灵”、“技术失灵”的后果,是领导与管理失衡的结果,是若干周期理论的折射,是现代化、全球化的伴生现象。较为科学的危机管理策略是:诚信,务实,盈利,专注,清醒,依法经营,肩负使命,洞悉人性,妥当归因,树立正确的人生观和财富观,承担社会责任。真诚面对公众,善待伙伴,擅长沟通,善于管理上司,防范环境污染,提防政治风险。热爱生活,忠于家庭,积极休闲,交往慎重。面对现实,反应适度,持续改进,创新商业模式,形成核心能力,摆脱行为惯性,不苛求完美。讲究方法,规避不确定性,创新品牌,警惕多元化陷阱。重视隐性知识,注重教育训练。保持历史感,避免简单化,建立竞争性的企业文化、柔性的组织结构、规范的法律机制,建立“高瞻远瞩公司”。本文提供观察美国近现代史的新颖视角:多角度勾连企业、人物、社会与历史,构成研究美国经济制度史乃至美国历史的参照系,为理解企业管理与管理思想的发展,为观察新闻史、战争史及休闲史,为评价美国文化、美国内战、工人运动、城市化、新政、美国改革、美国经济发展的原因和特点提供新视角;本文是案例研究的积极尝试:以问题为导向,围绕核心概念,选择事例,分析数据,提炼观点,审视、验证和创新传统理论,弥补理论分析的空洞、乏味,避免随机、失控现象,兼顾量的研究与质的分析,在研究和运用上开辟新的领域,尝试新的方法,提供有益的建议,研究过程规范、标准;本文是学科交叉的有益探讨:涉及宽泛的时空范畴,涉猎管理学、哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、军事学等领域,在管理学与多学科的融合中,剖析典型人物和典型案例,阐释杰出CEO的历史地位、得失成败与现实价值,体现扎实的人文功底,有助于管理学的学科建设和理论建构,其研究策略、文体与叙述方式,有一定的示范价值。

【Abstract】 Crisis management is a new challenging subject in managerial study with a rich heritage and quite troublesome difficulty, aiming at the practical studies.Based on the basic principles of management and with a view to multile subjects, the sesearch is done with a multiple collection of thought of all school and with an outline of philosophy, typology and case study.The study period of the thesis is since the American Civil War and the way of thought of empirical managing school is used in the paper.Cited as samples in the thesis are the famous American CEOs in the 20th century, such as Andrew Canegie, John Pierpoint Morgan Sr., John D.Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Alfred P.Sloan, Thomas.J.Watson Sr., Thomas.J.Watson Jr.Lee, Lacocca, Welch.J, and their growing backgrounds, ways to success, practical managements, successes and failures, retired lives, etc.are investigated and studied by comparison and contrast, and by concluding and analyzing what is listed above, to illustrate their crisis management practices, to look into their typical cases, and to analyze the situations in which crises happen and the strategies to handle them, at last management methodology being reached.A narrative and commentary style is adopted through the whole thesis.Crisis is an uncertain manifesting form, a symbol of selfhood disfigurement, system limitation and American problems.It is also a result of market, government and technique malfunction and leading and management imbalance and theories of lifecycles.In a word, it is a companion phenomenon of modernization and globalization.Thegestation, growth and change of crises have a close connection with complicated political, economical and cultural factors.The better scientific crisis management strategies are the following aspects: One should be in good faith, clear-headed, down to earth, heart and soul, pertinent attribution, with a correct way of life and fortune, undertaking duties of both his enterprise and society; One should confront the public and the press honestly, treat his partners kindly, prevent environment from pollution, to be loyal to one’s department, clients, to be good at communication and management of superiors, to be alerted to political hazard; One should love life, have an active leisure, to be loyal tohis family, to be cautious of making friends; One should confront the practices, feedback, think back, ameliorate continuously, not to be eager for quick success and instant benefit; One should attach importance to demonstrations, pay attention to methodology, to avoid uncertainty, to be alerted to multilevel traps; One should attach importance to concealed knowledge as well as education and training, keep a sense of history, develop and form core abilities, to avoid simplification; One should set up competitive enterprise culture, smooth organization system, have a normal law system, and found a visionary company.At last offered in the thesis is a new perspective view into the U.S.modern and contemporary history.With the help of the samples together with the enterprises, he people and the history in which my samples worked or lived in, we have a frame of reference to study the U.S.history of economic system as much as the U.S.history so as to offeran angle of new view to understand the development of enterprise management and managerial thought, to observe the history of news, war and leisure, and to comment the reasons and features of the American Civil War, of worker’s movement, of urbanization, of new policies, of the U.S.reform, and of American economic development.The thesis is an active attempt of demonstration study in which by using questions or problems as guidelines and around the key theories, samples are chosen, data are analyzed, and cases are abstracted; in which frame structuresare designed, adjusted and optimized and traditional theories are examined and surveyed, making up the inanition and boring of analyzing theories, avoiding the phenomenon of random and losing control; in which the study of quantity and the analysis of quality are taken account of, opening new practical research area and attempting new methods to offer useful advices to study process model and standard. The thesis is a useful probe of inter-subject, which covers a broad space and a long time, including economics, philosophy, literature, sociology, history, journalism, strategics, leisure, psychology, computer science, law science, information, etc.In the mixture of literature, history, psychology and management, typical characters and cases are analyzed and the historical status, successes and failures and present practical value of well-known CEOs are illustrated.Finally the thesis has a solid foundation of literatureand humanities, which is helpful to the construction and formation of managerial subject and its style and narrative strategy are a model to some extend.

【关键词】 危机管理哲学类型学案例综合集成
【Key words】 crisis managementphilosophytypologycasemultiple collection

