

Real-Time Diagnosis of Instantaneous Temperature of Combustion and Explosion Process

【作者】 周学铁

【导师】 王俊德;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 应用化学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文开展了以下5个方面的研究:1现代光谱对燃烧与爆炸过程瞬态温度的实时诊断技术燃烧温度是表征燃烧行为和特征的重要参数之一,它将有效地指导新型炸药,火工品,爆破器材和新型武器的设计与制造。论文综述了现代光谱对火焰与爆炸过程的实时诊断技术,如原子发生—吸收光谱法、原子发生双谱线法、原子发生多谱线法、分子转振光谱法、激光相干反斯托克斯拉曼光谱反和平面激光诱导荧光光谱法的应用和新进发展。其中原子发射—吸收光谱法的最大时间分辨率可达40μs,双谱线法的时间分辨率可高达0.1μs,完全适应于猛烈的爆炸和燃烧火焰的瞬态实时温度诊断的需要。其他的方法也将对研究火焰过程的规律和燃烧瞬态特征的表征提供了新的方法。2电磁/电热—化学等离子体温度的光谱诊断技术当用原子发射光谱Boltzmann法测量电热高密度等离子体的温度和电子密度时,目前国际上都应用Cu原子在510.554,515.324,521.820,529.250,570.020和578.213nm处的六条中性原子光谱线测量,产生很大误差,高达25%,甚至更高。国际上著名科学家Bourhanm和Kohel等人都认为“偏离Boltzmann曲线的原因是由于高光密度等离子体内的自吸,或由于辐射原子态内固有非热粒子流造成的”。在我们的研究中发现,产生这样大误差的原因,并不是像他们所说的那样,而是由于他们在计算温度时,采用了错误的光谱参数,如:谱线上能级统计权重g、跃迁几率A和上能级能量Ei的原因。我们认为,只有在正确选择和应用了这些光学参数后,才能得到正确的和实验可信度极高的温度测量数据。在我们的实验结果中,我们将实验的可信度从89-94%提高到了98-99.5%,实验误差从±25%~30%降低到±6.5%。我们的这一发现,得到了世界著名科学家Bourhanm等人的认可,并被国际著名科学家发表在Applied Physics Letters上的论文所引用。这将对正确地测量等离子体温度提供一条新的思路和方法。3光谱法测量塑料导爆管爆轰瞬态温度论文采用原子发射—吸收光谱法测量了塑料导爆管出口处的爆轰瞬态温度,并给出了爆轰温度随时间的变化曲线,塑料导爆管出口爆轰温度在2 130K~2 200K之间,测量时间分辨率最高可达40μs。4红外光谱遥测固体推进剂燃烧温度及有机化合物对其影响论文发展了基于分子转振红外发射光谱线强度理论的温度计算方程式。用遥感FTIR光谱,测定了固体推进剂燃烧火焰在光谱范围为4 500~700 cm-1处的红外发射光谱,利用HCl分子转振基带(3.146μm)精细结构的P—分支光谱,准确测定了固体推进剂燃烧火焰温度,并对含有不同材料固体推进剂,如有机化合物对燃烧温度的影响,作了讨论。5发射光谱Boltzmann法测量毛细管放电产生电热高密度等离子体温度之误差分析论文详细地分析了目前文献报道的:采用发射光谱Boltzmann法,测量毛细管放电产生的电热高密度等离子体温度时,产生误差的原因。当正确地选择光谱参数—谱线上能级统计权重g、跃迁几率A和上能级能量Ei—Boltzmann法测量毛细管放电产生的电热高密度等离子体温度时,实验可信度可高达99%~99.5%,测量误差仅为±6.5%。

【Abstract】 This paper was discussed in the following:1 Real-Time Diagnosis of Instantaneous Temperature of Combustion and Explosion Process by Modern SpectroscopyThe combustion temperature is one of important to express flame combustion and explosion characteristics.It will effectively guide the design and manufacture of new model explosives,industrial explosive materials,and weapons.The recent developments and applications of real time diagnostics of instantaneous temperature of combustion and explosion processes by modern spectroscopic methods,such as atomic absorption-emission method,atomic emission two-line spectroscopy,atomic emission multi-line spectroscopy, molecular rotation-vibration spectroscopy,coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering(CARS) and plane laser-induced fluorescence(PLIF),were reviewed in this paper.The maximum time resolution of atomic absorption-emission method is 40μs,The time resolution of atomic emission two-line spectroscopy can reach 0.1μs.These two methods can completely suit the need of real time and instantaneous temperature diagnostics of violent explosion and flame combustion.Other methods will also provide new effective research methods for the processes and characteristics of combustion,flame and explosion.2 Temperature and Electronic Density Measurement of the ECT Launcher Plasma by Atomic Emission SepctroscopyAt present,most scientists in the world use six copper neutral atomic lines of 510.554,515.324,521.820,529.250,570.020 and 578.213 nm to measure the temperature of the electrothermal chemical launcher plasma by Boltzmann polt.There are big errors up to 25%,or even higher.Famous scientists Bourham and Kohel think:"Departures from linearity in the Boltzmann polt may be due to self-absorption within the optically dense plasma or may result from inderently non-thermal populations in the radiating atomic states." Whereas we found in our study that such big errors were not because what they said, but because they took the wrong spectroscopic parameters,such as the transition probability, A,the statistical weight of upper level,g,and the energy of the upper level,Ei,of copper lines,on calculating temperature with the Boltzmann polt.We believe that the correct temperature measurement results with high level of significance could be achieved only when the spectroscopic parameters were selected and used correctly.In our study,the level of significance was increased from 89-94%to 98-99.5%,and the experimental error was decreased from±25%~30%to±6.5%.This discovery was accepted by famous scientist Bourham and was cited by a famous magazine ’Applied Physics Letters’.This work will provide a new train of thought and method in temperature measurement of electrothermal chemical launcher plasma.3 Spectroscopic Measurement of Temporal Temperature for Nonel Tube ExplosionThe paper reports atomic absorption-emission spectroscopy to measure temporal temperature of Nonel tube explosion and temperature-time distribution curve.The explosion temperature range is 2130 K~2200 K.The measuremental time resolution can reach 40μs.4 Combustion Temperature Measurement of Solid Propellant and the Effect of Organic Compound on Combustion Temperature by Remote FTIRThe superiority of theory of molecular rotation-vibration emission spectra for the temperature measurement was verified.The FTIR emission spectra in the spectral range of 4 500-700 cm-1 for the solid propellants were measured by a remote sensing FTIR system. The P-branch of fine structure of HCl fundamental band lying at 3.146μm was used for precise combustion temperature measurement of the solid propellant.The effect of the organic compound in the solid propellant on the combustion temperature was discussed.5 Error Analysis of Temperature Measurement by Boltzmann Plot in Atomic Emission Spectroscopy for a High-density Plasma Produced by Electrothermal Capillary DischargeThe present paper analysed in detail the reasons for the errors found in the literature when Boltzmann plot was used for the temperature measurement of a high-density plasma produced by electrothermal capillary discharge.The reliability of experiment can reach as high as 98%-99.5%and the error is only±6.5%when the spectroscopic parameters,such as transition probability A,statistical weight of upperlevel g,and the energy of upper level Ei,are selected correctly for the temperature measurement of a high density,plasma produced by electrothermal capillary discharge by Boltzmann plot in atomic emission spectroscopy.


