

Study of the Temperature and Electromagnetic Environment on the Failure of Aerial Ammunition

【作者】 潘文庚

【导师】 王晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 兵器科学与技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 航空弹药是空军航空兵作战的重要军事装备。论文研究了温度和电磁环境等因素对地面长贮航空弹药的影响,在分析国内外弹药失效现象与理论发展情况的基础上,运用失效理论研究了其失效关键因素和失效机理,对其相应贮存规律等进行了仿真分析,主要涉及以下几个方面内容:(1)从我国弹药贮存环境实际出发,通过温度和电磁环境等对航空弹药的影响分析,系统深入研究了影响弹药性能的主要因素及作用机理。分析了弹药密封包装内部湿度变化规律和温度转换关系,指出外部环境中的低频成分是影响密封包装内部湿度的主要因素;同时获得了温度和电磁环境因素影响弹药失效机理,并提出了相应的处置方法与措施。(2)运用故障树等分析方法研究了航弹关键组件中的多个案例,获得了导致弹药贮存失效的主要部件,并详细研究火工品、引信、弹体装药和电子元器件的失效机理与贮存规律。研究表明:引信、火工品中的药柱和电子元器件主要受温度的影响而变质;也易受到电磁干扰而损坏;弹体及其内部的钢珠、弹簧等部件经过长贮后因受到大气和生物等自然环境的影响而失效;通过分析自然环境对弹药的作用效应,得到了弹药中材料的锈蚀老化规律;通过电点火具瞬态脉冲试验数据研究获知:温度和电磁效应是影响电点火具失效的主要因素。(3)针对某弹药装药,运用ANSYS软件建立温度仿真模型,分析了其在有、无空调库房贮存以及野外存放下受温度的影响,获得了其温度场的分布情况和室内库存及野外存放时弹体内部各点受温度影响的分布规律,得知野外环境下存贮弹药的温度能大于600℃以上。若在外场存放弹药,极有可能影响弹药性能或导致弹药失效;仿真结果与前辈的试验数据进行了对比,验证了模型的可行性;对研究新弹种贮存规律等提供了参考。(4)以某固体发动机为例,分析了其在周期温度载荷的情况下,壳体、绝热层和药柱交界面上各点温度随时间变化的曲线以及从内到外整个路径上的温度变化,并根据其温度场的分布,分析得出了其在整个路径上应力的变化情况。计算了其由瞬态温度场引起的应力应变响应,找出了药柱内应力场的分布规律及其危险部位。研究固体发动机在贮存期内的热应力,对其结构完整性分析与弹药延寿具有十分重要的意义。(5)基于反应论模型,研究温度对发动机药柱老化及老化速率的影响,建立了发动机药柱贮存可靠度及寿命预测公式,为固体发动机贮存性能预测提供方法。(6)研究了桥丝式电点火具在高频电磁和静电模型的激励下产生的感应电流对它的危害,并运用ANSYS软件分别模拟了桥丝式电点火具在恒电流和正弦周期电流下桥丝及药剂受热的温度分布情况,得出了桥丝在不同大小的恒电流下,温度变化的差异和在正弦周期电流的激励下桥丝和药剂随温度变化规律以及在整个路径上的温度变化规律,为电火工品贮存与防护提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Aerial ammunition is an important military equipment of Air Force in combat. This article analyzes the environmental factors mainly temperature and humidity factors and electromagnetic environmental factors on the impact of ammunition, Based on the analysis on the domestic and foreign the phenomenon of ammunition failure and development of the ammunition failure theory, the paper studies the key factor and mechanism in failure on aerial ammunition and simulates its law. The central contents are as follows:(1) In view of the storage environment of China, the paper studies particularly the storage environment of aerial ammunition that affected by the temperature and humidity, electromagnetic environmental factors. The paper studies the main effects of the failure impacted on ammunition. Analyzing the rule of the humidity changes in sealed packaging in-house, and the relationship between temperature and humidity in conversion, pointed out that the external humidity in the low-frequency components is the main internal factors of affecting the internal sealed packaging and humidity, and that the mechanism of temperature and humidity, electromagnetic environmental factors, and bring forward the corresponding disposal methods and measures.(2) By use of fault tree analysis methods on the key components for the aerial ammunition, the number of cases are analyzed, and obtain the main factors of the storage ammunition that had led to the failure, it studies the failure mechanism and storage law such as explosive materials, fuses, bomb charge and electronic components detailly. Research shows that: it is deteriorated by the impact of temperature and humidity that Fuse, the explosive materials in the grain and electronic components, electronic components are also susceptible to damage by electromagnetic interference. After long storage, the body and its internal steel ball, spring, and other components are break down by the effects of the atmosphere and and other biological. By analyzing the natural environment effect of ammunition, the corrosion law of the ammunition materials is studied, and the corresponding protective measures is bringed up. Through analysis of Electroexplosive Device transient pulse test data, the temperature and humidity and Electromagnetic effect is the main failure factors of Electroexplosive Device.(3) For aerial bombs as an example, establish model based on finite element analysis software ANSYS, analyzes the ammunition influence by storage in the storeroom temperature with and without air-conditioning and storage in the field, obtain its temperature distribution and the distributing rule of points that inside body affected by temperature when storage in the storeroom and in the field, and if the temperature of the little-storage bomb is high than 60°C at open country, the performance will be affected or lose its capability. The results were compared with previous test data to verify the feasibility of the model, it have great significance for research on rule of ammunition storage.(4) Take a certain type of aerial rocket engines as the example, analyzes the shell, the insulation layer and grain interface points curve of temperature versus time by the load cycle of temperature, and temperature gradient changes on the path from inside to outside. The article calculates its stress-strain response caused by transient temperature field, identified the distribution of stress field and dangerous position of the grain. Researching aerial rocket engine thermal stress in the storage period, have a great significance on its structural integrity analysis and increase ammunition longevity.(5) Based on the react- model, to analyze the ambient temperature effect on the aging and aging rate, modeling the formula to predict the relationship of reliability and life and its modulus for solid propellant is deduced so as to provide the reference for prediction long-storage life of the ammunition.(6) Because electromagnetic environment has big impact on electronic equipment more, the article analyzed the influence of ammunition electronic equipment by lightning, electrostatic and radio frequency, and other electromagnetic environment, the article research the induced current of bridge wire-EED by high-frequency electromagnetic and electrostatic model and the harm to EED, and simulate the bridge wire and agent of the bridge wire EED heating temperature distribution by constant current and sinusoidal cycle current based on ANSYS. Obtain the bridge wire temperature changes differences in different sizes of constant current, in the current cycle of the sinusoidal excitation, temperature change of bridge wire and agent with the cycle current, and the temperature changes on the entire path, provides a theoretical basis for the design and storage, as well as to prevent accidents electric detonating of EED.


