

The Research on Further Development of Rural Ecotourism in Turpan Region

【作者】 杨丽

【导师】 海米提·依米提;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 自然地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 旅游学是地理学、经济学、文化学、社会学、管理学、生态学等的交叉学科。旅游开发更是涉及到“生态系统平衡”和“人地关系和谐”这些重要问题。“乡村旅游”和“生态旅游”在我国开展的时间较晚,这使得本文所研究的问题在旅游学科领域上属于前沿的热点和难点问题。首先是概念的讨论和甄别。对于“乡村旅游”和“生态旅游”的界定,国内外学者有数百种解释和认识,基于对上百篇文献的研究,笔者提出从旅游的产生去认识和解释“乡村旅游”的概念,即从产业的角度去理解乡村旅游。对于“生态旅游”概念的认识,本文认为生态旅游的理念是在生态旅游开发中最重要和必须一直要遵循的原则,并提出整体人文生态系统理论和自然—经济—社会系统理论是生态旅游的基石,必须从系统和整体的观点上去理解生态旅游的定义,它既包括自然生态部分,也包括基于自然的人文生态部分;在概念的理解上,更应强调一种人、自然、社会文化和经济和谐统一的思想。理论部分笔者的主要观点为:(1)本文所指的是从产业角度去理解乡村旅游,去研究乡村旅游的发展给社区、地区乃至国家带来的经济效益,研究乡村旅游的发展对乡村的社会、环境带来的影响。只有从这个意义上理解,乡村旅游也才具有开发、管理等宏观研究的价值。(2)乡村旅游与“农业旅游”或“观光农业”的关系:这两个概念是独立的,但相互交叉、紧密联系。(3)乡村旅游与“生态旅游”之间的关系:对于国外学者认为乡村旅游就是生态旅游中的一种类型和自然性旅游的认识,提出了自己的观点:乡村旅游不是生态旅游的子集;乡村生态旅游才是乡村旅游和生态旅游的子集。是一种在可持续发展观念指导下,注重生态环境保护和乡村旅游资源合理开发利用的旅游方式。(4)在综合理解基础上给出乡村生态旅游的定义:乡村生态旅游是一种旅游活动方式,也是一种经济活动方式,发生在乡村地域环境,是以乡村独特的自然资源和环境,以及基于自然环境而发展演变的人文生态环境为吸引物,以可持续发展为目标,强调自然环境和人类活动的和谐,在旅游活动中融教育、观光、游览、休闲、度假、考察、体验、娱乐等旅游需求于一体,并兼顾社区发展和公平原则,以实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一。(5)对其他一些相关概念进一步阐述,提出乡村生态旅游开发应遵循的原则是:可持续,开发与保护相结合、以人为本原则、社区参与原则。(6)在国内外对乡村旅游开发模式的研究基础上,指出吐鲁番地区必须采取依托景区开发模式,并从系统的观点构建了乡村生态旅游开发良性循环图。笔者认为,必须从系统的观点出发,来进行乡村生态旅游产品的开发,应综合考虑生态环境效益,经济效益和社会效益的统一。旅游者、旅游服务提供者和当地社区应通过生态旅游的良性循环,在其中履行重要的功能。旅游服务提供者通过社区参与式的乡村自然和人文旅游资源开发与管理、旅游设施的供给、企业经营,使社区受益并大大增强当地居民对旅游资源保护的热情;通过对旅游者生态性形象定位和营销,引起生态旅游者的关注,在对游客提供满意的生态体验和生态性旅游产品服务的同时,积极进行有序管理和生态教育,这样,在游客参与的过程中,既获得了满意的旅游体验,又增强了游客的生态意识,整个旅游活动的破坏未超过生态旅游资源恢复的阈值,乡村生态旅游系统良性循环,获得满意的生态环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。第三章至第八章的内容主要是针对吐鲁番地区进行实证研究,具体工作如下:第三章按照国家旅游资源分类、调查与评价(Classification,investigation andevaluation of tourism resources)(中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 18972-2003)标准,对吐鲁番地区的主要旅游资源进行分类汇总,在现状分析的基础上,指出吐鲁番地区发展乡村生态旅游的必要性,并对吐鲁番地区乡村生态旅游的发展进行了SWOT分析,制定了相关发展战略。第四章进行了吐鲁番地区乡村生态旅游资源类型划分,并采用专家赋值法、文献综合法对吐鲁番地区的乡村生态旅游资源进行了定量和定性评价。第五章关注了吐鲁番地区乡村生态旅游市场的现状,并针对葡萄沟景区进行了重点调研,在资源评价和问卷分析的基础上提出了生态形象策略与“绿色”营销策略。第六章进行了吐鲁番地区乡村生态旅游社区相关利益主体调研,调研对象为吐鲁番地区政府部门工作人员,吐鲁番地区位于乡村的重要景区的景区从业和管理人员和普通乡村居民。通过问卷分析了解了社区相关利益主体对旅游发展的态度(包括旅游发展收益感知、旅游发展代价认知、社区居民对旅游参与的现状与态度)研究。研究发现吐鲁番地区的社区参与情况属于诱导参与(参与形式的第二阶段),通过相关分析,得出结论:旅游发展已经对当地的自然环境和社会文化方面带来了一定影响,如改变了居民价值观念,改变了当地人的生活习惯等;旅游的发展也给当地的生态系统造成了一定程度的破坏,使本地风俗文化受到一定程度上的不良影响,但是当地居民对此似乎并不关注。因此,有必要警示的是在旅游发展获得巨大经济效益的同时,可能会被忽视的将付出的环境代价。尤其在旅游开发中,应给予足够的重视。第七章阐述了吐鲁番地区乡村生态旅游开发与保护问题。提出系统开发的理论,并指明了保护性开发的原则,进行了乡村生态旅游容量的部分测算;明确了乡村生态旅游产品设计开发的要求;针对吐鲁番地区乡村的实际情况,进行了可开发的乡村生态旅游产品类型推荐;并提出具体开发思路和开发的具体项目。最后从六个方面强调了乡村生态旅游保护对策。第八章是反思和回顾,对全文进行总结,并指出文中不足之处。

【Abstract】 The Tourism Science intercross geography Science、Economics Science、Culture Science、Sociology Science, Administration Science and Ecology. Development of Tourism even concerns such important issues as "Balance of the ecosystem" and "Harmony between Human beings and the Nature". The Rural Tourism and the Ecotourism develops in our country so late that makes the topic this paper discusses more be concerned and not easy to study. At first it is difficult to find an exact definition and there are many comprehensions and interpretations of the scholars in the civil and abroad. Based on the study of hundreds of literature this paper bring forward to understand and make it clear from the reason the tourism come into being, which means to understand the Rural Tourism from the point of view of industry level. As for the understanding of the concept of the Ecotourism, this paper think the Thought of Ecotourism is the most important and the must principal and the foundation of the ecotourism research is the Entire Human Ecosystem theory and the Nature-Economy-Society theory. We should understand the definition of ecotourism in the point of view of the whole system. The Eco- includes not only the part of the Nature, but the other part of Human based on the Nature. The idea of Harmony among Human, Nature, Social Culture and Economy should be more emphasized here. The main points of this article concerning theory are as follows:(1) This paper study Rural Tourism from the industry level to know the economical benefits got in the community, region and even country and to learn the influences of the society and environment for the region by the means of developing rural tourism. Only understand it from this level, it will not be unmeaningful to study the issues of Rural Tourism development and management.(2) Distinguish the concept between Rural Tourism and Agriculture or Agroculture. This paper thinks the two concepts are independent, but also intercross and connect closely.(3) As for the relationship between Rural Tourism and Ecotourism, different from the overseas scholar point of views, this article points out Rural Tourism is not one of the type of the Ecotourism and not the nature-only tour. Rural Ecotourism Expression is more exactly and it is a type of ecotourism emphasized the protection of ecosystem and reasonable development of the Rural Tourism Resources based on the idea of Sustainable Development.(4) Based on the overall comprehension, Rural Ecotourism can be defined as a mean of tourism activities and a mean of economy activities, it occurs in the rural region, the attraction are the unique Rural Natural resources and environment and Human ecosystem. The leading idea is to be Sustainable Developed. It emphasizes the harmony between the nature environment and the human activities. The function of it can be educational, sightseeing, travel, relax, vacation, exploring, experiencing, entertainment etc. It also concerns the benefits of the local community to attain the aim of unification of economical benefits, social befits and environmental befits.(5) Further expounds the related concepts and put forward the principles should be obeyed in the development of rural tourism, which are sustainable and based in human and community participation principles.(6) Based on the research of the Rural Tourism development model, points out Turpan Region should be applied the landscape areas-based development model and constructs the active feedback Chart of the Rural Ecotourism Development from the point of view of the Whole System.This article thinks we should develop the rural ecotourism product from the point of view of the Whole System. We should concern the unification of economical benefits, social befits and environmental befits. Tourists, Services Provider and local community should perform the important function by means of the active feedback of Ecotourism. Services Provider or the government develop and manage the rural nature and human tourism resources, provide the establishment and manage the enterprise based on the community, this activities can benefits the local community and arose the Resources Protection passion of local residents. Through Eco- positioning and marketing Providers can get the attention of the eco-tourists. Provides the satisfied eco- experience and eco-tourism products and reinforces the management and the eco-education. Therefore, the tourists can obtain the satisfied tour experience and enhance the eco- consciousness. All of the activities destroy effects don’t excess the threshold for ecosystem recovery. Rural ecosystem then gets the good feedback and attains the satisfied benefits economy, society and environment.Chapter Three and Chapter Eight mainly do the field research in Turpan valley, contents include:Chapter Three investigate and classify the main tourism resources in Turpan according to the GB/T 18972-2003, point out the necessity of development the Turpan rural tourism based on the analysis of current situation, and do the SWOT analysis, then put forward the related development strategy.Chapter Four classify and evaluate the main tourism resources in Turpan Rural areas. Chapter Five pay more attention to the Status Quo of the Turpan Rural Tourism Market. Carry on the form of questionnaire of the selected research area—Turpan Grape Valley, analyze the tourism resources of which, then propose the eco-positioning and green marketing strategy.Chapter Six carry on the study on the local benefit groups of Turpan rural tourism community. The result is not optimistic, local residents concern environment not too much contrast to the benefits they will obtain.Chapter Seven expound the development principles, strategy and protection strategy of Turpan rural tourism. Calculate several types of the tourism capacity and put forward the overall guideline strategically, spread the exact thoughts of development out, then expound the approaches of development aimed at the main projects that should be develop further in the rural tourism of Turpan region. At last, bring forward the guaranteed system for reasonable development of Turpan rural ecotourism.Chapter Eight review and reconsider the whole contents, conclude the paper and point out the deficiencies in the research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

