

A Study on the Literary Thought of the Northern Dynasties

【作者】 佟艳光

【导师】 王巍;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以北朝文学思想为研究对象,利用历史文献与理论分析相结合、知人论世、南北朝横向比较与历史纵向比较等方法,旨在理清北朝文学思想的发展脉络,探析其中重要理论问题的成因、内涵、历史价值以及影响,为全面、系统、深入地评价北朝文学思想的历史价值奠定基础。第一章探讨了民族大融合背景下的北朝文人心态及文学观念变迁。按照北朝历史的自然分期分别考察了北魏时期、东魏北齐时期以及西魏北周时期鲜卑族或鲜卑化汉人统治者的民族、文化政策及其对以汉士族为主体的北朝文人心态的影响,并在此基础上理清北朝各个时期内文学观念变迁的历史脉络。第二章围绕北齐杨愔发表的《文德论》和由南入北的思想家颜之推的文人文德论展开,结合时代背景、家学传统等方面,着重分析考辨了北朝文人关于文德观问题进行理论探讨的原因、本质内涵、历史意义及影响。杨情的《文德论》是就北朝残酷的现实政治而发的,富有强烈的现实批评精神,但同时还洋溢着文化本位主义精神。颜之推是南北朝时期文德讨论的最后终结者,他认为文学创作的内在规律本身客观上导致文人的骄矜和狂妄,以情性这一情感模式在本属于不同门类的文学与德行之间建立了较为稳定的同构关系,为隋唐主张文品与人品一致的“文如其人”说的产生创造了必要的条件。第三章重点以北魏孝文帝文质观和西魏柳虯《文质论》为研究对象,分析考辨北朝文人的文质观产生的时代背景、具体内涵及历史意义。孝文帝文质观的最大意义,在于顺应了时代文学思想的发展潮流,明确提出了文质并重的文学创作主张,为文学的发展指明了方向。柳虯主张复古而不泥古,主张贵今而不染乎流弊,某种程度上可以将之称之为古今调和论,但它并不是为调和庾信与卢柔等之间的争议而产生的。第四章主要考察了北朝对南朝声律论的接受和发展状况。北朝文人接受四声论的过程中,投入了极大的热情,积极从各自的角度,或从理论角度质疑解惑,或在实践中为四声论的顺利应用做好各种准备。本文认为,北朝文人对音韵声律的重视,说明北朝文人普遍具有着与南朝文人一样追求音韵美的诗学审美理念。第五章通过对北周滕王逌和庾信的文学思想的具体观照,深入研究北朝末年南北杰出文人于齐聚北周都城后在文学观念上发生的碰撞和交融。“沉郁文章”说是宇文逌文学思想的核心,主张提倡既服务于政治风化又兼顾及吟咏情性,既具社会功利价值又具审美性的文学,主张文学要表达浓郁深厚的情感和深刻的思想。庾信的文学思想最主要的特征就是融合南北文风自成一家。

【Abstract】 The object of this study is the literary thought of the Northern Dynasties. This paper combines the historical document with theoretical analysis, and employs the comparison between the Southern and Northern Dynasties and historical longitudinal comparison, for the purpose of finding out the origin, the connotation, the historical value as well as the influence of some important theoretical questions and laying solid foundations for making comprehensive, systematic and profound appraisal of the literary thought of the Northern Dynasties.Chapter One discusses the mentalities of literators of the Northern Dynasties with the grand national fusion as social background and the vicissitude of literary ideology by separately inspecting the nationality policy and the cultural policy of the Xianbei rulers of the Northern Wei Dynasty time, the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Northern Qi Dynasty time as well as the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty time and their respective influence on the mentalities of the literators, and traced the historical course of the vicissitude of literary ideology.Chapter Two focuses on Yang Yin’s article "On literators ’morals " and the famous thinker at that time Yan Zhitui’s opinions concerned. With intense realistic criticism, the article " On literators ’morals " by Yang Yin is directed against the brutal realpolitik, but is simultaneously also brimming with the cultural selfish departmentalism. Another scholar Yan Zhitui maintains that the inherent law of literary creation itself inevitably leads to haughtiness and arrogance of literators, that is to say, Yan employed sensibilities, the emotional pattern to establish a more stable isologous relationship between literature and morals, creating a necessary condition for the emergence of the theory that "the style shows the man", i.e. the style of writing should be in accordance with the literator’s morals in Sui and Tang Dynasties.Chapter Three looks into Emperor Xiaowen’s viewpoint on the question of "refinedness and nature" and Western Wei Dynasty scholar Liu Qiu’s opinion concerned. Emperor Xiaowen explicitly urges that refinedness and nature should be paid equal attention to in literary creation, showing the direction for literary development. Liu Qiu advocates that writers are expected to restore the ancient writing style, but not to be bigoted to it, valuing the current fashion without being affected by the prevalent abuse.Chapter Four mainly inspects the Northern Dynasties’ acceptance of the Southern Dynasty rules of tonal pattern. The literators accept the theory of the four tones with enormous enthusiasm. Positively from respective angle, some question the theory to dispel doubt, and some make efforts to smoothen the application of it. This paper holds that the literators in the Northern Dynasties share the same beautiful poetic aesthetic idea with those in the Southern Dynasties.Chapter Five mainly discusses the Northern Zhou Dynasty Prince You and the renowned writer Yuxin’s ideas about literature. Prince You advocates articles should both serve politics to improve folk custom and give attention to feelings disposition, and be the mixture of social value and aesthetic taste. He stresses that literature must express rich deep emotion and profound thought. The literary thought of Yu Xin is characterized as fusing the northern and southern writing styles to have something unique.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

