

Analysis on the Plight of China’s Agricultural Policy-baced Finance and System Reconstruction

【作者】 张艳娟

【导师】 赫国胜;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 政策性金融学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 2008年,中国经受住了蔓延全球的粮食危机、能源危机和金融危机的考验,国民经济仍然保持平稳较快的发展。未来,中国列车能否在如此艰难的环境中平稳行驶,这将与中国的农业基础是否坚实是分不开的。“三农”问题是中国问题,“三农”问题聚合交织着四个影响国家全局稳定的“强位弱势群体”。党的十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》指出,“农业、农村、农民问题关系党和国家事业发展全局”,“我国总体上已进入以工促农、以城带乡的发展阶段,进入加快改造传统农业、走中国特色农业现代化道路的关键时刻,进入着力破除城乡二元结构、形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局的重要时期”。金融是现代经济的核心,农村金融是现代农村经济的核心。只有大力发展农村金融,尽量满足农业、农村及农民的金融需求,保证充足的资本供应,才能逐步解决“三农”这一重大战略问题。而现有农村金融体系是农村信用社、商业银行、政策性银行、邮政储蓄银行、民间金融等各种正规和非正规金融并存的多层次复合金融体系,仍面临着信贷资金供应不足,农村资金外流严重,农户和中小企业融资困难,农业基础设施、扶贫综合开发、医疗教育等准公共物品融资困难,农业保险严重滞后等严峻挑战。要从根本上解决这些融资保险等农村金融问题,不仅要充分发展多种形式的农村商业性金融,更要充分发挥农业政策性金融对“三农”的扶植与开发功能,以及对商业性金融的补充与引导功能,从而在解决农村金融垄断问题的同时,又有效解决农村金融市场失灵问题,这在国际上也是得到实践证明了的。本文根据农业政策性金融理论,结合农业政策性金融需求实际,从农村公共物品供给、金融功能观和新制度经济学的视角切入农业政策性金融问题,结合已有的按照机构观视角研究形成的有益探索,把机构观和功能观有机结合起来形成新的综合性研究。论文以农业政策性金融发展历程及其对农业产出的贡献为现实基础,从宏观到微观,归纳总结了农业政策性金融发展中的多重困境:从农业政策性金融需求巨大、供给严重不足、供求失衡的结果三个方面分析了农业政策性金融供给与需求严重失衡困境;从内部结构失衡—农业政策性保险缺失和外部结构失衡—与商业性金融发展不协调为重点,分析了农业政策性金融结构严重失衡困境;从政府干预缺位与越位并存,分析了政府干预适度性缺失困境;从政策性目标与经营性目标实现、资产与负债结构失衡、银行与企业道德风险严重、业务发展与风险控制机制不协调等方面分析了农业发展银行的经营困境,并借用新制度经济学的理论框架和研究方法,进行了理论解释。正如马克思的著名论断“哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,而问题在于改变世界”。新制度经济学的理论价值,在于它成为了对实际经济现象的解释力和分析、解决人们所面对的经济问题的工具。面对农业政策性金融发展中的多重困境,新制度经济学理论也许是能最为简洁地作出解释的理论之一。因此,全文紧紧围绕农业政策性金融“理论依据—实践基础—多重困境—理论解释—对策建议”这一主线,通过深入研究,初步形成了农业政策性金融发展困境和体制调整与重构研究的理论框架。通过交易成本、委托—代理、政府规制和制度变迁视角,以及博弈论分析方法,从理论层面,深刻剖析了农业政策性金融多重困境存在的理论根源。运用博弈论分析工具,对制度运行环境是否完善对银企行为策略的影响进行分析,探寻银企博弈的均衡条件。从而找出解决问题的途径,使农业政策性金融得以可持续发展,并有效发挥其特殊功能。通过研究证明,农业政策性金融对农业经济发展具有重要作用,对中国“三农”发展就更加重要,应是一项长期、具有战略意义的制度安排,不是可有可无或暂时的安排。中国农业政策性金融目前存在的困境是发展中的问题,要在发展中来解决。在中国,农业政策性金融不是要不要的问题,也不是多了的问题,而是少了的问题,已经出现了严重的供求失衡,结果是农户贷款覆盖率低、中小企业融资困难、基础设施供给不足,严重制约了“三农”发展,甚至影响国家的安全和稳定。“三农”在中国具有“强位弱势”群体特征,这一领域物品需求更多地体现为农村公共物品或准公共物品需求,由于公共物品的外部性和资源配置市场失灵的存在,要求政府直接提供,或通过政府干预进行多种途径提供,农业政策性金融是国家财政和金融的巧妙结合,是国家支持“三农”发展的一项重要的、长期的、具有战略意义的制度安排。农业政策性金融具有广泛的特殊功能。从金融功能观视角研究农业政策性金融,较机构观具有了更大的进步,可以突破在现有机构内部进行有限改革的狭窄视野,围绕农业政策性金融的特殊功能进行体制调整与重构。以法律形式明确农业政策性金融机构的特殊公法人地位至关重要。通过研究发现,因为农业政策性金融机构的特殊职能,它既具有政府一般活动的性质即“公共性”,同时又具有需要通过提供金融服务确保一定的收入,并在经营管理方面具有一定的自主性,有努力提高企业内部效率的义务,从而具有“企业性”,这种双重性是理解农业政策性金融的关键。因此,农业政策性金融机构法人应属于特殊公法人,即依据公法设立的法人,如日本农林渔业金融公库就是依据特殊公法设立的法人机构,对企业的职能定位、经营领域范围等作出法律规定,从而保证农业政策性金融机构与企业、政府的博弈中保持制度的长期均衡稳定发展。农业政策性金融制度变迁是符合客观发展规律的,中国农业政策性金融体制亟待调整与重构。没有完美的制度选择,只有不断完善的制度选择。剖析问题是为了更好地改革发展农业政策性金融,为战略性的体制调整与重构提供知识基础。农业政策性金融体制要在现有制度基础上进行调整与重构,以更好地提高制度效率。全文通过研究提出了制度安排的一个FIME基本框架,即功能界定(Function)—组织机构(Institution)—运行机制(Mechanism)—运行环境(Environment)框架。为了使农业政策性金融能更好的担负起在全面建设社会主义和谐社会的大环境下建设社会主义新农村的责任,担负起保护、支持和解决“三农”问题的责任,应该对农业政策性金融进行深层次改革以实现其自身可持续发展。明确职能定位,构建“上官下民”垂直合作的组织机构模式,坚持“四性”原则,即政策性、市场性、协调均衡性、动态调整性原则,完善运行机制,努力拓宽资金来源渠道,拓宽业务范围,健全全面风险管理机制,建立和完善利益补偿机制,健全激励兼容机制。同时,完善运行环境制度保障体系,加快政策性金融立法,社会各部门应各方协同,大力支持农业政策性金融的改革和发展,充分发挥农业政策性金融功能。总之,论文研究的目的是要构建需求追随型的结构合理、门类齐全、运行机制科学、实力相当、总体配套、与农村商业性金融协调发展的农业政策性金融体制,发挥农业政策性金融的特殊功能,弥补市场和政府的双失灵,实现政府与市场的巧妙结合,实现农业政策性金融与商业性金融协调均衡发展,共同破解“三农”难题,推进社会主义新农村建设。

【Abstract】 In 2008, the Chinese economy has still maintained a stable and fast development in front of crises in grains, energy, and finance spreading all around the globe.In future, it is closely related with the solidness of the base of Chinese agriculture as to whether the locomotive of China can drive stably in such a difficult environment.Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area are problems of China, which are intertwined with four critical but weak groups infecting national stability.Resolution on Some Important Issues Regarding Promoting Rural Reform and Development approved in the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party pointed out that“issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area are related with the general layout of development of the Party and the country”, and“generally, China has entered the stage of promoting agriculture with industry and leading rural development with cities, is entering the critical stage of accelerating the reform of traditional agriculture and taking a road to a modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics, and is entering an important period of making hard effort to break the urban-rural dual structure and form a new pattern of integrating urban and rural economic development”.Finance is the core of modern economy, while the rural finance is the core of modern rural economy.Only by strenuously developing rural finance, trying best to meet the financial demand from agriculture, farmer and rural area, and ensuring the sufficient capital supply, can the important and strategic issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area be gradually solved.The present rural financial system, however, is a multi-layer multiple financial system made up of regular and irregular financial institutions, such as rural credit cooperatives, commercial banks, policy-based banks, postal saving banks, and private financial institutions, etc, confronting a challenge of insufficient credit capital, serious capital outflow of rural capital, a difficulty for farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises to finance, and a difficulty in the finance of quasi-public goods, such as rural infrastructure, poverty alleviation development, and medical care and education, etc, as well as a serious lag behind in rural insurance.The fundamental solution to these problems related with rural finance lies not only in the development of rural commercial finance in diversified forms, but more importantly in the development on the functions of policy-based finance for supporting the agriculture, farmer and rural area, as well as in the complementing and leading role of commercial finance, so as to effectively solve the market failure while solving the problems of financial monopoly in rural area, which has been approved internationally.This dissertation, based on the policy-based financial theory for agriculture and combined with the practical demand for policy-based finance, has explored into the policy-based financial problem from the perspective of the supply of public goods in rural area, financial functions theory and new institutional economics, and has formed a new and comprehensive perspective of research by adding the current instructive exploration made in the perspective of institutional outlook and by combing the outlooks of both institution and functions.Starting from the development history of policy-based finance and its contribution to agricultural output, this dissertation has summarized from macro to micro perspectives the multiple plight during the development of policy-based finance for agriculture: the plight of the serious unbalance in the supply and demand for policy-based finance in agriculture analyzed from three aspects including the great demand, serious insufficiency in supply, and unbalance in supply and demand; serious unbalance in structure analyzed from the internal structure unbalance—the absence of policy-based insurance, to the outernal structure unbalance—the incompatibility with commercial finance; the plight in the absence of appropriateness of government intervention analyzed from the coexistence of offside and default of government; the plight of agricultural development bank analyzed from the realization of policy-based objectives and operation objectives, unbalance of assets and liability, serious moral hazard of banks and enterprises, incompatibility of business development and risk control mechanism, etc, and theoretical explanation is made with the theory and framework of new institutional economics.Just as the famous argument of Karl Marx, that“the philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways - the point, however, is to change it.”The theoretical value of new institutional economics lies in the fact that it has become the capability of explanation and analysis to practical economic phenomenon and a tool to solve economic problems before us.In front of so many plight in the development of policy-based finance for agriculture, new institutional economics is perhaps one of the best theories to provide a brief explanation.Hence, the whole dissertation, by focusing on and further research of the main idea of“theoretical ground—practical basis—multiple plight—theoretical explanation—strategies and suggestions”, primarily formed the theoretical framework of the development plight of policy-based finance for agriculture as well as the institutional adjustment and restructuring.By the perspective of transaction cost, perspective of agency by agreement, perspective of government and perspective of system transition, as well as the method of game theory, the paper has deeply analyzed at the theoretic level the roots resulting to the plight policy-based finance for agriculture.By applying the analytical tools of game theory, it has analyzed whether a perfect operating environment of institutions could have made influence on the behavior of banks and enterprises and thereby to seek the condition to balance the game between banks and enterprises, in order to find out the solution of problems and realize the sustainable development of policy-based finance for agriculture and make it function effectively.Study has shown that policy-based finance for agriculture plays an important role in the development of agriculture, farmer and rural area, and it is a long term institutional arrangement which is irreplaceable and permanent.The plight in it is the problem during development and could only be solved by further development.In China, policy-based finance for agriculture is not a problem of deserving it or not, nor a problem of over capacity, but a problem of insufficiency or even a serious unbalance in supply and demand, which resulted in a low coverage of farmers for loans, difficulty for enterprise to raise capital, lack of support to infrastructure, and this has seriously constrained the development of agriculture, farmer and rural area or even affected the safety and stability of the country.Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area are characteristics of critical but weak in China, and demand in this field is typically a demand in public goods or quasi-public goods in rural area.Due to the externality of public goods and the market failure of resources allocation, they are required to be provided by government or be provided in other routes by government intervention, so policy-based finance for agriculture is a perfect combination between national fiscal system with finance, and is an important, permanent and strategic institutional arrangement for the country to support agriculture, farmer and rural area.Policy-based finance for agriculture has extensive and special functions.Its research from the outlook of financial functions is a progress on the institutional outlook, and such a research can break the narrow view to make a limited reform within the current institutions so as to make institutional adjustment and restructuring with the special functions of policy-based finance for agriculture.It is critically important to clarify by law the position of policy-based financial institutions as a legal person with special functions.The study shows that policy-based financial institutions, due to its special functions, not only have a“commonality”of government activities but also have characteristics of enterprises which make them earn a certain income by providing financial services, enjoy a certain independence in management, and an obligation to improve internal performance, and this duality is the critical aspect for understanding policy-based finance.Therefore, the legal person in policy-based financial institutions belongs to a special legal person who is established by public law, for example, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Finance Corp.of Japan, is a legal institution established in accordance with special public law, and the law shall make legal regulations on the functions, operation scope, etc so as to ensure a long-term and balance development of such institutions in the game with enterprises and government.The institutional transition of policy-based financial institutions is in keeping with the objective rules of development.There is no perfect choice in institutions but only the continuously improved choice.The analysis of problems is made to better reform and develop policy-based finance for agriculture, and to lay knowledge groundwork for a strategic adjustment and restructuring.Policy-based finance for agriculture shall be adjusted and restructured on the basis of present institutions so as to better improve the efficiency.This dissertation has proposed a basic framework for institution arrangement, that is, Function—Institution—Mechanism—Environment framework.In order for Policy-based finance for agriculture to better take the responsibility to build socialist countryside in the macro environment of comprehensively constructing socialism and harmonious society, to take the responsibility of protecting, supporting, and solving the agriculture, farmers and rural area, policy-based financial institutions shall be deeply reformed to realize its sustainable development.The position of functions shall be clarified, vertically cooperative organizational structure between officials and ordinary people shall be constructed, and the principles of policies, market, coordination and dynamic adjustment shall be persisted to better the mechanism of operation, strive to expand the capital sources, enlarge business scope, complete comprehensive risk management system, build and construct interest compensation mechanism, and to strengthen incentive compatibility mechanism.At the same time, the security system in the operation environment shall be perfected and policy-based legislation in finance shall be established, for which the social departments shall coordinate and greatly support the reform and development of policy-based finance for agriculture and make full play of its financial functions.In all, this dissertation is aimed at constructing a demand-driven system of policy-based finance for agriculture which is reasonable in structure, complete in classifications, scientifically operated, comparative in strengths, and in keeping with the development of commercial financial institutions, so as to exert its special functions as a policy-based finance for agriculture and compensate market and government failures, realize the perfect combination of policy-based finance and commercial financial institutions, provide solutions to the conundrum of agriculture, farmers, and rural area, and propel the construction of new socialist countryside.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

