

Three Dimensions of the "Yi" Category Generating

【作者】 周德波

【导师】 涂光社;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “意”作为中国古典文艺思想的元范畴,对中国文艺的发展有着重要的提挈作用。它是主体精神自由而自觉的标志,是文艺审美观念的核心,是中国古典文艺理论的灵魂。本文研究的主要内容为“意”范畴衍生中的理论状态,及其在特定的文化语境中所承载的理论价值。由于“意”在不同的思想向度内与其他哲学观念关系密切,所以“意”范畴在生成之初便拥有阐释和发挥的空间,为这一范畴在后来的文艺批评实践中呈现不同的审美质态打下了坚实的理论基础。由于“意”范畴在后世文艺美学中应用的普泛化,以及西方文艺思想的影响,使得这一中国古典美学范畴的理解出现了诸多的误区,以致难以解释“意”范畴为什么会在文论、画论、书论、乐论等文艺领域被广泛应用,并与其他范畴融合形成新的审美观念的原因。本文的目的就是要厘清这一范畴生成过程中,与文化心理与哲学观念的密切关系。正是因为它植根于丰厚的文化土壤和哲学体系当中,才会有后来的不断生发的可能。所以本文着力于先秦时期“意”范畴生成中的各文化向度的考察,以期能够对“意”生成的文化基因和理论状态作深入地清理,认清其理论童年时期的结构状态,主要的学术目的在于:正本清源。本着这一原则展开的论述,研究的阶段主要集中在先秦,其后“意”范畴演化发展的状况虽稍有涉及,然非本文之重点,主要以之辅助说明不同的理论向度为“意”范畴发展提供的可能。这是本文的框架构想。所以,本文的内容共分三个部分,分别以“意”范畴的接受向度、审美向度和意义创生向度为切入点展开论述:一、“以意逆志”是“意”范畴衍生中的接受向度。“以意逆志”是文本接受视野影响深远的理论范式。它孕育于从“观诗”“赋诗”到“引诗”“解诗”的文化背景之下;生成于心性哲学与人性本善的道德伦理观念之中;拥有“知言养气”“论世知人”的主体修养模式的互证;具备扩散性和开放性的理论特质。它不单是接受视野中“意”范畴生成的母体,同时又在“意”范畴共同成长的过程中对其有着重要的提挈作用。本部分力图在文化语境中,还原儒家视野里“意”之道德伦理规定和主体心性论的特征,以期厘清“意”在儒家哲学思想中的位置,以及与“文”、“辞”、“言"、“志”、“仁”、“道”、“理”、“心”、“性”、“气”等哲学范畴的关系。在阐述中,对心性论和推恕观念做了充分论述。二、“得意忘言”是“意”范畴衍生中的审美向度。“得意忘言”是道家语言哲学的重要基元,也是其体性悟道的重要理路。道家的“有无”观念深刻影响着中国古典艺术的发展,也滋养着“意”范畴审美特征的形成。“得意忘言”孕育于本道的老庄哲学之中;产生于道家直觉体悟的范式之下;濡染着虚静观念的主体性特征;具有独特的意会神遇、超然物象的观照姿态。“得意忘言”所追求的超凡脱俗、跨越时空、“道通为一”等主体自由的审美境界,拓展了“意”的审美空间,与儒家的“以意逆志”具有互补意义。本部分力图在道家的哲学体系中挖掘“意”范畴的审美意义,并着力厘清“物”、“性”、“情”、“知”、“言”、“体”、“道”等哲学观念与“意”的关系。在阐述中对“情”范畴作了全面的把握,对“情”“意”关系形成了新的理解。三、“立象尽意”是“意”范畴的意义创生向度。“立象尽意”是“易学”意义创生观念的总结,也是体现华夏民族文化心理的重要理论。它孕育于先民的符号意识和文字观念,在“易学”发展的过程中逐渐成熟。“易学”是儒道哲学的源头,历史悠久、观念丰富。“立象尽意”观念是民族的文化心理的重要总结。本部分着力探索了“立象尽意”论形成的文化因素,对符号意识、“文”观念、文字观念、象舞观念、象物观念的形成和发展作了深入考察,以便弄清“立象尽意”形成的原因。在对“易学”的理论构成中阐述了“立象尽意”论的哲学本质。本部分力图在文化史的角度完成对“立象尽意”的考察,着力厘清“物”、“道”、“气”“情”、“象”、“辞”与“意”的关系。在阐述中对“类”、“比”的研讨用力尤深,渗透在各观念的解释之中。三者在不同的向度赋予了“意”范畴多侧面的哲学特质,合力完成了“意”范畴的塑造。本文在立足原典的基础上,尽力还原诸子的哲学体系的重要侧面,来观照“意”之生成。阐述中不唯文艺理论之一隅,旁求语言学、文字学、史学、考古、社会学、人类学、心理学中的相关观念和知识来尽量还原“意”范畴生成的文化环境,以期能够深入把握其内涵。文中谨慎地使用了阐释学、接受美学和传播学的概念和相关理论,但不是主导。

【Abstract】 As the prototype category of Chinese classical literary art, 17 promotes the development of Chinese Literary Art. It is the indication of subjective freedom and self-consciousness, is the core among all literary aesthetics theories, and is the soul of Chinese classical literary and art theories. The main purpose of this dissertation is to reveal the states and theoretical values in the process of Yi category generation in specific cultural context. When we mention it in different dimensions of thoughts, it is always correlated with important philosophical concepts, so Yi category gains infinite interpretive space as it comes into being, which establishes a solid theoretical foundation for subsequent literary criticism and practices to present their features.The generalization of Yi category in the field of literary aesthetic studies as well as the influence of western literary thoughts, cause many misunderstandings in this Chinese classic aesthetic category that makes it too complicated to illustrate why Yi category dominates the literary theory, drawing theory, calligraphy theory and music theory, and to explain the reason why theorists integrate it with other categories to form new concepts.This dissertation aims at clarify the close relation among Yi, cultural psychology and philosophical concepts in the process of Yi category generating. That is, the persistent prevalence of Yi category should attribute to its roots set in rich cultural soil and philosophy systems. This dissertation focuses on analyzing Yi category generating in the cultural contexts in pre-qin dynasty, in order to recognize the constructions of Yi category as well as cultural gene and theoretical states in its early age.According to the principles mentioned before, this study focuses on the theories in period of pre-qin dynasty. Although I discuss the developments of Yi category in post-qin dynasties which aims at helping to illustrate the possibilities that other theories offer to it, they are not the main concern of this study.Therefore, this dissertation consists of three parts,discussing Yi category particularly in dimensions of reception,aesthetics and meaning-generating.1.Yi Yi Ni Zhi is the accepting dimension of Yi category generatingYi Yi Ni Zhi is the most influential theoretical paradigm in field of reception aesthetics studies. It was born in the cultural context from Guan poem and Fu poem to Yin poem and Jie poem, and was nourished in the moral and ethical ideas of Xin Xing philosophy and original goodness in human nature, which possesses the subjective training model of Zhi Yan Yang Qi and Lun Shi Zhi Ren as mutual confirmation and has disseminating and open characteristics. It is not only the matrix of Yi category generating in view of reception aesthetics, but it also nurtures other categories correlated with Yi.In this part, I try to restore the features of Yi in view of Confucianism in order to clarify the position of Yi in Confucian philosophy and its relations with philosophy paradigms as Wen Ci Yan Zhi Ren Dao Li Xin Xing Qi etc. During the illustration, Xin Xing theory and Tui Shu thought are well discussed.2.De Yi Wang Yan is the aesthetic dimension of Yi category generatingDe Yi Wang Yan is the basic essential of Taoism, and also the main way to understand Dao. The thought of You-wu in Taoism deeply influence the development of Chinese Classic Art, and also nourishes the aesthetical features of Yi paradigm.De Yi Wang Yan was bred in Taoism, born in the intuitive understanding paradigm, and influenced by the thought of Xu-jing, which possesses a particular viewpoint beyond nature. De Yi Wang Yan pursues a state of total subjective freedom regardless of time and space that expands the aesthetic space of Yi, which complements the thought of Yi Yi Ni Zhi in Confuciansm.In this part, I intend to grasp the aesthetic significances of Yi in Taoism, and try to clarify the relations among Wu Xing Qing Zhi Yan Ti Dao and Yi as different philosophy concepts. In the discussion, I present a comprehensive analysis of Qing paradigm and put forward an entirely new understanding between Qin and Yi.3.Li Xiang Jin Yi is the meaning-generating dimension of Yi category generatingLi Xiang Jin Yi is the summary of meaning-generating dimension of Yi category generating from Yi-ology, and it is also an important theory which represents Chinese cultural psychology. It was born in symbol sense and literal idea of ancestors’, and has matured in the development of Yi-ology. Yi-ology is the origin of Confucianism and Taoism with a long history and abundant thoughts.Li Xiang Jin Yi is the summary of Chinese cultural psychology. In the discussion of this part, I explore the cultural significances of its formation, and discuss the developments of symbol sense, Wen, literal idea, and Xiang Wu idea in order to figure out the origin and philosophy foundations of Li Xiang Jin Yi. I try to inspect Li Xiang Jin Yi in view of culture history, and clarify the relations among Wu Dao Qi Qing Xiang Ci and Yi. During the discussion, the analysis of Lei and Bi permeate into the illustrations.These three dimensions have constructed the philosophy features of Yi category.This dissertation is established in original materials and tries to restore the significant thoughts of pre-qin philosophers, in order to reflect the generating of Yi category. It restores the cultural context not only in field of literary theory, but also in domains of Linguistics, philology, history, archeology, sociology, anthropology and psychology, which may give it a deeper and multi-dimensional perspective. The theories of hermeneutics, reception aesthetics and communication are prudently used.

【关键词】 意范畴衍生向度
【Key words】 Yi categoryGeneratingDimension
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

