

A Study of Fiscal Policy on the Insufficient Supply of Rural Public Goods in China

【作者】 关慧

【导师】 杨志安;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 财政学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农村公共物品供给不足对中国经济的发展产生了“瓶颈”效应,选择研究农村公共物品供给不足问题,可以为我国农村公共物品供给发展提供科学理论依据和实证支持。深入研究农村公共物品供给,可以更好的解决“三农”问题,缩小城乡差距,促进农民收入及消费的提高,扩大内需,进一步促进农村经济及中国经济的增长。中国农村公共物品供给不足的财政政策研究是以财政学、金融学等相关经济学理论为基础,采用最新发展的计量分析方法对农村公共物品供给不足问题进行了系统深入的分析。通过计量分析中国农村公共物品供给不足对农民收入影响的效应、对农民消费及农村经济增长影响的效应,得出农村基础设施建设支出、农村义务教育支出、农村医疗卫生支出对农民收入影响的弹性分别为0.392243,0.063019, -0.018455。对农民消费影响的弹性分别为0.353273,0.288284, -0.185849。对农村经济增长影响的弹性分别为0.298908,0.187696,0.003610。文章还对造成农村公共物品不足的成因进行了系统的分析和梳理。最后考察了美、日、韩、印、泰等这些国家农村公共物品供给的成功做法,在比较与借鉴美、日、韩、印、泰等国家农村公共物品经验的基础上结合实证分析的结论,提出了有效增加农村公共物品供给应采取的财政政策。即建议国家采用向农村公共物品倾斜的财政政策及税收政策,推进省直管县财政体制框架的构建,构建以公共服务均等化为目标的转移支付,根据农村经济发展的不同时期采用不同供给模式。这样研究使结论更科学、更合理,有利于对中国农村公共物品供给不足问题进行全方位、多视角的考察,有利于国民经济的快速、可持续发展。本文主要内容如下。正文共分七章:第一章是国内外研究综述,了解国内外在农村公共物品供给领域的最新进展,从综述可见目前国内关于农村公共物品供给的研究主要集中于理论研究。这一部分是本论文写作的理论前提。第二章对农村公共物品供给的相关理论进行分析。这一部分是理论基础部分,包括公共物品理论,农村公共物品理论及公共服务均等化理论。第三章介绍了中国农村公共物品供给不足的现状。对于农村典型公共物品的供给不足现状是从农村公共物品供给总量投入不足、农村公共物品供给不足的地区差异显著、农村公共物品供给主体缺乏,农村公共物品供给效率偏低方面进行阐述。第四章是基于中国农村公共物品供给不足对农村经济影响的效应分析。本章主要包括三方面的内容,即中国农村公共物品供给对农民收入影响的效应分析、对农民消费影响的效应分析及对农村经济增长影响的效应分析。从实证分析中我们得出目前农村公共物品供给不足阻碍了农民收入水平、农民消费、农村经济增长,因此我们必须积极提出切实可行的财政政策改善农村公共物品供给不足问题,使中国经济能有一个更为迅猛的发展,更好地促进农村经济及国内经济的增长。第五章对影响农村公共物品供给不足的成因进行分析。中国农村公共物品供给不足的成因主要包括政府职能越位与缺位因素、财税政策性因素、城乡二元经济结构因素是导致农村公共物品供给不足的主要原因。第六章是基于国外农村公共物品供给的国际经验比较与借鉴。详细论述了美国、日本、韩国、印度、泰国等国农村公共物品供给的经验,在此基础上进行比较分析,得出对中国的启示,可为解决中国农村公共物品供给不足问题提供借鉴。第七章是最后一部分,进行全文的总结。针对存在的问题结合实证分析的结论及对国外农村公共物品供给的有益经验,系统提出了有效增加农村公共物品的财政政策建议。即建立向农村公共物品倾斜的财政政策及税收政策。推进省直管县财政体制框架的构建。构建以公共服务均等化为目标的转移支付。根据农村经济发展的不同时期采用不同供给模式。本文具有一定的理论价值,因为它填补了中国农村公共物品供给实证分析的不足,有利于促进有中国特色的农村公共物品的供给。本文还具有一定的应用价值,本文研究成果可以为中国相应部门建立起适合中国国情的农村公共物品供给的财政政策提供实证数据支持。

【Abstract】 China’s economic development. A Study on Supply of rural public goods can provide a scientific theoretical basis and empirical support for the development of rural public goods. In-depth study on the supply of rural public goods, we can better solve the issue of agriculture, farm, countryside and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. It can promote increase of farmers’income as well as farmers’consumption, expand domestic demand, and the rural economy and China’s economy growth.A study of fiscal policy on the insufficient supply of rural public goods in China is based on public finance, finance and other related economic theory. This study will adopt the latest developments in the Econometrics and the Game theory to analyze the insufficient supply of rural public goods. The insufficient supply of rural public goods in China have been analyzed effect to the farmers’income, the farmers’consumption, rural economy.From the empirical analysis, we arrive at elasticity of rural infrastructure expend- itures, rural compulsory education expenditures, rural medical and health expenses 0.392243,0.063019, -0.018455 to farmers’income. We Come to the elasticity of rural infrastructure expenditures, rural compulsory education expenditures , rural medical and health expenses 0.353273,0.288284,-0.185849 to farmers’consumption. we arrive at elasticity of rural infrastructure expenditures, rural compulsory education expenditures , rural medical and health expenses 0.298908,0.187696,0.003610 to rural economy.The article also analyze the insufficient supply of rural public goods’factors. This article studied the success approach of the supply rural public goods of the United States, Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand. Comparison with the from the United States, Japan, Korea, India, Thailand and other countries’experience ,we base on the experience and the conclusions of empirical analysis that we will put forward to increase the supply of rural public goods of the fiscal policy recommendations .We should adopt finance and taxation system’preference to supply of rural public goods, the provincial governing the county to build the institutional framework for the public finance, transfer payments of public service goals of equality , different models of supplying with based on different development of rural economies. This study will make the result more scientific ,come to a more reasonable conclusion, and have a all-round, multi-perspective study on the supply of rural public goods. It will benefit to rapid and sustainable development of China’economy. This article’contents are as follows.The body is divided into seven chapters: The first chapter is related to the concept of research at home and abroad. From the overview on the supply of rural public goods research focus on theoretical research. This part is the theoretical premise of thesis writing.The second Chapter is related on the supply of rural public goods theory analysis. This part is theoretical basis, including the theory of public goods, the theory of rural public goods’supply, public finance theory and the theory of equality of public services.The third chapter is related on the insufficient supply of rural public goods of the current situation. The insufficient supply of rural public goods’current situation includes lack of total investment, significant regional differences of rural areas, lack of the main supply of public goods in rural areas,low efficiency and so on.Chapter IV is based economic effects analysis on the insufficient supply of rural public goods. The insufficient supply of rural public goods impacts on the effect of the farmers’income, farmers’consumption, rural economy and domestic economy. From the empirical analysis, we arrive at the result that insufficient supply of rural public goods have hampered farmers’income, the level of consumption of farmers, rural economy and domestic economy growth. We must improve positive and practical Measures for the supply of rural public goods so that the China’s economy will have a more rapid development, and promote to growth of the rural economy and domestic economy.Chapter V analyzes factors of rural public goods of insufficient supply. There are major factors of problems including lack and offside of government functions, the fiscal and taxation policy, the urban-rural economic structure.Chapter VI is based on the foreign supply of rural public goods and learn from international experiences. The chapter describes carefully supply experience of rural public goods of United States, Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand and other countries. We come to Enlightenment and reference for the supply of rural public goods in China.Chapter VII is the summary of the full text. Combining of the problems, the findings for empirical analysis and useful experience of foreign supply of rural public goods. We put forward fiscal policy suggestions including establishment of finance and taxation system’preference to increase supply of rural public goods, the provincial governing the county to build the institutional framework for the public finance, transfer payments of public service goals of equality , and different modles of supplying with based on different development of rural economies.This article have some theory value because it filled the shortcomings of empirical analysis about the supply of rural public goods in China. This article will promote to the supply of rural public goods with Chinese charac- terstics. This article also has some apply value. The results of this paper will provide empirical data’support of the insufficient supply of rural public goods for china’s corresponding departments according to China’s national conditions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

