

Heredity Study on Plant Height and Panicle Characters of Japonica Rice in Liaoning

【作者】 胡宁

【导师】 王伯伦;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本试验选用在辽宁省有代表性的6个品种或品系,采用Griffing方法2进行完全双列杂交设计,利用加性—显性—上位性遗传模型(简称ADAA模型)和极大似然法进行遗传分析,着重研究了株高、穗茎角、着粒密度等主要农艺性状的遗传规律,并分析性状之间的遗传相关、杂种优势等。试验研究结果表明:1)由本试验农艺性状的遗传方差分量估计表来看,穗长、穗茎角的加性方差、显性方差都达到极显著水平,株高的加性方差不显著,显性方差达到极显著水平,穗长、穗茎角的加×加上位性方差达到极显著水平,株高的加×加上位性方差达到显著水平,说明三者都是以基因的显性效应为主,加性效应为次,其中穗茎角性状的表达受多种遗传体系的控制。2)株高、穗茎角、穗长、着粒密度和结实率的广义遗传率和狭义遗传率都达到极显著水平。可以在实际育种生产工作中侧重把株高、穗茎角、穗长、着粒密度和一次枝梗数作为重点,在早世代进行选择。3)15个杂交组合中,对于二次枝梗数有12个组合呈极显著加性与加性的上位性效应:对于成粒数性状有12个组合呈极显著加性与加性的上位性效应;对于着粒密度性状有10个组合呈极显著加性与加性的上位性效应;可见,二次枝梗数、成粒数和着粒密度等性状上可能存在非等位基因间互作效应。4)亲本中,黎明、珍优2号有明显增加杂种后代株高、增加后代二次枝梗数和着粒密度的效应,沈稻4号有明显增加后代穗长、一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数的效应。辽粳5号有降低杂种后代株高的趋势。5)株高、穗茎角与穗部性状之间大多数遗传相关分析以显性遗传为主,加性与加性的上位性为辅。株高与穗长、二次枝梗数、着粒密度存在极显著的正相关;穗茎角与二次枝梗数存在显著或极显著的正相关。6)穗部各性状之间的遗传相关非常复杂,穗部各性状之间在加性、显性、加性与加性的上位性、机误遗传相关中存在复杂的关系。一次枝梗数对二次枝梗数、成粒数、瘪粒数、着粒密度的显性、加性与加性的上位性,机误方差达到极极显著水平。7)株高和穗茎角等性状在杂种后代中的群体平均优势均表现为显著或极显著。

【Abstract】 Using the Griffing design II and two methods, including Maximum likelihood estimate and the ADAA Genetic Model, main agronomic traits such as plant height, panicle curved extent, grain were analyzed . The results were showed as follow:1. The plant height, panicle length, primary rachis branches, number of secondary branches, number of ripened grains per panicle, number of unfilled grains, grain density and percentage of productive tillers were mainly controlled by dominant effect; The panicle curved extent was controlled by multiple heredity system.2. The broad heritability and the narrow heritability of the plant height, panicle curved extent, panicle length, grain density and percentage of productive tillers were all very significant. So these traits might be selected in the early generations.3. For the number of second rachis branches and the number of ripened grains per panicle, 12 of 15 combinations put up the VAA effect; for the grain density, 10 of 15 combinations put up the VAA effect. There were interaction between non-alleles of the number of second rachis branches, the number of ripened grains per panicle and the grain density.4. Liming, Zhenyou2 had the effect of increasing the height of plant, the number of secondary branch and grain density. Shendao4 had the effect of increasing the panicle length, the primary rachis branch number, the number of second rachis branches. Liaojing5 had the effect of decreasing the percentage of productive tillers.5. The estimations of heritability correlation among plant height, the panicle curved extent and panicle traits indicated that most of them were mainly controlled by dominant effect. There was very significant positive correlation between the plant height and the panicle length, the second rachis branch number, there was significant or very significant positive correlation between the panicle curved extent and the number of second rachis branches.6. The genetic correlation between the characters of panicle was very complex, The heritability correlations among number of primary rachis branches and number of second rachis branches, number of ripened grains per panicle, number of unfilled grains and grain density were extremely significant in additive effect, dominant effect and ED:7. In hybrid descent’s generation, the average superiority of plant height and panicle curved extent was significant or very significant.

【关键词】 粳稻株高穗部性状遗传
【Key words】 Japonica ricePlant heightPanicle traitGenetics

