

Yield and Quality of Soybean Straw and Gramineal Forage

【作者】 乔玉梅

【导师】 谢甫绨;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 饲料是畜牧业生产的基础,粗饲料是牛、羊等反刍家畜日粮中的重要组成成分,牧草和作物秸秆同属于粗饲料。本研究以禾本科栽培牧草意大利黑麦草和高羊茅,以及豆科作物大豆秸秆为试验材料,对其饲用产量和营养品质分别进行了测定分析。旨在为优良禾本科牧草的推广种植、利用,为开展饲用大豆品种的选择和培育提供理论依据,同时探讨在不同生育时期提高大豆种植综合利用率、提高农田生产力的可能性。试验主要研究结果如下:1.意大利黑麦草和高羊茅的产量和营养品质的比较本试验条件下,年度内刈割4次,意大利黑麦草的年度干草产量范围在13555kg/hm~2~24328kg/hm~2之间,高羊茅的年度干草产量范围在12415kg/hm~2~24725kg/hm~2之间;在降水量、日照时间、温度三个气象因子中,降水量对牧草的干草产量直接影响最大。试验利用推测模型得出了意大利黑麦草和高羊茅的总可消化养分(TDN)和干物质消化率(IVDMD)的数值,并据此评价两种草种及其品种的营养品质,简化了试验程序,弥补了由于作物栽培和动物营养两个专业之间的差异带来的试验困难,使评价结果更趋于合理。本试验中,意大利黑麦草年度内刈割4次干物质中的TDN平均含量61.36%,高羊茅平均含量58.76%。据此我们认为意大利黑麦草的营养品质优于高羊茅。两种草种的高镁品种干草产量均低于当地普通品种的平均值但差异不显著,营养品质都高于当地普通品种。为预防反刍家畜患“低镁血症”,可以考虑意大利黑麦草和高羊茅的高镁品种在反刍家畜易患“低镁血症”的地区进行推广种植。2.不同来源大豆品种的秸秆饲用产量和营养品质的比较试验选用中国辽宁省20年代老品种与经过几十年遗传改良的中美当代大豆品种,首次从饲用的角度分析评价了不同肥力作用下大豆不同刈割时期秸秆部分的饲用产量和营养品质。(1)本试验条件下,用磷酸二铵做种肥(150kg/hm~2~300kg/hm~2)可以增加辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种、辽宁老品种R4、R6时期以及成熟时的秸秆饲用产量。适量的磷酸二铵施肥(150kg/hm~2)处理可以增加辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种、辽宁老品种R4、R6时期秸秆中的蛋白和脂肪含量;与对照相比,施用磷酸二铵(150kg/hm~2、300kg/hm~2)以后,成熟时俄亥俄当代品种Darby秸秆粗蛋白含量提高,辽宁当代品种辽豆11号秸秆粗蛋白含量降低,辽宁老品种Mukden粗蛋白含量变化不显著;不同大豆品种施用磷酸二铵以后秸秆中总可消化养分含量无显著变化。施用磷酸二铵对秸秆中不同矿物质元素含量影响不同:可以增加R4、R6时期和成熟时三组大豆品种秸秆中钙、磷的百分含量;镁含量在R4、R6时期比对照增加,成熟时比对照减少;钾含量在R4、R6时期比对照减少,成熟时比对照增加。从R4时期到成熟时,辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种、辽宁老品种大豆秸秆中镁、钙、钾、磷的百分含量逐渐降低。在磷酸二铵作种肥时,R4时期及成熟时秸秆饲用干物质产量的高低依次为:辽宁老品种>辽宁当代品种>俄亥俄当代品种,R6时期为:辽宁当代品种>辽宁老品种>俄亥俄当代品种;另外根据TDN含量推测,R4时期和成熟时辽宁老品种Mukden的秸秆饲用营养品质较好,R6时期俄亥俄当代品种Darby秸秆饲用营养品质较好。每个时期各品种之间秸秆饲用营养品质均无显著差异。(2)本试验条件下,大豆三叶期追施尿素(100kg/hm~2~200kg/hm~2)使R4、R6时期以及成熟时俄亥俄当代品种的秸秆饲用产量比对照降低、辽宁当代品种秸秆饲用产量比对照提高,辽宁老品种R4、R6时期秸秆饲用产量比对照提高、成熟时秸秆饲用产量比对照降低。追施尿素可以增加辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种、辽宁老品种R4、R6时期秸秆中的蛋白和脂肪含量,但成熟时秸秆粗蛋白百分含量与对照无显著差异。不同大豆品种施用尿素以后秸秆中总可消化养分含量无显著变化。在追施尿素条件下,R4、R6时期及成熟时三组大豆品种之间秸秆饲用干物质产量的高低次序相同:辽宁当代品种>辽宁老品种>俄亥俄当代品种;另外根据TDN含量推测,R4时期辽宁老品种Mukden的秸秆饲用营养品质较好,R6时期和成熟时俄亥俄当代品种Darby的秸秆饲用营养品质较好。3.不同生育时期收获对大豆秸秆饲用产量和营养品质的影响本试验结果还表明,无论施用磷酸二铵或者尿素,辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种、辽宁老品种不同时期的秸秆饲用产量都表现为:R6时期>R4时期>成熟时;从R4时期到成熟时大豆秸秆干物质中的粗蛋白、总可消化养分含量逐渐减少。(1)R4时期。该时期是大豆秸秆饲用营养品质最好的时期(CP含量18.48%~24.49%,TDN含量47.41%~49.65%),此时收获可以获得优质的大豆秸秆,同时大田也可以进行复种,下茬可以播种蔬菜等短生育期作物,提高农田生产力。如果R4时期收获作饲用,可选择前期生长旺盛的辽宁老品种Mukden、Boone、Harbinsoy,辽宁当代品种沈豆4号、辽豆11号(在铁岭这几个品种该时期的秸秆干物质产量可达9888kg/hm~2~13224kg/hm~2),沈豆4号、辽豆11号、Boone施用磷酸二铵效果较好,Mukden、Harbinsoy施用尿素效果较好。(2)R6时期。该时期大豆可以考虑以毛豆形式收获,而且秸秆产量较大,品质较好。本试验供试品种中,该时期秸秆饲用产量较高的品种有:辽宁当代品种沈农94-11、辽豆11号、沈豆4号和辽宁老品种Boone(在铁岭这四个品种该时期的秸秆干物质产量可达11512kg/hm~2~13938kg/hm~2)。其中沈农94-11、Boone施用磷酸二铵效果较好,辽豆11号、沈豆4号施用尿素效果较好。(3)大豆成熟时,加强大豆秸秆的利用,可以提高大豆的综合利用率。可选择秸秆产量较高的辽宁老品种Harbinsoy、Boone,辽宁当代品种沈农94-11、沈豆4号(在铁岭这几个品种该时期的秸秆干物质产量可达6958kg/hm~2~9264kg/hm~2)。考虑到大豆植株的综合利用,结合籽粒产量和品质,建议使用籽粒和秸秆产量都较高、品质相对较好的辽宁当代品种沈农94-11、沈豆4号。每个品种都是施用磷酸二铵效果较好。4.施用磷酸二铵试验中,成熟时辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种秸秆产量分别比辽宁老品种高6.9%、低22.1%;施用尿素试验中,成熟时辽宁当代品种、俄亥俄当代品种秸秆产量分别比辽宁老品种低0.2%和30.4%。说明经过70多年的遗传改良,俄亥俄当代品种主要特征表现在大豆籽粒产量高,植株较矮,秸秆产量低;辽宁当代品种植株相对较高,在适宜的肥力下可以同时获得较高的籽粒产量和相对较高的秸秆饲用产量;辽宁老品种植株最高,但随着施肥水平的提高,因株高增长过大而造成倒伏,导致成熟时的秸秆饲用产量下降。根据当前畜牧业生产和大豆生产形势,建议选用或选育植株比较高大的亚有限型品种,这样可以实现粮饲兼用。

【Abstract】 Forage supply is very important as animal husbandry development.Herbage and crop straw both are crude forage.We used gramineal forage(Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea),and 12 soybean cultivars from different regions and decades to study the yield and quality of hay or of straw under different environments.The results were as follows:In the given conditions of this experiment,the dry hay yield range of Lolium multiflorum was 13555 kg/hm2~18941kg/hm2 and 12415kg/hm2~18766kg/hm2 for Festuca arundinacea as harvest four times within a year.Among the meteorological factors of precipitation, sunshine duration and temperature,precipitation played the greatest role in hay yield.Using a specific model to evaluate the TDN and IVDMD of Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea,the results showed that the TDN of Lolium multiflorum hay was 61.36%and that of Festuca arundinacea hay was 58.76%,which implied that Lolium multiflorum hay had higher value of nutrients.The hay yields of cultivars with high Mg content were a little lower than the normal cultivars for both of Lolium multiflorum and Fesruca arundinacea,however there was no significant difference.Cultivars with high Mg content had a better quality of hay.The hay produced from the cultivars with high Mg content would be helpful for the protection of "low-Mg-blood disease "in some regions.Using 4 old Liaoning cultivars and 4 current Liaoning cultivars and 4 current Ohio cultivars to compare the yield and quality of straw under different fertilizer treatments.(NH42HPO4(150kg/hm2~300 kg/hm2)as starter fertilizer improved the straw yields of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 growth stages. 150kg/hm2(NH42HPO4 fertilizer level increased the protein and fat contents of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 growth stages.Compared with no fertilizer treatment,(NH42HPO4 fertilizer(150kg/hm2,300 kg/hm2) increased the protein content in the straw of current Ohio cultivar ’Darby’,decreased the protein content in the straw of current Liaoning cultivar ’Liaodou 11’,and the protein content in the straw of old Liaoning cultivar ’Mukden’ changed unsignificantly.(NH42HPO4 fertilizer had some effect on the contents of mineral nutrients,it increased the Ca and P percentage in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4,R6 and mature stages;the Mg percentage in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 stages would increase but decrease at mature stage;the K percentage in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 stages would decrease but increase at mature stage.From R4 stage to mature stage,the percentages of Mg,Ca,K,and P in straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades decreased gradually.In(NH42HPO4 fertilizer treatment,at R4 and mature stages,the straw yield order of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades was:old Liaoning cultivars> current Liaoning cultivars>current Ohio cultivars.At R6 stage,the straw yield order was:current Ohio cultivars>old Liaoning cultivars>current Ohio cultivars.According to the criteriaof TDN,at R4 stage old Liaoning cultivar ’Mukden’ had a better quality of straw,at R6 stage the straw of current Ohio cultivar ’Darby’ was better in quality, however there was no significant difference of straw quality among cultivars at different growth stages.Additional uera fertilizer100 kg/hm2~200 kg/hm2 at V3 stage decreased the straw yields of current Ohio cultivars,and increased the straw yields of current Liaoning cultivars at R4, R6 and mature stages.For old Liaoning cultivars,uera increased the straw yield at at R4 and R6 stages and decreased it at mature stage.Additional uera fertilizer improved the protein and fat contents in the straws of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades at R4 and R6 stages,but at mature stage,there was no effect of uera on the protein content and TDN in straws.In uera fertilizer treatment,at R4,R6 and mature stages,the straw yield order of soybean cultivars from different regions and decades was:current Liaoning cultivars>old Liaoning cultivars >current Ohio cultivars.According to the criteriaof TDN,at R4 stage old Liaoning cultivar ’Mukden’ had a better quality of straw,at R6 stage the straw of current Ohio cultivar ’Darby’ was better in quality.Under the treatments of(NH42HPO4 or uera fertilizer,the straw yield order was:at R6 stage > R4 stage > mature stage for all cultivars from different regions.The content of protein and TDN decreased from R4 stage to mature stage.At R4 stage,the straw quality was the best(CP 18.48%~24.49%,TDN 47.41%~49.65%),and also after harvest straw at this stage,the field would be double cropping of vegetable,which benefit the field productivity.If at R4 stage harvesting soybean straw,the selection of vigourouly vegetative growth cultivars ’Mukden’,’Boone’,’Harbinsoy’, ’Shendou 4’,and’Liaodou 11’would be a good choice.’Shendou 4’,and’Liaodou 11’,and’Boone’had a higher straw yield under(NH42HPO4 fertilizer,however,’Mukden’ and ’Harbinsoy’had a better straw yield unser uera fertilizer. At R6 stage,soybean could be harvest as fresh vegetable beans,and also there was a lot of straw。’Shennong 94-11’,’Liaodou 11’,’Shendou 4’ and’Boone’ had higher yield. ’Shennong 94-11 ’and ’Boone’had a better straw yield under(NH42HPO4 fertilizer,however, ’Liaodou 11’and ’Shendou 4’produced higher straw yield unser uera fertilizer.At mature stage old Liaoning cultivars’Harbinsoy’ and’Boone’,and current Liaoning cultivars’Shennong 94-11 ’and ’Shendou 4’had high straw yield,as consideration of seed yield together,’Shennong 94-11’and ’Shendou 4’would be the best choice for benefiting farmers. Both of them liked(NH42HPO4 fertilizer.Under(NH42HPO4 fertilizer,at mature stage,the straw yields of current Liaoning and Ohio cultivars were over 6.9%and below 22.1%respectively,compared with that of old Liaoning cultivars.Under uera fertilizer,at mature stage,the straw yields of current Liaoning and Ohio cultivars were lower 0.2%and 30.4%respectively than that of old Liaoning cultivars.After the genetic improvement in about 70 years,current Ohio cultivars had a short plant height,low straw yield and high seed yield;current Liaoning cultivars had a relative high height,better balanced yield of straw and seed.The plant heights of old Liaoning cuitivars were tall,and easy to lodging,which resulted in lower straw and seed yield.Selecting the soybean cultivar with semideterminate growth habit would balanced the yield of straw and seed.

【关键词】 粗饲料禾本科牧草大豆秸秆产量品质
【Key words】 Crude forageGramineal forageSoybean strawYieldQuality

