

Effect of Urea Application Rate on Yield and Quality of Different Soybeans

【作者】 张瑞朋

【导师】 谢甫绨; 杨德忠;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 氮素对大豆生长起着非常重要的作用,由于大豆根瘤菌可以固氮,在大豆生产中是否需要施用氮肥还存在争议。为此,于2006和2007年采用12个不同来源的大豆品种为试材,并按来源分成三组,分别为俄亥俄当代品种、辽宁当代品种和辽宁老品种,采用苗期追施尿素(0,100,200 kg/hm~2)处理,通过对生理生化、农艺性状、产量和品质等相关指标的测定,探讨了氮素对不同来源大豆品种的影响机理。旨在为大豆高产、优质、高效生产提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下:1.氮素对不同来源大豆品种光合性状的影响当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,与不施肥相比,俄亥俄当代品种结荚期叶绿素总量提高。当尿素施用量为200kg/hm~2时,与不施肥相比,三组品种开花期叶绿素总量均显著提高,辽宁当代品种与辽宁老品种结荚期叶绿素总量显著提高。与不施肥相比,随着施氮量的增加,俄亥俄当代品种开花期叶面积指数有逐渐增加的趋势,辽宁当代品种开花期与结荚期叶面积指数逐渐提高。当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,与不施肥相比,俄亥俄当代品种和辽宁老品种结荚期叶面积指数显著提高。当尿素施用量为200kg/hm~2时,与不施肥相比,辽宁老品种开花期叶面积指数显著提高。与不施肥相比,施氮处理提高会增加大豆品种鼓粒期的叶面积指数。当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,与不施肥相比,俄亥俄当代品种和辽宁当代品种开花期与结荚期叶片净光合速率增加;随着施氮量的增加,辽宁老品种开花期叶片净光合速率逐渐增加。与不施肥相比,氮肥处理增加了俄亥俄当代品种和辽宁当代品种鼓粒期叶片净光合速率。2.氮素对不同来源大豆品种生化指标的影响施氮处理对不同来源大豆品种叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性影响不同,不同生育时期对氮肥的反应也有所差别。施氮处理会降低辽宁当代品种和辽宁老品种开花期叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性。当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,俄亥俄当代品种结荚期与鼓粒期叶片的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性会增加,辽宁当代品种鼓粒期叶片的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性也会增加。随着施氮量的增加,辽宁老品种结荚期与鼓粒期叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性呈下降趋势;辽宁当代品种结荚期叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性也会下降。随着施氮量的增加,三组大豆品种开花期叶片的硝态氮含量均呈增加趋势。和不施肥相比,施氮处理会使大豆品种开花期、结荚期及鼓粒期叶片氨态氮含量增加。当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,与不施肥相比,会使开花期俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁老品种叶片超氧化物歧化酶的活性提高,也会使辽宁当代品种与辽宁老品种结荚期叶片超氧化物歧化酶的活性提高,但会使辽宁当代品种鼓粒期叶片超氧化物歧化酶的活性下降。随着施氮量的增加,辽宁当代品种开花期叶片超氧化物歧化酶活性有增加趋势;俄亥俄当代品种结荚期叶片超氧化物歧化酶活性也会逐渐增强。但是,氮肥处理会造成俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁老品种鼓粒期叶片超氧化物歧化酶的活性下降。随着施氮量的增加,不同大豆品种开花期叶片过氧化物酶活性会不断增加;俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁老品种结荚期叶片过氧化物酶活性也会逐渐增强。但是,氮肥处理会使俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁老品种鼓粒期叶片过氧化物酶的活性下降。随着施氮量的增加,不同大豆品种开花期叶片过氧化氢酶活性逐渐提高;俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁当代品种结荚期叶片过氧化氢酶活性也逐渐提高。和不施肥相比,100kg/hm~2尿素施用处理使辽宁老品种结荚期叶片过氧化氢酶的活性增强,同时,也会使三组不同来源大豆品种鼓粒期叶片过氧化氢酶的活性得到提高。当尿素施用量为200kg/hm~2时,和不施肥相比,俄亥俄当代品种和辽宁当代品种开花期叶片可溶性糖含量显著提高。随着施氮量的增加,辽宁老品种开花期叶片可溶性糖含量逐渐增加。随着施氮量增加,俄亥俄当代品种开花期叶片淀粉含量有降低趋势,而辽宁老品种与之相反,开花期淀粉含量有增加趋势。当尿素施用量为200kg/hm~2时,和不施肥相比,辽宁当代品种开花期叶片淀粉含量显著提高。施氮处理会降低三组不同来源大豆品种结荚期叶片的淀粉含量。氮肥处理能明显增加三组不同来源大豆品种开花期与结荚期叶片转化酶的活性。氮肥处理也会增加不同大豆品种开花期、结荚期与鼓粒期叶片可溶性蛋白质的含量。3.氮素对不同来源大豆品种农艺性状、产量和品质的影响追施氮肥会使大豆品种的株高、分枝数和单株荚数增加。当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,和不施肥相比,三组不同来源大豆品种的主茎节数增加,俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁当代品种结荚高度则会降低。氮肥处理能提高俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁当代品种的粒茎比。当尿素施用量为200kg/hm~2时,和不施肥相比,俄亥俄当代品种与辽宁老品种产量分别增加10.61%和1.63%;当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,和不施肥相比,辽宁当代品种产量会增加10.47%。随着施氮量增加,三组不同来源大豆品种籽粒的蛋白质含量有增加趋势。而氮肥处理会降低俄亥俄当代品种籽粒的脂肪含量。当尿素施用量为100kg/hm~2时,和不施肥相比,辽宁当代品种与辽宁老品种籽粒脂肪含量分别提高0.35%和1.10%。氮肥处理会使三组不同来源大豆品种籽粒蛋白质与脂肪总量增加。三组大豆品种相比较,俄亥俄当代品种耐肥性最好,辽宁当代品种次之,辽宁老品种较差,说明经过数十年的品种改良,俄亥俄当代品种改良效果优于辽宁当代品种,俄亥俄当代品种抗性、适应性较好。因此,可以在品种选育过程中借鉴国外的育种经验,加速我国大豆品种改良进程,提高耐肥性及品种适应性,进而提高我国大豆产量。

【Abstract】 Nitrogen is very important for soybean growth.It is controversy whether additional nitrogen fertilizer needed or not in soybean production as soybean rhizobium can fix nitrogen. This experiment was carried out by using twelve soybean cultivars from different regions in 2006 and 2007.And the cultivars were divided into three groups:current Ohio cultivar, current Liaoning cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar.Urea fertilizer(0,100,200 kg/hm~2) was topdressed at soybean seedling stage.The physiology and biochemistry of leaf, agronomic characteristics,yield and quality were measuredfor the effect of nitrogen on soybeans from different regions.It can provide academic theories for higher yield,better quality,and more efficiency production of soybeans.The results were as follows:1.The effect of nitrogen on photosynthetic traits for soybean cultivars from different regionsCompared with the no fertilizer treatment,total content of chlorophyll of current Ohio cultivar at podding stage was improved when 100kg/hm~2 urea was fertilizered,Total content of chlorophyll of three groups soybean cultivar at blooming stage was significant improved when 100kg/hm~2 urea was fertilizered.Total content of chlorophyll of current Liaoning cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar was significant rised at podding stage.The LAI of current Ohio cultivar at blooming stage increased as the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending.The LAI increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending for current Liaoning cultivar at blooming and podding stages.The LAI was significant improved for current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar at podding stage when 100kg/hm~2 urea was fertilizered.The LAI was significant rised for old Liaoning cultivar at blooming stage when 200kg/hm~2 urea was fertilizered.The LAI of soybean cultivar will improve with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending.The leaf net photosynthesis rate was improved in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 urea for current Ohio cultivar and current Liaoning cultivar at blooming and podding stages.The leaf net photosynthesis rate of old Liaoning cultivarincreased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending at blooming stage.The leaf net photosynthesis rate was improved in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer for current Ohio cultivar and current Liaoning cultivar at grain filling stage.2.The effect of nitrogen on physio-biochemical characters for soybean cultivars from different regionsThe effect was different for nitrogen treatment on glutamine synthetase activity for soybean cultivars from different regions.There was some different reaction for nitrogen at different growth stages.The glutamine synthetase activity will be reduced for current Liaoning cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar at blooming stage.The glutamine synthetase activity will be arised at podding stage and grain filling stage in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer.The glutamine synthetase activity wil be improved at grain filling stage in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer.The glutamine synthetase activity of old Liaoning cultivar lower and lower with the nitrogen level ascending at podding stage and grain filling stage.The glutamine synthetase activity of current Liaoning cultivar will be reduced with the nitrogen level ascending at podding stage.The nitrate content of leaves was increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending for three groups soybean cultivar at blooming stage.The ammonium content of leaves was raised in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer for three groups soybean cultivar at blooming, podding and grain filling stages.The SOD activity was added in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer for current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar at blooming stage.The SOD activity increased in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer for current Liaoning cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar at podding stage.The SOD activity was reduced in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer for current Liaoning cultivar at grain filling stage.The SOD activity of current Liaoning cultivar increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer at blooming stage.The SOD activity of current Ohio cultivar increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending at podding stage.But the SOD activity of current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar decreased in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer at grain filling stage.The POD activity of soybean cultivar increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending at blooming stage.The POD activity of current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar improved with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending at podding stage.But the POD activity of current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar decreasedin the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer at grain filling stage.The CAT activity of soybean cultivar increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending at blooming stage.The CAT activity of current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar increased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending at podding stage.The CAT activity of old Liaoning cultivar improved in the treatment of 100kg/hm2 urea fertilizer than 0kg/hm~2 urea fertilizer at podding stage.At the same time,the CAT activity of three groups soybean cultivar rised at grain filting stage.The soluble sugar content in leaves of current Ohio cultivar and current Liaoning cultivar significantly rised in the tteatment of 200kg/hm~2 urea fertilizer than 0kg/hm~2 urea fertilizer at blooming stage.The soluble sugar content in leaves of old Liaoning cultivar improved with the level of nitrogen fertilizer adding at blooming stage.The starch content in leaves of current Ohio cultivar decreased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer adding at blooming stage.But it is inverse for old Liaoning cultivar.The starch content in leaves of old Liaoning cultivar improved with the level of nitrogen fertilizer adding at blooming stage.The starch content in leaves of current Liaoning cultivar significantly rised in the treatment of 200kg/hm~2 urea fertilizer than 0kg/hm~2 urea fertilizer at blooming stage. The starch content in leaves of three group soybean cultivars from different regions decreased in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer at podding stage. The invertase activity in leaves of three groups soybean cultivar from different regions significantly improved in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer at blooming stage and podding stage.The soluble protein content in leaves of soybean cultivar improved in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer at blooming,podding and grain filling stage.3.The effect of nitrogen on agronomic characteristics,yield and quality for different regions soybeanThe plant height,branches and the pods per plant of soybean cultivar improved in the treatment of nitrogen.The nodes of main stem for three groups soybean cultivars rised in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer.The height of lowest pod of current Ohio cultivar and current Ohio cultivar reduced in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer.The ratio of seed and stem for current Ohio cultivar and current Ohio cultivar improved in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer.The yield increased by 10.61%and 1.63%for current Ohio cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar in the treatment of 200kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer respectively.The yield increased by 10.47%for current Liaoning cultivar in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer.The seed protein content of three groups soybean cultivars imcreased with the level of nitrogen fertilizer ascending.But the seed oil content of current Ohio cultivar decreased in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer.The increase of seed oil content of was 0.35%and 1.10%for current Liaoning cultivar and old Liaoning cultivar in the treatment of 100kg/hm~2 nitrogen fertilizer respectively.The total content of protein and oil increased in the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer for three group soybean cultivars.Compared the endure reaction on fertilizer in three groups soybean cultivars,current Ohio cultivar was the best,followed by current Liaoning cultivar,old Liaoning cultivar was poor.This indicated that after decades of genetic improvement,current Ohio cultivar was better than current Liaoning cultivar,and resistant and adaptability of current Ohio cultivar is better than current Liaoning cultivar.Therefore,it can be use experience of other countries in the breeding process for reference,accelerating the process of improvement on our country’s soybean cultivars,improving fertilizer tolerability and adaptation,thereby enhance the yield of our country’s soybean.


