

Study on the Mechanism of Maintaining Long-term Productivity of Bamboo Forest

【作者】 刘广路

【导师】 范少辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)是我国分布最广、面积最大、经济价值最高的竹种,经过多年的经营,在取得良好经济效益的同时,毛竹林立地生产力发生衰退的现象,如何保持毛竹林的长期生产力已成为一个亟待解决的科学问题。本文以我国重要的毛竹产地福建省永安市、福建省顺昌县、江西安福县、浙江安吉县、四川长宁县的毛竹林为研究对象,对大量不同类型、不同经营时间的毛竹林的生长情况进行了调查,对毛竹林的退化情况、退化机理和保持技术进行了研究。主要研究结论如下:1、毛竹林生产力随着经营时间的增长呈退化趋势,胸径可以作为反映毛竹林生产力退化的指标。(1)毛竹林随着经营时间的增长,平均胸径和树高呈下降的趋势。为探讨长期经营毛竹林生产力的变化情况,对福建永安、福建顺昌、江西安福、浙江安吉、四川长宁四省五地的164块毛竹林样地进行了调查,总的来看,这些常规经营措施在短期内可以提高毛竹林地平均胸径和树高,胸径在经营10年后达到最大值为10.95㎝,树高在13年达到最大值为15.01 m,均极显著高于未经营林分的8.44㎝和12.72 m;但是随着经营时间的增长,毛竹林的平均胸径和树高呈下降的趋势,经过30年的经营,毛竹林平均胸径(10.12㎝)的下降幅度达到极显著水平,而树高(14.18 m)未达到显著水平。劈草、垦复、施肥等不同类型的常规经营措施对毛竹林生长的影响程度各有不同。劈草。竹林的平均胸径在0-10年间极显著增加,胸径从8.67㎝增加到10.94㎝,并达到最大值,随着经营时间的进一步增加,竹林的平均胸径逐步降低,30年经营后,平均胸径为9.78㎝,极显著低于10年毛竹林胸径。树高在劈草20年时达到最高值,为14.58 m,极显著高于未劈草毛竹林的树高(12.51 m);其后树高逐步降低,30年时树高降低为13.82,极显著低于劈草20年毛竹林。不同地点毛竹林平均胸径和树高对劈草时间的响应程度不同,劈草10年的毛竹林胸径较未经营毛竹林的胸径提高了25.43%(福建顺昌)、13.30%(福建永安)和41.89%(四川长宁);树高提高了21.95%(福建顺昌)、8.30%(福建永安)和17.31%(四川长宁)。劈草30年较劈草10年的毛竹林胸径降低了5.73%(福建顺昌)、11.74%(福建永安)和13.65%(四川长宁);树高降低了1.87%(福建顺昌)、7.66%(福建永安)和3.31%(四川长宁)。垦复。毛竹林平均胸径和树高随着垦复时间的延长呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,垦复10年后达到最大值,胸径从8.21㎝增加到11.32㎝,树高从11.66 m增加到13.88 m,均极显著高于未经营毛竹林;其后胸径和树高均有下降的趋势,其中垦复30年平均胸径(10.63㎝)的下降幅度达到显著水平,而树高(13.51 m)的下降幅度未达到显著水平。垦复时间对不同地点的影响程度不一致,垦复10年毛竹林平均胸径较未垦复毛竹林平均胸径提高了40.25%(福建顺昌)和35.64%(江西安福);树高提高了32.57%(福建顺昌)和6.56%(江西安福),达到极显著水平;垦复30年后,胸径较最高值降低了9.95%(福建顺昌)和2.25%(江西安福),降幅达到极显著水平;树高降低了4.68%(福建顺昌),达到极显著水平,而江西安福毛竹仅降低0.38%,未达到显著水平。施肥。毛竹林在施肥5年后,平均胸径和树高达到最大值,随后胸径和树高呈下降的趋势。施肥5年后,平均胸径达到最大值11.70㎝,树高达到最大值15.90 m,极显著高于未施肥毛竹林的9.69㎝和13.40 m;施肥10年较施肥5年的毛竹林平均胸径低6.24%,平均树高低3.84%,未达到显著水平。(2)毛竹林平均胸径可以作为反映毛竹林生产力退化的指标。通径分析表明毛竹林的平均胸径与经营措施、经营时间和混交比例显著相关,而树高与混交比例、坡向和经营措施相关性更为显著,表明了毛竹林胸径可以作为反应毛竹林生产力的退化的指标。2、毛竹林生物循环特性是毛竹林长期经营生产力下降的内在原因之一。森林凋落物是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,是森林生态系统物质循环的重要环节,是森林生态系统自肥的重要机制之一。毛竹林分年凋落量很小,仅为1.73 t·hm-2·a-1,明显低于丛生竹小叶龙竹和麻竹的年凋落量,与年凋落物量较小的杉木林比,毛竹林凋落物仅为杉木林的49.43%。通过对永安经营措施相同的毛竹纯林,竹阔混交林(混交比8:2)和竹针混交林(混交比8:2)的养分循环特征研究表明,三种林分年吸收量分别为421.37±42.09 kg·hm-2、690.88±65.09 kg·hm-2和376.22±15.95 kg·hm-2;年归还量分别为26.70±2.79 kg·hm-2、58.47±12.04 kg·hm-2和64.84±3.73 kg·hm-2 ;年存留量分别为406.64±40.55 kg·hm-2、670.81±60.95 kg·hm-2和357.21±14.85 kg·hm-2,毛竹林具有较大的年吸收量和较小的年归还量。3、毛竹林生产作业特点和不合理的经营措施加速了养分的流失和土壤性质退化(1)毛竹林经营特性是毛竹林生长退化的重要原因。对永安不同管护类型毛竹林的研究表明,垦复+施肥+灌溉毛竹林每年采伐和挖笋的生物量占林分总生物量的27.87%,垦复+施肥的林分占24.54%,劈草的林分占24.51%;带出林分的五种养分(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)总量分别为307.65 kg·hm-2、215.49 kg·hm-2和222.90 kg·hm-2,可见,每年毛竹林通过采竹和挖笋,大量的营养被带出竹林系统。(2)劈草、垦复、施肥、灌水等常规经营措施在短期内能够提高毛竹林地生产力,但随着经营时间的增长,毛竹林生产力开始下降,土壤质量退化。劈草。不同劈草时间毛竹林地土壤性质综合评价得分分别为0.6390(劈草0年)、0.3558(<10年)和0.4320(>30年),反映了劈草降低了土壤质量。土壤具体指标分析也表明,劈草毛竹林地土壤容重增加,土壤孔隙度、持水能力、土壤渗透性、有机质、pH值、主要营养及酶活性的降低。垦复。不同垦复时间毛竹林土壤性质综合得分分别为0.3548(0年)、0.4117(3年)、0.4635(10年)和0.5815(30年),可见垦复会提高土壤的性质。研究结果表明垦复对土壤物理性质的影响较复杂,未随经营时间的延长表现出一致的变化规律。与未垦复毛竹林相比,垦复作业可以短期内迅速增加土壤有机质含量,垦复3年后有机质含量最高,随后有机质含量呈下降的趋势。全氮、水解氮、全磷、有效磷的变化规律与有机质变化规律相似,这些指标的降低可能是长期垦复毛竹林生产力下降的原因。施肥。施肥作业通常伴随着垦复作业,与垦复作业林地土壤综合性质得分随经营时间的延长而升高不同,施肥毛竹土壤性质综合得分呈下降趋势,分别为0.5693(0年)、04286(5年)和0.3744(10年),可见施用化学肥料对土壤性质的破性十分严重。具体的指标分析表明,施肥可以改善土壤物理性质,如土壤容重降低、非毛管孔隙度增加、渗透性增强等,这可能是因为施肥的同时进行垦复作业造成的。施用化学肥料的毛竹林地土壤的化学性质的退化较为严重,有机质、全氮、水解氮、钙、镁含量明显降低。灌水。灌水10年毛竹林土壤性质综合得分为0.4610,而未灌水毛竹林得分为0.5123,灌水降低了土壤的综合性质。研究发现,灌水增加了土壤的容重,降低了土壤的持水能力和土壤渗透性能;灌水毛竹林地有较低的土壤有机质、土壤全氮、水解氮、有效钾、速效磷和Ca、Mg的含量,土壤过氧化氢酶和磷酸酶的活性降低。反映了灌水损害了毛竹林地持续地力的维持能力。4、以营养管理为核心的经营措施是毛竹林生产力保持的关键(1)合理的经营措施可以加速养分循环速度,提高毛竹林生产力劈草、施肥、垦复、灌水在短期内均能明显的提高林分生产力,合理运用这些经营手段是毛竹林长期生产力得以保持必不可少的条件。劈草经营提高了毛竹林分养分的贮存量、年吸收量和年存留量,降低了毛竹林的养分归还能力;施肥可以对土壤养分库进行有效补充,降低林分养分利用系数,提高养分的循环速率,降低养分周转时间;灌水提高了毛竹林的养分归还量,降低了养分循环系数,缩短了养分的周转时间。可见,经营措施不同对毛竹林系统的影响不同,根据立地条件、经营目标,对毛竹林常规经营手段进行组合、轮替以及同一经营措施的间隔应用,既可以显著提高毛竹林的生产力,又不会造成林地土壤的退化,可能是提高毛竹林生产力行之有效的方法。(2)结构调整是毛竹林生产力保持的重要手段树种组成、年龄结构和林分密度等林分结构因子对林分生产力有重要的影响,通过对毛竹林分结构进行调整可以提高毛竹林生产力。混交林具有较高的养分的储存量和年吸收量,且竹阔混交林凋落物分解速度更快。同时,混交经营的生物多样性高于毛竹纯林,对维持毛竹林系统稳定有重要的作用。年龄结构是指林木株数按年龄分配的状况,它是林木更新过程长短和更新速度快慢的反映。对毛竹林年龄结构进行调整可以维持毛竹林活力,并能保持较为稳定的产出。合理密度是竹林持续生产力保持的重要因子,根据毛竹林经营目的、经营措施、立地条件对毛竹林的密度进行调整,是毛竹长期生产力维持的的主要手段之一。(3)采伐剩余物在养分归还过程中有重要的作用,毛竹林采伐过程中,把枝、叶、根留在林分中可以增加毛竹林养分归还量。研究表明,枝、叶、篼生物量占林分总生物量的23.87%,移出的养分元素占总量的32.40%。如果枝、叶、篼全部进行利用,林分将损失大量养分。

【Abstract】 Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens), which is most widely distributed in South China, has the largest amount and highest economic value among the bamboo species. A set of high-yield cultivation technique of Moso bamboo was built by scientific research and production practice for a long time, which was fast effect, simple operation, and practical method. However, the structure and function of ecosystem of Moso bamboo were destroyed and productivity of site was decline while the higher economic benefits were obtained. Therefore, an important scientific issue was proposed, which was to maintain long-term productivity of Moso bamboo. The main conclusions are as follows:1 The productivity of bamboo was declined by operating time prolonged. And the diameter at breast height may reflect the trend of Moso bamboo productivity.(1) The average diameter at breast height and tree height were declined with the time. 164 sample plots with herb chopping, reclamation measure, and fertilization were investigated which distributed in Yongan County of Fujian Provinecwere, Shunchang County of Fujian Province, Anfu County of Jianxi Province, Anji County of Zhejiang Provice, and Changning County of Sichan Province. Generally, the average DBH and the height of bamboo with the conventional operations increased in a short period. The DBH increased significantly in ten years and reached the maximum 10.95㎝, and the height of bamboo increased significantly in thirteen years and reached the maximum 15.01㎝. However, the DBH and the height of bamboo appeared a decreasing trend with the operation time. The descent range of bamboo DBH reaches extremely significant, but the descent range of bamboo height does not reach significant.Herb chopping. In the management model of herb chopping bamboo forest, the DBH increased significantly within 10 years, and reached the maximum 10.94㎝. Then the average DBH began to descend and reached the value 9.78㎝, extremely significant in 30 years . The height of bamboo increased significantly in 20 years, and reached the maximum 14.58 m, and then the heights of bamboo decreased significantly in 30 years, and reach the value 13.82 m. The average DBH and height of bamboo forest in different plots were influenced differently by measure of herb chopping. The DBH of bamboo with herb chopping within 10 years increased 25.43% compared to no herb chopping in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province; 13.30% in Yongan County, Fu Jian Province, and 41.89% in Changning County, Sichuan Province. The tree height of bamboo with herb chopping within 10 years increased 21.95% compared to no herb chopping in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province; 8.30% in Yongan county , Fu Jian Province, and 17.31% in Changning County ,Sichuan Province. The DBH of bamboo forest with herb chopping more than 30 years decreased 5.73% compared to herb chopping within 10 years in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province; 11.74% in Yongan County, Fu Jian Province, and 13.65% in Changning County, Sichuan Province. The tree height of bamboo forest with herb chopping more than 30 years decreased 1.87% compared to herb chopping within 10 years in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province; 7.66% in Yongan County, Fu Jian Province, and 3.31% in Changning County, Sichuan Province.Reclamation measure. In the management model of reclamation measure bamboo forest, the DBH and tree height increased significantly within 10 years and reached the maximum 11.32㎝ and 13.88 m. Then the DBH decreased significantly in 30 years, but the height of bamboo decreased insignificantly. The average DBH and height of bamboo forest in different plots were influenced differently by measure of reclamation measure. The DBH of reclamation measure bamboo forest within 10 years increased 40.25% compared to no reclamation measure bamboo forest in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province; 35.64% in Anfu County, Jiangxi Province. The tree height of reclamation measure bamboo forest within 10 years was increased 32.57% compared to no reclamation measure bamboo forest in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province; 6.56% in Anfu County, Jiangxi Province. The increased range reaches the extremely significant. However, the DBH and height of bamboo decreased with time. The DBH decreased significantly by 9.95% in Shunchang County, Fu Jian Province and 35.64% in Anfu County, Jiangxi Province. The height of bamboo decreased significantly by 4.68% in Shunchang County and decreased insignificantly 0.38% in Anfu County. Fertilizer application. In the management model of fertilizer application bamboo forest, the DBH and tree height increased significantly in 5 years, and reached the maximum 11.70㎝ and15.90 m. Then the DBH and tree height decreased insignificantly. The DBH of bamboo forest with 10 year fertilizer decreased by 6.24% compared with the DBH of bamboo forest with5 year fertilizer, and the height of bamboo decreased by 3.84%. The decreased range did not reach the significant.(2)The average DBH of Moso bamboo forest is an index which can reflect the productivity degradation of bamboo. The path analysis showed that operating time affect the DBH directly, and the tree height indirectly. Therefore, the index of DBH can reflect the productivity degradation of bamboo, but the index of tree height can’t.2 The biological characteristics of bamboo possess fragility. The forest litters is an important part of ecosystem, an important step of material cycling, and a self-fertilization mechanism. First, the litters of bamboo are least among D.barbatus Hsueh et D.Z.Li forest, D.latiflorus Munro forest, and Chinese Fir plantations. The nutrient cycling characteristics were measured in pure bamboo forest, bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves trees and bamboo stand mixed with coniferous trees were studied in YongAn County, FuJian Province. The result showed that the annual uptake is 421.37±42.09 kg·hm-2 in pure bamboo forest, 690.88±65.09 kg·hm-2 in bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves trees, and 376.22±15.95 kg·hm-2 in bamboo stand mixed with coniferous trees;the annual value of return is 26.70±2.79 kg·hm-2 in pure bamboo forest, 58.47±12.04 kg·hm-2 in bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves trees, and 64.84±3.73 kg·hm-2 in bamboo stand mixed with coniferous trees;The annual annual storage amount is 406.64±40.55 kg·hm-2 in pure bamboo forest, 670.81±60.95 kg·hm-2 in bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves trees, and 357.21±14.85 kg·hm-2 in bamboo stand mixed with coniferous trees. There was greater annual absorption and less annual return amount in bamboo forest.3 The loss nutrients and deterioration of soil was accelerated by the unreasonable management and the operating features of bamboo.(1) The operation character of bamboo leads the productivity to degrade. The operation character was invested in Phyllostachys pubescens forests with different operations and management modes in YongAn County, Fujian Province. The results showed that the biomass was carried off the bamboo forest account for 27.87% of total biomass in model of herb chopping+ special fertilizer+ irrigation forest, account for 24.54% in model of herb chopping+ special fertilizer forest, and 24.51% in model of herb chopping forest. The nutrient(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)amount was carried off the forest is 307.65 kg·hm-2 in model of herb chopping+ special fertilizer+ irrigation forest, 215.49 kg·hm-2 in model of herb chopping+ special fertilizer forest, and 222.90 kg·hm-2 in model of herb chopping forest. A large amount nutrient was carried off the forest by chopping bamboo and shoot digging.(2) Generally, the management model of herb chopping, soil turning, special fertilizer, and irrigation can improve the productivity of bamboo forest in short period. However, the soil was degenerated usually by a single operation if the operation sustained enough a long time.Herb chopping. The comprehensive evaluation scores of chopping herb bamboo forest with different time was 0.6390 in no herb chopping forest , 0.3558 in herb chopping forest less 10 years, and 0.4320 in herb chopping forest more than 30 years. The result showed the soil quality was degenerated by the prolongation time of herb chopping. Many indexes of soil properties was degenerated with the time of prolongation of management, such as, soil bulk density, soil porosity, water holding capacity, soil organic matter, pH, the amount nutrient of maim elements, and enzyme activity.(2) Reclamation measure. The comprehensive evaluation scores of soil were increased with the time prolongation of reclamation measure. The comprehensive evaluation scores was 0.3548 in no soil turning forest , 0.4117 in soil turning in 3 years, and 0.4635 in soil turning forest in 10 years, and 0.5815 in soil turning forest more than 30 years. The results showed that the soil turning improve the soil quality. Soil turning affected the indexes of soil physical properties in different ways. Although the comprehensive evaluation scores was increased with management time prolonged, the sustainable productivity of bamboo forest were damaged because of the decreeing of main nutrients of soil, for example, the organic matters, total nitrogen, hydrolysable nitrogen, total phosphorus, and available phosphorus. Fertilizer application. Usually the fertilizer application implemented adjoins to reclamation measure. Contrary to the reclamation, the comprehensive evaluation scores of soil were decreased with the time prolongation of special fertilization. The comprehensive evaluation scores of soil was 0.5693 in bamboo forest with the management of no special fertilization, 0.4286 in bamboo forest the management of special fertilization for 5 years, and 0.3774 in bamboo forest the management of special fertilization for 10 years. The results showed that soil quality was degenerated acutely by the prolongation time of the management of special fertilization. The indexes of soil physical properties increased with the management time prolonged, such as, soil bulk density, non-capillary pore, buy the indexes of soil chemical properties deteriorated with the management time prolonged, such as, organic matters, total nitrogen, hydrolysable nitrogen, calcium, magnesium.(4) The operation of irritation decreased the comprehensive evaluation scores of soil. The comprehensive evaluation scores of soil was 0.4610 in bamboo forest with the irritation, 0.5123 in bamboo forest with no irrational. Many indexes of soil properties were deteriorated with the management time prolonged, such as, soil bulk density, the soil water capacity, soil water infiltration characteristics, the soil organic matters, total nitrogen, hydrolysable nitrogen, available potassium, available phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, catalase, and phosphatase. The result showed that the management of irritation damaged the sustainable productivity of bamboo forest.4 The management measures of organic matters is key to maintain the productivity of bamboo forest.(1) The reasonable management measures can improve the productivity of bamboo forest.The productivity was improved by implementation of some operators in a short period, such as, herb chopping, soil turning, special fertilization, and irrational, etc. It is very important to practice the measures reasonably. The nutrients of storage amount, annual uptake, and annual storage was promoted by the management of herb chopping, but the nutrients of return amount were reduced. The nutrients were supplemented by fertilizer application, and the utilization coefficient was reduced. However, if the time of fertilization application was enough long, the utilization coefficient would be promoted. The circulation rate of nutrients was promoted with the management time prolonged, and the turnover time was reduced. The operator of irritation improved the return amount of nutrients, reduced the circulation coefficient and the turnover time of nutrients. The utilization coefficient of nutrients and circulation coefficient of nutrients of bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves trees were biggest among different mixed plantations. It was promoting the productivity of bamboo forest and the soil qualities deteriorate slowly to combine, alternation, and interval those operators of management reasonably. It may be an effect method to sustainable productivity of bamboo forest.(2) The structure adjustment is an important tool to maintain the productivity of bamboo forest.The composition of species, age structures, and stand density were important impact factors of bamboo forest productivity. To adjust the structure of bamboo can improve the productivity of bamboo forest. The annual return amount of nutrient of mixed plantation is higher than the pure bamboo forest. The annual return amount of bamboo stand mixed with coniferous trees nutrient of is 3.36 times as large as pure bamboo forest, and the annual return amount of bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves trees nutrient is 2.13 times as large as pure bamboo forest. Generally, the litter of bamboo stand mixed with broadleaves is easier degradation than the litters of pure bamboo forest. The results reflected that management of mixed plantation can increase both the litters amount and degradation of litters. The index of bio-diversity is higher than the pure bamboo forest. The bio-diversity can maintain the ecosystem stability.The age structure of forest is the tree numbers in different ages. The index can reflect the time and rate of regenerations. The productivity of bamboo forest can be maintained by adjusting the age structure of bamboo forest.Reasonable density of bamboo forest is an important factor for sustainable productivity of bamboo forests. To adjust the density of bamboo forest can improve the productivity of bamboo forest in accordance with the purpose of operating, management measures, and site conditions.(3) The return of logging residue plays an important role in the return process of nutrient. It can increase the return amount of nutrients if the branches, leaves, and root of bamboo were placed in the bamboo forest. In the article, the biomass of branches, leaves, and culms stump accounted for 23.87% of total biomass and nutrient contents of them acounted for 32.40% of tatol nutrient contents. A large number of nutrients lost if the branches, leaves, and culms stump were transferred form the bamboo forest.


